Will Elizabeth Warren Run?

Warren has been the only one to stand up and try to make the big banks not only accountable for the mortgage crisis which put this country into this "recession", she's also called for jail time and won't accept the fines that the banks want to pay, just so they can continue to do business as usual.

For starters, get "Inside Job" from Netflix and get back to us. That will relieve you from having to read reams of articles and books on this.

The banks love it when everyone thinks a minority woman with children who gets $395 a month in welfare is the downfall of our economy. THEY JUST LOVE IT.

In other words she's a class warfare clown. No wonder libs go ape shit over her. Never mind her own salary puts her in the top 1%.
Some of us actually read books rather than get our news from Netflix videos. You should try it. It will make you look less ignorant.

I posted it as a suggestion for the 99% here who don't read and only watch Fox.

If I can Katie Couric you, what newspapers, periodicals, books and internet sites do you read?

How do you know she has a salary that puts her in the 1%? She's a senator from Massachusetts. She makes $174,000 a year. Do you think that's the 1%?

And you're telling me that you read? What a fucking joke you are.

For someone who know so much about Warren you don't realize she made her tax returns public?

Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren release tax returns - The Washington Post

Warren’s income peaked earlier. She and her husband (also a Harvard Law professor) made $981,000 in 2009 and $954,721 in 2010. In 2011, their combined income dropped to $616,000
I don't think Hillary would make Warren her VP. wrong demographics.

I could see Warren as Secretary of the Treasury in a Clinton administration setting up a presidential run in 2020 or 2024
And that's all you've got. Nothing about her governing, nothing about her lean - nada. Yeah, you just run with the NA bit, and we'll elect her. :)


No, they don't got Jack-crap.

BOSTON -- Records show that the leading Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts identified her race as "white" on an employment record at the University of Texas and declined to apply for admission to Rutgers Law School under a program for minority students.

The records on Elizabeth Warren were obtained by The Associated Press on Thursday. Warren's heritage has been under scrutiny after it surfaced that she had listed herself as having Native American heritage in law school directories.

Warren's campaign said the records reinforce her earlier statements that she never relied on a claim of minority status to get teaching jobs. She has criticized the campaign of Republican U.S. Sen. Scott Brown for suggesting that might be the case.

Elizabeth Warren Did Not Claim Minority Status, Records Show
Who would support a fake Indian.

That's right, the Democrats.


You really are a windbag. Most of the whites whose ancestors settled into the southwest in the mid-1800s have American Indian lineage. I'm one of them. I'm 1/8th but I'm not going to disclose the tribe because you're too stupid to know enough about the western plains tribes in the first place. Just a guess on my part.

But it was Scott Brown taking cheap shots at Elizabeth Warren that caused this media fracas in the first place. She is from Oklahoma.

Can you admit you were lied to?

Scott Brown didn't bring this up, nor did he ever take advantage of the fact that Warren lied.

I have an Cherokee genealogist on my side, you have a false claim that Whites are really Indians.

Tell the truth.

You see, Ms. Warren, some of us have independently done our own research and we know you have no documentation supporting your claim of Cherokee ancestry.* We wonder why you believe you have the right to claim Cherokee ancestry and to call yourself a Native American when you have no evidence to support your claim. While you cling to a family story and the inaccurate report that ONE document was found that supports your claim, we real Cherokees understand that those things mean nothing. You see, we Cherokees have lots and lots and lots of documentation supporting our claims of our ancestry. Our Cherokee ancestors are found on every roll of the Cherokee Nation (30+ rolls!) dating back to before the removal and in all sorts of other documentation, including but not limited to claims against the US government for lost property; the Moravian missionary records; ration lists before and after the forced removal, etc...yet your ancestors are found in NONE of those records.

But, your ancestors are found in plenty of historical records, and every time, they are found living as white people among other white people. Never are your ancestors ever found living among the Cherokees. Never, never, never, never.......yet you claim they were Cherokee.

Hmmm........and they say you are an elite lawyer! Really?

Thoughts from Polly's Granddaughter: A Letter to Elizabeth Warren

Polly writes:
"But, your ancestors are found in plenty of historical records, and every time, they are found living as white people among other white people. Never are your ancestors ever found living among the Cherokees. Never, never, never, never.......yet you claim they were Cherokee."""

Um...that's sweet. You see, it's the other way around. White men would marry Native American women and they would live on the white man's property, not in the tribal villages.

My great-grandmother, a native American, lived with my white great-grandfather on his farm. They didn't raise a family on the reservation. Got it now?
So it's OK to pretend you're an Indian to take advantage of Affirmation Action set asides

She never took advantage of that - more crap.

Harvard Law’s First American Indian Professor? Elizabeth Warren (white)

Harvard Law School has notably bragged about its first “American Indian” hire back in 1996, Elizabeth Warren. Only one problem: she’s not Indian–certainly not in the demonstrable, legal sense, like all “real” Indians have to demonstrate. She claimed to have ancestry among the Cherokee and the Delaware, but none has been found by professional researchers.

