Will Elizabeth Warren Run?

Antares just demonstrated the inability of the entire far right to say anything intelligent.

80% of the country is on to you, guys. The polls aren't letting up at all on you folks.

It will be a Christie type who will be nominated for the GOP.
Shitting Bull....

versus Cankle Cow....

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Undocumented claims of Native American ancestry, especially those based on family lore, are not uncommon in this country.

except if they are listed in applications to acquire a desirable position, to compete for a financial reward, to obtain a benefit which is granted only because of their claimed ancestry - it is a FRAUD and a LIE to claim one without proving it.

A simple concept of NOT LYING in their quests for success is obviously foreign to dimocraps.

Which is not surprising, as the left ALWAYS LIE. Always.
Elizabeth Warren has every qualification to be president. I'd certainly vote for her.

Inexperienced? Check.
Hypocrite? Check
Class warrior? Check.
Lies like a rug? Check.

Yup, a worthy successor to Obozo. Please nominate Warren. I can't wait to see the cartoons and watch her squirm when her lies are revealed.

I posted it as a suggestion for the 99% here who don't read and only watch Fox.

If I can Katie Couric you, what newspapers, periodicals, books and internet sites do you read?

How do you know she has a salary that puts her in the 1%? She's a senator from Massachusetts. She makes $174,000 a year. Do you think that's the 1%?

And you're telling me that you read? What a fucking joke you are.

I read more in a day than you read in a week.

God, I can't believe you are echoing the Wasilla Sledbilly.
Bahahahaa....That was just about what she said to Couric, too.
Read what, Sarah?

You are a joke.

I was wrong, I read more in a day than you do in a year.

I read the Wall Street Journal, SF Chronicle, and New York Times every day. I also follow over 200 blogs across the political spectrum. I leave watching the news for people who can't, or won't, read. That is why I know you didn't actually see Palin say what you just claimed.
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I know enough to tell you are a Communist and an enemy of America. You hate America as she was founded, hate the parts of the Constitution that limits the Federal Government, hate life, hate traditional marriage, In other words, a typical feminazi Communist.

Boris does not know a kom'inyst frum a sohcul'ist from a d'ing mark'ist.

You are an idiot, Boris. America is on to the far right, and your glory days are over, son.
Fuck you, Democrat imposter. This country is far more Right wing Conservative than your pea-sized brain will ever accept.

It's been moving left the past five years, and it's going to continue to move more to the left.
Bunch of sexist people in thos thread..not that they care, unless its a conservative so they can play that victim card.
Bunch of sexist people in thos thread..not that they care, unless its a conservative so they can play that victim card.

Criticising Warren for her well known lies is now sexist. And we're playing the victim card?
You really are a loon.

I posted it as a suggestion for the 99% here who don't read and only watch Fox.

If I can Katie Couric you, what newspapers, periodicals, books and internet sites do you read?

How do you know she has a salary that puts her in the 1%? She's a senator from Massachusetts. She makes $174,000 a year. Do you think that's the 1%?

And you're telling me that you read? What a fucking joke you are.

For someone who know so much about Warren you don't realize she made her tax returns public?

Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren release tax returns - The Washington Post

Warren’s income peaked earlier. She and her husband (also a Harvard Law professor) made $981,000 in 2009 and $954,721 in 2010. In 2011, their combined income dropped to $616,000

You do realize she took a pay cut when she got the job as Senator, right? So you do realize that these returns WERE WHEN SHE WAS RUNNING FOR OFFICE, right?
So what? You do realize that everyone in congress despite their salary ends up being worth millions by the time they get out don't you?

The GOP should damn well be afraid of Warren. She presents a good image, comes off as very sincere, and is able to explain complex matters with great simplicity. That last talent will come in extremely handy on the campaign trail and in commercials.

Of course, her simplistic explanations are just that, terribly shallow, laughably superficial and completely slanted. But that doesn't matter -- American politics is about image, something that the GOP somehow hasn't figured out yet.

Yup, watch out for her.

She is shown in multiple law and college publications as "Native American" but she didn't have anything to do with that.


The GOP should damn well be afraid of Warren. She presents a good image, comes off as very sincere, and is able to explain complex matters with great simplicity. That last talent will come in extremely handy on the campaign trail and in commercials.

Of course, her simplistic explanations are just that, terribly shallow, laughably superficial and completely slanted. But that doesn't matter -- American politics is about image, something that the GOP somehow hasn't figured out yet.

Yup, watch out for her.


She is a shrill haridan. No one is going to vote for that outside of MA, where they appreciate that sort of thing.
Bunch of sexist people in thos thread..not that they care, unless its a conservative so they can play that victim card.

Criticising Warren for her well known lies is now sexist. And we're playing the victim card?
You really are a loon.

Hey, get used to it. Whether it's Hillary or Warren, you'll hear the words "sexist" and "sexism" just as much as you've heard about racism with Obama.

Book it.


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