Will Donald Trump impose Martial Law as president?

Putin's net worth

No, Obama is playing Putin like a fiddle. See how he let Putin take the fall in Syria. Russia can't afford to fight foreign wars, their economy is feeble enough even without war. Obama knows that but he let Putin's ego push Russia to the brink and into another conflict with the Turks.... heh heh heh.... Putin wannabe? Putin is an Obama wannabe.... Obama is rich..Putin is a poor fool.
I'll just take one of your points and demolish it. Putin's net worth. If obongo is worth anywhere close I'll have him brought up on charges for stealing from the American people...:bye1:
Well, Putin doesn't admit to having anywhere close to Obama's wealth, let alone the controversial 70 billion he is reputed to have accumulated. Pundits have speculated that he has secret accounts and investments that make him one of the richest humans in the world; but ,that is still just speculation.

As "proof" some casual observers have opined that luxury items owed by Putin is evidence of opulence. That may or may not be the case since powerful people are often given expensive gifts. Forgive me for being "conservative" but I was merely expressing what Putin has made public concerning his net worth.

How Vladimir Putin Stashed Away A Secret $70 Billion Personal Fortune
Oh, I see. He never mentioned it, never even hinted at it, but your paranoia tells you he's thinking it and that should be good enough for the rest of us to cower in fear the way you are.
Actually, i don't believe Trump will make it through the Republican nomination process. If he goes independent that will cost him even more delegates, unless...he pays some of them off...

But he has hinted at ML. It is ensconced in the very fiber of his megalomania.
Where did he "hint" at it? Post it.
Haven't you been watching the news lately? I am sure you heard every word Trump has said. Only by invoking ML can Trump do the following things he promised he would do. And this is only a brief list of the things on his Martial Law agenda:

1. Any one who kills a cop will get the death penalty. I guess he will have to suspend the prohibitions agains the DP in those states that don't have it. He can do that under Martial Law. I guess when cops kill unarmed civilians he will make an exception for the cop and let internal affairs handle it...

2. I will overturn Obamacare.

With Congress and the Supreme court bypassed (ML) anything is possible.

3.I will build a wall along the entire Mexican American border...If china built one that long so can we.

What about the NORTHERN border, mr. T(C)hump? And who is going to pay for all of that construction...our children? Oh well, I guess under Martial Law it is possible to do all of that and pass the buck onto the next Democratic President if the presidency is still intact after Trump has trumped all political card games.

These are but a few of the things on Trump's menu that can ONLY be done under the auspices of Martial Law. Even a Republican heavy congress would not accommodate his madness.
None of those comments of Trump's (if they're accurate) contain the words "martial law". YOUR comments do, but HIS don't. The only one "hinting" at invoking ML is you. You don't like what he wants to do so you make shit up to try and scare people. Pathetic.

Of course Trump is not going to SAY he will implement Martial Law at this stage of his game. That would alert sensible people of his nefarious plans. But a close examination of his rhetoric and a working knowledge of his past, his domineering behavior and ruthless megalomania , coalesces into a forecast of his would be presidency that can not be denied.

..or he spouts off his opinion and people freak out and blow it out of proportion, it seems more likely to me and Lord knows there's plenty of evidence of that...

I'd be more worried about Hillary imposing martial law actually. Democrats are far more gullible when it comes to their political and media controllers. I mean, come on Hillary's a naturally controlling bitch that could care-less about the little people especially if they question her constant lies. According to her, Republicans (Americans with a different point of view) are her greatest enemies.
At least Trump is a mixed bag of both extremes and the middle. and yup, he's earned his arrogance by success and overcoming failure, Hillary .... :lmao:
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Oh, I see. He never mentioned it, never even hinted at it, but your paranoia tells you he's thinking it and that should be good enough for the rest of us to cower in fear the way you are.
Actually, i don't believe Trump will make it through the Republican nomination process. If he goes independent that will cost him even more delegates, unless...he pays some of them off...

