Will Elizabeth Warren Run?

As Sen. Durbin has said in re: the senate, "The banks own the place". Does anyone doubt that comment?

Nope. It's a fact.

Here's a funny thing. Durbin's biggest campaign contributor is MacAndrews & Forbes, a bank holding company.

The banking sector is his third largest donor base:


Dick Durbin: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Senator 2014 | OpenSecrets
Elizabeth Warren suffers from one of the most strange delusions I have ever seen.

Warren believes only rich people use roads and bridges and schools. She actually believes this, and those who idolize her have incorporated this bizarre self-deception into their psyches.

Mass hysteria.

Rich people benefit more from roads, bridges and schools

Because they drive moer? Have more children? What?

The rich benefit more from our transportation infrastructure because it allows them to move product and services at low cost.
They benefit more from our public schools because they provide them with a trained workforce at no cost
"Honey, let's go listen to Elizabeth Warren attack the rich for using roads and bridges tonight."

"Okay! How do we get there?"

"Take Main Street to I-95 North. Get off Exit 23, and turn right onto MLK Blvd. Go about one mile to the overpass and take a left."
I don't have a problem with Elizabeth Warren.

Guys on the right smear all dems, in particular, women or presidential candidates.

Or other republicans who are not in complete lock-steep with the "one brain."

Elizabeth Warren will get eaten alive by the republican smear machine ... and those same cats will cry if you mention Palin or any other right-wing chic.

Oh, the hypocrisy....

She is not ready.
So its a fact. What does the latter statement do to refute that fact? Little known fact: > a few contributors give to both sides to hedge their bets (the corrupting effect of the Repubs, for the most part, equating big biz $$$ to speech) by their challenging the BCRA (watering it down) & bringing/championing Citizens United as if MORE $$$ will fix the problem :rolleyes:

As Sen. Durbin has said in re: the senate, "The banks own the place". Does anyone doubt that comment?

Nope. It's a fact.

Here's a funny thing. Durbin's biggest campaign contributor is MacAndrews & Forbes, a bank holding company.

The banking sector is his third largest donor base:


Dick Durbin: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Senator 2014 | OpenSecrets
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If you are eating a cheap tomato in the winter, you are benefitting from airplanes and ships bringing that tomato to you from many thousands of miles away. You didn't build those!
So its a fact. What does the latter statement do to refute that fact?

As Sen. Durbin has said in re: the senate, "The banks own the place". Does anyone doubt that comment?

Nope. It's a fact.

Here's a funny thing. Durbin's biggest campaign contributor is MacAndrews & Forbes, a bank holding company.

The banking sector is his third largest donor base:


Dick Durbin: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Senator 2014 | OpenSecrets

I'm saying he is as owned by the banks as the people to whom he is pointing.
You missed my previous post- contributors give to both sides to hedge their bets. How much does a senatorial campaign cost these days due to Repubs opening the floodgates via weakening the BCRA & bringing Citizens United forward? Magnitudes more than $127K. That figure appears to be a grand total, as opposed to being from one contributor, as well. I can't remember, has he had a worthy adversary recently?

So its a fact. What does the latter statement do to refute that fact?

Nope. It's a fact.

Here's a funny thing. Durbin's biggest campaign contributor is MacAndrews & Forbes, a bank holding company.

The banking sector is his third largest donor base:


Dick Durbin: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Senator 2014 | OpenSecrets

I'm saying he is as owned by the banks as the people to whom he is pointing.
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Rich people benefit more from roads, bridges and schools

Because they drive moer? Have more children? What?

The rich benefit more from our transportation infrastructure because it allows them to move product and services at low cost.
They benefit more from our public schools because they provide them with a trained workforce at no cost
So rich people pay no property taxes? Poorer people dont drive to work? What universe do you live in?
Quote: Originally Posted by g5000 View Post
""""Elizabeth Warren suffers from one of the most strange delusions I have ever seen.

Warren believes only rich people use roads and bridges and schools. She actually believes this, and those who idolize her have incorporated this bizarre self-deception into their psyches.

Mass hysteria."""""

