Will Donald Trump impose Martial Law as president?

yeah thats it Trump is telling him to import terrorists so he Trump can do the honors.........LLMMAAOOO
Look who's suddenly concerned about the rule of law. Why are you so fearful of a white man becoming president?
Trump isn't just a "White man." He is a xenophobic dictator who doesn't like the American form of government and our Constitutional guarantees.
Irony alert! :lol:
Where is the irony? I am probably more conservative than YOU are and better looking to boot!
The irony is that you've been defending the guy who's been wiping his ass with our Constitution for the past 7 years. Now you're afraid somebody ELSE (who you don't like) is gonna do the same thing and NOW the Constitution matters.

Obama has never issued an executive order that wasn't backed up by Precedence or that wasn't based in existing law. He has never suspended the constitution nor has he acted without consulting advisors. My fear is that Donald Trump would be a loose canon on a personal mission. Precedence would be meaningless to a person like Trump; and, whose advise would he take on anything?
Key words, YOUR FEAR. Your "fear" is that Trump will use the precedent that Obama set of pissing on the Constitution, only he will do things you don't agree with. You should have thought about that when you were cheering Obama on when he was the one doing the pissing.
Trump isn't just a "White man." He is a xenophobic dictator who doesn't like the American form of government and our Constitutional guarantees.
Irony alert! :lol:
Where is the irony? I am probably more conservative than YOU are and better looking to boot!
The irony is that you've been defending the guy who's been wiping his ass with our Constitution for the past 7 years. Now you're afraid somebody ELSE (who you don't like) is gonna do the same thing and NOW the Constitution matters.

Obama has never issued an executive order that wasn't backed up by Precedence or that wasn't based in existing law. He has never suspended the constitution nor has he acted without consulting advisors. My fear is that Donald Trump would be a loose canon on a personal mission. Precedence would be meaningless to a person like Trump; and, whose advise would he take on anything?
Key words, YOUR FEAR. Your "fear" is that Trump will use the precedent that Obama set of pissing on the Constitution, only he will do things you don't agree with. You should have thought about that when you were cheering Obama on when he was the one doing the pissing.

I challenge you to provide one... just one instance where Obama has acted to undermine the Constitution.
Control of the borders has nothing to do with martial law. There is no unfettered right to come to this country and kill people.
Irony alert! :lol:
Where is the irony? I am probably more conservative than YOU are and better looking to boot!
The irony is that you've been defending the guy who's been wiping his ass with our Constitution for the past 7 years. Now you're afraid somebody ELSE (who you don't like) is gonna do the same thing and NOW the Constitution matters.

Obama has never issued an executive order that wasn't backed up by Precedence or that wasn't based in existing law. He has never suspended the constitution nor has he acted without consulting advisors. My fear is that Donald Trump would be a loose canon on a personal mission. Precedence would be meaningless to a person like Trump; and, whose advise would he take on anything?
Key words, YOUR FEAR. Your "fear" is that Trump will use the precedent that Obama set of pissing on the Constitution, only he will do things you don't agree with. You should have thought about that when you were cheering Obama on when he was the one doing the pissing.

I challenge you to provide one... just one instance where Obama has acted to undermine the Constitution.
How about 10?

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013
will obama impose marshell law in 2016 - Google Search


Putin Wannabe...
Where is the irony? I am probably more conservative than YOU are and better looking to boot!
The irony is that you've been defending the guy who's been wiping his ass with our Constitution for the past 7 years. Now you're afraid somebody ELSE (who you don't like) is gonna do the same thing and NOW the Constitution matters.

Obama has never issued an executive order that wasn't backed up by Precedence or that wasn't based in existing law. He has never suspended the constitution nor has he acted without consulting advisors. My fear is that Donald Trump would be a loose canon on a personal mission. Precedence would be meaningless to a person like Trump; and, whose advise would he take on anything?
Key words, YOUR FEAR. Your "fear" is that Trump will use the precedent that Obama set of pissing on the Constitution, only he will do things you don't agree with. You should have thought about that when you were cheering Obama on when he was the one doing the pissing.

I challenge you to provide one... just one instance where Obama has acted to undermine the Constitution.
How about 10?

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

None of your examples show an undermining of the Constitution. But even so, this thread isn't about Obama. It is about Trump and the implications of his presidency. Obama is not a loose canon with xenophobic bigoted agendas. If he did invoke an executive order, it was not to the detriment of civil rights and CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS of such rights.
It is a chilling thought; one that every voting American ought to consider.

