Will ex Hillary supporters really support a more conservative court?

Donna B's been in the bag for Obama all along. Funny she never said anything about his cheating when he spoke to the press before the primary election.
No .. she is on the rules committee.. she voted for the punishment, then had an appropriate reaction to the hearing which was designed to overturn their initial ruling...

Estrogen frenzy? Why do you keep trying to make this something to do with women being inferior? I really don't get it.
Hill went there,
Poking fun at her illegitimate issue tactics is AOK for me to bring up.. not to mention all those clinton idiots with a microphone in their faces kept saying the DNC is run by men to take care of their own... I am not saying that woman are inferior, I am saying that hillary used the ole "I am the victim because of my gender", campaign tactic.

I liked the editorial in my paper today, blaming both Obama and Hillary for their roles. IMO, it didn't go far enough. In reality, this had nothing to do with them, it was between the voters, the state, and the DNC.
Bingo....both candidates should have had a hands off approach in this dispute between the states and the DNC... Which candidate used this as a talking point...."everybody needs their votes counted" . right.. what was hills stance on expanded caucuss sights in nevada... How soon we forget that she had her peeps sue to try and stop the vote their once the F&B union came out in support of Obama...
Why I stopped supporting Hill...
I was a hillary fan before she started exhibiting crazy behavior... First thing I thought odd was when she was honored to be onstage with Obaman then in a matter of hours was lambasting him decrying shame....

She then stated that It took LBJ to accomplish Martin Kings dream... when interpreted minutes later as it took a white president to push civil rights (not mind you by anyone on the obama team) she immediately came out against the obama campaign claiming that they were making the race about race... Barely an hour had passed between her initial comment and her obama accusations.. team obama hadnt even the time to respond. She completely manufactured this whole controversy to interject race into the race... The bill tour in South Carolina didnt help her cause. She then supported the voter rights in Nevada with the expanded caucuss sites until the culinary union backed obama... the then via the teachers union sued to shutdown the extra caucuss sites.... She was against the vote in Michigan and Florida untill she was for it... she was against the vote in texas until it came out that she won the primary... thankfully she lost the caucuss and the total delagate count there... she also lost the total delegate count in Nevada too... Kharmic justice in action...

what else.. she single handedly:
-brought peace to Ireland
-crafted the FMLA
-crafted the SCHIP

Was for Nafta before she was against it while stating she was always against it untill proof in record came out that she was actually lobbying for it...

She has stated that she is against the free colombia trade bill but her campaign adviser Mark Penn has actually been meeting with Colombian govt officials lobbying for this very same bill...
Speaking of Bill.... He has recieved over $800,000 speaking out in support of this bill.... hmm.. backdoor payolla maybe.. cause.. that money goes right into their joint account.

She manufactured a story in which she landed in Bosnia under fire...she claimed she said this cause she was tired, If she can make this up while tired, do you really want her answering the phone at 3am?
but again this is in answer to prior posts.. the real question here is.... will disgruntled hillary supporters really risk setting the court and this country back decades by actually voting for McCain...
See, that's what I'm saying. It did take a president to help make civil rights legislation the law. Someone in Obamaland took it as a black/white issue and that is a sign of either hypersensitivity or an effort to portray her as racist.

I already answered your question.
See, that's what I'm saying. It did take a president to help make civil rights legislation the law. Someone in Obamaland took it as a black/white issue and that is a sign of either hypersensitivity or an effort to portray her as racist.

I already answered your question.

Her campaign made an issue of it before the Obama camp said anything about it... Its was completely manufactured by hills camp....

THat doesn't mean the Clintons are above whatever dirty filth they can embroil themselves in, but they are not the only ones playing this game, nor did they "goad" poor innocent Obama into playing the race game.
Her campaign made an issue of it before the Obama camp said anything about it... Its was completely manufactured by hills camp....

That's not correct. The first statement made that touched on race was Michelle Obama's comment that her husband's win in Iowa was the first time in her adult life she was proud of her country.

So you might want to start with that one.
That's not correct. The first statement made that touched on race was Michelle Obama's comment that her husband's win in Iowa was the first time in her adult life she was proud of her country.

So you might want to start with that one.
Need to work on reading comprehension Jill...
Need to work on reading comprehension Jill...

no. you said something untrue. might try working on that... no matter how obamarific you think he is.

