Will Democrats ever calm the fuck down or is permanent outrage their new normal?

I believe the attacks will increase and intensify. They and their media will do anything to shut down Trump.

Watch for some in the R party to abandon Trump. Then his agenda will be stopped.

Do you believe any member of congress will put his or her job security on the line? With a simple tweet, trump can and will attack anyone whose obsequiousness is lacking. By word, deed and posture trump is a narcissist, cross him and "your fired". The trumpets have made a terrible mistake and the world will suffer because of it.
The libturds hurl insults and threats like children at the playground.

Obama didn't tolerate any discordant notes. W. Bush did and liberals worked against him at every turn.

Grow up.
Liberalism is their religion.

The State is God.

war is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength

"These words are the official slogans of the Party, and are inscribed in massive letters on the white pyramid of the Ministry of Truth, as Winston observes in Book One, Chapter I. Because it is introduced so early in the novel, this creed serves as the reader’s first introduction to the idea of doublethink. By weakening the independence and strength of individuals’ minds and forcing them to live in a constant state of propaganda-induced fear, the Party is able to force its subjects to accept anything it decrees, even if it is entirely illogical—for instance, the Ministry of Peace is in charge of waging war, the Ministry of Love is in charge of political torture, and the Ministry of Truth is in charge of doctoring history books to reflect the Party’s ideology."

The party in this quote is fictitious, the Republican Party is not, and a rereading, or a first reading, of 1984 would benefit the thinking of our citizens if the first two weeks of the trump era is foreshadowing the next four years.

For those to lazy to find a copy or do not have a library card, here is a link:

SparkNotes: 1984: Important Quotations Explained
Did the democrats EVER fail to vote on a nominee?

Did Republicans EVER decide to nuke the filibuster for presidential and lower court nominees?

What precipitated that action?

Dems not wanting to deal with the filibuster, and pack the lower courts with progressive twats.

You mean to say, unprecedented Republican obstructionism.

I call it fighting off government overreach.

Of course you do. That's what dishonest partisans do.

Of course you have no problems with Dems doing the exact same thing then?
Did Republicans EVER decide to nuke the filibuster for presidential and lower court nominees?

What precipitated that action?

Dems not wanting to deal with the filibuster, and pack the lower courts with progressive twats.

You mean to say, unprecedented Republican obstructionism.

I call it fighting off government overreach.

Of course you do. That's what dishonest partisans do.

Of course you have no problems with Dems doing the exact same thing then?

Dems are the PARTY of government overreach. Republicans up until now have been lighter versions of such.
What precipitated that action?

Dems not wanting to deal with the filibuster, and pack the lower courts with progressive twats.

You mean to say, unprecedented Republican obstructionism.

I call it fighting off government overreach.

Of course you do. That's what dishonest partisans do.

Of course you have no problems with Dems doing the exact same thing then?

Dems are the PARTY of government overreach. Republicans up until now have been lighter versions of such.
A president fulfilling his constitutional duty to appoint judges is not overreach.
Fool. :laugh2:
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage.
You pseudocons whined and cried and bitched and thrashed about on the floor like five year olds for eight years and never burned yourselves out.
Dems not wanting to deal with the filibuster, and pack the lower courts with progressive twats.

You mean to say, unprecedented Republican obstructionism.

I call it fighting off government overreach.

Of course you do. That's what dishonest partisans do.

Of course you have no problems with Dems doing the exact same thing then?

Dems are the PARTY of government overreach. Republicans up until now have been lighter versions of such.
A president fulfilling his constitutional duty to appoint judges is not overreach.
Fool. :laugh2:

When you fill it with statist assholes, it sure the hell is.
You mean to say, unprecedented Republican obstructionism.

I call it fighting off government overreach.

Of course you do. That's what dishonest partisans do.

Of course you have no problems with Dems doing the exact same thing then?

Dems are the PARTY of government overreach. Republicans up until now have been lighter versions of such.
A president fulfilling his constitutional duty to appoint judges is not overreach.
Fool. :laugh2:

When you fill it with statist assholes, it sure the hell is.

I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
Trump will do the outrageous on a daily basis to take the light of yesterday's outrage.

O btw, today he flipflopped on lowering pharma prices
You mean other than our intelligence agencies saying Putin hacked us to help his BFF win? You mean other than an investigation by our intelligence community into collusion between members of Trump's administration and Russia? You mean other than a 35 page dossier that President Obama and Petulant Trump were given a two page synopsis of that stated Russia has something on the Gropenfuher?

Think Putin's fuck buddy Trump will lift the sanctions?

All this "proof" and no actual proof.


It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)
Yes marty the kgb murderer is so above having some one offed

Did I hit a nerve? Shouldn't the tin foil have protected it?
As a matter of fact you did My funny bone still laughing at how easy you're fooled
All this "proof" and no actual proof.


It's more actual evidence than the right ever had on Hillary Clinton.

I wonder why they won't have an independent investigation. So odd. Not as odd as Russian spies that keep getting disappeared...but still so odd.

You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)
Yes marty the kgb murderer is so above having some one offed

Did I hit a nerve? Shouldn't the tin foil have protected it?
As a matter of fact you did My funny bone still laughing at how easy you're fooled

Ah, the old "hur durr, dupe dupe dupe" line of "reasoning".

