Will Democrats ever calm the fuck down or is permanent outrage their new normal?

This is more than just the Changing of The Guard.

For most of us, it's just the new people moving in and the old ones moving out. New President, New VP, New Cabinet and a few new faces.

But the reality is starkly different.

Thousands upon THOUSANDS of dimocrap scum are going to be looking for jobs. Millions upon MILLIONS of Dollars are going to dry up.

Scumbag groups that were getting funded like never before are going to see thei money disappear. THOUSANDS of dimocrap scum bureacraps are going to be without jobs. All over the Country. Not just in politics but in Academia and in the DISGUSTING FILTH -- Yes, the DISGUSTING FILTH is under serious attack from Trump and -- They will lose. Layoffs are pending as I write this.

To THOUSANDS of dimocrap scum, this a real tragedy. One that affects their lives.

So, no longer can they feed at the dimocrap trough. No longer can they spend the MILLIONS in dimocrap grant money.

They gotta find a way to make a living now and most of them just don't have a clue.

Guess they could go back to College and move back into Mom and Dad's basement

Or, if all else fails, become a Message Board Moderator.

My heart bleeds purple piss
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Their daily faux outrage will be the norm. But it's not 'new.' They've done this all throughout history. They're in full Sabotage-Mode. Remember, it's always 'Party before Country' for Democrats. But they're likely gonna piss off the Silent Majority. They may regret their awful behavior.
The fact he carried a majority of them at all won him the race. Dems were expecting 60-40 the other way.

Dems were expecting to win WOMEN, and they did. Handily. They got 54-41 for women in general. Why do you lie so much?
Marty is generally facts challenged. I don't think he is lying probably.

It's common among the intellectually challenged. It's why Trump is president.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week.

You do so every time you post. It's obvious to all who read your posts where you rank.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.
Dems were expecting to win WOMEN, and they did. Handily. They got 54-41 for women in general. Why do you lie so much?
Marty is generally facts challenged. I don't think he is lying probably.

It's common among the intellectually challenged. It's why Trump is president.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week.

You do so every time you post. It's obvious to all who read your posts where you rank.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.
^ Case in point.
Marty is generally facts challenged. I don't think he is lying probably.

It's common among the intellectually challenged. It's why Trump is president.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week.

You do so every time you post. It's obvious to all who read your posts where you rank.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.
^ Case in point.

Their daily faux outrage will be the norm. But it's not 'new.' They've done this all throughout history. They're in full Sabotage-Mode. Remember, it's always 'Party before Country' for Democrats. But they're likely gonna piss off the Silent Majority. They may regret their awful behavior.

"Protest Fatigue" is rapidly setting in. The American People are tiring if dimocrap scum acting like spoiled little brats at everything Trump does.

This could be dangerous for all of us.

Trump is not an Angel. We need someone to watch over him.

Unfortunately, dimocrap FILTH have proven themselves too immature, too dogmatic and too juvenile for the job.

And the DISGUSTING FILTH has long ago been relegated to the dustbin of history.

If Trump were to overstep his authority, there is nothing anybody could do about it right now.

dimocrap scum have made our Great Country defenseless.

Because -- Well, they're scum
Where do you deduce fear in any of my statements? Stating the facts is hardly fearful.


Any proof that Trump is a Putin Puppet? I mean besides the typical Occupy Democrats screed.


You mean other than our intelligence agencies saying Putin hacked us to help his BFF win? You mean other than an investigation by our intelligence community into collusion between members of Trump's administration and Russia? You mean other than a 35 page dossier that President Obama and Petulant Trump were given a two page synopsis of that stated Russia has something on the Gropenfuher?

Think Putin's fuck buddy Trump will lift the sanctions?

All this "proof" and no actual proof.


It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

Any proof that Trump is a Putin Puppet? I mean besides the typical Occupy Democrats screed.


You mean other than our intelligence agencies saying Putin hacked us to help his BFF win? You mean other than an investigation by our intelligence community into collusion between members of Trump's administration and Russia? You mean other than a 35 page dossier that President Obama and Petulant Trump were given a two page synopsis of that stated Russia has something on the Gropenfuher?

Think Putin's fuck buddy Trump will lift the sanctions?

All this "proof" and no actual proof.


It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.
Their daily faux outrage will be the norm. But it's not 'new.' They've done this all throughout history. They're in full Sabotage-Mode. Remember, it's always 'Party before Country' for Democrats. But they're likely gonna piss off the Silent Majority. They may regret their awful behavior.

"Protest Fatigue" is rapidly setting in. The American People are tiring if dimocrap scum acting like spoiled little brats at everything Trump does.

This could be dangerous for all of us.

Trump is not an Angel. We need someone to watch over him.

Unfortunately, dimocrap FILTH have proven themselves too immature, too dogmatic and too juvenile for the job.

And the DISGUSTING FILTH has long ago been relegated to the dustbin of history.

If Trump were to overstep his authority, there is nothing anybody could do about it right now.

dimocrap scum have made our Great Country defenseless.

