Will Donald Trump impose Martial Law as president?

None of your examples show an undermining of the Constitution. But even so, this thread isn't about Obama. It is about Trump and the implications of his presidency. Obama is not a loose canon with xenophobic bigoted agendas. If he did invoke an executive order, it was not to the detriment of civil rights and CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS of such rights.
You challenged me to provide one and I gave you 10 (in one year). Now you want a do over. :rofl:

Yes, that's nice now go play with the other kids. This thread is about Trump...got it?
Then you shouldn't have challenged me, asshole. Now go lick your wounds.
What wounds? The gas you spew doesn't hurt me in the least. What would really cause me concern is if you ran for an office that has any impact on the public. you are too much like Trump.... except for the riches, of course... too bad... heh heh heh!
The wounds to your ego from having your ass handed to you.
Well. if you believe that...go on believing it. I chose to stay on topic... You win the OFF topic debate.... gee you are a great man...whoopee
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Harken to the words of the oracle at usmb (me---rosie) Trump will be elected if things either stay the same or get worse in the USA with reference to economy and
Islamic terrorism. He will not impose martial law but he will impose executive orders
that many people will not like. If Trump is not elected-----things will get worse in
reference to economy and Islamic terrorism

Obama has driven the country to the edge of the economic cliff and embarrassed the nation on a regular basis, Democrats should be embarrassed as well for turning their backs on the American dreams of far to many of her citizens and the younger citizens stuck with the results of their traitorous behaviors and selfish ways.

. I don't know if Trump is the answer but certainly Hillary would complete the disaster of left wing folly and absolute selfish stupidity.

1. Obama has driven the country to the edge of the economic cliff?
LMAO! The economy is thriving and unemployment is down to normal levels. Gas is well below two dollars a gallon almost everywhere. Try again, you are sounding stupid.

2. Your second point got lost in the drama but I think I got enough of it to respond.
Democrats pulled this country out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. BTW Democrats pulled us out of that one too. You throw words like selfish and embarrasment around like wedding rice but you are aiming at the wrong party. It is the republicans who are shills of the rich with their selfish interests. The Democrats are all about spreading some of that wealth around. That is not selfish.

You have your head your ass and you're not worth my time. You have no indication of critical thought or balanced and honest appraisal. You have far more hate and crap filled cliche's than common sense. Away with you half witted shill.
On Trump, he's in a battle with the status quo. The establishment Republicans fear him, the Democratic Party fear him, the left and right wing media fear him, the wealthy and powerful fear him because he represents a bull in their china shop of their power and control over a half witted electorate.

I hope he's a patriot as is my present impression at this time but either way he's been gutsy enough to bring up discussion on major issues facing America whether you agree with his starting perspective or not. He deserves a hearing because after-all he is an American citizen and the people have a right to decide not the status quo political failures and power brokers.

Trump personifies the mindset of a core constituency, the same constituency that voted for Mitt Romney. He speaks for them only. A lot of other voters might like his entertainment value but when it comes time to vote, I am afraid that Mr. Trump will be fighting a losing battle. But will the popular vote really matter? The Electoral College might be inclined on the whole towards Trump. It is THEY who elect the president and it is their votes that count. Trump's overbearing confidence suggests he might have paid some of them off already to vote in is favor.... politics is dirty and, in a capitalistic system, electoral votes can be bought. Trump has the money and the ruthless savvy to do it.
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Harken to the words of the oracle at usmb (me---rosie) Trump will be elected if things either stay the same or get worse in the USA with reference to economy and
Islamic terrorism. He will not impose martial law but he will impose executive orders
that many people will not like. If Trump is not elected-----things will get worse in
reference to economy and Islamic terrorism

Obama has driven the country to the edge of the economic cliff and embarrassed the nation on a regular basis, Democrats should be embarrassed as well for turning their backs on the American dreams of far to many of her citizens and the younger citizens stuck with the results of their traitorous behaviors and selfish ways.

. I don't know if Trump is the answer but certainly Hillary would complete the disaster of left wing folly and absolute selfish stupidity.

1. Obama has driven the country to the edge of the economic cliff?
LMAO! The economy is thriving and unemployment is down to normal levels. Gas is well below two dollars a gallon almost everywhere. Try again, you are sounding stupid.