I have listened intently to the long harangues and megalomaniacal delusional rhetoric of "the Donald" for some time now. It took me a while but after his proposal to ban Muslims entering the USA his real agenda became crystal clear. Trump would, upon ascending to the presidency, immediately declare Martial Law.
He knows that is the only way his proposals could be legally executed.

Once Martial Law was declared, the Constitution would be suspended and America would be instantly transformed into a police state with Mr. Trump as the sole lawful authority. The far reaching implications of that would extend well beyond the purview of domestic terrorism and could change this country forever.
What would happen if martial law was declared in America?
I would be more worried about Obama doing this actually.

No, Obama is playing Putin like a fiddle. See how he let Putin take the fall in Syria. Russia can't afford to fight foreign wars, their economy is feeble enough even without war. Obama knows that but he let Putin's ego push Russia to the brink and into another conflict with the Turks.... heh heh heh.... Putin wannabe? Putin is an Obama wannabe.... Obama is rich..Putin is a poor fool.
The irony is that you've been defending the guy who's been wiping his ass with our Constitution for the past 7 years. Now you're afraid somebody ELSE (who you don't like) is gonna do the same thing and NOW the Constitution matters.

Obama has never issued an executive order that wasn't backed up by Precedence or that wasn't based in existing law. He has never suspended the constitution nor has he acted without consulting advisors. My fear is that Donald Trump would be a loose canon on a personal mission. Precedence would be meaningless to a person like Trump; and, whose advise would he take on anything?
Key words, YOUR FEAR. Your "fear" is that Trump will use the precedent that Obama set of pissing on the Constitution, only he will do things you don't agree with. You should have thought about that when you were cheering Obama on when he was the one doing the pissing.

I challenge you to provide one... just one instance where Obama has acted to undermine the Constitution.
How about 10?

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

None of your examples show an undermining of the Constitution. But even so, this thread isn't about Obama. It is about Trump and the implications of his presidency. Obama is not a loose canon with xenophobic bigoted agendas. If he did invoke an executive order, it was not to the detriment of civil rights and CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS of such rights.
You challenged me to provide one and I gave you 10 (in one year). Now you want a do over. :rofl:
And I thought Sarah Palin sent the left into bat shit crazy overdrive Trump will have them blowing out their mental engine befor the first primary vote.
It is a chilling thought; one that every voting American ought to consider.

I have listened intently to the long harangues and megalomaniacal delusional rhetoric of "the Donald" for some time now. It took me a while but after his proposal to ban Muslims entering the USA his real agenda became crystal clear. Trump would, upon ascending to the presidency, immediately declare Martial Law.
He knows that is the only way his proposals could be legally executed.

Once Martial Law was declared, the Constitution would be suspended and America would be instantly transformed into a police state with Mr. Trump as the sole lawful authority. The far reaching implications of that would extend well beyond the purview of domestic terrorism and could change this country forever.
What would happen if martial law was declared in America?
I would be more worried about Obama doing this actually.

Obama is a human rights advocate. He would only invoke martial law in the most dire of circumstances. Trump, OTOH would do it on a whim without seeking the advice of his commanders or military advisors just because he is Trump...the man who doesn't listen to anyone but his inner self.
Obama has never issued an executive order that wasn't backed up by Precedence or that wasn't based in existing law. He has never suspended the constitution nor has he acted without consulting advisors. My fear is that Donald Trump would be a loose canon on a personal mission. Precedence would be meaningless to a person like Trump; and, whose advise would he take on anything?
Key words, YOUR FEAR. Your "fear" is that Trump will use the precedent that Obama set of pissing on the Constitution, only he will do things you don't agree with. You should have thought about that when you were cheering Obama on when he was the one doing the pissing.

I challenge you to provide one... just one instance where Obama has acted to undermine the Constitution.
How about 10?

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

None of your examples show an undermining of the Constitution. But even so, this thread isn't about Obama. It is about Trump and the implications of his presidency. Obama is not a loose canon with xenophobic bigoted agendas. If he did invoke an executive order, it was not to the detriment of civil rights and CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS of such rights.
You challenged me to provide one and I gave you 10 (in one year). Now you want a do over. :rofl:

Yes, that's nice now go play with the other kids. This thread is about Trump...got it?
Control of the borders has nothing to do with martial law. There is no unfettered right to come to this country and kill people.
Your reply suggests that you believe ALL muslins are coming to this country to kill people. I suppose you, Trump and his followers believe that but is it true?
Key words, YOUR FEAR. Your "fear" is that Trump will use the precedent that Obama set of pissing on the Constitution, only he will do things you don't agree with. You should have thought about that when you were cheering Obama on when he was the one doing the pissing.

