Will democrats led by Pelosi break the house rules on ethics just to "get Newt"?

Dont you get it RW?

She does not need to release the information...and as the former speaker, she knows she cant.

And your attitude is exactly why she idd it the way she did it.....now people see Newt as hiding something.

He has an uphill battle...and he eartned it with his ethics violation..

But in the meantime, we have a house minority leader, former speaker, possibly future speaker who played a political game for political expediency with information that she gathered while on the peoples payroll.

Such would result in termination of that employee in the private sector..and rightfully so.

Curious...does it nbot concern you that she may have as much damning information on some of our other law makers that are part of the demoicratic party and uses it to force their hands when it comes to legislation?

In my eyes, she has proven to not be trusted.

And if Newt does not come clean, he could also not be trusted.

But she is still writing our laws....he is not.

Newts ethical violations will now become the 800 lb gorilla in the room. The more Newt tries to say he has confidentiality protections, the more guilty he will seem
Newt can run, but he can't hide. The more he declines comment, the more people will use their imaginations about what really happened

His ethics file will be released one way or another.....and Pelosi got the ball rolling

Bring on the Princess and let's vet her! It's about time. She has nothing to hide, right? LOL!

When Pelosi runs for President you can go after her

Until that time, it is between her and her district
They are crimes and you can not keep pretending they are not crimes without being called out as fact adverse poltical hacks

If he misused campaign funds and committed a crime, how come the IRS cleared him of any such charges?
Pelosi is being investigated herself. She's as corrupt as they come. She should have been booted from Congress a long time ago. This is such a non-story. Who cares?
Newt ended up having to admitt he broke federal law.

Pelosi has done nothing and your smear shit is not equal with admitting breaking federal tax laws.
Washingtonpost.com: House Reprimands, Penalizes Speaker

By John E. Yang
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, January 22 1997; Page A01

The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to reprimand House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and order him to pay an unprecedented $300,000 penalty, the first time in the House's 208-year history it has disciplined a speaker for ethical wrongdoing.

The ethics case and its resolution leave Gingrich with little leeway for future personal controversies, House Republicans said. Exactly one month before yesterday's vote, Gingrich admitted that he brought discredit to the House and broke its rules by failing to ensure that financing for two projects would not violate federal tax law and by giving the House ethics committee false information.
he admitted breaking federal laws people
Pelosi and her husband have made far more money off her corruption than Gingrich ever could have. This thing is so stupid. Pelosi is a disgrace. I don't even care about Gingrich. I'm not defending him. But Pelosi is such a corrupt hack. She needs to go.
Pelosi and her husband have made far more money off her corruption than Gingrich ever could have. This thing is so stupid. Pelosi is a disgrace. I don't even care about Gingrich. I'm not defending him. But Pelosi is such a corrupt hack. She needs to go.

Prove it

Republicans control the House....let them file charges
Pelosi and her husband have made far more money off her corruption than Gingrich ever could have. This thing is so stupid. Pelosi is a disgrace. I don't even care about Gingrich. I'm not defending him. But Pelosi is such a corrupt hack. She needs to go.

Prove it

Republicans control the House....let them file charges
They should. pelosi is a lying snake.
Pelosi and her husband have made far more money off her corruption than Gingrich ever could have. This thing is so stupid. Pelosi is a disgrace. I don't even care about Gingrich. I'm not defending him. But Pelosi is such a corrupt hack. She needs to go.

Prove it

Republicans control the House....let them file charges
They should. pelosi is a lying snake.

Well why don't you prove it instead of posting lies?
Pelosi is just being smug

She knows the details of Newts investigation and is just telling Republicans...

Go ahead.......Make my day!
Here is the thing... First I don't believe Pelosi has much dirt on Newt but secondly if she does, we the tax payer paid to have the investigation and now Newt is running for President... If Newt did fucked up shit then tell me, should we be allowed to know or not?

I think if there is real dirt then it should be released. Do you really believe this won't be like Obama's birth certificate throughout his Presidency? (If Newt won in the GE).

For Newt supporters or even Newt to hide behind “That illegal’s to tell us what the investigation found!” is pretty bad imo. If Newt is clean then he shouldn’t care and if anything it helps him… If Newt was a corrupted scumbag shouldn’t the voters know that?
Here is the thing... First I don't believe Pelosi has much dirt on Newt but secondly if she does, we the tax payer paid to have the investigation and now Newt is running for President... If Newt did fucked up shit then tell me, should we be allowed to know or not?

I think if there is real dirt then it should be released. Do you really believe this won't be like Obama's birth certificate throughout his Presidency? (If Newt won in the GE).

For Newt supporters or even Newt to hide behind “That illegal’s to tell us what the investigation found!” is pretty bad imo. If Newt is clean then he shouldn’t care and if anything it helps him… If Newt was a corrupted scumbag shouldn’t the voters know that?

This is where Cain crashed and burned. The denials, the coverups, the blame the victim. The more Newt sits on it, the longer the story will play. Let the voters use their imagination on what Newt did and you have a bigger problem. Newt needs to own up to the issue......it is far from old news
Pelosi is just being smug

She knows the details of Newts investigation and is just telling Republicans...

Go ahead.......Make my day!
Right. Doubt it very much considering her history.

Well then.....

If Pelosi is a lying bitch....why doesn't Newt release the records and prove her wrong?

Are you so sure that he can?
Perhaps other members of congress are also cited in those records and Newt doesnt have the right to release them?
Furthermore, Newt is not a member of congress...so what kind of access does he have to confidential records within the halls of congress?
I'm also cuirious what he did that was "so bad".....I want to know now that Pelosi opnened that door...

But I am wondering if she set him up to fail....she wont release them and he has sworn not to speak of them...

That is a possibility you know.....
Right. Doubt it very much considering her history.

Well then.....

If Pelosi is a lying bitch....why doesn't Newt release the records and prove her wrong?

Are you so sure that he can?
Perhaps other members of congress are also cited in those records and Newt doesnt have the right to release them?
Furthermore, Newt is not a member of congress...so what kind of access does he have to confidential records within the halls of congress?
I'm also cuirious what he did that was "so bad".....I want to know now that Pelosi opnened that door...

But I am wondering if she set him up to fail....she wont release them and he has sworn not to speak of them...

That is a possibility you know.....

Pelosi is just firing a shot across the Republican bow

"If you thought Cain was bad, wait till the information on Newt comes out"

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