Will Elizabeth Warren Run?

Ah, because the poor don't use roads, and the rich pay no taxes.

Have a banana... :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

The rich benefit much more from infrastructure than they pay in taxes. Roads, waterways, rail, air, electric and communications infrastructure....all allow business to get raw materials, customers, finished product and services to worldwide locations at low cost. They exist only because that infrastructure is in place

The poor only need roads to visit grandma once in a while. I don't need to drive to work. I could live in walking distance from where I work if there were no roads. Workers can survive without roads...businesses can't

That food you eat? That shirt you are wearing? They did not get to you by magic.

For centuries, workers lived in close proximity to where they worked. Company towns and urban areas were the norm. Your food came from local farms which supported the area

I'm not saying wokers do not benefit from our infrastructure. They do

But to claim that their benefit is anywhere near the equivalent of what business benefits from infrastructure is a reach. Buisiness would not exist without our public infrastructure

Elizabeth Warren is correct....You didn't build that
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The rich benefit much more from infrastructure than they pay in taxes. Roads, waterways, rail, air, electric and communications infrastructure....all allow business to get raw materials, customers, finished product and services to worldwide locations at low cost. They exist only because that infrastructure is in place

The poor only need roads to visit grandma once in a while. I don't need to drive to work. I could live in walking distance from where I work if there were no roads. Workers can survive without roads...businesses can't

That food you eat? That shirt you are wearing? They did not get to you by magic.

For centuries, workers lived in close proximity to where they worked. Company towns and urban areas were the norm. Your food came from local farms which supported the area

Thanks for the unneccessary history lesson, but it is completely irrelevant.

I'm not saying wokers do not benefit from our infrastructure. They do

But to claim that their benefit is anywhere near the equivalent of what business benefits from infrastructure is a reach. Buisiness would not exist without our public infrastructure

Nor would you. You would starve to death in a matter of days.

Elizabeth Warren is correct....You didn't build that

Nor did you.

Pay up.
The rich benefit much more from infrastructure than they pay in taxes.

Yes, you spewed that.

And I pointed out that it's fucking retarded.

Roads, waterways, rail, air, electric and communications infrastructure....all allow business to get raw materials, customers, finished product and services to worldwide locations at low cost. They exist only because that infrastructure is in place

And business pays taxes commiserate with their activity. The illegal that you love pays very little in taxes, yet uses the roads, waterways, and rail. Though it pains you, air and communications are private - your handlers are as dishonest as they are stupid.

The business that you hate pays a great deal in taxes, based on the economic activity.

You see, Elizabeth Warren is what economists call a "fucktard." She spews idiocy that only mindless drones will find compelling.

The poor only need roads to visit grandma once in a while.

Right, the poor never go to the store to use their Obama EBT card. They never go to the library, or the park. Never do they go see the Social Worker to get a raise on their Obama SNAP welfare.

Fucktard logic is amazing....

I don't need to drive to work. I could live in walking distance from where I work if there were no roads. Workers can survive without roads...businesses can't

More of that amazing fucktard logic....
That food you eat? That shirt you are wearing? They did not get to you by magic.

For centuries, workers lived in close proximity to where they worked. Company towns and urban areas were the norm. Your food came from local farms which supported the area

Thanks for the unneccessary history lesson, but it is completely irrelevant.

I'm not saying wokers do not benefit from our infrastructure. They do

But to claim that their benefit is anywhere near the equivalent of what business benefits from infrastructure is a reach. Buisiness would not exist without our public infrastructure

Nor would you. You would starve to death in a matter of days.

Elizabeth Warren is correct....You didn't build that

Nor did you.

Pay up.

Buisiness, as we know it today, would not exist without public infrastructure

Where would our oil and auto companies be without a huge investment in our infrastructure?
Where would business be without an endless supply of publicly educated workers?
Where would they be without an uninterupted supply of power?
Where would they be without a means to get their product to a global market?

Buisiness....you didn't build that and your taxes do not come close to how much you benefit from public infrastructure
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Ah, because the poor don't use roads, and the rich pay no taxes.

Have a banana... :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

The rich benefit much more from infrastructure than they pay in taxes. Roads, waterways, rail, air, electric and communications infrastructure....all allow business to get raw materials, customers, finished product and services to worldwide locations at low cost. They exist only because that infrastructure is in place

The poor only need roads to visit grandma once in a while. I don't need to drive to work. I could live in walking distance from where I work if there were no roads. Workers can survive without roads...businesses can't

That food you eat? That shirt you are wearing? They did not get to you by magic.

I paid MY taxes to make it so. Do you have ANY idea how many corporations are skating on that front, these days?
Quote: Originally Posted by g5000 View Post
""""Elizabeth Warren suffers from one of the most strange delusions I have ever seen.

Warren believes only rich people use roads and bridges and schools. She actually believes this, and those who idolize her have incorporated this bizarre self-deception into their psyches.

Mass hysteria."""""

That is not what she said. If Fox edited her speech down to soundbites that translated into that, I'm not surprised.