I'll also go back and check on why you thought it appropriate to be a condescending jerk....

ok...i checked... you're just a condescending jerk.
good morning Ravi

THEY REALLOCATED the vote based on a POLL......they took the people's vote away and used a POLL to give obama 59 more delegates that HE DID NOT EARN.....59!!!!!

NOT ONE was suppose to go in his column according to the michigan election law rules, NOT ONE....

until the convention, which is where these UNPLEDGED DELEGATES were suppose to according to law, declare.

They cheated to win.....cheated bigtime and they MADE this decision SO THAT THEY COULD FORCE HILLARY TO QUIT.....in june....this was purely a political coup and has nothing to do with how voters in michigan voted nor michigan election law that was inplace BEFORE THE DNC AND OBAMA changed the rules at the 11th hour....what scumbags!!!!


Well we are all relieved to know you support elections with only 1 real candidate. So much for "listening to the voters" and wanting to give them choice.
That's not correct. The first statement made that touched on race was Michelle Obama's comment that her husband's win in Iowa was the first time in her adult life she was proud of her country.

So you might want to start with that one.

Well it sure is insulting to racist that she is ashamed that her country enslaved blacks, and is racist, and it took until now for a serious black nominee for president. :eusa_sick:
no. you said something untrue. might try working on that... no matter how obamarific you think he is.

I'll also go back and check on why you thought it appropriate to be a condescending jerk....

ok...i checked... you're just a condescending jerk.

And Jilly has intimate knowledge of what it takes to be a condescending elitist jerk.
Well it sure is insulting to racist that she is ashamed that her country enslaved blacks, and is racist, and it took until now for a serious black nominee for president. :eusa_sick:

Right...because, of course, the fact that things have gotten better, albeit imperfect, should be ignored by angry twits who attended Princeton University and Harvard Law School... since she was so discriminated against and all.

No. It was insulting that someone who thinks she is entitled to be first lady has no feeling for the country she lives in. I just don't think the fact that she's an angry witch outweighs what McCain would do to our courts, so I'll vote for him anyway. I also think she's the reason he was part of that ridiculous church in the first place.

And hon, I'm the least racist person you will ever meet. I judge everyone based on who they are and not their color.

Isn't that the pefect world we're looking for?
Right...because, of course, the fact that things have gotten better, albeit imperfect, should be ignored by angry twits who attended Harvard Law School... since she was so discriminated against and all.

Oh, for fucks sake. Now your going to do this dumb shit where you claim that racism doesn't exist?

Yeah, she attended HLS. Yeah, she was discriminated against. One can do both. The first black woman graduated from HLS in 1956. Want to claim that she wasn't discriminated against too?

Blacks got a raw deal in this country for a long, long time. Saying "whoops" and making little to no amends for the tragedy that was institutional racism and slavery, doesn't play well with a lot of people who lived through it, or heard stories from their parents about it.

So yeah, she has a right to be ashamed of the country that enslaved her entire race.

No. It was insulting that someone who thinks she is entitled to be first lady has no feeling for the country she lives in.

You can love something and be ashamed of something at the same time. And really, someone who thinks she is entitled to be first lady? Its not an elected position, there aren't any qualifications for it.

I just don't think the fact that she's an angry witch outweighs what McCain would do to our courts, so I'll vote for him anyway. I also think she's the reason he was part of that ridiculous church in the first place.

An angry witch? Because of one comment? Wow, you sure do take things a bit too far.

And hon, I'm the least racist person you will ever meet. I judge everyone based on who they are and not their color.

Isn't that the pefect world we're looking for?

Yes. But if you ignore past injustices, you aren't doing much good. Its sort of like having someone bash you over the head, steal all your money, your car, sell your children to sex trade industry and then going

"whoops...my bad...well no hard feelings, right". We are equal now...and I won't harm you...and really isn't that how the world should be?"
Poor Jilly. You are a condescending jerk. And you can dish it out, but not take it, you elitist baby. If you don't like insults, go play with people who think just like you do.

It's a shame you don't have to spread around your malicious neg repping like the rest of us do, isn't it?
Nothing could convert you or Care.

It isn't me you need to worry about. 1 vote is meaningless. There are a lot of people in FL that are pissed off, and not just because of the issues I brought up to Jeepers. Every once in awhile I tune into leftie talk radio and it's been nothing but Hillary bashing and making fun of her supporters for months now.

Obama couldn't win if our votes counted. Now he's going to have to convince my state that he give a shit about them.

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