2. Your second point got lost in the drama but I think I got enough of it to respond.
Democrats pulled this country out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. BTW Democrats pulled us out of that one too. You throw words like selfish and embarrasment around like wedding rice but you are aiming at the wrong party. It is the republicans who are shills of the rich with their selfish interests. The Democrats are all about spreading some of that wealth around. That is not selfish.

You have your head your ass and you're not worth my time. You have no indication of critical thought or balanced and honest appraisal. You have far more hate and crap filled cliche's than common sense. Away with you half witted shill.
The truth hurts doesn't it. But don't leave mad...just leave... heh heh heh!
On Trump, he's in a battle with the status quo. The establishment Republicans fear him, the Democratic Party fear him, the left and right wing media fear him, the wealthy and powerful fear him because he represents a bull in their china shop of their power and control over a half witted electorate.

I hope he's a patriot as is my present impression at this time but either way he's been gutsy enough to bring up discussion on major issues facing America whether you agree with his starting perspective or not. He deserves a hearing because after-all he is an American citizen and the people have a right to decide not the status quo political failures and power brokers.

Trump personifies the mindset of a core constituency, the same constituency that voted for Mitt Romney. He speaks for them only. A lot of other voters might like his entertainment value but when it comes time to vote, I am afraid that Mr. Trump will be fighting a losing battle. But will the popular vote really matter? The Electoral College might be inclined on the whole towards Trump. It is THEY who elect the president and it is their votes that count. Trump's overbearing confidence suggests he might have paid some of them off already to vote in is favor.... politics is dirty and in a capitalistic system, electoral votes can be bought. Trump has the money and the ruthless savvy to do it.

I'm moving on, your imaginings are shear comedy, thanks for that, later .. Mr. Potato Head.
You challenged me to provide one and I gave you 10 (in one year). Now you want a do over. :rofl:

Yes, that's nice now go play with the other kids. This thread is about Trump...got it?
Then you shouldn't have challenged me, asshole. Now go lick your wounds.
What wounds? The gas you spew doesn't hurt me in the least. What would really cause me concern is if you ran for an office that has any impact on the public. you are too much like Trump.... except for the riches, of course... too bad... heh heh heh!
The wounds to your ego from having your ass handed to you.
Well. if you believe that...go on believing it. I chose to say on topic... You win the OFF topic debate.... gee you are a great man...whoopee
No, you chose to go BACK to the topic after you lost the debate when you challenged me. You also lost the debate on the original topic. You're not doing too well tonight, are you?
On Trump, he's in a battle with the status quo. The establishment Republicans fear him, the Democratic Party fear him, the left and right wing media fear him, the wealthy and powerful fear him because he represents a bull in their china shop of their power and control over a half witted electorate.

I hope he's a patriot as is my present impression at this time but either way he's been gutsy enough to bring up discussion on major issues facing America whether you agree with his starting perspective or not. He deserves a hearing because after-all he is an American citizen and the people have a right to decide not the status quo political failures and power brokers.

Trump personifies the mindset of a core constituency, the same constituency that voted for Mitt Romney. He speaks for them only. A lot of other voters might like his entertainment value but when it comes time to vote, I am afraid that Mr. Trump will be fighting a losing battle. But will the popular vote really matter? The Electoral College might be inclined on the whole towards Trump. It is THEY who elect the president and it is their votes that count. Trump's overbearing confidence suggests he might have paid some of them off already to vote in is favor.... politics is dirty and in a capitalistic system, electoral votes can be bought. Trump has the money and the ruthless savvy to do it.