I challenge you to provide one... just one instance where Obama has acted to undermine the Constitution.
How about 10?

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

None of your examples show an undermining of the Constitution. But even so, this thread isn't about Obama. It is about Trump and the implications of his presidency. Obama is not a loose canon with xenophobic bigoted agendas. If he did invoke an executive order, it was not to the detriment of civil rights and CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS of such rights.
You challenged me to provide one and I gave you 10 (in one year). Now you want a do over. :rofl:

Yes, that's nice now go play with the other kids. This thread is about Trump...got it?
Then you shouldn't have challenged me, asshole. Now go lick your wounds.
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Harken to the words of the oracle at usmb (me---rosie) Trump will be elected if things either stay the same or get worse in the USA with reference to economy and
Islamic terrorism. He will not impose martial law but he will impose executive orders
that many people will not like. If Trump is not elected-----things will get worse in
reference to economy and Islamic terrorism

Obama has driven the country to the edge of the economic cliff and embarrassed the nation on a regular basis, Democrats should be embarrassed as well for turning their backs on the American dreams of far to many of her citizens and the younger citizens stuck with the results of their traitorous behaviors and selfish ways.

. I don't know if Trump is the answer but certainly Hillary would complete the disaster of left wing folly and absolute selfish stupidity.
I challenge you to provide one... just one instance where Obama has acted to undermine the Constitution.
How about 10?

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

None of your examples show an undermining of the Constitution. But even so, this thread isn't about Obama. It is about Trump and the implications of his presidency. Obama is not a loose canon with xenophobic bigoted agendas. If he did invoke an executive order, it was not to the detriment of civil rights and CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS of such rights.
You challenged me to provide one and I gave you 10 (in one year). Now you want a do over. :rofl:

Yes, that's nice now go play with the other kids. This thread is about Trump...got it?
Then you shouldn't have challenged me, asshole. Now go lick your wounds.
What wounds? The gas you spew doesn't hurt me in the least. What would really cause me concern is if you ran for an office that has any impact on the public. you are too much like Trump.... except for the riches, of course... too bad... heh heh heh!
Harken to the words of the oracle at usmb (me---rosie) Trump will be elected if things either stay the same or get worse in the USA with reference to economy and
Islamic terrorism. He will not impose martial law but he will impose executive orders
that many people will not like. If Trump is not elected-----things will get worse in
reference to economy and Islamic terrorism

Obama has driven the country to the edge of the economic cliff and embarrassed the nation on a regular basis, Democrats should be embarrassed as well for turning their backs on the American dreams of far to many of her citizens and the younger citizens stuck with the results of their traitorous behaviors and selfish ways.

. I don't know if Trump is the answer but certainly Hillary would complete the disaster of left wing folly and absolute selfish stupidity.

1. Obama has driven the country to the edge of the economic cliff?
LMAO! The economy is thriving and unemployment is down to normal levels. Gas is well below two dollars a gallon almost everywhere. Try again, you are sounding stupid.

2. Your second point got lost in the drama but I think I got enough of it to respond.
Democrats pulled this country out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. BTW Democrats pulled us out of that one too. You throw words like selfish and embarrasment around like wedding rice but you are aiming at the wrong party. It is the republicans who are shills of the rich with their selfish interests. The Democrats are all about spreading some of that wealth around. That is not selfish.

None of your examples show an undermining of the Constitution. But even so, this thread isn't about Obama. It is about Trump and the implications of his presidency. Obama is not a loose canon with xenophobic bigoted agendas. If he did invoke an executive order, it was not to the detriment of civil rights and CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS of such rights.
You challenged me to provide one and I gave you 10 (in one year). Now you want a do over. :rofl:

Yes, that's nice now go play with the other kids. This thread is about Trump...got it?
Then you shouldn't have challenged me, asshole. Now go lick your wounds.
What wounds? The gas you spew doesn't hurt me in the least. What would really cause me concern is if you ran for an office that has any impact on the public. you are too much like Trump.... except for the riches, of course... too bad... heh heh heh!
The wounds to your ego from having your ass handed to you.
On Trump, he's in a battle with the status quo. The establishment Republicans fear him, the Democratic Party fear him, the left and right wing media fear him, the wealthy and powerful fear him because he represents a bull in their china shop of their power and control over a half witted electorate.

I hope he's a patriot as is my present impression at this time but either way he's been gutsy enough to bring up discussion on major issues facing America whether you agree with his starting perspective or not. He deserves a hearing because after-all he is an American citizen and the people have a right to decide not the status quo political failures and power brokers.

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