Will Donald Trump resign? Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse

How do you get the title of "presidential historian" without writing anything about presidential history? The last thing Birinkley is noted for is a collaboration with Johnny Depp in the psychobabble movie about Hunter Thompson's drug abuse in "Fear and loathing in Vegas".
why dont you show me a couple of posts of mine j talking about perverted sex or homosexuality....it should be easy i have enough posts...

You don't even remember your last couple posts?

Damn, dude. :laughing0301:
j you said and i quote....Why is everything perverted sex or homosexuality with you?....so lets see it....
Harry take your Homo Trump fantasy somewhere else buddy lol
you are the one who loves the fucker,not me....
Your detailed description of his butthole tells us other things lol
at least i dont kiss it like you do...but hey you are the single greatest monthly poster here setting the record for posts in a month....like i said before,you are the man....
Lol why would the greatest president that ever lived in the history of the world resign as president? Because little Democrats can’t handle Trump kicking your ass..
Holy shit.

You're just trolling right?

You can't possibly be serious...can you?

Is anyone really that stupid?
Lol why would the greatest president that ever lived in the history of the world resign as president? Because little Democrats can’t handle Trump kicking your ass..
Holy shit.

You're just trolling right?

You can't possibly be serious...can you?

Is anyone really that stupid?
Huh? History is recording the greatest president ever
The source is laughable. Brinkley gets to enjoy the ludicrous title of "presidential historian" because he works for CNN.
Currently, 45-50% (depending on source agency of poll) of Americans believe Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office. This is a higher number than Richard Nixon had at this stage of his impeachment.

Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating is 40-46%/52-56% depending on the poll.

Furthermore, Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating among women is 37/63% and it's not getting better. Trump approval among women hits lowest point in more than a year: poll

Donald Trump may take the bone spurs option and cut and run to get a get out of jail free card from Mike Pence, who may himself face impeachment for his role in the Ukraine scandal.

Donald Trump is done for and his star will implode and turn into a black hole.

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse
BY JESSICA CAMPISI - 11/30/19 08:11 AM EST 8,072

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley on Friday predicted that public support for President Trump will collapse as House Democrats continue their impeachment inquiry against him.
“It just tells you what deep trouble Donald Trump is in. I mean, when you have 50 percent of the country wanting you not just impeached but removed from office, and the game hasn’t even gotten fast yet,” Brinkley said Friday morning on CNN, where he serves as a contributor.
“I think once the vote is taken by Congress to impeach him and he’s wearing the ‘I’ on his chest, you’re going to see that movement grow even more,” Brinkley predicted.
He added of Trump, “It tells you he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s a base politician. He doesn’t know how to turn this around.”
Brinkley noted the successful campaigns of politicians from opposing parties that came after previous presidents faced political fallout.
"I think the Democrats might want to look at the way Jimmy Carter pulled off victory in 1976. He took the high road. He ran on saying, I will never tell a lie to you," Brinkley said. "He didn't have to say Nixon's lies or Lyndon Johnson's lies, just that I am clean, good governance coming your way if you vote for me."
Polling on impeachment has fluctuated in the nine weeks since Democrats launched their probe.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found a slight shift in the president's direction on impeachment. That survey found 45 percent in favor of Trump’s impeachment and removal, with 48 percent against it. That was a reversal from the poll's findings the previous month.
However, a CNN poll conducted after the first week of public hearings in the inquiry found that 50 percent of Americans said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 43 percent said he should not be — the same margin from a poll conducted in October.

Is Brinkley going to move out of the country after Trump wins next year?

Maybe he can take Krugman with him?
You don't even remember your last couple posts?

Damn, dude. :laughing0301:
j you said and i quote....Why is everything perverted sex or homosexuality with you?....so lets see it....
Harry take your Homo Trump fantasy somewhere else buddy lol
you are the one who loves the fucker,not me....
Your detailed description of his butthole tells us other things lol
at least i dont kiss it like you do...but hey you are the single greatest monthly poster here setting the record for posts in a month....like i said before,you are the man....

Kewl, mang. Think I'll ever make "Top Poster of the Month"? That Jitss617 is kind of a post whore, I bet I can beat him. :04:
j you said and i quote....Why is everything perverted sex or homosexuality with you?....so lets see it....
Harry take your Homo Trump fantasy somewhere else buddy lol
you are the one who loves the fucker,not me....
Your detailed description of his butthole tells us other things lol
at least i dont kiss it like you do...but hey you are the single greatest monthly poster here setting the record for posts in a month....like i said before,you are the man....

