Will Elizabeth Warren Run?

Bunch of sexist people in thos thread..not that they care, unless its a conservative so they can play that victim card.

Criticising Warren for her well known lies is now sexist. And we're playing the victim card?
You really are a loon.

Hey, get used to it. Whether it's Hillary or Warren, you'll hear the words "sexist" and "sexism" just as much as you've heard about racism with Obama.

Book it.

I dont think it will work. It didnt work for Mondale's VP.
Poor Jake, still trying to convince everyone you are a Republican?

You play a silly little game without the intellectual where with all to pull it of.

Antares continues to demonstrate that he thinks ad hom is evidence.

He is still scratching his head why Obama won in 2012 and our GOP lost seats in both houses.

hey Fakey, if you think running another "moderate" is going to foist the GOP into the WH in 2016, you're on some serious crack.

The moderate left of center to right of center elected Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes.

The moderate left of center to right of center elected Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama.

The far right never elected anyone.
For someone who know so much about Warren you don't realize she made her tax returns public?

Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren release tax returns - The Washington Post

You do realize she took a pay cut when she got the job as Senator, right? So you do realize that these returns WERE WHEN SHE WAS RUNNING FOR OFFICE, right?
So what? You do realize that everyone in congress despite their salary ends up being worth millions by the time they get out don't you?

Duh, yeah Sparky, I do. But if you go back to my original post I explained why I would vote for her.

The GOP should damn well be afraid of Warren. She presents a good image, comes off as very sincere, and is able to explain complex matters with great simplicity. That last talent will come in extremely handy on the campaign trail and in commercials.

Of course, her simplistic explanations are just that, terribly shallow, laughably superficial and completely slanted. But that doesn't matter -- American politics is about image, something that the GOP somehow hasn't figured out yet.

Yup, watch out for her.


She is a shrill haridan. No one is going to vote for that outside of MA, where they appreciate that sort of thing.

LOL! You really are an total idiot. Where do you think Romney ran from?

Bostonians and the people of Mass are not shrill. They are low key, reserved, and very private, snobby and all claim to be related to the original passengers of the Mayflower. But shrill haridans? No. Not even E Warren.

The GOP should damn well be afraid of Warren. She presents a good image, comes off as very sincere, and is able to explain complex matters with great simplicity. That last talent will come in extremely handy on the campaign trail and in commercials.

Of course, her simplistic explanations are just that, terribly shallow, laughably superficial and completely slanted. But that doesn't matter -- American politics is about image, something that the GOP somehow hasn't figured out yet.

Yup, watch out for her.


Then you have heard/read/seen her taking the banks to task over the mortgage crisis, right?

I wouldn't call this interview with her laughable and she's certainly not shallow. She bitch-slapped CNBC. Scroll down on this page to see the video:

MUST WATCH: The Video CNBC Tried To Hide From The Internet. They Probably Shouldn't Have Done That.
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The GOP should damn well be afraid of Warren. She presents a good image, comes off as very sincere, and is able to explain complex matters with great simplicity. That last talent will come in extremely handy on the campaign trail and in commercials.

Of course, her simplistic explanations are just that, terribly shallow, laughably superficial and completely slanted. But that doesn't matter -- American politics is about image, something that the GOP somehow hasn't figured out yet.

Yup, watch out for her.


She is a shrill haridan. No one is going to vote for that outside of MA, where they appreciate that sort of thing.

LOL! You really are an total idiot. Where do you think Romney ran from?

Bostonians and the people of Mass are not shrill. They are low key, reserved, and very private, snobby and all claim to be related to the original passengers of the Mayflower. But shrill haridans? No. Not even E Warren.
Do you ever tire of bashing Romney?
Do you ever tire of dealing in stereotypes? You think Barney Frank is private, low key and reserved? Or related to the Mayflower passengers?
Warren is from OK btw.
as long as she's not a sell-out, like many pols, and will take the banksters to task- AKA jail them if they break the law then I'd vote for her
She is a shrill haridan. No one is going to vote for that outside of MA, where they appreciate that sort of thing.

LOL! You really are an total idiot. Where do you think Romney ran from?

Bostonians and the people of Mass are not shrill. They are low key, reserved, and very private, snobby and all claim to be related to the original passengers of the Mayflower. But shrill haridans? No. Not even E Warren.
Do you ever tire of bashing Romney?
Do you ever tire of dealing in stereotypes? You think Barney Frank is private, low key and reserved? Or related to the Mayflower passengers?
Warren is from OK btw.

Sorry, Sparky...but you were bashing Republicans AND Romney. You just didn't know it.

Yes, I've already stated in a previous post that Warren is from OK, in reference to her native American heritage which is in doubt because the white male settlers didn't record their unions with Native Americans down at the local courthouse, because they probably didn't have one, or a police department either in some of the places where they lived and farmed.
as long as she's not a sell-out, like many pols, and will take the banksters to task- AKA jail them if they break the law then I'd vote for her

Me too.

She's no friend to Obama anymore either. Timothy Geithner kiboshed her nomination for heading the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in 2010.

She left D.C. after that, went back to Mass and beat Scott Brown's sorry ass for the senate seat.

She's tougher than Hillary Clinton. She doesn't have a Billary to prop her up. She can hold her own.
Elizabeth Warren suffers from one of the most strange delusions I have ever seen.

Warren believes only rich people use roads and bridges and schools. She actually believes this, and those who idolize her have incorporated this bizarre self-deception into their psyches.

Mass hysteria.
As Sen. Durbin has said in re: the senate, "The banks own the place". Does anyone doubt that comment? The people need to break that all too cozy relationship by someone who isn't bought-off by them w/ promises of future employment or threats of funding their opponents. So it can't be a clinton, or an Emmanuel, or basically any Repub ;) etc...
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Elizabeth Warren suffers from one of the most strange delusions I have ever seen.

Warren believes only rich people use roads and bridges and schools. She actually believes this, and those who idolize her have incorporated this bizarre self-deception into their psyches.

Mass hysteria.

Rich people benefit more from roads, bridges and schools
As Sen. Durbin has said in re: the senate, "The banks own the place". Does anyone doubt that comment? The people need to break that all too cozy relationship by someone who isn't bought-off by them w/ promises of future employment or threats of funding their opponents. So it can't be a clinton, or an Emmanuel, or basically any Repub ;) etc...
What interest rate did the banks pay the feds for the bailout? Yeah, tell me the banks own congress again.
Elizabeth Warren suffers from one of the most strange delusions I have ever seen.

Warren believes only rich people use roads and bridges and schools. She actually believes this, and those who idolize her have incorporated this bizarre self-deception into their psyches.

Mass hysteria.

Rich people benefit more from roads, bridges and schools

Because they drive moer? Have more children? What?

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