I'm moving on, your imaginings are shear comedy, thanks for that, later .. Mr. Potato Head.
Bye, genius, you have certainly been a blessing. We needed a clown and you fit the bill perfectly...sleep well....
Yes, that's nice now go play with the other kids. This thread is about Trump...got it?
Then you shouldn't have challenged me, asshole. Now go lick your wounds.
What wounds? The gas you spew doesn't hurt me in the least. What would really cause me concern is if you ran for an office that has any impact on the public. you are too much like Trump.... except for the riches, of course... too bad... heh heh heh!
The wounds to your ego from having your ass handed to you.
Well. if you believe that...go on believing it. I chose to say on topic... You win the OFF topic debate.... gee you are a great man...whoopee
No, you chose to go BACK to the topic after you lost the debate when you challenged me. You also lost the debate on the original topic. You're not doing too well tonight, are you?
I din't lose, I just chose NOT to respond any further to something that detracts from the original op. If you think you won...ok.... now just shut up so I can deal with people willing to discuss the topic.
Then you shouldn't have challenged me, asshole. Now go lick your wounds.
What wounds? The gas you spew doesn't hurt me in the least. What would really cause me concern is if you ran for an office that has any impact on the public. you are too much like Trump.... except for the riches, of course... too bad... heh heh heh!
The wounds to your ego from having your ass handed to you.
Well. if you believe that...go on believing it. I chose to say on topic... You win the OFF topic debate.... gee you are a great man...whoopee
No, you chose to go BACK to the topic after you lost the debate when you challenged me. You also lost the debate on the original topic. You're not doing too well tonight, are you?
I din't lose, I just chose NOT to respond any further to something that detracts from the original op. If you think you won...ok.... now just shut up so I can deal with people willing to discuss the topic.
The topic is your fear and paranoia. Give us something concrete to discuss. Has Trump said he would circumvent the Constitution to get what he wants (like Obama does)? Has he said he would "go it alone" (like Obama said)? Has he said he would use executive orders to legislate from the Oval Office (like Obama does)? Like I said, you're just afraid he will follow Obama's precedent of ignoring the law and the Constitution. What's there to discuss (other than your fear)?
On Trump, he's in a battle with the status quo. The establishment Republicans fear him, the Democratic Party fear him, the left and right wing media fear him, the wealthy and powerful fear him because he represents a bull in their china shop of their power and control over a half witted electorate.

I hope he's a patriot as is my present impression at this time but either way he's been gutsy enough to bring up discussion on major issues facing America whether you agree with his starting perspective or not. He deserves a hearing because after-all he is an American citizen and the people have a right to decide not the status quo political failures and power brokers.

Trump personifies the mindset of a core constituency, the same constituency that voted for Mitt Romney. He speaks for them only. A lot of other voters might like his entertainment value but when it comes time to vote, I am afraid that Mr. Trump will be fighting a losing battle. But will the popular vote really matter? The Electoral College might be inclined on the whole towards Trump. It is THEY who elect the president and it is their votes that count. Trump's overbearing confidence suggests he might have paid some of them off already to vote in is favor.... politics is dirty and in a capitalistic system, electoral votes can be bought. Trump has the money and the ruthless savvy to do it.

I'm moving on, your imaginings are shear comedy, thanks for that, later .. Mr. Potato Head.
Bye, genius, you have certainly been a blessing. We needed a clown and you fit the bill perfectly...sleep well....
Eh, I was brutal and disrespectful from the start, sorry about that...good insult btw.
What wounds? The gas you spew doesn't hurt me in the least. What would really cause me concern is if you ran for an office that has any impact on the public. you are too much like Trump.... except for the riches, of course... too bad... heh heh heh!
The wounds to your ego from having your ass handed to you.
Well. if you believe that...go on believing it. I chose to say on topic... You win the OFF topic debate.... gee you are a great man...whoopee
No, you chose to go BACK to the topic after you lost the debate when you challenged me. You also lost the debate on the original topic. You're not doing too well tonight, are you?
I din't lose, I just chose NOT to respond any further to something that detracts from the original op. If you think you won...ok.... now just shut up so I can deal with people willing to discuss the topic.
The topic is your fear and paranoia. Give us something concrete to discuss. Has Trump said he would circumvent the Constitution to get what he wants (like Obama does)? Has he said he would "go it alone" (like Obama said)? Has he said he would use executive orders to legislate from the Oval Office (like Obama does)? Like I said, you're just afraid he will follow Obama's precedent of ignoring the law and the Constitution. What's there to discuss (other than your fear)?
Hah hah hah! Like I owe you ...the squawking head.... a "concrete discussion."
The topic is Donald Trump and the promises he keeps making about what he will do if he wins the presidency. If those blatant threats to put a moratorium on Muslim immigration isn't enough to convince you....his uniformed foreign policy ought to.
He is politically ignorant, just like the idiots who have committed their votes to him.
On Trump, he's in a battle with the status quo. The establishment Republicans fear him, the Democratic Party fear him, the left and right wing media fear him, the wealthy and powerful fear him because he represents a bull in their china shop of their power and control over a half witted electorate.