But he has hinted at ML. It is ensconced in the very fiber of his megalomania.
Where did he "hint" at it? Post it.
Haven't you been watching the news lately? I am sure you heard every word Trump has said. Only by invoking ML can Trump do the following things he promised he would do. And this is only a brief list of the things on his Martial Law agenda:

1. Any one who kills a cop will get the death penalty. I guess he will have to suspend the prohibitions agains the DP in those states that don't have it. He can do that under Martial Law. I guess when cops kill unarmed civilians he will make an exception for the cop and let internal affairs handle it...

2. I will overturn Obamacare.

With Congress and the Supreme court bypassed (ML) anything is possible.

3.I will build a wall along the entire Mexican American border...If china built one that long so can we.

What about the NORTHERN border, mr. T(C)hump? And who is going to pay for all of that construction...our children? Oh well, I guess under Martial Law it is possible to do all of that and pass the buck onto the next Democratic President if the presidency is still intact after Trump has trumped all political card games.

These are but a few of the things on Trump's menu that can ONLY be done under the auspices of Martial Law. Even a Republican heavy congress would not accommodate his madness.
None of those comments of Trump's (if they're accurate) contain the words "martial law". YOUR comments do, but HIS don't. The only one "hinting" at invoking ML is you. You don't like what he wants to do so you make shit up to try and scare people. Pathetic.

Of course Trump is not going to SAY he will implement Martial Law at this stage of his game. That would alert sensible people of his nefarious plans. But a close examination of his rhetoric and a working knowledge of his past, his domineering behavior and ruthless megalomania , coalesces into a forecast of his would be presidency that can not be denied.
So because he doesn't MENTION it, YOU get to mention it on his behalf. I see how your logic works. :lol:
will Trump declare martial law
Actually, i don't believe Trump will make it through the Republican nomination process. If he goes independent that will cost him even more delegates, unless...he pays some of them off...

But he has hinted at ML. It is ensconced in the very fiber of his megalomania.
Where did he "hint" at it? Post it.
Haven't you been watching the news lately? I am sure you heard every word Trump has said. Only by invoking ML can Trump do the following things he promised he would do. And this is only a brief list of the things on his Martial Law agenda:

1. Any one who kills a cop will get the death penalty. I guess he will have to suspend the prohibitions agains the DP in those states that don't have it. He can do that under Martial Law. I guess when cops kill unarmed civilians he will make an exception for the cop and let internal affairs handle it...

2. I will overturn Obamacare.

With Congress and the Supreme court bypassed (ML) anything is possible.

3.I will build a wall along the entire Mexican American border...If china built one that long so can we.

What about the NORTHERN border, mr. T(C)hump? And who is going to pay for all of that construction...our children? Oh well, I guess under Martial Law it is possible to do all of that and pass the buck onto the next Democratic President if the presidency is still intact after Trump has trumped all political card games.

These are but a few of the things on Trump's menu that can ONLY be done under the auspices of Martial Law. Even a Republican heavy congress would not accommodate his madness.
None of those comments of Trump's (if they're accurate) contain the words "martial law". YOUR comments do, but HIS don't. The only one "hinting" at invoking ML is you. You don't like what he wants to do so you make shit up to try and scare people. Pathetic.

Of course Trump is not going to SAY he will implement Martial Law at this stage of his game. That would alert sensible people of his nefarious plans. But a close examination of his rhetoric and a working knowledge of his past, his domineering behavior and ruthless megalomania , coalesces into a forecast of his would be presidency that can not be denied.

..or he spouts off his opinion and people freak out and blow it out of proportion, it seems more likely to me and Lord knows there's plenty of evidence of that...

I'd be more worried about Hillary imposing martial law actually. Democrats are far more gullible when it comes to their political and media controllers. I mean, come on Hillary's a naturally controlling bitch that could care-less about the little people especially if they question her constant lies. According to her, Republicans (Americans with a different point of view) are her greatest enemies.
At least Trump is a mixed bag of both extremes and the middle. and yup, he's earned his arrogance by success and overcoming failure, Hillary .... :lmao:

Would it surprise you to reveal that I am no fan of Hillary either? However, if Hillary or Obama were to declare Martial Law, I wouldn't be as concerned as I might be if Trump was in a position to do it. Hillary has Bill to rely on for advice and we get a two for one situation if she is elected. With that kind of invaluable experience at her disposal she isn't apt to do anything irrational under the auspices of ML.

