Will Elizabeth Warren Run?


The GOP should damn well be afraid of Warren. She presents a good image, comes off as very sincere, and is able to explain complex matters with great simplicity. That last talent will come in extremely handy on the campaign trail and in commercials.

Of course, her simplistic explanations are just that, terribly shallow, laughably superficial and completely slanted. But that doesn't matter -- American politics is about image, something that the GOP somehow hasn't figured out yet.

Yup, watch out for her.


I hope she runs, and wins the primaries, it will make the destruction of the Democrats inevitable.

no it won't. Seriously what do you people smoke, because none of this is going to happen
Obama was ready.

Fuck. Now I have to go to the ER. I just laughed so hard one of my lungs popped.

Well the good news is that he got Obama care passed (something that no President before did) so you should be well taken care of if you didn't have insurance beforehand.

Keep your chin up and get better.

Obama had nothing to do with ObamaCare getting passed. The Congressional Democrats did all the heavy lifting. He came riding in on a shining steed toward the end and damn near blew the whole deal off the tracks.

He has the unprecented good fortune (from his perspective) of being opposed by greater incompetents than himself.
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Fuck. Now I have to go to the ER. I just laughed so hard one of my lungs popped.

Well the good news is that he got Obama care passed (something that no President before did) so you should be well taken care of if you didn't have insurance beforehand.

Keep your chin up and get better.

Obama had nothing to do with ObamaCare getting passed.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I also hear from a Dana Bash tweet...

And people think I am kidding when I say faux conservatives have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

Almost as bad as some "real" conservatives...

The GOP should damn well be afraid of Warren. She presents a good image, comes off as very sincere, and is able to explain complex matters with great simplicity. That last talent will come in extremely handy on the campaign trail and in commercials.

Of course, her simplistic explanations are just that, terribly shallow, laughably superficial and completely slanted. But that doesn't matter -- American politics is about image, something that the GOP somehow hasn't figured out yet.

Yup, watch out for her.


I hope she runs, and wins the primaries, it will make the destruction of the Democrats inevitable.

Yeah that's what people said about Obama.

If we aren't careful our pride is going to destroy us.

The difference is that Obama is a smooth talking lefty who pretends to be moderate, and Warren makes Dennis Kucinch look moderate. I know there are a lot of lefties who think Obama's biggest problem is that he is way too moderate, but the country is still more conservative than progressive, she wouldn't have a chance.
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This just gets better. Elizabeth "You Didnt Build That" Warren considering running for prez against Hillary. This would definitely pit that batshit crazy left against the batshit crazy hard left. Two less attractive women I would be hard pressed to imagine.
It doesn't matter. The Obama machine wont let either one win. From now on, it's the United States of Chocolate baby. It's payback time.

Will Elizabeth Warren challenge Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Yes, indeed.

The Fascists (Hillary) vs the Socialists (Elizabeth Warren)

If she wins, and I suspect she will, socialists tend to offer even more freebies, the next contest will be

Libertarians vs Socialists

mark my words.


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