Will He or Won't He ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Or only his hairdresser gives an " F ". I doubt Donald Trump got
many " F's " while at Wharton.But then he was shipped off to Military
School { New York Military Academy } for some reason.Probably due to
his strident and often domineering personality.The Orange Man is not
one to be denied.Which rewarded him a huge positive.Probably no human
on earth has such name recognition.That's ALL on Trump.
Like him or leave him ... He has Name recognition.And that hair.
And that personality.Not his strong suit in my opinion.
Gathers more in the way of negativity than it's worth.But he does
like to stay busy and acheive.Definately the last human on earth who
would take to being a slacker.He's the polar opposite of a slacker.
He's a Doer.A mover and a shaker.Like the movie " working 24 hrs. a day "
Or - The Secret of My Success - { 1987 } That's Donald Trump in a nutshell.
Like the busiest squirrel on record.And off record.
So is Today the day.That he'll announce.That he's getting a new hairdresser.
Or dumping his stock all red ties.Must have about 100 of 'em.
Probably never wears the same red tie twice.
Maybe he'll announce by suggesting.That he could.Like just maybe.
If only to bug the bejesus out of them Bushies.That'd work.
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The insanity never ends.
Therein lies the conundrum.The guy was a doer.Accomplished
more in 4 years than any Modern Day Potus.ALL while under
constant attack.Unless someone would be kind enough to cite
a specific article by the MSM { N.Y.Times or Washington Post }
THE Newspapers of record.To prove me wrong.They had an
article { one front page article or column } thanking and congratulating
our 45th President for a job well done.Like with eliminating Isis
as a viable and constant threat.Like making way for our country's
Oil Independence.Strongest border security in decades.Eliminating
Obama's record level of rules & regulation.That stymied Growth
and take home pay.Gave us back our Vaunted Middle class which
the census under Obama proves was In Decline.
Plus doing what no President in the last 50 years was capable.
Moving the Israel Embassy from Tel Aviv to where it belonged ...
in Jerusalem.
There's more pluses on the Trump ledger.
Maybe instead of saying ... being in the Black { positive territory }
instead The red {negative territory } it can be called ...
In the Orange
By the Orange Man.

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