Likewise, Obama isn't likely to do anything that would upset the White people who were instrumental in his nomination and election. His constituents aren't as Draconian as the RWers are and ML under Obama shouldn't make various ethnicities nervous.

Trump, OTOH is a man who, once his mind is made up, is immovable. The disturbing thing is, under Trump, ML would be a convenient device to change America and the world forever. Trump, in his intolerable obstinate way, would not listen to advisors on crucial domestic or foreign issues. The threat of war would increase tenfold. Economic and geographical isolation would resurface as part of his idea of "protectionism" for the USA. Civil rights and individual freedoms would be suppressed in the name of National Security. Door to door searches and seizures would reemerge as the new McCarthyism takes root under the guise of Martial Law. Obama or Hillary are not so predisposed.
Actually, i don't believe Trump will make it through the Republican nomination process. If he goes independent that will cost him even more delegates, unless...he pays some of them off...

But he has hinted at ML. It is ensconced in the very fiber of his megalomania.
Where did he "hint" at it? Post it.
Haven't you been watching the news lately? I am sure you heard every word Trump has said. Only by invoking ML can Trump do the following things he promised he would do. And this is only a brief list of the things on his Martial Law agenda:

1. Any one who kills a cop will get the death penalty. I guess he will have to suspend the prohibitions agains the DP in those states that don't have it. He can do that under Martial Law. I guess when cops kill unarmed civilians he will make an exception for the cop and let internal affairs handle it...

2. I will overturn Obamacare.

With Congress and the Supreme court bypassed (ML) anything is possible.

3.I will build a wall along the entire Mexican American border...If china built one that long so can we.

What about the NORTHERN border, mr. T(C)hump? And who is going to pay for all of that construction...our children? Oh well, I guess under Martial Law it is possible to do all of that and pass the buck onto the next Democratic President if the presidency is still intact after Trump has trumped all political card games.

These are but a few of the things on Trump's menu that can ONLY be done under the auspices of Martial Law. Even a Republican heavy congress would not accommodate his madness.
None of those comments of Trump's (if they're accurate) contain the words "martial law". YOUR comments do, but HIS don't. The only one "hinting" at invoking ML is you. You don't like what he wants to do so you make shit up to try and scare people. Pathetic.

Of course Trump is not going to SAY he will implement Martial Law at this stage of his game. That would alert sensible people of his nefarious plans. But a close examination of his rhetoric and a working knowledge of his past, his domineering behavior and ruthless megalomania , coalesces into a forecast of his would be presidency that can not be denied.
So because he doesn't MENTION it, YOU get to mention it on his behalf. I see how your logic works. :lol:
Thanks, I knew you would finally see the light...My logic is pretty damn awesome doncha think? :lol:
Where did he "hint" at it? Post it.
Haven't you been watching the news lately? I am sure you heard every word Trump has said. Only by invoking ML can Trump do the following things he promised he would do. And this is only a brief list of the things on his Martial Law agenda:

1. Any one who kills a cop will get the death penalty. I guess he will have to suspend the prohibitions agains the DP in those states that don't have it. He can do that under Martial Law. I guess when cops kill unarmed civilians he will make an exception for the cop and let internal affairs handle it...

2. I will overturn Obamacare.

With Congress and the Supreme court bypassed (ML) anything is possible.

3.I will build a wall along the entire Mexican American border...If china built one that long so can we.

What about the NORTHERN border, mr. T(C)hump? And who is going to pay for all of that construction...our children? Oh well, I guess under Martial Law it is possible to do all of that and pass the buck onto the next Democratic President if the presidency is still intact after Trump has trumped all political card games.