That is not what she said. If Fox edited her speech down to soundbites that translated into that, I'm not surprised.

She said taxes paid by Americans built the roads, highways, bridges, rail and airport facilities that are used by business owners and manufacturers to build and grow their businesses.

They didn't build the infrastructure which supports their commerce. We did collectively as a nation.

That is what she said.
Because they drive moer? Have more children? What?

The rich benefit more from our transportation infrastructure because it allows them to move product and services at low cost.
They benefit more from our public schools because they provide them with a trained workforce at no cost
So rich people pay no property taxes? Poorer people dont drive to work? What universe do you live in?

Because the industries get a disproportionate share for their taxes.
The rich benefit more from our transportation infrastructure because it allows them to move product and services at low cost.
They benefit more from our public schools because they provide them with a trained workforce at no cost

Ah, because the poor don't use roads, and the rich pay no taxes.

Have a banana... :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

The rich benefit much more from infrastructure than they pay in taxes. Roads, waterways, rail, air, electric and communications infrastructure....all allow business to get raw materials, customers, finished product and services to worldwide locations at low cost. They exist only because that infrastructure is in place

The poor only need roads to visit grandma once in a while. I don't need to drive to work. I could live in walking distance from where I work if there were no roads. Workers can survive without roads...businesses can't
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I don't have a problem with Elizabeth Warren.

Guys on the right smear all dems, in particular, women or presidential candidates.

Or other republicans who are not in complete lock-steep with the "one brain."

Elizabeth Warren will get eaten alive by the republican smear machine ... and those same cats will cry if you mention Palin or any other right-wing chic.

Oh, the hypocrisy....

She is not ready.

You make her sound like a Thanksgiving turkey, but point taken. ;)
Quote: Originally Posted by g5000 View Post
""""Elizabeth Warren suffers from one of the most strange delusions I have ever seen.

Warren believes only rich people use roads and bridges and schools. She actually believes this, and those who idolize her have incorporated this bizarre self-deception into their psyches.

Mass hysteria."""""

That is not what she said. If Fox edited her speech down to soundbites that translated into that, I'm not surprised.

She said taxes paid by Americans built the roads, highways, bridges, rail and airport facilities that are used by business owners and manufacturers to build and grow their businesses.

They didn't build the infrastructure which supports their commerce. We did collectively as a nation.

That is what she said.

No. What she said was that we need to tax the rich more because they use the roads and bridges. She did not say we need to tax everyone more because we all use roads and bridges.
The rich benefit more from our transportation infrastructure because it allows them to move product and services at low cost.
They benefit more from our public schools because they provide them with a trained workforce at no cost

Ah, because the poor don't use roads, and the rich pay no taxes.

Have a banana... :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

The rich benefit much more from infrastructure than they pay in taxes. Roads, waterways, rail, air, electric and communications infrastructure....all allow business to get raw materials, customers, finished product and services to worldwide locations at low cost. They exist only because that infrastructure is in place

The poor only need roads to visit grandma once in a while. I don't need to drive to work. I could live in walking distance from where I work if there were no roads. Workers can survive without roads...businesses can't

That food you eat? That shirt you are wearing? They did not get to you by magic.
You missed my previous post- contributors give to both sides to hedge their bets. How much does a senatorial campaign cost these days due to Repubs opening the floodgates via weakening the BCRA & bringing Citizens United forward? Magnitudes more than $127K. That figure appears to be a grand total, as opposed to being from one contributor, as well. I can't remember, has he had a worthy adversary recently?

You want to cure the symptom instead of the disease.

Why does a bank or any other lobby give all that cash to a Representative or Senator?

Because they expect something in return. They expect tax breaks and lax regulations (or stricter regulations to prevent competitors from entering the market).

If you take away the ability of Congress to do most of these things, you take away the incentive for bribery. If a Congressman cannot put a carveout into the tax code or regulations for his "friends", then you just took away all incentive to give him cash for doing so. Presto, campaign finance reform without a campaign finance reform bill.

No campaign finance reform or court decision in over 40 years has had any effect on the re-election rates of incumbents.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
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