Will foreign interference via social media effect the outcome of the Midterms 2018

What difference does it make where people get the information they use to make their decisions?

It's no different than people who vote for someone because they like their plumbing or their skin color.

BTW, I don't have a problem people voting that way.
Got it. They want us to do their demographic research for them. It's got nothing to do with whether anything is true or false, It just determines what people believe.

But that is pretty much what a democracy is ... No false advertising anyway ... :21:


More like what lying politicians do. Helps keep up with which lies are working, and which aren't.
It's being used to destabilize our society right now. Kicking a few russian accounts off of Facebook didn't get them all.

We got so fed up with fake news, manipulation, lack of democracy & equality, and abuse on social media platforms trying to screw up society that we built a new platform that aims to deal with all this. its a free app on both Apple and Google Play stores. Links on our website.
So that's what your ass is doing here.....You should be ashamed..I'll take two...

No and yes.
No - we came here to see how many other people are fed up with inequality on social media screwing up the world.:blowup:

....and Yes...sorry shameless plug for our app. :imsorry3:
It's being used to destabilize our society right now. Kicking a few russian accounts off of Facebook didn't get them all.

We got so fed up with fake news, manipulation, lack of democracy & equality, and abuse on social media platforms trying to screw up society that we built a new platform that aims to deal with all this. its a free app on both Apple and Google Play stores. Links on our website.
So that's what your ass is doing here.....You should be ashamed..I'll take two...

No and yes.
No - we came here to see how many other people are fed up with inequality on social media screwing up the world.:blowup:

....and Yes...sorry shameless plug for our app. :imsorry3:
I don't do social media for anything more than a cheap shot..
Its a big risk and foreign powers could be using social media to destabilize America. Now people are more aware of this, will this effect how much social media influences how they vote?
If democrats fail to regain control it will be because of foreign interference on social media. If democrats win it will be ignored that illegals voted.
I'll check it out. What is it called?

www.opinyin.world ... In case you have siggys turned off.

Got it. They want us to do their demographic research for them. It's got nothing to do with whether anything is true or false, It just determines what people believe.

That's true but at least we are upfront and honest about it. Isn't that refreshing for a tech company? The platform is for everyone to say what they think with out fear. People who want to know what you think pay for it but they don't get to tell you what to think. Like BlackSand says that's democracy.

And yes there is a buck in it for us. But its an honest buck where we don't have to sell our or your souls to get it.
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We got so fed up with fake news, manipulation, lack of democracy & equality, and abuse on social media platforms trying to screw up society that we built a new platform that aims to deal with all this. its a free app on both Apple and Google Play stores. Links on our website.

So ... You are going to negate the influence of opinion by offering yours ... :dunno:

Yep. That's how democracy works.
I'll check it out. What is it called?

www.opinyin.world ... In case you have siggys turned off.

Got it. They want us to do their demographic research for them. It's got nothing to do with whether anything is true or false, It just determines what people believe.

That's true but at least we are upfront and honest about it. Isn't that refreshing for a tech company? The platform is for everyone to say what they think with out fear. People who want to know what you think pay for it if they but they don't get to tell you what to think. Like BlacksSand says that's democracy.

And yes there is a buck in it for us. But its an honest buck where we don't have to sell our or your souls to get it.
I bet the pay is cryptocurrency..
Sounds like a money making scheme that preys on the weak.
Where do i put my resume?
Its a big risk and foreign powers could be using social media to destabilize America. Now people are more aware of this, will this effect how much social media influences how they vote?

Does the first amendment apply to social media? yes or no. If yes, then there is nothing that can be done about what is posted and who puts it up. If no, then we are no longer the USA.
Lets ban social media

I'd actually be ok with that. The shit is poisoning our nation.
But that's not possible so we must deal with it.
Social media is the worst thing to happen to society since bedwetters getting enough confidence to come out from under their beds in the 60s.
I was happy as hell when my wife finally gave it up.
I don't use any of that shit. This site is it for me socializing online
Lets ban social media

I'd actually be ok with that. The shit is poisoning our nation.
But that's not possible so we must deal with it.
Social media is the worst thing to happen to society since bedwetters getting enough confidence to come out from under their beds in the 60s.
I was happy as hell when my wife finally gave it up.
I don't use any of that shit. This site is it for me socializing online
same here
Lets ban social media