She said taxes paid by Americans built the roads, highways, bridges, rail and airport facilities that are used by business owners and manufacturers to build and grow their businesses.

They didn't build the infrastructure which supports their commerce. We did collectively as a nation.

That is what she said.

No. What she said was that we need to tax the rich more because they use the roads and bridges. She did not say we need to tax everyone more because we all use roads and bridges.

Considering they either pay nothing at all, like G.E. (GE Filed 57,000-Page Tax Return, Paid No Taxes on $14 Billion in Profits | The Weekly Standard),

or less than Warren Buffett ("My secretary pays more taxes than I do.") maybe she's right.
The rich benefit much more from infrastructure than they pay in taxes. Roads, waterways, rail, air, electric and communications infrastructure....all allow business to get raw materials, customers, finished product and services to worldwide locations at low cost. They exist only because that infrastructure is in place

The poor only need roads to visit grandma once in a while. I don't need to drive to work. I could live in walking distance from where I work if there were no roads. Workers can survive without roads...businesses can't

That food you eat? That shirt you are wearing? They did not get to you by magic.

I paid MY taxes to make it so. Do you have ANY idea how many corporations are skating on that front, these days?

You can get a snapshot of who they are by going to forbes.com and clicking on the Forbes 100.

The GOP should damn well be afraid of Warren. She presents a good image, comes off as very sincere, and is able to explain complex matters with great simplicity. That last talent will come in extremely handy on the campaign trail and in commercials.

Of course, her simplistic explanations are just that, terribly shallow, laughably superficial and completely slanted. But that doesn't matter -- American politics is about image, something that the GOP somehow hasn't figured out yet.

Yup, watch out for her.


I hope she runs, and wins the primaries, it will make the destruction of the Democrats inevitable.
I don't have a problem with Elizabeth Warren.

Guys on the right smear all dems, in particular, women or presidential candidates.

Or other republicans who are not in complete lock-steep with the "one brain."

Elizabeth Warren will get eaten alive by the republican smear machine ... and those same cats will cry if you mention Palin or any other right-wing chic.

Oh, the hypocrisy....

She is not ready.

That didn't stop Obama.

The GOP should damn well be afraid of Warren. She presents a good image, comes off as very sincere, and is able to explain complex matters with great simplicity. That last talent will come in extremely handy on the campaign trail and in commercials.

Of course, her simplistic explanations are just that, terribly shallow, laughably superficial and completely slanted. But that doesn't matter -- American politics is about image, something that the GOP somehow hasn't figured out yet.

Yup, watch out for her.


I hope she runs, and wins the primaries, it will make the destruction of the Democrats inevitable.

Yeah that's what people said about Obama.

If we aren't careful our pride is going to destroy us.
I don't have a problem with Elizabeth Warren.

Guys on the right smear all dems, in particular, women or presidential candidates.

Or other republicans who are not in complete lock-steep with the "one brain."

Elizabeth Warren will get eaten alive by the republican smear machine ... and those same cats will cry if you mention Palin or any other right-wing chic.

Oh, the hypocrisy....

She is not ready.

That didn't stop Obama.

Obama was ready. Warren is not.
Quote: Originally Posted by g5000 View Post
""""Elizabeth Warren suffers from one of the most strange delusions I have ever seen.

Warren believes only rich people use roads and bridges and schools. She actually believes this, and those who idolize her have incorporated this bizarre self-deception into their psyches.

Mass hysteria."""""

That is not what she said. If Fox edited her speech down to soundbites that translated into that, I'm not surprised.

She said taxes paid by Americans built the roads, highways, bridges, rail and airport facilities that are used by business owners and manufacturers to build and grow their businesses.

They didn't build the infrastructure which supports their commerce. We did collectively as a nation.

That is what she said.

No. What she said was that we need to tax the rich more because they use the roads and bridges. She did not say we need to tax everyone more because we all use roads and bridges.

Considering they either pay nothing at all, like G.E. (GE Filed 57,000-Page Tax Return, Paid No Taxes on $14 Billion in Profits | The Weekly Standard),

or less than Warren Buffett ("My secretary pays more taxes than I do.") maybe she's right.

You seem oblivious to the fact that there are rich people who are not General Electric.

You want to raise taxes on the guy in your town who lives in a bigger house than you. Because he is the only one using the roads and bridges.
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For centuries, workers lived in close proximity to where they worked. Company towns and urban areas were the norm. Your food came from local farms which supported the area

Thanks for the unneccessary history lesson, but it is completely irrelevant.

Nor would you. You would starve to death in a matter of days.

Elizabeth Warren is correct....You didn't build that

Nor did you.

Pay up.

Buisiness, as we know it today, would not exist without public infrastructure

Where would our oil and auto companies be without a huge investment in our infrastructure?
Where would business be without an endless supply of publicaly educated workers?
Where would they be without an uninterupted supply of power?
Where would they be without a means to get their product to a global market?

Buisiness....you didn't build that and your taxes do not come close to how much you benefit from public infrastructure

case in point: multinationals, such as apple & GE, set-up shops overseas & pay taxes to host country but not to US
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