Will Elizabeth Warren Run?

This just gets better. Elizabeth "You Didnt Build That" Warren considering running for prez against Hillary. This would definitely pit that batshit crazy left against the batshit crazy hard left. Two less attractive women I would be hard pressed to imagine.
It doesn't matter. The Obama machine wont let either one win. From now on, it's the United States of Chocolate baby. It's payback time.

Will Elizabeth Warren challenge Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Realistically, I doubt anyone can beat HIllary at this point.
This just gets better. Elizabeth "You Didnt Build That" Warren considering running for prez against Hillary. This would definitely pit that batshit crazy left against the batshit crazy hard left. Two less attractive women I would be hard pressed to imagine.
It doesn't matter. The Obama machine wont let either one win. From now on, it's the United States of Chocolate baby. It's payback time.

Will Elizabeth Warren challenge Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Realistically, I doubt anyone can beat HIllary at this point.
Realisticaly people said the same thing in 2007.
This just gets better. Elizabeth "You Didnt Build That" Warren considering running for prez against Hillary. This would definitely pit that batshit crazy left against the batshit crazy hard left. Two less attractive women I would be hard pressed to imagine.
It doesn't matter. The Obama machine wont let either one win. From now on, it's the United States of Chocolate baby. It's payback time.

Will Elizabeth Warren challenge Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Realistically, I doubt anyone can beat HIllary at this point.
Realisticaly people said the same thing in 2007.

NO, in 2007, Hillary had a serious problem.

She voted for a war that most of the Democratic Rank and File hated.

She also got more votes in the primary than Obama did. Superdelegates put Obama over the top.
Noreen Malone (I think it was her) of the New Republic had a wild idea:


How do you think a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren ticket would play out?

I think it would do very well (it's very early) but they compensate for one another's flaws in a very unique manner. Hillary gets some help with her likability problem; she cashes in on Warren's ascension; it gives Warren a place to grow while not really giving up a Senate seat though Scott Brown was able to win once before it will likely stay a Dem seat for a while. It breathes some new blood into the ticket with a 1st term senator and female VP (not to mention POTUS).

It also will have a buzz factor that will unlikely be met by the GOP.
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Noreen Malone (I think it was her) of the New Republic had a wild idea:


How do you think a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren ticket would play out?

I think it would do very well (it's very early) but they compensate for one another's flaws in a very unique manner. Hillary gets some help with her likability problem; she cashes in on Warren's ascension; it gives Warren a place to grow while not really giving up a Senate seat though Scott Brown was able to win once before it will likely stay a Dem seat for a while. It breathes some new blood into the ticket with a 1st term senator and female VP (not to mention POTUS).

It also will have a buzz factor that will unlikely be met by the GOP.

Like Hitler and Stalin on the same ticket...

It's a winner, you leftists should run with it! You can offer free abortions with proof of second and third votes by any person in the general election, to sweeten the pot....
Noreen Malone (I think it was her) of the New Republic had a wild idea:


How do you think a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren ticket would play out?

I think it would do very well (it's very early) but they compensate for one another's flaws in a very unique manner. Hillary gets some help with her likability problem; she cashes in on Warren's ascension; it gives Warren a place to grow while not really giving up a Senate seat though Scott Brown was able to win once before it will likely stay a Dem seat for a while. It breathes some new blood into the ticket with a 1st term senator and female VP (not to mention POTUS).

It also will have a buzz factor that will unlikely be met by the GOP.

Given that a woman has never been elected President, I don't think a two woman ticket works.
I see Warren as Sec Treasury under Clinton. Gives her exposure and sets her up for a post Hillary run
Noreen Malone (I think it was her) of the New Republic had a wild idea:


How do you think a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren ticket would play out?

I think it would do very well (it's very early) but they compensate for one another's flaws in a very unique manner. Hillary gets some help with her likability problem; she cashes in on Warren's ascension; it gives Warren a place to grow while not really giving up a Senate seat though Scott Brown was able to win once before it will likely stay a Dem seat for a while. It breathes some new blood into the ticket with a 1st term senator and female VP (not to mention POTUS).

It also will have a buzz factor that will unlikely be met by the GOP.
Hillary Clinton/Tammy Baldwin. Slogan: Dykes On Top!
Noreen Malone (I think it was her) of the New Republic had a wild idea:


How do you think a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren ticket would play out?

I think it would do very well (it's very early) but they compensate for one another's flaws in a very unique manner. Hillary gets some help with her likability problem; she cashes in on Warren's ascension; it gives Warren a place to grow while not really giving up a Senate seat though Scott Brown was able to win once before it will likely stay a Dem seat for a while. It breathes some new blood into the ticket with a 1st term senator and female VP (not to mention POTUS).

It also will have a buzz factor that will unlikely be met by the GOP.