Kewl, mang. Think I'll ever make "Top Poster of the Month"? That Jitss617 is kind of a post whore, I bet I can beat him. :04:
That’s back to back poster of the month for you pal
I enjoy reading these left wing meltdown threads over president Trump. The man works tirelessly for the American people and for no pay yet snot nosed prissy liberals do nothing but bash the guy. Mooching libs get a job then you will have less time to bash our president.
Harry take your Homo Trump fantasy somewhere else buddy lol
you are the one who loves the fucker,not me....
Your detailed description of his butthole tells us other things lol
at least i dont kiss it like you do...but hey you are the single greatest monthly poster here setting the record for posts in a month....like i said before,you are the man....

Kewl, mang. Think I'll ever make "Top Poster of the Month"? That Jitss617 is kind of a post whore, I bet I can beat him. :04:
That’s back to back poster of the month for you pal

I defer to your excellence, o might one. I am not worthy. :rock:
Currently, 45-50% (depending on source agency of poll) of Americans believe Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office. This is a higher number than Richard Nixon had at this stage of his impeachment.

Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating is 40-46%/52-56% depending on the poll.

Furthermore, Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating among women is 37/63% and it's not getting better. Trump approval among women hits lowest point in more than a year: poll

Donald Trump may take the bone spurs option and cut and run to get a get out of jail free card from Mike Pence, who may himself face impeachment for his role in the Ukraine scandal.

Donald Trump is done for and his star will implode and turn into a black hole.

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse
BY JESSICA CAMPISI - 11/30/19 08:11 AM EST 8,072

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley on Friday predicted that public support for President Trump will collapse as House Democrats continue their impeachment inquiry against him.
“It just tells you what deep trouble Donald Trump is in. I mean, when you have 50 percent of the country wanting you not just impeached but removed from office, and the game hasn’t even gotten fast yet,” Brinkley said Friday morning on CNN, where he serves as a contributor.
“I think once the vote is taken by Congress to impeach him and he’s wearing the ‘I’ on his chest, you’re going to see that movement grow even more,” Brinkley predicted.
He added of Trump, “It tells you he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s a base politician. He doesn’t know how to turn this around.”
Brinkley noted the successful campaigns of politicians from opposing parties that came after previous presidents faced political fallout.
"I think the Democrats might want to look at the way Jimmy Carter pulled off victory in 1976. He took the high road. He ran on saying, I will never tell a lie to you," Brinkley said. "He didn't have to say Nixon's lies or Lyndon Johnson's lies, just that I am clean, good governance coming your way if you vote for me."
Polling on impeachment has fluctuated in the nine weeks since Democrats launched their probe.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found a slight shift in the president's direction on impeachment. That survey found 45 percent in favor of Trump’s impeachment and removal, with 48 percent against it. That was a reversal from the poll's findings the previous month.
However, a CNN poll conducted after the first week of public hearings in the inquiry found that 50 percent of Americans said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 43 percent said he should not be — the same margin from a poll conducted in October.
Rather than use opinion polls - which as we know struggle to measure Trump's support - Moody's and others employ scientific models to predict the future, and every one I've read says Trump in 2020 ... BIGLY. No wonder the Dems are so hot to impeach.

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that
According to Moody’s Analytics, Trump is headed toward another four years in the White House. And, if the numbers are right, it won’t even be close.
Earlier scientific modelers came to the same conclusion as Moody's.

3 forecast modelers predict Trump will win in 2020
The big picture: Trump wins all three modelers. Economists predict that the tailwind is large.
  • Ray Fair, a professor at Yale, "found that the growth rates of gross domestic product and inflation have been the two most important economic predictors — but he also found that incumbency was also an important determinant of presidential election outcomes."
  • "Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, has looked at 12 models, and Mr. Trump wins in all of them."
  • "Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics has reached the same conclusion in his examination of the Electoral College."
Trump isn't going anywhere until say, 2024.We are just going to get used to the liberal democrat ankle biters whining about the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
The last forlorn hope for the left is to call on phony CNN shills to bolster support for the crazy political coup when democrats don't even have a viable candidate less than a year from the election.
Currently, 45-50% (depending on source agency of poll) of Americans believe Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office. This is a higher number than Richard Nixon had at this stage of his impeachment.

Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating is 40-46%/52-56% depending on the poll.

