Will Elizabeth Warren Run?

By the way, has Warren finally shut up about the Indian shit, or is she still out claiming she's Pocahontas ?

she is a typical leftard - constant LIAR. that guarantees that she will be supported by other liars -a.k.a. as dimocraps.
So you believe that she's an American Indian?

Really, who gives a shit.

we know, that you, idiot leftards, don't give a shit if the person is a LIAR, because you all are liars.
That is why we have this liar in chief in the WH NOW. But enough is enough.


1 She did not lie. You "right-tards" (whatever the hell that means) cannot stop with the conspiracy horse**** if your life depended upon it.

2 I would not care anyway.

3 Dude, what's with the name calling? You feel better now?
By the way, has Warren finally shut up about the Indian shit, or is she still out claiming she's Pocahontas ?

who cares?

Reasonable people.
See, Obama has shown us that if you lie about small things, you'll lie about big things too. Obama has lied more, and more blatantly, than every other president put together. That includes Bill Clinton.
I realize since libs lie they aren't bothered by other people lying too. That is part of the pathology. But some of us think some kind of adherence to the truth somewhere is an important character trait, esp to be president.
Yes, character matters. Just ask Al Gore.
By the way, has Warren finally shut up about the Indian shit, or is she still out claiming she's Pocahontas ?

who cares?

Reasonable people.
See, Obama has shown us that if you lie about small things, you'll lie about big things too. Obama has lied more, and more blatantly, than every other president put together. That includes Bill Clinton.
I realize since libs lie they aren't bothered by other people lying too. That is part of the pathology. But some of us think some kind of adherence to the truth somewhere is an important character trait, esp to be president.
Yes, character matters. Just ask Al Gore.

Isn't it lying when you smear someone unjustly?

When you say that Obama was actually from Kenya and EVERYONE with half a brain knows that's bogus ... doesn't that make the person spreading the misinformation a liar?

Al Gore????? What did HE do?

You see, every little thing the republicans find is a giant mountain of conspiracy.

"It's the scandal of the century!!!!"

Um ... no, that would be your paranoid imagination running wild once again.
Really, who gives a shit.

we know, that you, idiot leftards, don't give a shit if the person is a LIAR, because you all are liars.
That is why we have this liar in chief in the WH NOW. But enough is enough.


1 She did not lie. You "right-tards" (whatever the hell that means) cannot stop with the conspiracy horse**** if your life depended upon it.

2 I would not care anyway.

3 Dude, what's with the name calling? You feel better now?

She lied.
Since when naming the truth is "name calling"? :lol:
This just gets better. Elizabeth "You Didnt Build That" Warren considering running for prez against Hillary. This would definitely pit that batshit crazy left against the batshit crazy hard left. Two less attractive women I would be hard pressed to imagine.
It doesn't matter. The Obama machine wont let either one win. From now on, it's the United States of Chocolate baby. It's payback time.

Will Elizabeth Warren challenge Hillary Clinton in 2016?

The fake indian is weighing a White House run, huh? That should please the late night guys.
who cares?

Reasonable people.
See, Obama has shown us that if you lie about small things, you'll lie about big things too. Obama has lied more, and more blatantly, than every other president put together. That includes Bill Clinton.
I realize since libs lie they aren't bothered by other people lying too. That is part of the pathology. But some of us think some kind of adherence to the truth somewhere is an important character trait, esp to be president.
Yes, character matters. Just ask Al Gore.

Isn't it lying when you smear someone unjustly?

When you say that Obama was actually from Kenya and EVERYONE with half a brain knows that's bogus ... doesn't that make the person spreading the misinformation a liar?

Al Gore????? What did HE do?

You see, every little thing the republicans find is a giant mountain of conspiracy.

"It's the scandal of the century!!!!"

Um ... no, that would be your paranoid imagination running wild once again.

Can you provide an actual copy of Obama's birth certificate? No. It isn't a lie. It might be unlikely. It might be a guess. It might be a fantasy. But it isn't a lie.
"If you like your private healthcare plan, you can keep your private health care plan. Period." See, that is a lie. He knew it was a lie when he said it. That makes it a lie. And he lies today about it. Just like he lied when he said he didn't make a red line in the sand. That was a lie.

Al Gore lost to Bush, in no small part because Bush promised "I will restore dignity to this office." Character matters.
I don't have a problem with Elizabeth Warren.

Guys on the right smear all dems, in particular, women or presidential candidates.

Or other republicans who are not in complete lock-steep with the "one brain."

Elizabeth Warren will get eaten alive by the republican smear machine ... and those same cats will cry if you mention Palin or any other right-wing chic.

Oh, the hypocrisy....

So you believe that she's an American Indian?

Really, who gives a shit.

So it's OK to pretend you're an Indian to take advantage of Affirmation Action set asides
I don't have a problem with Elizabeth Warren.

Guys on the right smear all dems, in particular, women or presidential candidates.

Or other republicans who are not in complete lock-steep with the "one brain."

Elizabeth Warren will get eaten alive by the republican smear machine ... and those same cats will cry if you mention Palin or any other right-wing chic.

Oh, the hypocrisy....

Oh, word. QFMFT.
By the way, has Warren finally shut up about the Indian shit, or is she still out claiming she's Pocahontas ?

who cares?

Reasonable people.
See, Obama has shown us that if you lie about small things, you'll lie about big things too. Obama has lied more, and more blatantly, than every other president put together. That includes Bill Clinton.
I realize since libs lie they aren't bothered by other people lying too. That is part of the pathology. But some of us think some kind of adherence to the truth somewhere is an important character trait, esp to be president.
Yes, character matters. Just ask Al Gore.

The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud
Warren will have her day........probably sometime after Hillary is done

Corey Booker is also on the list
This just gets better. Elizabeth "You Didnt Build That" Warren considering running for prez against Hillary. This would definitely pit that batshit crazy left against the batshit crazy hard left. Two less attractive women I would be hard pressed to imagine.
It doesn't matter. The Obama machine wont let either one win. From now on, it's the United States of Chocolate baby. It's payback time.

Will Elizabeth Warren challenge Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Warren has been the only one to stand up and try to make the big banks not only accountable for the mortgage crisis which put this country into this "recession", she's also called for jail time and won't accept the fines that the banks want to pay, just so they can continue to do business as usual.

For starters, get "Inside Job" from Netflix and get back to us. That will relieve you from having to read reams of articles and books on this.

The banks love it when everyone thinks a minority woman with children who gets $395 a month in welfare is the downfall of our economy. THEY JUST LOVE IT.

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