Given that a woman has never been elected President, I don't think a two woman ticket works.
I see Warren as Sec Treasury under Clinton. Gives her exposure and sets her up for a post Hillary run

Put her on the Court, and shake things up (-:
Noreen Malone (I think it was her) of the New Republic had a wild idea:


How do you think a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren ticket would play out?

I think it would do very well (it's very early) but they compensate for one another's flaws in a very unique manner. Hillary gets some help with her likability problem; she cashes in on Warren's ascension; it gives Warren a place to grow while not really giving up a Senate seat though Scott Brown was able to win once before it will likely stay a Dem seat for a while. It breathes some new blood into the ticket with a 1st term senator and female VP (not to mention POTUS).

It also will have a buzz factor that will unlikely be met by the GOP.

Given that a woman has never been elected President, I don't think a two woman ticket works.
I see Warren as Sec Treasury under Clinton. Gives her exposure and sets her up for a post Hillary run

I see your logic but I find the Clinton/Warren ticket intriguing...you already see how the nutters are reacting; women whom they can't intimidate actually intimidate them.
Noreen Malone (I think it was her) of the New Republic had a wild idea:


How do you think a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren ticket would play out?

I think it would do very well (it's very early) but they compensate for one another's flaws in a very unique manner. Hillary gets some help with her likability problem; she cashes in on Warren's ascension; it gives Warren a place to grow while not really giving up a Senate seat though Scott Brown was able to win once before it will likely stay a Dem seat for a while. It breathes some new blood into the ticket with a 1st term senator and female VP (not to mention POTUS).

It also will have a buzz factor that will unlikely be met by the GOP.

Given that a woman has never been elected President, I don't think a two woman ticket works.
I see Warren as Sec Treasury under Clinton. Gives her exposure and sets her up for a post Hillary run

I see your logic but I find the Clinton/Warren ticket intriguing...you already see how the nutters are reacting; women whom they can't intimidate actually intimidate them.

JMO, but it'd be a terrible waste of Warren's intellect, knowlege and willingness to engage in debate.
Noreen Malone (I think it was her) of the New Republic had a wild idea:


How do you think a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren ticket would play out?

I think it would do very well (it's very early) but they compensate for one another's flaws in a very unique manner. Hillary gets some help with her likability problem; she cashes in on Warren's ascension; it gives Warren a place to grow while not really giving up a Senate seat though Scott Brown was able to win once before it will likely stay a Dem seat for a while. It breathes some new blood into the ticket with a 1st term senator and female VP (not to mention POTUS).

It also will have a buzz factor that will unlikely be met by the GOP.

Given that a woman has never been elected President, I don't think a two woman ticket works.
I see Warren as Sec Treasury under Clinton. Gives her exposure and sets her up for a post Hillary run

I see your logic but I find the Clinton/Warren ticket intriguing...you already see how the nutters are reacting; women whom they can't intimidate actually intimidate them.

Utterly bizarre.
Noreen Malone (I think it was her) of the New Republic had a wild idea:


How do you think a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren ticket would play out?

I think it would do very well (it's very early) but they compensate for one another's flaws in a very unique manner. Hillary gets some help with her likability problem; she cashes in on Warren's ascension; it gives Warren a place to grow while not really giving up a Senate seat though Scott Brown was able to win once before it will likely stay a Dem seat for a while. It breathes some new blood into the ticket with a 1st term senator and female VP (not to mention POTUS).

It also will have a buzz factor that will unlikely be met by the GOP.

Given that a woman has never been elected President, I don't think a two woman ticket works.
I see Warren as Sec Treasury under Clinton. Gives her exposure and sets her up for a post Hillary run

I see your logic but I find the Clinton/Warren ticket intriguing...you already see how the nutters are reacting; women whom they can't intimidate actually intimidate them.

Women in a position of power must be dykes

More reason why Republicans have so much influence with the ladies
Given that a woman has never been elected President, I don't think a two woman ticket works.
I see Warren as Sec Treasury under Clinton. Gives her exposure and sets her up for a post Hillary run

I see your logic but I find the Clinton/Warren ticket intriguing...you already see how the nutters are reacting; women whom they can't intimidate actually intimidate them.

Women in a position of power must be dykes

More reason why Republicans have so much influence with the ladies

Tell that to Nikki Haley, Sarah Palin, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, etc.
I see your logic but I find the Clinton/Warren ticket intriguing...you already see how the nutters are reacting; women whom they can't intimidate actually intimidate them.

Women in a position of power must be dykes

More reason why Republicans have so much influence with the ladies

Tell that to Nikki Haley, Sarah Palin, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, etc.

2/3 are no longer in office and lost their last election
Elizabeth Warren will not finish her career as a Senator. She has a great mind and capability to take complex subjects and make them understandable to average Americans

She might not be President but I could see a Cabinet post or Supreme Court Justice

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