Will Greta Thunberg go the way of so many other child stars?

Besides being off-topic thos comment is ignorant bullshit.

From Snopes.com
In late 2022, social media users were sharing a quote meme that claimed Ashley Biden, the daughter of U.S. President Joe Biden, once wrote of her father in a diary, "I [am] so afraid of him coming in the shower with me that I've waited until late at night to take a shower." According to the quote meme, the sentence appeared on pages 67 and 68 of the aforementioned diary.

We have so far been unable to find any evidence whatsoever that shows this is an actual quote from Biden's daughter.

A supposed diary quote said Ashley Biden wrote she was afraid of her dad coming in the shower.

So, tell your diary that you've once again failed to show us all that you aren't a gullible fool
Biden sent the FBI to retrieve a fake Ashley diary?
These are crap. Lots of these are from Paul Ehrlich, an ecologist and genuine fear mongerer who had no qualifications in climate science whatsoever. Tell you what, if you can find any of these predictions that came from a study published in a peer reviewed journal and were written by someone with a doctorate in at least a related field, I'll have a look. But I'll bet a dollar to a donut that you won't find a single item in this list meeting that criteria. In the meanwhile, here are some actual predictions from actual scientists published in a peer reviewed document:
View attachment 743741

Does this look like the sort of crap your list addresses? No, it does not. Welcome to actual science.
I rarely come back and reply to the same post twice, so this is something of an honor for you.

I didn't bother to even look at those charts at first, since you did not bother to link them. That gives me low confidence (no pun intended) in the website when you hide it.

But I got curious. You are right about one thing, that chart does not make a dire prediction of life-ending disaster in the foreseeable future. Quite the opposide


Look at the line for the "median confidence" in the predicted Global mean sea level rise, that I highlighted.

The median confidence prediction is a rise of about 1.2 meters by the year 2150, one hundred and fifty years after the chart was prepared. Suppose there were some way to know that this prediction would in reality come true. There is not, but just suppose.

How does that justify this:


Where did she get that science?

Should we just trust her, like the Democrats all trusted (and continue to trust) Al Gore?
How about 50?

Below are the . . . failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions (with links):

1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
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3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
5. 1971: New Ice Age
Which one of those was a CLIMATE MODEL?

Do you know what a CLIMATE MODEL is?

1970!? The first Cray Supercomputer was not operational until 1976.
Which one of those was a CLIMATE MODEL?
All of them.
Do you know what a CLIMATE MODEL is?

1970!? The first Cray Supercomputer was not operational until 1976.
Yes, I know what a CLIMATE MODEL is. You own link shows that a CLIMATE MODEL does not require a Cray Supercomputer or any computer:

However, less than a century ago, climate models were little more than an idea; basic equations roughly sketched out on paper. After the second world war, though, the pace of development quickened dramatically, particularly in the US.

For anyone that might actually want to learn something:

A stadium full of women computers! 1922


I'll ask you what I asked Crick

Where is Greta Thunberg getting "the science," that says we are done after eight years?


Why do Democrats like Al Gore, John Kerry, and Leonardo DiCaprio insist on being the spokesmen for "the science," instead of letting "the scientists" be the leaders?

When those uneducated celebs make outlandish and clearly non-scientific statements like that, why don't "the scientists" correct them?
People over 30 making a big deal about a 16 year old (3 years ago) were hilarious. I never cared where she got it I would read or for myself.

Her problem is the she will have to live with the results of the incompetence of dealing with the climate issue long after the incompetents are dead.
People over 30 making a big deal about a 16 year old (3 years ago) were hilarious. I never cared where she got it I would read or for myself.

Her problem is the she will have to live with the results of the incompetence of dealing with the climate issue long after the incompetents are dead.
What climate issue?
All of them.

Yes, I know what a CLIMATE MODEL is. You own link shows that a CLIMATE MODEL does not require a Cray Supercomputer or any computer:

However, less than a century ago, climate models were little more than an idea; basic equations roughly sketched out on paper. After the second world war, though, the pace of development quickened dramatically, particularly in the US.

I'll ask you what I asked Crick

Where is Greta Thunberg getting "the science," that says we are done after eight years?

View attachment 743851

Why do Democrats like Al Gore, John Kerry, and Leonardo DiCaprio insist on being the spokesmen for "the science," instead of letting "the scientists" be the leaders?

When those uneducated celebs make outlandish and clearly non-scientific statements like that, why don't "the scientists" correct them?
algore walks into an empty room.... and somehow the room becomes emptier.

That's one of the dumbest mother fuckers to ever knuckle drag this planet. He told us we need to take advantage of the earth's core because it's "MILLIONS OF DEGREES, MAN!!!" It's actually a few thousand degrees. His record for predicting weather disasters is about 25 consecutive whiffs. It's uncanny how rich he's gotten wallowing in paralyzing stupidity.

climate hysteria 55.jpg
Can you imagine if this were Trump and his daughter? You have to INSTRUCT democrats that this is wrong
OMG, if that were Ivanka's confessions the msm politburo would lead every fake newscast with it for the next 25 years. Nanzi and Schitt would still be having hearings about it. Mara Lago would have been ransacked several more times.

But "it's just joe" molesting his teenage daughter. She'll get over it with another 30 years of therapy and rehab. Man up, bitch.

It's funny to watch the left slowly lose their lust for Greta now that she's not a minor anymore. Just sayin'.... :laughing0301:

All of them.

Yes, I know what a CLIMATE MODEL is. You own link shows that a CLIMATE MODEL does not require a Cray Supercomputer or any computer:

However, less than a century ago, climate models were little more than an idea; basic equations roughly sketched out on paper. After the second world war, though, the pace of development quickened dramatically, particularly in the US.