I'd actually be ok with that. The shit is poisoning our nation.
But that's not possible so we must deal with it.
Social media is the worst thing to happen to society since bedwetters getting enough confidence to come out from under their beds in the 60s.
I was happy as hell when my wife finally gave it up.
I don't use any of that shit. This site is it for me socializing online

Social media is simply a fair way for people to express they are going to believe whatever the hell they want to ... :21:

Oh ... And it gives them the opportunity to find comfort among those who agree with whatever it is they want to believe.
Or ... It offers them the ability to argue with people who don't believe the same things.

Society was screwed ages ago when organized power replaced the necessity for people to do what they think is best with their resources.
It's still screwed ... And will continue to be.

The argument about social media is more of an argument about who gets to control the dialog ... :thup:

I'll check it out. What is it called?

www.opinyin.world ... In case you have siggys turned off.

Got it. They want us to do their demographic research for them. It's got nothing to do with whether anything is true or false, It just determines what people believe.

That's true but at least we are upfront and honest about it. Isn't that refreshing for a tech company? The platform is for everyone to say what they think with out fear. People who want to know what you think pay for it but they don't get to tell you what to think. Like BlackSand says that's democracy.

And yes there is a buck in it for us. But its an honest buck where we don't have to sell our or your souls to get it.

No. That's not democracy. That's getting rubes to self Identify their political, religious and social areas of interest and note which propaganda they are aligned with, and it has the added bonus for you of having a pre-screened mailing list matching almost any ideology or venture to sell to your customers. You mentioned something about honesty. If you meant that, you should be honest about what you are doing, or say nothing about it at all.. You will make a fortune.
Its a big risk and foreign powers could be using social media to destabilize America. Now people are more aware of this, will this effect how much social media influences how they vote?

Sure, foreign influence abounds on this message board as well as other social media websites. In fact, I would not be surprised one bit if some of the defenders of Trump&Co, the NRA and self proclaimed conservatives seek to destabilize the USA, and have since Obama was nominated in 2009.

My only question is, how many are unwitting, and how many are agent provocateurs who seek to destroy our democracy; some seem to hope a return to the Gilded Age, and some support a strong man (aka: an Autocrat) in he White House?

With Trump in the White House, we have seen the transition from what our Founders conceived, to an Oligarchy, where Plutocrats rule and the rule of law is under attack by the autocrat-in-chief.
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I'll check it out. What is it called?

www.opinyin.world ... In case you have siggys turned off.

Got it. They want us to do their demographic research for them. It's got nothing to do with whether anything is true or false, It just determines what people believe.

That's true but at least we are upfront and honest about it. Isn't that refreshing for a tech company? The platform is for everyone to say what they think with out fear. People who want to know what you think pay for it but they don't get to tell you what to think. Like BlackSand says that's democracy.

And yes there is a buck in it for us. But its an honest buck where we don't have to sell our or your souls to get it.

No. That's not democracy. That's getting rubes to self Identify their political, religious and social areas of interest and note which propaganda they are aligned with, and it has the added bonus for you of having a pre-screened mailing list matching almost any ideology or venture to sell to your customers. You mentioned something about honesty. If you meant that, you should be honest about what you are doing, or say nothing about it at all.. You will make a fortune.

If decisions get influenced on what the majority think we would argue that is better democracy than decisions being influenced by those who shout loudest and longest whilst chucking abuse at anyone who doesn't agree with them.

You are not correct about the mailing list as every user on the app is anonymous. You never get asked for any ID so no one can sell it to anyone. You get asked to give some demographic data if you want to give it, like your approximate location, age, ect., but that is entirely optional. The only thing we sell is data on the aggregation of opinions to people who want to know. They will never get to know who anyone is.

I am guessing you haven't checked out our website as this details exactly what we are doing and how it all works. Would be interested to hear if you still felt the same way after looking at what we have done in more detail. Can't really respond to the suggestion we are not being honest as no easy way to prove that to you so why would you believe us, however history shows that businesses that abuse the trust of the users tend to fall over pretty quickly so why would we.
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