Will Democrats ever calm the fuck down or is permanent outrage their new normal?

Tell me why you think there should not be an independent investigation into Russian attempts to interfere with our electoral system? Can you do better than the rest of the GOP in explaining that?

You and the democraps can have 20 investigations per week if you want; there is nothing to prove that mine and 65 MM other people's votes were changed because of anything the russians did.

I wasn't voting for clinton, and if liberals like you started paying attention to the articles the NYT, CNN and others have been doing with Trump voters in the flyover states on WHY they voted for Trump, you'd realize that the "russian interference" angle is total deflective BS/hot air.

These people were sick of seeing crowds of illegals gathering on their street corners to be picked up in vans for landscaping/construction jobs, their illegal children soaking up our tax dollars in hospitals and schools getting free healthcare and educations the rest of us were burdened with paying taxes for, while the rest of middle america was ignored and left to rot by the dems - who were once the party of the working class but were all too happy to throw them under the bus in exchange for the much more pliable, supportive illegal alien whose votes were purchased with freebies.

Until the dems are willing to look at these issues in earnest with something other than "you're a racist!", they will continue to get pounded at the voting booth. The next major election is in two years, and if the dems get crushed again, will you losers try to excuse and deflect away with more putin-derived nonsense?
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

pieces of garbage who whined for 8 years that they had a black president need to shut up and sit down.

now hush, loon
You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

Can't dispute the sources I see. A Russian spy was grabbed out of a meeting with a bag over his head. Where had he worked? Cyber security.

Shame the Republicans keep fighting an independent investigation. Why do you think they keep doing that?

Dems have deep pockets, fund your own investigation.

and oooh! a guy with a bag over his head! Nice job there Columbo.

Tell me why you think there should not be an independent investigation into Russian attempts to interfere with our electoral system? Can you do better than the rest of the GOP in explaining that?
Do you even know what was in the emails?
pieces of garbage who whined for 8 years that they had a black president need to shut up and sit down
When liberals get a heavy drubbing in an election, they often start ranting hysterically as jillian does here.

It's been happening a lot lately. :itsok:
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

pieces of garbage who whined for 8 years that they had a black president need to shut up and sit down.

now hush, loon

Besides Democrats, who ever brought up his race?
Tell me why you think there should not be an independent investigation into Russian attempts to interfere with our electoral system? Can you do better than the rest of the GOP in explaining that?

I must have been dreaming or something. I really thought that DumBama did have those investigations. I thought DumBama had eight years to work on cyber security. I thought the MSM was all over those investigations until Trump took the oath of office, and suddenly, not a peep about the Russians.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

What would the Reich wing reaction be if Trump lost, but won the popular vote by 3 million, and then found out that Clinton had Vladimir Putin's and FBI director James Comey's assistance in helping her win?

You Reich wingers would be demanding investigation after investigation, Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwdd'd & every other Reich wing talk show host would be raising HOLY
HELL from here on out.

They aren't going to calm down. They know that Trump is the most illegitimate President to ever be sworn into the Oval office. No one believes that Trump would have won this election without the assistance of a foreign adversary and FBI Director James Comey's unprecedented interference into this election.

EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.



The good news:
The Senate has announced it will be doing an investigation into Putin interfering into this election.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

The DOJ has announced it will be investigating the FBI & FBI director James Comey.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Excellent post to prove how good brainwashing works.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

They can continue their anger, outrage, obstruction......they did that when they had all of the power. Think the legal American voter will give it back to them? It was theirs to lose and they lost it." At this point, what difference does it make?"
You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

Can't dispute the sources I see. A Russian spy was grabbed out of a meeting with a bag over his head. Where had he worked? Cyber security.

Shame the Republicans keep fighting an independent investigation. Why do you think they keep doing that?

Dems have deep pockets, fund your own investigation.

and oooh! a guy with a bag over his head! Nice job there Columbo.

Tell me why you think there should not be an independent investigation into Russian attempts to interfere with our electoral system? Can you do better than the rest of the GOP in explaining that?

The electoral system is not in the cloud... pretty impossible to be hacked.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
Are you talking about the Democrats?


the Tea Party?
You need to hang out in the Conspiracy Theory dungeon, they would welcome you with open arms (and then pat you down for government microphones)

Nothing I posted is a conspiracy.

House Dems want a bipartisan probe into Russian hacking. Not a single Republican agrees.

Russian spy officials accused of treason for working with CIA

yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

Can't dispute the sources I see. A Russian spy was grabbed out of a meeting with a bag over his head. Where had he worked? Cyber security.

Shame the Republicans keep fighting an independent investigation. Why do you think they keep doing that?

Dems have deep pockets, fund your own investigation.

and oooh! a guy with a bag over his head! Nice job there Columbo.

Tell me why you think there should not be an independent investigation into Russian attempts to interfere with our electoral system? Can you do better than the rest of the GOP in explaining that?

We can pair it with the independent investigation into voter fraud.
yep, keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later you will be down with the 9//1 Toofers, the birthers, and the fake moon landing nutters.

^ Demonstrably high IQ. :laugh:

Again, any day, any week, poseur.