It doesn't work outside the CT dungeon, so go back there and play with the other morlocks.
Bush's approval fell into the 40's in 2005. Remember the 2006 election? Bush's approval was in the 30's by 2008. Remember the 2008 election?

remember the 2004 election?

Jesus you're the red-herring master, aren't you?

Not a red herring. He's bringing up approval and elections. Bush's wasn't so hot in 2004, he won anyway.

He was riding the waive of popular support that nearly every president gets during a military invasion. After that, it fell precipitously. You can try and rewrite history all you want, but it's the age of the Internet, we have proof, and you're wrong.

Opinions on polling and national viewpoints is not "proof"

Just like opinions are not facts either, another issue your side has.

You're fucking joking, right, Alternative Facts Party?
I believe the attacks will increase and intensify. They and their media will do anything to shut down Trump.

Watch for some in the R party to abandon Trump. Then his agenda will be stopped.

Do you believe any member of congress will put his or her job security on the line? With a simple tweet, trump can and will attack anyone whose obsequiousness is lacking. By word, deed and posture trump is a narcissist, cross him and "your fired". The trumpets have made a terrible mistake and the world will suffer because of it.
The libturds hurl insults and threats like children at the playground.

Obama didn't tolerate any discordant notes. W. Bush did and liberals worked against him at every turn.

Do you deny trump is a narcissist? You ought to google Personality Disorders, put your biases aside, and learn something about those who you support.
We just finished 8 years of a crazed narcissist. Not another one!
So wrong, as the number of white women now opposing him closes on that number.

This is not about hate: this is about opposing your demiprogressive hater, Mr. Trump.

Again, exit polls showed white women voted for him, not her. 53%. Only poll that mattered.

56% of white women voted for Romney, dumbass.

So he only lost 3% after the Progressive demonization campaign? Wow, you guys need to ask for your money back.

So you admit you were full of shit when you said white women won him the race. Good for you.

The fact he carried a majority of them at all won him the race. Dems were expecting 60-40 the other way.

Dems were expecting to win WOMEN, and they did. Handily. They got 54-41 for women in general. Why do you lie so much?
remember the 2004 election?

Jesus you're the red-herring master, aren't you?

Not a red herring. He's bringing up approval and elections. Bush's wasn't so hot in 2004, he won anyway.

He was riding the waive of popular support that nearly every president gets during a military invasion. After that, it fell precipitously. You can try and rewrite history all you want, but it's the age of the Internet, we have proof, and you're wrong.

Opinions on polling and national viewpoints is not "proof"

Just like opinions are not facts either, another issue your side has.

You're fucking joking, right, Alternative Facts Party?

another term made up by you idiots to promote opinions you like, and denigrate opinions you don't.
Soros is paying his mindless zombies minions to the point of borderline sedition.

Stop Soros, stop the protests

HA, no. Go ahead, stop Soros. 5 million people don't march in the streets on Jan. 21st because they're paid. This is TRUE American protests, angry that a president was killed in the popular vote and still attains power.
Again, exit polls showed white women voted for him, not her. 53%. Only poll that mattered.

56% of white women voted for Romney, dumbass.

So he only lost 3% after the Progressive demonization campaign? Wow, you guys need to ask for your money back.

So you admit you were full of shit when you said white women won him the race. Good for you.

The fact he carried a majority of them at all won him the race. Dems were expecting 60-40 the other way.

Dems were expecting to win WOMEN, and they did. Handily. They got 54-41 for women in general. Why do you lie so much?

They were expecting to win women by more than 60-40, didn't get it.

They were expecting to win white women overall, didn't get it.
Jesus you're the red-herring master, aren't you?

Not a red herring. He's bringing up approval and elections. Bush's wasn't so hot in 2004, he won anyway.

He was riding the waive of popular support that nearly every president gets during a military invasion. After that, it fell precipitously. You can try and rewrite history all you want, but it's the age of the Internet, we have proof, and you're wrong.

Opinions on polling and national viewpoints is not "proof"

Just like opinions are not facts either, another issue your side has.

You're fucking joking, right, Alternative Facts Party?

another term made up by you idiots to promote opinions you like, and denigrate opinions you don't.


WE made it up?

Conway: Press Secretary Gave 'Alternative Facts'
Again, exit polls showed white women voted for him, not her. 53%. Only poll that mattered.

56% of white women voted for Romney, dumbass.

So he only lost 3% after the Progressive demonization campaign? Wow, you guys need to ask for your money back.

So you admit you were full of shit when you said white women won him the race. Good for you.

The fact he carried a majority of them at all won him the race. Dems were expecting 60-40 the other way.

Dems were expecting to win WOMEN, and they did. Handily. They got 54-41 for women in general. Why do you lie so much?
Marty is generally facts challenged. I don't think he is lying probably.
Not a red herring. He's bringing up approval and elections. Bush's wasn't so hot in 2004, he won anyway.

He was riding the waive of popular support that nearly every president gets during a military invasion. After that, it fell precipitously. You can try and rewrite history all you want, but it's the age of the Internet, we have proof, and you're wrong.

Opinions on polling and national viewpoints is not "proof"

Just like opinions are not facts either, another issue your side has.

You're fucking joking, right, Alternative Facts Party?

another term made up by you idiots to promote opinions you like, and denigrate opinions you don't.


WE made it up?

Conway: Press Secretary Gave 'Alternative Facts'

Ah, you are right. so far the score is me 100 you 1. keep it up.

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