These are but a few of the things on Trump's menu that can ONLY be done under the auspices of Martial Law. Even a Republican heavy congress would not accommodate his madness.
None of those comments of Trump's (if they're accurate) contain the words "martial law". YOUR comments do, but HIS don't. The only one "hinting" at invoking ML is you. You don't like what he wants to do so you make shit up to try and scare people. Pathetic.

Of course Trump is not going to SAY he will implement Martial Law at this stage of his game. That would alert sensible people of his nefarious plans. But a close examination of his rhetoric and a working knowledge of his past, his domineering behavior and ruthless megalomania , coalesces into a forecast of his would be presidency that can not be denied.
So because he doesn't MENTION it, YOU get to mention it on his behalf. I see how your logic works. :lol:
Thanks, I knew you would finally see the light...My logic is pretty damn awesome doncha think? :lol:

I think you'd be a great fictional writer, you have quite the imagination.:thup:
However, if Hillary or Obama were to declare Martial Law, I wouldn't be as concerned as I might be if Trump was in a position to do it.
So, you don't object to tyranny, as long as the tyrant is a Democrat. That's what I thought.
Putin's net worth

No, Obama is playing Putin like a fiddle. See how he let Putin take the fall in Syria. Russia can't afford to fight foreign wars, their economy is feeble enough even without war. Obama knows that but he let Putin's ego push Russia to the brink and into another conflict with the Turks.... heh heh heh.... Putin wannabe? Putin is an Obama wannabe.... Obama is rich..Putin is a poor fool.
I'll just take one of your points and demolish it. Putin's net worth. If obongo is worth anywhere close I'll have him brought up on charges for stealing from the American people...:bye1:
Well, Putin doesn't admit to having anywhere close to Obama's wealth, let alone the controversial 70 billion he is reputed to have accumulated. Pundits have speculated that he has secret accounts and investments that make him one of the richest humans in the world; but ,that is still just speculation.

As "proof" some casual observers have opined that luxury items owed by Putin is evidence of opulence. That may or may not be the case since powerful people are often given expensive gifts. Forgive me for being "conservative" but I was merely expressing what Putin has made public concerning his net worth.

How Vladimir Putin Stashed Away A Secret $70 Billion Personal Fortune
Your to obtuse for me to deal with. Now when I see yo hero obongo I picture him like this...

It is a chilling thought; one that every voting American ought to consider.

I have listened intently to the long harangues and megalomaniacal delusional rhetoric of "the Donald" for some time now. It took me a while but after his proposal to ban Muslims entering the USA his real agenda became crystal clear. Trump would, upon ascending to the presidency, immediately declare Martial Law.
He knows that is the only way his proposals could be legally executed.

Once Martial Law was declared, the Constitution would be suspended and America would be instantly transformed into a police state with Mr. Trump as the sole lawful authority. The far reaching implications of that would extend well beyond the purview of domestic terrorism and could change this country forever.
What would happen if martial law was declared in America?

he's not going to be president. he has 1/3 of 47% of the electorate. you don't win national elections that way. and you don't win elections by being a fascist.
However, if Hillary or Obama were to declare Martial Law, I wouldn't be as concerned as I might be if Trump was in a position to do it.
So, you don't object to tyranny, as long as the tyrant is a Democrat. That's what I thought.

stop projecting. rightwingnut loons are the ones who like tyranny. this president isn't a tyrant. you just don't like that you can't win national elections and lost twice to the black guy. now quiet idiota.
However, if Hillary or Obama were to declare Martial Law, I wouldn't be as concerned as I might be if Trump was in a position to do it.
So, you don't object to tyranny, as long as the tyrant is a Democrat. That's what I thought.

stop projecting. rightwingnut loons are the ones who like tyranny. this president isn't a tyrant. you just don't like that you can't win national elections and lost twice to the black guy. now quiet idiota.

