Will ex Hillary supporters really support a more conservative court?

Sorry, I can't tell your tone over the internet. Its just a personal skill I lack. :eusa_wall:

And, really, from the other stupid shit you've said, I wouldn't be surprised if you were serious. Wishing Obama was assassinated is pretty much the most asinine thing ever.

No, the most asinine thing ever is voting for a man who's been linked to 3 separate very outspoken racists.
LMFAO. Really? She is kindly and graciously considering running as VP just for Obamas and the parties sake? She has no interest in being the first woman vice president of the United States, at all?

God you are deluded.

Kind of a silly question in much the same way opining that Obama has no interest in being the first black president of the United States would be.
Really.. he's been linked to Hillary?

Clever. Where's your evidence Hillary's a racist? I have 3 names of Obama's closest advisors who are very outspoken racists. What do you have? A quote taken out of context in which she may or may not have said blacks don't work?

Give me a break.
Clever. Where's your evidence Hillary's a racist? I have 3 names of Obama's closest advisors who are very outspoken racists. What do you have? A quote taken out of context in which she may or may not have said blacks don't work?

Give me a break.
I'm kidding .. she is not racist.. she did use race in her campaign but thats just because she was behind and threw everything in the book at him.. then she threw the book...
but.. she is no racist...
Are you really that ignorant? Obama said himself in 2004 that Pfleger was one of the people who acted as a "moral compass" for him.

I've already posted this TWICE. For someone who "reads everything" and "keeps up with current events," you sure seem to miss the most convenient evidence.

Obama: I have a deep faith :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Cathleen Falsani

"The biggest challenge, I think, is always maintaining your moral compass."

Friends and advisers, such as the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina Roman Catholic Church in the Auburn- Gresham community on the South Side, who has known Obama for the better part of 20 years, help him keep that compass set, he says.

Obama certainly has met Farrakhan. Farrakhan was honored in Obama's church. And then there's the supposed Louis Farrakhan-Michelle Obama video in which Michelle makes anti-white remarks and called white people "whitey."

Which leads me to the fourth and most damning racist in Barack's corner: Michelle Obama.
You do know the difference between a "friend and advisor" and "closest advisors", right?

Still waiting for the "close" link between Obama and Farrakhan, btw.
Fine, I'll concede Farrakhan. You still have three names to explain: Wright, Pfleger, Michelle.
Are you really that ignorant? Obama said himself in 2004 that Pfleger was one of the people who acted as a "moral compass" for him.

I've already posted this TWICE. For someone who "reads everything" and "keeps up with current events," you sure seem to miss the most convenient evidence.

Obama: I have a deep faith :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Cathleen Falsani

Obama certainly has met Farrakhan. Farrakhan was honored in Obama's church. And then there's the supposed Louis Farrakhan-Michelle Obama video in which Michelle makes anti-white remarks and called white people "whitey."

Which leads me to the fourth and most damning racist in Barack's corner: Michelle Obama.
OMFG.. you cant be seriously talking about this "video"... every election year rumors of this Mystery Video or pictures surface about each of the democrats wives... and.. they were all just that.. rumors... Michelle Obama is quite the woman actually.. I say this and I am a whitey...
Michelle Obama isn't a racist. And Obama has distanced himself from Wright and Pfleger.

So by distancing himself you say all is well?

If bin Laden came to America, joins a Christian church, gets baptised, and says he's given up his extremist way, are you going to forgive him, too?

You're fucking stupid. Period.
So by distancing himself you say all is well?

If bin Laden came to America, joins a Christian church, gets baptised, and says he's given up his extremist way, are you going to forgive him, too?

You're fucking stupid. Period.
Thats kind of what Christians are supposed to do right? Forgive.. I aint know cause I is one o dem atreeists...
First of all, I read through this entire thread (yes all 7 pages, took me half an hour) and I can't believe not a single person mentioned the fact that Hillary actually has the popular vote. (sorry it won't let me link yet)


The only reason Obama has stated that he has the popular vote is because he is ignoring Michigan. If he wants to ignore Michigan in regards to popular vote then he should also ignore Michigan's delgates.

As for someone stating that "mature voters" would not vote for McCain (I cannot remember where it was stated and I don't want to go through all seven pages again), I can tell you right now that my husband and I will vote for McCain if it comes down to Obama or McCain. My husband and I are extreme Democrats. He is a Union Sheet Metal Worker out of Chicago and we have two teenage sons. If we are not considered "mature voters" then who is. Our reasoning on this is simple. Obama is new to the political system. Obama has gotten so used to his upper class lifestyle that he has forgotten what it is really like to be middle class. And yes, race does have something to do with it. My sons are middle class white males. Unless they make the honor roll and get a 4.0 GPA they have a lower chance of getting into a good college than a C average black male or even a C average middle class white female (so it's not entirely race, it's also gender). There is no chance in hell that a black president is going to change these standars. Now granted there is a very slim chance that a white female president would change them either, but she has already stated that it's no longer girls who need more support in schools but boys. Another reason we support Hillary over Obama is their universal healthcare plans. Hillary's plan would cover my children no matter what. As it stands now, unless my sons join a union or get government jobs, the likelyhood of them receiving affordable and good healthcare is very slim. Under Obama's plan, that likelyhood would increase somewhat, but most likely not enough.


As for all this racist crap, I am so sick of hearing people complain about this. White people and black people have become equally racist. Males and females are both gender biased. My husband was sent to a different jobsite one day to pick something up. The jobsite was not an affirmative action jobsite, it was a standard one. There were 2 black women, 1 hispanic woman and 1 black man working there. One of the black women saw my husband carrying his pickup and rudely asked if he was working the jobsite. She had her phone in her hand. When my husband asked why, she stated that if he was working the jobsite she was going to call the employer and complain saying they were not complying with affirmative action rules. I visited a friend who lives in an all white neighborhood and when a black man in a suit walked down the street all her neighbors went into their houses and locked their doors. Out of the 2500 members of my husband's Union Local, every single one that is currently unemployed is a white male. The door swings both ways people. We have tried to do so much to make up for the fact that we had slavery legal in this country that we have ostrasized whites. We have done so much to make up for the fact that girls weren't given proper educations that we have discouraged boys from learning. When will we find a balance?

To all of you who have your selfish reasons for supporting one person or another, think about this. Who is better for your children, for your grandchildren? Screw the country itself, it's already circling the drain. Screw the war, no one really knows when it will end, no matter who is elected. Think about the people who aren't old enough to vote yet. Your nieces and nephews, your friend's kids, your neighbors' kids, all those little ones running around free now that school's out. Because if we don't think about them now, by the time they're our age, there might not be anything worth fighting for anymore.
First of all, I read through this entire thread (yes all 7 pages, took me half an hour) and I can't believe not a single person mentioned the fact that Hillary actually has the popular vote.

You're reading the wrong thread. I've been arguing that point for two days, but Obamanites have come up with their own magical system of throwing away votes and counting imaginary votes that never existed to ensure that Obama really did win the popular vote. It's really frustrating, to be honest.

You're reading the wrong thread. I've been arguing that point for two days, but Obamanites have come up with their own magical system of throwing away votes and counting imaginary votes that never existed to ensure that Obama really did win the popular vote. It's really frustrating, to be honest.QUOTE]

Should I repost to the other thread? Sorry but I really am new to this.

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