I hope he's a patriot as is my present impression at this time but either way he's been gutsy enough to bring up discussion on major issues facing America whether you agree with his starting perspective or not. He deserves a hearing because after-all he is an American citizen and the people have a right to decide not the status quo political failures and power brokers.

Trump personifies the mindset of a core constituency, the same constituency that voted for Mitt Romney. He speaks for them only. A lot of other voters might like his entertainment value but when it comes time to vote, I am afraid that Mr. Trump will be fighting a losing battle. But will the popular vote really matter? The Electoral College might be inclined on the whole towards Trump. It is THEY who elect the president and it is their votes that count. Trump's overbearing confidence suggests he might have paid some of them off already to vote in is favor.... politics is dirty and in a capitalistic system, electoral votes can be bought. Trump has the money and the ruthless savvy to do it.

I'm moving on, your imaginings are shear comedy, thanks for that, later .. Mr. Potato Head.
Bye, genius, you have certainly been a blessing. We needed a clown and you fit the bill perfectly...sleep well....
Eh, I was brutal and disrespectful from the start, sorry about that...good insult btw.
Don't worry about it. it its all in fun... I enjoy mixing it up once in a while.
Sheesh .. the "genius . clown", seems more like a compliment to me....:eusa_doh:
Sheesh .. the "genius . clown", seems more like a compliment to me....:eusa_doh:
Oh, lets not get too damn sentimental now...heh heh heh... you are still a friend of SJ and the makes you a... well, er... a potato head... heh heh heh!
On Trump, he's in a battle with the status quo. The establishment Republicans fear him, the Democratic Party fear him, the left and right wing media fear him, the wealthy and powerful fear him because he represents a bull in their china shop of their power and control over a half witted electorate.

I hope he's a patriot as is my present impression at this time but either way he's been gutsy enough to bring up discussion on major issues facing America whether you agree with his starting perspective or not. He deserves a hearing because after-all he is an American citizen and the people have a right to decide not the status quo political failures and power brokers.

Trump personifies the mindset of a core constituency, the same constituency that voted for Mitt Romney. He speaks for them only. A lot of other voters might like his entertainment value but when it comes time to vote, I am afraid that Mr. Trump will be fighting a losing battle. But will the popular vote really matter? The Electoral College might be inclined on the whole towards Trump. It is THEY who elect the president and it is their votes that count. Trump's overbearing confidence suggests he might have paid some of them off already to vote in is favor.... politics is dirty and in a capitalistic system, electoral votes can be bought. Trump has the money and the ruthless savvy to do it.

I'm moving on, your imaginings are shear comedy, thanks for that, later .. Mr. Potato Head.
Bye, genius, you have certainly been a blessing. We needed a clown and you fit the bill perfectly...sleep well....
Eh, I was brutal and disrespectful from the start, sorry about that...good insult btw.
Don't worry about it. it its all in fun... I enjoy mixing it up once in a while.

I didn't get my News Fix today, I had time to think on my own, I guess...it happens .. :uhoh3:
Granny says, "Dat's right - he gonna impose martial law...

... so he can build a wall to keep alla illegal aliens out...

... an' keep the jihadis from gettin' in.
Sheesh .. the "genius . clown", seems more like a compliment to me....:eusa_doh:
Oh, lets not get too damn sentimental now...heh heh heh... you are still a friend of SJ and the makes you a... well, er... a potato head... heh heh heh!

SJ .. I would hope so but since SJ isn't here and all, he's the hot potato head .. agreed?
Sheesh .. the "genius . clown", seems more like a compliment to me....:eusa_doh:
Oh, lets not get too damn sentimental now...heh heh heh... you are still a friend of SJ and the makes you a... well, er... a potato head... heh heh heh!

SJ .. I would hope so but since SJ isn't here and all, he's the hot potato head .. agreed?
I would suffice to say he is, like Trump, a BAKED potato head...but I don't think he is hot at all.... if you do, I guess it is ok... I prefer girls myself...
Granny says, "Dat's right - he gonna impose martial law...

... so he can build a wall to keep alla illegal aliens out...

... an' keep the Mooslums from gettin' in.

After 9/11 as I recollect (kinda) that Americans were willing to give up their liberties by 54% to Security/government.

After the Paris attack the French (actually did, temporarily ..:wink_2:) were willing to give up their liberties by 84% to Security/government

To governments that are dysfunctional at best ..that's just stupid

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