Furthermore, Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating among women is 37/63% and it's not getting better. Trump approval among women hits lowest point in more than a year: poll

Donald Trump may take the bone spurs option and cut and run to get a get out of jail free card from Mike Pence, who may himself face impeachment for his role in the Ukraine scandal.

Donald Trump is done for and his star will implode and turn into a black hole.

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse
BY JESSICA CAMPISI - 11/30/19 08:11 AM EST 8,072

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley on Friday predicted that public support for President Trump will collapse as House Democrats continue their impeachment inquiry against him.
“It just tells you what deep trouble Donald Trump is in. I mean, when you have 50 percent of the country wanting you not just impeached but removed from office, and the game hasn’t even gotten fast yet,” Brinkley said Friday morning on CNN, where he serves as a contributor.
“I think once the vote is taken by Congress to impeach him and he’s wearing the ‘I’ on his chest, you’re going to see that movement grow even more,” Brinkley predicted.
He added of Trump, “It tells you he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s a base politician. He doesn’t know how to turn this around.”
Brinkley noted the successful campaigns of politicians from opposing parties that came after previous presidents faced political fallout.
"I think the Democrats might want to look at the way Jimmy Carter pulled off victory in 1976. He took the high road. He ran on saying, I will never tell a lie to you," Brinkley said. "He didn't have to say Nixon's lies or Lyndon Johnson's lies, just that I am clean, good governance coming your way if you vote for me."
Polling on impeachment has fluctuated in the nine weeks since Democrats launched their probe.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found a slight shift in the president's direction on impeachment. That survey found 45 percent in favor of Trump’s impeachment and removal, with 48 percent against it. That was a reversal from the poll's findings the previous month.
However, a CNN poll conducted after the first week of public hearings in the inquiry found that 50 percent of Americans said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 43 percent said he should not be — the same margin from a poll conducted in October.

You have been trolled. Enjoy.
Currently, 45-50% (depending on source agency of poll) of Americans believe Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office. This is a higher number than Richard Nixon had at this stage of his impeachment.

Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating is 40-46%/52-56% depending on the poll.

Furthermore, Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating among women is 37/63% and it's not getting better. Trump approval among women hits lowest point in more than a year: poll

Donald Trump may take the bone spurs option and cut and run to get a get out of jail free card from Mike Pence, who may himself face impeachment for his role in the Ukraine scandal.

Donald Trump is done for and his star will implode and turn into a black hole.

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse
BY JESSICA CAMPISI - 11/30/19 08:11 AM EST 8,072

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley on Friday predicted that public support for President Trump will collapse as House Democrats continue their impeachment inquiry against him.
“It just tells you what deep trouble Donald Trump is in. I mean, when you have 50 percent of the country wanting you not just impeached but removed from office, and the game hasn’t even gotten fast yet,” Brinkley said Friday morning on CNN, where he serves as a contributor.
“I think once the vote is taken by Congress to impeach him and he’s wearing the ‘I’ on his chest, you’re going to see that movement grow even more,” Brinkley predicted.
He added of Trump, “It tells you he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s a base politician. He doesn’t know how to turn this around.”
Brinkley noted the successful campaigns of politicians from opposing parties that came after previous presidents faced political fallout.
"I think the Democrats might want to look at the way Jimmy Carter pulled off victory in 1976. He took the high road. He ran on saying, I will never tell a lie to you," Brinkley said. "He didn't have to say Nixon's lies or Lyndon Johnson's lies, just that I am clean, good governance coming your way if you vote for me."
Polling on impeachment has fluctuated in the nine weeks since Democrats launched their probe.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found a slight shift in the president's direction on impeachment. That survey found 45 percent in favor of Trump’s impeachment and removal, with 48 percent against it. That was a reversal from the poll's findings the previous month.
However, a CNN poll conducted after the first week of public hearings in the inquiry found that 50 percent of Americans said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 43 percent said he should not be — the same margin from a poll conducted in October.

If he doesn't resign you kill yourself, ok?
Currently, 45-50% (depending on source agency of poll) of Americans believe Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office. This is a higher number than Richard Nixon had at this stage of his impeachment.

Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating is 40-46%/52-56% depending on the poll.

Furthermore, Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating among women is 37/63% and it's not getting better. Trump approval among women hits lowest point in more than a year: poll

Donald Trump may take the bone spurs option and cut and run to get a get out of jail free card from Mike Pence, who may himself face impeachment for his role in the Ukraine scandal.

