Will Extraterrestrials Save Us?

That and the greeks were 'white'. There's a super strong racial element to these 'ancient aliens' stories. The almost always gravitate around why brown people couldn't have possibly done these ingenious things.
Since a lot of these ancient people didn't really have proper writing and left few if any records of their daily lives their methods are lost to history. We can never really know them. It's only when writing became an everyday thing do we see these ancient cultures as part of our history.
The speed of light is almost certainly absolute. We are not interesting enough for the time and energy it would take to get here from anywhere else. Were FTL possible and practical aliens would be everywhere and unmissable. Robotic probes on incomprehensible errands that might take many thousands of years are the only plausible sign of extraterrestrial life we are likely to encounter within our solar system.

With the correct science, the speed of light isn't an absolute. And if your science is advanced enough, getting around that way would be no problem. With that being the case, aliens probably find us interesting. So they come here to study us. It isn't much different that some zoologist traveling deep into the Amazon jungle to study life forms. And quite possibly, discover new species. Next, aliens are no doubt smart enough to know the value of limiting their population. For example, I saw a factoid once that said that if human population was to keep growing at the rate it is, in the year 11000 the human population would number 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people! Even if they had places to go, I doubt that any sane alien race would allow their population to go beyond 20 billion.

As for the speed of light, there are things that are said to greatly surpass it. There is supposedly slowpoke jets given off by the collision of two neutron stars that go around 7 times faster than the speed of light. Then there is quantum entanglement. The connection between a particle on Earth and a particle in another galaxy would be basically instantaneous. By the way. Did you know that the math used for all electronic devices is quantum mathematics?
Since a lot of these ancient people didn't really have proper writing and left few if any records of their daily lives their methods are lost to history. We can never really know them. It's only when writing became an everyday thing do we see these ancient cultures as part of our history.

And that's fair. Even those that did have written records, many were lost to colonialism or time. And few, if any, of the records that do survive address engineering.

But people are fucking ingenious. Even the ancient ones. We are some clever fucking primates.
As for the speed of light, there are things that are said to greatly surpass it. There is supposedly slowpoke jets given off by the collision of two neutron stars that go around 7 times faster than the speed of light. Then there is quantum entanglement. The connection between a particle on Earth and a particle in another galaxy would be basically instantaneous. By the way. Did you know that the math used for all electronic devices is quantum mathematics?

I haven't heard anything about collisions between neutron star collisions giving off jets that go faster than the speed of light. Let alone 7 times faster.

The only 'faster than light' phenomenon I'm familiar with is cosmic inflation, where space itself expanded faster than the speed of light. Much faster.
If the documented UFOs are E.T.s they are obviously way more advanced that we are. So if they were aggressive we would already be slaves or on the menu. Maybe they are just watching us so when we are just about to nuke each other into oblivion, they step in and disable all of our nukes.

Or, maybe not. There are also those in a position of power on the Earth who see the apocalypse as a solution. Not a problem. I heard of one influential European prince who spoke of forcing the return of jesus! I guess it didn't matter that the Earth would have to be destroyed for that rapture crap to happen.
I highly recommend reading the 5 Convoluted Universe books by Dolores Cannon for all the answers to your questions about Aliens.

Though I definitely would like to meet them, basically, I already know everything I need to know about aliens.
With the correct science, the speed of light isn't an absolute. And if your science is advanced enough, getting around that way would be no problem. With that being the case, aliens probably find us interesting. So they come here to study us. It isn't much different that some zoologist traveling deep into the Amazon jungle to study life forms. And quite possibly, discover new species. Next, aliens are no doubt smart enough to know the value of limiting their population. For example, I saw a factoid once that said that if human population was to keep growing at the rate it is, in the year 11000 the human population would number 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people! Even if they had places to go, I doubt that any sane alien race would allow their population to go beyond 20 billion.

As for the speed of light, there are things that are said to greatly surpass it. There is supposedly slowpoke jets given off by the collision of two neutron stars that go around 7 times faster than the speed of light. Then there is quantum entanglement. The connection between a particle on Earth and a particle in another galaxy would be basically instantaneous. By the way. Did you know that the math used for all electronic devices is quantum mathematics?
Einstein's E=MC squared has yet to yield any theoretical result that suggests physical objects can travel faster than light. It still takes more energy than exists in the physical universe to even reach 99.9% of C.
Or, maybe not. There are also those in a position of power on the Earth who see the apocalypse as a solution. Not a problem. I heard of one influential European prince who spoke of forcing the return of jesus! I guess it didn't matter that the Earth would have to be destroyed for that rapture crap to happen.
Or maybe something else. We're all just spitballing about what will happen at the end of days.
If they were, they would have wiped us out long ago.

Why would they have done this?
If humans went to another planet and found other life, would we wipe them out? Probably not, especially if we KNEW they weren't a threat because they couldn't leave their own solar system.
We'd STUDY THEM. We'd send scientists to study the whole planet, these intelligent few would go, we wouldn't send grunts.
There is plenty of things that can be interpreted in a lot of different ways. Many, many claims of 'extra-terrestrials' has simpler, far less flashy explanations.

I don't really have a position on the issue. There may be, there may not be. But there is buckets of room for doubt.

I'm not a big fan of the 'ancient aliens' explanations. I've always found it really insulting to the resolve and ingenuity of our ancestors. With 'ancient alien' explanations usually forwarding the idea that our ancestors (usually the brown ones) didn't have the intellect, skill or craft to build what they built. That it required someone from the outside to do it for them.