You read about sanctuary cities, not enforcing the gun laws on the books, giving guns to criminals in Mexico, non-enforcement of immigration laws and the list goes on and on? For Democrats that's not tyranny because they agree and can use breaking the laws of the land for votes, I suppose.

btw. Hello Sugar Pants...:wink_2:
However, if Hillary or Obama were to declare Martial Law, I wouldn't be as concerned as I might be if Trump was in a position to do it.
So, you don't object to tyranny, as long as the tyrant is a Democrat. That's what I thought.

stop projecting. rightwingnut loons are the ones who like tyranny. this president isn't a tyrant. you just don't like that you can't win national elections and lost twice to the black guy. now quiet idiota.

You read about sanctuary cities, not enforcing the gun laws on the books, giving guns to criminals in Mexico, enforcement of immigration laws and the list goes on and on? For Democrats that's not tyranny because they agree and can use breaking the laws of the land for votes, I suppose.

However, if Hillary or Obama were to declare Martial Law, I wouldn't be as concerned as I might be if Trump was in a position to do it.
So, you don't object to tyranny, as long as the tyrant is a Democrat. That's what I thought.

stop projecting. rightwingnut loons are the ones who like tyranny. this president isn't a tyrant. you just don't like that you can't win national elections and lost twice to the black guy. now quiet idiota.

You read about sanctuary cities, not enforcing the gun laws on the books, giving guns to criminals in Mexico, enforcement of immigration laws and the list goes on and on? For Democrats that's not tyranny because they agree and can use breaking the laws of the land for votes, I suppose.


... Gads, you're sooo submissive..:lol:
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However, if Hillary or Obama were to declare Martial Law, I wouldn't be as concerned as I might be if Trump was in a position to do it.
So, you don't object to tyranny, as long as the tyrant is a Democrat. That's what I thought.

stop projecting. rightwingnut loons are the ones who like tyranny. this president isn't a tyrant. you just don't like that you can't win national elections and lost twice to the black guy. now quiet idiota.

You read about sanctuary cities, not enforcing the gun laws on the books, giving guns to criminals in Mexico, enforcement of immigration laws and the list goes on and on? For Democrats that's not tyranny because they agree and can use breaking the laws of the land for votes, I suppose.


... Gads, if only I would have known how to stifle you in the past...:smiliehug:
The yawn is actually an invitation if you think about it.
So, you don't object to tyranny, as long as the tyrant is a Democrat. That's what I thought.

stop projecting. rightwingnut loons are the ones who like tyranny. this president isn't a tyrant. you just don't like that you can't win national elections and lost twice to the black guy. now quiet idiota.

You read about sanctuary cities, not enforcing the gun laws on the books, giving guns to criminals in Mexico, enforcement of immigration laws and the list goes on and on? For Democrats that's not tyranny because they agree and can use breaking the laws of the land for votes, I suppose.


... Gads, if only I would have known how to stifle you in the past...:smiliehug:
The yawn is actually an invitation if you think about it.

Kinda scary now that you mention it...:scared1:
Haven't you been watching the news lately? I am sure you heard every word Trump has said. Only by invoking ML can Trump do the following things he promised he would do. And this is only a brief list of the things on his Martial Law agenda:

1. Any one who kills a cop will get the death penalty. I guess he will have to suspend the prohibitions agains the DP in those states that don't have it. He can do that under Martial Law. I guess when cops kill unarmed civilians he will make an exception for the cop and let internal affairs handle it...

2. I will overturn Obamacare.

With Congress and the Supreme court bypassed (ML) anything is possible.

3.I will build a wall along the entire Mexican American border...If china built one that long so can we.

What about the NORTHERN border, mr. T(C)hump? And who is going to pay for all of that construction...our children? Oh well, I guess under Martial Law it is possible to do all of that and pass the buck onto the next Democratic President if the presidency is still intact after Trump has trumped all political card games.

These are but a few of the things on Trump's menu that can ONLY be done under the auspices of Martial Law. Even a Republican heavy congress would not accommodate his madness.
None of those comments of Trump's (if they're accurate) contain the words "martial law". YOUR comments do, but HIS don't. The only one "hinting" at invoking ML is you. You don't like what he wants to do so you make shit up to try and scare people. Pathetic.