Donald Trump is done for and his star will implode and turn into a black hole.

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse
BY JESSICA CAMPISI - 11/30/19 08:11 AM EST 8,072

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley on Friday predicted that public support for President Trump will collapse as House Democrats continue their impeachment inquiry against him.
“It just tells you what deep trouble Donald Trump is in. I mean, when you have 50 percent of the country wanting you not just impeached but removed from office, and the game hasn’t even gotten fast yet,” Brinkley said Friday morning on CNN, where he serves as a contributor.
“I think once the vote is taken by Congress to impeach him and he’s wearing the ‘I’ on his chest, you’re going to see that movement grow even more,” Brinkley predicted.
He added of Trump, “It tells you he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s a base politician. He doesn’t know how to turn this around.”
Brinkley noted the successful campaigns of politicians from opposing parties that came after previous presidents faced political fallout.
"I think the Democrats might want to look at the way Jimmy Carter pulled off victory in 1976. He took the high road. He ran on saying, I will never tell a lie to you," Brinkley said. "He didn't have to say Nixon's lies or Lyndon Johnson's lies, just that I am clean, good governance coming your way if you vote for me."
Polling on impeachment has fluctuated in the nine weeks since Democrats launched their probe.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found a slight shift in the president's direction on impeachment. That survey found 45 percent in favor of Trump’s impeachment and removal, with 48 percent against it. That was a reversal from the poll's findings the previous month.
However, a CNN poll conducted after the first week of public hearings in the inquiry found that 50 percent of Americans said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 43 percent said he should not be — the same margin from a poll conducted in October.

Historically accurate election forecaster predicts Trump will win by even greater margin in 2020
The man who predicted Trump's victory says Democrats may have to impeach him to have a chance in 2020 - CNNPolitics
Currently, 45-50% (depending on source agency of poll) of Americans believe Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office. This is a higher number than Richard Nixon had at this stage of his impeachment.

Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating is 40-46%/52-56% depending on the poll.

Furthermore, Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating among women is 37/63% and it's not getting better. Trump approval among women hits lowest point in more than a year: poll

Donald Trump may take the bone spurs option and cut and run to get a get out of jail free card from Mike Pence, who may himself face impeachment for his role in the Ukraine scandal.

Donald Trump is done for and his star will implode and turn into a black hole.

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse
BY JESSICA CAMPISI - 11/30/19 08:11 AM EST 8,072

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley on Friday predicted that public support for President Trump will collapse as House Democrats continue their impeachment inquiry against him.
“It just tells you what deep trouble Donald Trump is in. I mean, when you have 50 percent of the country wanting you not just impeached but removed from office, and the game hasn’t even gotten fast yet,” Brinkley said Friday morning on CNN, where he serves as a contributor.
“I think once the vote is taken by Congress to impeach him and he’s wearing the ‘I’ on his chest, you’re going to see that movement grow even more,” Brinkley predicted.
He added of Trump, “It tells you he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s a base politician. He doesn’t know how to turn this around.”
Brinkley noted the successful campaigns of politicians from opposing parties that came after previous presidents faced political fallout.
"I think the Democrats might want to look at the way Jimmy Carter pulled off victory in 1976. He took the high road. He ran on saying, I will never tell a lie to you," Brinkley said. "He didn't have to say Nixon's lies or Lyndon Johnson's lies, just that I am clean, good governance coming your way if you vote for me."
Polling on impeachment has fluctuated in the nine weeks since Democrats launched their probe.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found a slight shift in the president's direction on impeachment. That survey found 45 percent in favor of Trump’s impeachment and removal, with 48 percent against it. That was a reversal from the poll's findings the previous month.
However, a CNN poll conducted after the first week of public hearings in the inquiry found that 50 percent of Americans said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 43 percent said he should not be — the same margin from a poll conducted in October.
I agree that support will collapse, but I don't think tRump will resign.

He's a "go down in flames" guy.
Currently, 45-50% (depending on source agency of poll) of Americans believe Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office. This is a higher number than Richard Nixon had at this stage of his impeachment.

Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating is 40-46%/52-56% depending on the poll.

Furthermore, Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating among women is 37/63% and it's not getting better. Trump approval among women hits lowest point in more than a year: poll

Donald Trump may take the bone spurs option and cut and run to get a get out of jail free card from Mike Pence, who may himself face impeachment for his role in the Ukraine scandal.