That show "Ancient Aliens" is loaded down with a load of crap. But here and there, they do have some interesting points to make. Next, there is absolutely no way for ancient people by any other means to replicate what it would today take a machine to do. Also, I used to also be a big doubter of the crop circle thing. But after a segment on ancient aliens presented by somebody named Linda Moultn Howe about crop circles, I doubt no more. There were two people who claimed to have been the ones creating crop circles in England. They demonstrated in the daylight. What they made turned out to be crap. And there are others that are FAR more elaborate than that.

On another episode she showed a fragment that supposedly came from Roswell. It had many layers of at least a few different materials in it. She took it to a scientist to have it studied. The scientist apparently told her that we don't have the technology to layer those kinds of materials like that. There is indeed a lot of crap that you have to wade through in that show. But there are some real treasures to be found. Such as a video made by a leading scientist who worked at the Lockheed Skunkworks. He had many patents to his name. This video was indeed shown after he died. In it he said that he got his technology from aliens. He even held up a picture he apparently took of one of them. Such a person would have no reason to sully his name like that if it was all just some sort of ruse.
I haven't heard anything about collisions between neutron star collisions giving off jets that go faster than the speed of light. Let alone 7 times faster.

The only 'faster than light' phenomenon I'm familiar with is cosmic inflation, where space itself expanded faster than the speed of light. Much faster.

Just google things that travel faster than the speed of light. You will find it.
Why would they have done this?
If humans went to another planet and found other life, would we wipe them out? Probably not, especially if we KNEW they weren't a threat because they couldn't leave their own solar system.
We'd STUDY THEM. We'd send scientists to study the whole planet, these intelligent few would go, we wouldn't send grunts.
The most likely scenario for super advanced aliens are a formerly biological species that now resides completely in some sort of simulated reality that's better than the dreary limited existence we lead. We are headed in that direction ourselves. Such a machine based society would be closed off and little interested in the activities of flesh creatures.
Why would they have done this?
If humans went to another planet and found other life, would we wipe them out? Probably not, especially if we KNEW they weren't a threat because they couldn't leave their own solar system.
We'd STUDY THEM. We'd send scientists to study the whole planet, these intelligent few would go, we wouldn't send grunts.

If they were advanced enough, they would envy our even greater advancement. If they didn't receive it, they would probably view us as a threat to their way of life and seek to kill us. Also, aliens probably think as I do on this matter. Which is that any fairly advanced civilization on another planet should be left alone to develop as they normally would. You can study the shit out of them. You can kidnap and experiment on as many of them as you want. As long as you had the technology to erase their memories of it. Just leave that unique species alone to develop in its own unique way. After all, they say that variety is the spice of life.
Project Bluebeam says that the government will fake a christ return and also fake an alien invasion. LOL

I just think we would have concrete evidence to support it. Who knows.

I have heard of it. I consider it to be one of those wacko theories.
Einstein's E=MC squared has yet to yield any theoretical result that suggests physical objects can travel faster than light. It still takes more energy than exists in the physical universe to even reach 99.9% of C.

If I had the resources, I could do it. But when traveling through space at great speeds, colliding with something the size of a grain of sand would release the amount of energy as an atomic bomb. So I don't think that traveling at FTL speeds through what could be called normal space is possible. It would be far too dangerous. You would have to convert your craft into something different than physical matter. So it wouldn't interact with it.
If they were advanced enough, they would envy our even greater advancement. If they didn't receive it, they would probably view us as a threat to their way of life and seek to kill us. Also, aliens probably think as I do on this matter. Which is that any fairly advanced civilization on another planet should be left alone to develop as they normally would. You can study the shit out of them. You can kidnap and experiment on as many of them as you want. As long as you had the technology to erase their memories of it. Just leave that unique species alone to develop in its own unique way. After all, they say that variety is the spice of life.
The prime directive is a plot device on a TV show. In the real universe there are far more plausible explanations to why aliens are so good at hide and seek. The most compelling one concerns the great filter. For some crucial but unknown reason no society has developed to the point of doing the kind of great works of stellar engineering that should be visible across light years. If there's even one culture like that there should be a multitude putting up Dyson spheres, ring worlds and energy projects that consume entire stars.
The most likely scenario for super advanced aliens are a formerly biological species that now resides completely in some sort of simulated reality that's better than the dreary limited existence we lead. We are headed in that direction ourselves. Such a machine based society would be closed off and little interested in the activities of flesh creatures.

Aliens could be cybernetic to some degree. But I doubt if they would abandon their biological selves. And if you are advanced enough, you wouldn't need to live in any sort of simulated reality. You could do in this reality whatever you wanted. That is, in a ethical way.
The prime directive is a plot device on a TV show. In the real universe there are far more plausible explanations to why aliens are so good at hide and seek. The most compelling one concerns the great filter. For some crucial but unknown reason no society has developed to the point of doing the kind of great works of stellar engineering that should be visible across light years. If there's even one culture like that there should be a multitude putting up Dyson spheres, ring worlds and energy projects that consume entire stars.

It may be a sifi TV plot. But it is a logical one. Also, being highly advanced doesn't mean you have to do grandiose things like building a Dyson sphere to live a fulfilled existence. Another thing is that they probably have an ability to create power that would make building a Dyson sphere pointless.
If I had the resources, I could do it. But when traveling through space at great speeds, colliding with something the size of a grain of sand would release the amount of energy as an atomic bomb. So I don't think that traveling at FTL speeds through what could be called normal space is possible. It would be far too dangerous. You would have to convert your craft into something different than physical matter. So it wouldn't interact with it.
Here's how you travel across the universe. Make yourself very small, immortal and with no need of physical resources. Package yourself in a very small solar sail/ramscoop and settle down for a long trip. We envision ships that go star to star very quickly because of our short lifespans. A machine that never dies can afford to take all the time in the universe.

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