Of course Trump is not going to SAY he will implement Martial Law at this stage of his game. That would alert sensible people of his nefarious plans. But a close examination of his rhetoric and a working knowledge of his past, his domineering behavior and ruthless megalomania , coalesces into a forecast of his would be presidency that can not be denied.
So because he doesn't MENTION it, YOU get to mention it on his behalf. I see how your logic works. :lol:
Thanks, I knew you would finally see the light...My logic is pretty damn awesome doncha think? :lol:

I think you'd be a great fictional writer, you have quite the imagination.:thup:

So now you are trying to tell me that I imagined Trump made promises that he intends to keep, that is, IF, and that is a BIG "if," he becomes president?
Any one who has been following this thread would think YOU were the
one with the vivid imagination. Why? Because you have your head in the sand. Every one knows that when your head is in the sand you can't fathom the real world.
However, if Hillary or Obama were to declare Martial Law, I wouldn't be as concerned as I might be if Trump was in a position to do it.
So, you don't object to tyranny, as long as the tyrant is a Democrat. That's what I thought.

stop projecting. rightwingnut loons are the ones who like tyranny. this president isn't a tyrant. you just don't like that you can't win national elections and lost twice to the black guy. now quiet idiota.

You read about sanctuary cities, not enforcing the gun laws on the books, giving guns to criminals in Mexico, enforcement of immigration laws and the list goes on and on? For Democrats that's not tyranny because they agree and can use breaking the laws of the land for votes, I suppose.


Yes that sums up every far left drone post on this board..
Putin's net worth

No, Obama is playing Putin like a fiddle. See how he let Putin take the fall in Syria. Russia can't afford to fight foreign wars, their economy is feeble enough even without war. Obama knows that but he let Putin's ego push Russia to the brink and into another conflict with the Turks.... heh heh heh.... Putin wannabe? Putin is an Obama wannabe.... Obama is rich..Putin is a poor fool.
I'll just take one of your points and demolish it. Putin's net worth. If obongo is worth anywhere close I'll have him brought up on charges for stealing from the American people...:bye1:
Well, Putin doesn't admit to having anywhere close to Obama's wealth, let alone the controversial 70 billion he is reputed to have accumulated. Pundits have speculated that he has secret accounts and investments that make him one of the richest humans in the world; but ,that is still just speculation.

As "proof" some casual observers have opined that luxury items owed by Putin is evidence of opulence. That may or may not be the case since powerful people are often given expensive gifts. Forgive me for being "conservative" but I was merely expressing what Putin has made public concerning his net worth.

How Vladimir Putin Stashed Away A Secret $70 Billion Personal Fortune
Your to obtuse for me to deal with. Now when I see yo hero obongo I picture him like this...

Thank God there is only ONE of you. Now begone..I have to disinfect this thread and clean the slime trail you left behind.

However, if Hillary or Obama were to declare Martial Law, I wouldn't be as concerned as I might be if Trump was in a position to do it.
So, you don't object to tyranny, as long as the tyrant is a Democrat. That's what I thought.
I didn't mention party affiliation, you did. I could probably get behind Ted Cruz or Doug Christie if either of those two became president and declared ML; but, NOT Trump.
So, you don't object to tyranny, as long as the tyrant is a Democrat. That's what I thought.

stop projecting. rightwingnut loons are the ones who like tyranny. this president isn't a tyrant. you just don't like that you can't win national elections and lost twice to the black guy. now quiet idiota.

You read about sanctuary cities, not enforcing the gun laws on the books, giving guns to criminals in Mexico, enforcement of immigration laws and the list goes on and on? For Democrats that's not tyranny because they agree and can use breaking the laws of the land for votes, I suppose.


... Gads, if only I would have known how to stifle you in the past...:smiliehug:
The yawn is actually an invitation if you think about it.
You gay guys ought to know... heh heh heh~

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