Donald Trump is done for and his star will implode and turn into a black hole.

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse
BY JESSICA CAMPISI - 11/30/19 08:11 AM EST 8,072

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley on Friday predicted that public support for President Trump will collapse as House Democrats continue their impeachment inquiry against him.
“It just tells you what deep trouble Donald Trump is in. I mean, when you have 50 percent of the country wanting you not just impeached but removed from office, and the game hasn’t even gotten fast yet,” Brinkley said Friday morning on CNN, where he serves as a contributor.
“I think once the vote is taken by Congress to impeach him and he’s wearing the ‘I’ on his chest, you’re going to see that movement grow even more,” Brinkley predicted.
He added of Trump, “It tells you he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s a base politician. He doesn’t know how to turn this around.”
Brinkley noted the successful campaigns of politicians from opposing parties that came after previous presidents faced political fallout.
"I think the Democrats might want to look at the way Jimmy Carter pulled off victory in 1976. He took the high road. He ran on saying, I will never tell a lie to you," Brinkley said. "He didn't have to say Nixon's lies or Lyndon Johnson's lies, just that I am clean, good governance coming your way if you vote for me."
Polling on impeachment has fluctuated in the nine weeks since Democrats launched their probe.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found a slight shift in the president's direction on impeachment. That survey found 45 percent in favor of Trump’s impeachment and removal, with 48 percent against it. That was a reversal from the poll's findings the previous month.
However, a CNN poll conducted after the first week of public hearings in the inquiry found that 50 percent of Americans said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 43 percent said he should not be — the same margin from a poll conducted in October.
I agree that support will collapse, but I don't think tRump will resign.

He's a "go down in flames" guy.

Oh don't worry...you got him right where you want him...you'll get him on banging liberal porn whores...oh wait, I meant Russian collusion...oh wait, I meant obstruction of justice...oh wait, I meant some crazy Ukraine shit..yeah, yeah..that's what I meant.
Currently, 45-50% (depending on source agency of poll) of Americans believe Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office. This is a higher number than Richard Nixon had at this stage of his impeachment.

Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating is 40-46%/52-56% depending on the poll.

Furthermore, Donald Trump's approval/disapproval rating among women is 37/63% and it's not getting better. Trump approval among women hits lowest point in more than a year: poll

Donald Trump may take the bone spurs option and cut and run to get a get out of jail free card from Mike Pence, who may himself face impeachment for his role in the Ukraine scandal.

Donald Trump is done for and his star will implode and turn into a black hole.

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse
BY JESSICA CAMPISI - 11/30/19 08:11 AM EST 8,072

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley on Friday predicted that public support for President Trump will collapse as House Democrats continue their impeachment inquiry against him.
“It just tells you what deep trouble Donald Trump is in. I mean, when you have 50 percent of the country wanting you not just impeached but removed from office, and the game hasn’t even gotten fast yet,” Brinkley said Friday morning on CNN, where he serves as a contributor.
“I think once the vote is taken by Congress to impeach him and he’s wearing the ‘I’ on his chest, you’re going to see that movement grow even more,” Brinkley predicted.
He added of Trump, “It tells you he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s a base politician. He doesn’t know how to turn this around.”
Brinkley noted the successful campaigns of politicians from opposing parties that came after previous presidents faced political fallout.
"I think the Democrats might want to look at the way Jimmy Carter pulled off victory in 1976. He took the high road. He ran on saying, I will never tell a lie to you," Brinkley said. "He didn't have to say Nixon's lies or Lyndon Johnson's lies, just that I am clean, good governance coming your way if you vote for me."
Polling on impeachment has fluctuated in the nine weeks since Democrats launched their probe.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found a slight shift in the president's direction on impeachment. That survey found 45 percent in favor of Trump’s impeachment and removal, with 48 percent against it. That was a reversal from the poll's findings the previous month.
However, a CNN poll conducted after the first week of public hearings in the inquiry found that 50 percent of Americans said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 43 percent said he should not be — the same margin from a poll conducted in October.

Historically accurate election forecaster predicts Trump will win by even greater margin in 2020
The man who predicted Trump's victory says Democrats may have to impeach him to have a chance in 2020 - CNNPolitics
I love how you morons pick and choose what narrative you think is real. Under any other circumstance, you whine about the credibility of CNN but as soon as it presents a narrative you like, you double down on it. You people lack the emotional maturity to encounter cognitive dissonance. You can only handle what coddles your pre-conceived notions.

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