Want to rephrase that son?
In other words she's a class warfare clown. No wonder libs go ape shit over her. Never mind her own salary puts her in the top 1%.
Some of us actually read books rather than get our news from Netflix videos. You should try it. It will make you look less ignorant.

I posted it as a suggestion for the 99% here who don't read and only watch Fox.

If I can Katie Couric you, what newspapers, periodicals, books and internet sites do you read?

How do you know she has a salary that puts her in the 1%? She's a senator from Massachusetts. She makes $174,000 a year. Do you think that's the 1%?

And you're telling me that you read? What a fucking joke you are.

For someone who know so much about Warren you don't realize she made her tax returns public?

Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren release tax returns - The Washington Post

Warren’s income peaked earlier. She and her husband (also a Harvard Law professor) made $981,000 in 2009 and $954,721 in 2010. In 2011, their combined income dropped to $616,000

You do realize she took a pay cut when she got the job as Senator, right? So you do realize that these returns WERE WHEN SHE WAS RUNNING FOR OFFICE, right?
Does anyone seriously believe Lizzie could survive a primary against Hillary?

Vince Foster sure doesn't.

There are a lot of good reasons for Warren to run, but no, she won't have any chance against Hillary. By running, Warren gets her name out there and puts herself in a better position to run again sometime down the road, depending how Hillary fares. She may also be thinking that by having a good showing, she might be considered for the VP slot. While that is a terrible idea for Hillary, it doesn't mean Warren isn't thinking it.

From Hillary's perspective, she should welcome a run by Warren, as it would give voters the opportunity to experience the differences of those on the far left versus Hillary who really is only slightly to the left.
Warren will in all probability be Hillary's Vice President

When she wins, it will be decades before Republicans win the WhiteHouse again

I really have to disagree with you on this one friend. Putting Warren on the ticket with Hillary could really backfire. The only thing Warren brings to the ticket is a move to the far left for the entire ticket. On top of that, Warren doesn't bring any additional electoral votes with her, and having two women on the same ticket will not make twice as many women vote for that ticket. Hillary already covers the woman factor. The last problem with Warren is that she makes the ticket very divisive as people either love her or hate her. There isn't a whole lot of in between with her, and those that really don't like her will make it a point to vote against her. Putting Warren on the ticket could really fire up the Republicans to actually get out and vote even if they have splintered backing for their candidate as there was with Romney.
So it's OK to pretend you're an Indian to take advantage of Affirmation Action set asides

She never took advantage of that - more crap.

Harvard Law’s First American Indian Professor? Elizabeth Warren (white)

Harvard Law School has notably bragged about its first “American Indian” hire back in 1996, Elizabeth Warren. Only one problem: she’s not Indian–certainly not in the demonstrable, legal sense, like all “real” Indians have to demonstrate. She claimed to have ancestry among the Cherokee and the Delaware, but none has been found by professional researchers.

Want to rephrase that son?

Excuse me but they aren't going to find much. When white settlers moved into western Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas and married Native American women they didn't exactly take a cab to City Hall and get a license when they got married.
Does anyone seriously believe Lizzie could survive a primary against Hillary?

Vince Foster sure doesn't.

There are a lot of good reasons for Warren to run, but no, she won't have any chance against Hillary. By running, Warren gets her name out there and puts herself in a better position to run again sometime down the road, depending how Hillary fares. She may also be thinking that by having a good showing, she might be considered for the VP slot. While that is a terrible idea for Hillary, it doesn't mean Warren isn't thinking it.

From Hillary's perspective, she should welcome a run by Warren, as it would give voters the opportunity to experience the differences of those on the far left versus Hillary who really is only slightly to the left.

Slightly to the left of Uncle Joe.
My dream is Warren Pres, Clinton VP. Would happen over Hillary's cold, dead body.

It's still early, and a lot can happen, but....

At this moment, I doubt ANY democrat can get elected in 2016. Obama has pissed in the well and Fascist Care is fucking under WAY too many Americans. My guess is the pain from Fascist Care will get FAR worse in 2014 and the democrats will suffer severely for it.

I also doubt Hillary will even run. While Warren is probably no further left in real life, Clinton has had the help of the corrupt press to present her as far more moderate. Warren is a whackjob who lacks the good grace to be black, so has utterly no chance in a general election. Her lies are also so absurd that she will be mocked through any national campaign.

My guess, Biden runs, and loses, in 2016.
Lizzie is one of the VERY FEW candidates I'd consider voting for President
From the OP

"Any candidate who challenged Clinton would need several key assets. The candidate would almost certainly have to be a woman, given Democrats’ desire to make history again.

"She would have to amass huge piles of money with relatively little effort.

"Above all, she would have to awaken in Democratic voters an almost evangelical passion.

"As it happens, there is precisely such a person. Her name is Elizabeth Warren."

Will Elizabeth Warren challenge Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Those who believe Elizabeth is too far to the left to get elected should look at the new mayor of New York and his 73% to 24% margin of victory.

Maybe three out of four Americans are waking up to class warfare?

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