Because -- Well, they're scum

Yeah, Democrats are close to crossing a line. Rational common sense-thinking folks are getting sick of the sore loser hate stuff. They call em the 'Silent Majority' for a reason. They don't get hysterical and make a lot of noise. But they do decide Elections. The Democrats are getting close to crossing the point of no return. They're getting close to guaranteeing a Trump Reelection.
You mean other than our intelligence agencies saying Putin hacked us to help his BFF win? You mean other than an investigation by our intelligence community into collusion between members of Trump's administration and Russia? You mean other than a 35 page dossier that President Obama and Petulant Trump were given a two page synopsis of that stated Russia has something on the Gropenfuher?

Think Putin's fuck buddy Trump will lift the sanctions?

All this "proof" and no actual proof.


It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

Can't dispute the sources I see. A Russian spy was grabbed out of a meeting with a bag over his head. Where had he worked? Cyber security.

Shame the Republicans keep fighting an independent investigation. Why do you think they keep doing that?
All this "proof" and no actual proof.


It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

Can't dispute the sources I see. A Russian spy was grabbed out of a meeting with a bag over his head. Where had he worked? Cyber security.

Shame the Republicans keep fighting an independent investigation. Why do you think they keep doing that?

Dems have deep pockets, fund your own investigation.

and oooh! a guy with a bag over his head! Nice job there Columbo.
You mean other than our intelligence agencies saying Putin hacked us to help his BFF win? You mean other than an investigation by our intelligence community into collusion between members of Trump's administration and Russia? You mean other than a 35 page dossier that President Obama and Petulant Trump were given a two page synopsis of that stated Russia has something on the Gropenfuher?

Think Putin's fuck buddy Trump will lift the sanctions?

All this "proof" and no actual proof.


It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

^ Demonstrably high IQ. :laugh:
All this "proof" and no actual proof.


It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

^ Demonstrably high IQ. :laugh:

Again, any day, any week, poseur.
It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

^ Demonstrably high IQ. :laugh:

Again, any day, any week, poseur.

Every day. Every post.

You've already blown your cover.
You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

^ Demonstrably high IQ. :laugh:

Again, any day, any week, poseur.

Every day. Every post.

You've already blown your cover.

Just because I like to lower myself to the level of the discussion around me doesn't mean I can't elevate myself to the level I am capable of when I see fit.

Sorry, I don't waste brain power on idiots like you above what is needed.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
I believe the attacks will increase and intensify. They and their media will do anything to shut down Trump.

Watch for some in the R party to abandon Trump. Then his agenda will be stopped.

Do you believe any member of congress will put his or her job security on the line? With a simple tweet, trump can and will attack anyone whose obsequiousness is lacking. By word, deed and posture trump is a narcissist, cross him and "your fired". The trumpets have made a terrible mistake and the world will suffer because of it.
The libturds hurl insults and threats like children at the playground.

Obama didn't tolerate any discordant notes. W. Bush did and liberals worked against him at every turn.

Grow up.
The libturds hurl insults and threats like children at the playground.
It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

Can't dispute the sources I see. A Russian spy was grabbed out of a meeting with a bag over his head. Where had he worked? Cyber security.

Shame the Republicans keep fighting an independent investigation. Why do you think they keep doing that?

Dems have deep pockets, fund your own investigation.

and oooh! a guy with a bag over his head! Nice job there Columbo.

Tell me why you think there should not be an independent investigation into Russian attempts to interfere with our electoral system? Can you do better than the rest of the GOP in explaining that?

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

^ Demonstrably high IQ. :laugh:

Again, any day, any week, poseur.

Every day. Every post.

You've already blown your cover.

Just because I like to lower myself to the level of the discussion around me doesn't mean I can't elevate myself to the level I am capable of when I see fit.

Sorry, I don't waste brain power on idiots like you above what is needed.

Om Nom Nom Nom.

You don't come close to what's needed.
I believe the attacks will increase and intensify. They and their media will do anything to shut down Trump.

Watch for some in the R party to abandon Trump. Then his agenda will be stopped.

Do you believe any member of congress will put his or her job security on the line? With a simple tweet, trump can and will attack anyone whose obsequiousness is lacking. By word, deed and posture trump is a narcissist, cross him and "your fired". The trumpets have made a terrible mistake and the world will suffer because of it.
The libturds hurl insults and threats like children at the playground.

Obama didn't tolerate any discordant notes. W. Bush did and liberals worked against him at every turn.

Grow up.
The libturds hurl insults and threats like children at the playground.

"libturds"? Obviously you didn't take my advice, of course I never expected you could, nor ever will be able to post a mature, thoughtful or thought provoking post.
And just for perspective, RWnuts, when was the Right NOT outraged over the election of Obama?

When he came into office, I gave him two years to show what kind of leader he would be - then he pulled support for the white collar, middle class pensions at GM while buttressing the blue collar ones, and I began to question him. When he began to chastise the Israelis over nothing after being caught spying on Merkel's private cell phone, my support started to waver. Then he backed off following through with his syrian red lines statement, and my defense of him began to fall apart. When he signed the lunatic iran deal my depiction of him turned into hostility, and when he had the US abstain instead of vetoing UNSC2334 against Israel just before leaving office, I despised him.

That turd had plenty of chances with me and other conservatives to get his shit together and be a president for the entire US - and failed miserably. The million dead syrians since his red lines flip-flop will burn his soul forever.

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