Every day. Every post.

You've already blown your cover.

Just because I like to lower myself to the level of the discussion around me doesn't mean I can't elevate myself to the level I am capable of when I see fit.

Sorry, I don't waste brain power on idiots like you above what is needed.

Om Nom Nom Nom.

You don't come close to what's needed.

Try me, dippy.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
Are you talking about the Democrats?


the Tea Party?

LOL---you have a point. One of their favorite Reich wing talk show hosts is:


So they elected a candidate that campaigned on hate and division, and now are wondering WTF is wrong with more than half this country--LOL Why all the protests, why don't they just "calm down"----LOL

I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
Must be the lead in the water.
I mean really, calm the fuck down people. We have four more years of this, and you're going to burn yourselves out with all your hate and outrage. This is not a sprint, this is a long distant race. If you are going to survive, you can't protest ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Trump does, you need to PICK YOUR BATTLES.

The nomination of Gorsuch is an example, replacement of a conservative on the Supreme Court with another conservative is not a strategic time for you to exhaust all your political capital and resources. Wait until it matters.

Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
Are you talking about the Democrats?


the Tea Party?

LOL---you have a point. One of their favorite Reich wing talk show hosts is:


So they elected a candidate that campaigned on hate and division, and now are wondering WTF is wrong with more than half this country--LOL Why all the protests, why don't they just "calm down"----LOL


Because they are infantile?
We can pair it with the independent investigation into voter fraud.

Experts: California voter registration system 'highly susceptible' to fraud

The problem with California is there is no separate verification of citizenship on voter registration, said Charles Bell, Jr., a partner with California-based Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP, a law firm that specializes in election law. Applicants can check a box affirming they are citizens, and this is not checked against any other government database such as federal immigration records.

When the illegals flee we'll see what happens to a lot of commiefornia voters.
We can pair it with the independent investigation into voter fraud.

Experts: California voter registration system 'highly susceptible' to fraud

The problem with California is there is no separate verification of citizenship on voter registration, said Charles Bell, Jr., a partner with California-based Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP, a law firm that specializes in election law. Applicants can check a box affirming they are citizens, and this is not checked against any other government database such as federal immigration records.

When the illegals flee we'll see what happens to a lot of commiefornia voters.

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported, just so they can cast a vote.

From the California voter registration office:

To register to vote you must complete a brief voter registration application on paper or online. When you register online, the system will search the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for your California driver license or identification card number, date of birth, and last four digits of your social security number.
Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State

To get a social security number you have to have a certified birth certificate.

The crap that FOX News can put out is astounding.
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We can pair it with the independent investigation into voter fraud.

Experts: California voter registration system 'highly susceptible' to fraud

The problem with California is there is no separate verification of citizenship on voter registration, said Charles Bell, Jr., a partner with California-based Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP, a law firm that specializes in election law. Applicants can check a box affirming they are citizens, and this is not checked against any other government database such as federal immigration records.

When the illegals flee we'll see what happens to a lot of commiefornia voters.

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported, just so they can cast a vote.

From the California voter registration office:

To register to vote you must complete a brief voter registration application on paper or online. When you register online, the system will search the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for your California driver license or identification card number, date of birth, and last four digits of your social security number.
Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State

To get a social security number you have to have a certified birth certificate.

The crap that FOX News can put out is astounding.

ALERT: California just signed bill AUTOMATICALLY registering this group to VOTE - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
I believe the attacks will increase and intensify. They and their media will do anything to shut down Trump.

Watch for some in the R party to abandon Trump. Then his agenda will be stopped.

Do you believe any member of congress will put his or her job security on the line? With a simple tweet, trump can and will attack anyone whose obsequiousness is lacking. By word, deed and posture trump is a narcissist, cross him and "your fired". The trumpets have made a terrible mistake and the world will suffer because of it.
The libturds hurl insults and threats like children at the playground.

Obama didn't tolerate any discordant notes. W. Bush did and liberals worked against him at every turn.

Grow up.
The libturds hurl insults and threats like children at the playground.

"libturds"? Obviously you didn't take my advice, of course I never expected you could, nor ever will be able to post a mature, thoughtful or thought provoking post.
You're as thought provoking as a turd in a punch bowl. There isn't a leftist lie that you don't embrace as Gospel.
We can pair it with the independent investigation into voter fraud.

Experts: California voter registration system 'highly susceptible' to fraud

The problem with California is there is no separate verification of citizenship on voter registration, said Charles Bell, Jr., a partner with California-based Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP, a law firm that specializes in election law. Applicants can check a box affirming they are citizens, and this is not checked against any other government database such as federal immigration records.

When the illegals flee we'll see what happens to a lot of commiefornia voters.

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported, just so they can cast a vote.

From the California voter registration office:

To register to vote you must complete a brief voter registration application on paper or online. When you register online, the system will search the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for your California driver license or identification card number, date of birth, and last four digits of your social security number.
Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State

To get a social security number you have to have a certified birth certificate.

The crap that FOX News can put out is astounding.

ALERT: California just signed bill AUTOMATICALLY registering this group to VOTE - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

LOL...Allen B West

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