I'll ask you what I asked Crick

Where is Greta Thunberg getting "the science," that says we are done after eight years?

View attachment 743851

Why do Democrats like Al Gore, John Kerry, and Leonardo DiCaprio insist on being the spokesmen for "the science," instead of letting "the scientists" be the leaders?

When those uneducated celebs make outlandish and clearly non-scientific statements like that, why don't "the scientists" correct them?
I don't recall you asking me diddly squat, but this is not a topic to which I pay much mind (nor you). There are plenty of scientists who believe we have passed the critical point; that there is no longer any chance that we will be able to stave off catastrophic warming - particularly since we're still not doing as much as scientists told us we needed to do decades ago. We're fucked and she is right and you are wrong. That about sums it up I think.
I don't recall you asking me diddly squat,
It was at the end of post #42, which you did not bother to read. Which is fine, of course. I understand that if facts interfere with your beliefs and that annoys you, it is less triggering to simply avoid them.
but this is not a topic to which I pay much mind (nor you). There are plenty of scientists who believe we have passed the critical point; that there is no longer any chance that we will be able to stave off catastrophic warming - particularly since we're still not doing as much as scientists told us we needed to do decades ago. We're fucked and she is right and you are wrong. That about sums it up I think.
I doubt that, but for the sake of argument, let's suppose Greta is right. Personally, I think she just needs to turn 18 and find a real man, like from Texas and her personality will change overnight. But let's play pretend.

If we are no longer able to stave off catastrophic warming - particularly since we show no sign of doing any more than we are doing to "prevent climate change," what's the point of her warnings? If nothing we will realistically do can change it, why not just accept our fate, drill for as much oil as we can as fast as we can to get the economy back on track and party until the end?

There is a book and movie you might enjoy - probably the movie, since reading isn't your long suit - called "On the Beach." Great movie, Gregory Peck is an American submarine commander whose ship was one of the only American ships to survive a nuclear exchange that wiped out the Northern Hemisphere. He landed in Australia where the people knew that they were doomed.

They made the best of it. They din't scapegoat anyone, they didn't protest the coming radiation cloud that could not be stopped. They lived life as best as they could until the end.

What choice did they have? What choice do we have if Greta is right?
The link I provided says someone conceptualized the mathematical modelling of weather, not climate, in 1922. He imagined a stadium full of women computers.

But you talked about the model computing swings in the atmosphere and predicting something weird. I can't recall your exact words. How can that be done without a computer?

The climate models have predicted disastrous life ending swings in climate for at least five decades I've seen first hand.

5 decades would go back to 1972. No Cray. John von Neumann did a WEATHER simulation on the ENIAC that took 24 hours to do a mediocre 24 hour weather prediction.

So would you be so kind as to specify what CLIMATE predictions you are talking about. When and on What computer, or admit that you are making mindless generalizations based on the predictions from dummies who probably could not program a bubble sort on a computer.
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The kid was never as useful as they wanted her t be, irrelevant of how hard cable news entertainent and social media tried to make her useful.

She was a replacement for Gore because nobody took Gore seriously any more and he was a laughing stock.

The idea was that by using a child as a stalking horse that nobody would treat a chld the way they treated Gore and the assumption was that everyobod ywould pause and not speak out against the propaganda.

Well...they were wrong. lolol.

That kid got it far worse than Gore ever did.

Anyway. While I'm reminded of it, I idled my V8 today for about an hour. Sounded great, too. love that bluh, bluh, bluh, bluh, bluh, bluh, bluh sound. I did so because (1) I felt like it and (2) because I wanted to bring it up to temp and get rid of any condensation since it's been parked ever since salt went down on the roads.
The link I provided says someone conceptualized the mathematical modelling of weather, not climate, in 1922. He imagined a stadium full of women computers.

But you talked about the model computing swings in the atmosphere and predicting something weird. I can't recall your exact words. How can that be done without a computer?
Here are my exact words, Jan Brady:

The climate models have predicted disastrous life ending swings in climate for at least five decades I've seen first hand. Meanwhile the population grows and life exectancy increases.
Notice the word "computer" does not appear in that quote. You inserted that word into the debate in desperation to prove me wrong by showing that computers did not exist in the 1970's. Here are the exact words from your own link:


Climate models do not require a computer. Dire end of the world predictions can come from paper and pencil calculations. They can also be completely imaginary, and Democrats still swallow them HL and C.

5 decades would go back to 1972. No Cray. John von Neumann did a WEATHER simulation on the ENIAC that took 24 hours to do a mediocre 24 hour weather prediction.

So would you be so kind as to specify what CLIMATE predictions you are talking about. When and on What computer, or admit that you are making mindless generalizations based on the predictions from dummies who probably could not program a bubble sort on a computer.
I listed fifty apocolyptic predictions made by global warming alarmists in the last fifty years. None of the ones whose predicted disaster dates have come and gone have turned out to be even close to accurate.

Where does Greta get "the science?"
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I listed fifty apocolyptic predictions made by global warming alarmists in the last fifty years. None of the ones whose predicted disaster dates have come and gone have turned out to be even close to accurate.

Where does Greta get "the science?"
Ask Greta, I don't care about her. I read the book "The Discovery of Global Warming" and couple by Michael Mann. I don't care where Greta got her information there are lots of books. Which ones have you read?

Computing any "swings" by hand is really difficult to believe considering that supercomputers can run for days. So specify who did these calculations for one of your 50 preposterous claims. The first computer example I found was ENIAC in the late 1940s that ran for 24 hours.

I went back and inserted your quote in case you didn't notice.

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