Will Hillary finally be locked up?

Durham isn't alleging Hillary committed any of the crimes you fantasize about. He must be a deep state nazi marxist RINO too, huh, Fruitcake?


Durham is a professional and won't make accusations - he will let the indictments fly.

His filing made it abundantly clear that Hillary and Obama engaged in espionage and treason.

The question is, since Hillary isn't subject to the laws that govern the peasants, are treason and spying actually crimes. Can a democrat break laws if there ARE no laws for democrats?

You fucking Nazis have torn down a nation of laws and replaced it with a land ruled by an unaccountable Aristocracy.

You are a peasant, an Iranian immigrant, you are not immune to the capricious and arbitrary edicts of the ruling Aristocracy. You celebrate that your rulers are above the law, because you have delusions that you too will be able to openly commit crimes without penalty. And your Fuhrer Soros has made that a reality for many of the dregs of society, vermin like you. Shoplifting, smash and grab, rape. But get beyond street crime, try anything that will bring in big money and they will throw you in prison just as fast as they would imprison an American.

This was once a great nation, a place with equal justice - no longer since you Nazis took power, but we remember what a civilized nation was, and it was good.
Wrong, Sussman is the previous indictment, he has found a direct link between the Hillary campaign and “tech companies” who then illegally looked into Trump’s lines in order to create a false narrative, and it was all also done with Obama and Brennans knowledge and participation.
There is only one indictment against Sussman. And that is for lying to the FBI. Friday's filing was not an indictment.
Durham is a professional and won't make accusations - he will let the indictments fly.

His filing made it abundantly clear that Hillary and Obama engaged in espionage and treason.

The question is, since Hillary isn't subject to the laws that govern the peasants, are treason and spying actually crimes. Can a democrat break laws if there ARE no laws for democrats?

Fruitcake, then why hasn't he had anyone indicted for this?
Of course others think that. The same ones who thought Hillary had Parkinsons, and that the election was stolen. Crazies always think crazy things.
Like Biden. Just for that those blue areas need to be removed from existence.
You fucking Nazis have torn down a nation of laws and replaced it with a land ruled by an unaccountable Aristocracy.

You are a peasant, an Iranian immigrant, you are not immune to the capricious and arbitrary edicts of the ruling Aristocracy. You celebrate that your rulers are above the law, because you have delusions that you too will be able to openly commit crimes without penalty. And your Fuhrer Soros has made that a reality for many of the dregs of society, vermin like you. Shoplifting, smash and grab, rape. But get beyond street crime, try anything that will bring in big money and they will throw you in prison just as fast as they would imprison an American.

This was once a great nation, a place with equal justice - no longer since you Nazis took power, but we remember what a civilized nation was, and it was good.
Mobilizing the KGB and CIA to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States is war, you retard fucking Nazi.

Your Reich engaged in treason with the endless stream of attempted coups.

Now you're imagining wars that don't exist. If providing evidence of potential crimes by the POTUS to authorities is treason, then according to you, Linda Tripp committed treason by turning over evidence of potential crimes committed by Clinton when she handed over recordings to Ken Starr.

Do you feel stupid now??

Now you're imagining wars that don't exist. If providing evidence of potential crimes by the POTUS to authorities is treason, then according to you, Linda Tripp committed treason by turning over evidence of potential crimes committed by Clinton when she handed over recordings to Ken Starr.

Do you feel stupid now??


Your desperation is obvious, Nazi. You're a rat caught in a trap. (No offense to rodents meant by the comparison."


Your desperation is obvious, Nazi. You're a rat caught in a trap. (No offense to rodents meant by the comparison."

View attachment 602134

You're unable to show anyone was indicted over this, so now you mindlessly post others' opinions which happen to match yours.

Fruitcake, the only opinion that matters in this is Durham's. Not yours or Gabbards. And Durham has not accused anyone in this case of spying on Trump.

Yet another swing and a miss by the forum nut.


Sure retard.

The question is whether Durham really wants to indict just the figurative tail if he can get the whole dog — a question that now may weigh heavily on a number of Washington figures, just as it did following Durham’s indictment in September of Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann.

Danchenko’s indictment on five counts of lying to the FBI serves two obvious purposes. First, these counts — with a possible five years in prison on each — are enough to concentrate the mind of any defendant about possibly flipping for the prosecution. Second, indicting Danchenko “hoists the wretch” for potential targets to see and consider that there but for the grace of God — and Durham — go they.}

What was that again, dumbfuck?


Fruitcake, then why hasn't he had anyone indicted for this?

Can you repeat that, shit fer brains?


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You're unable to show anyone was indicted over this, so now you mindlessly post others' opinions which happen to match yours.

Fruitcake, the only opinion that matters in this is Durham's. Not yours or Gabbards. And Durham has not accused anyone in this case of spying on Trump.

Wow, you really DO watch nothing but CNN.

Hey stupid fuck, the Reich Super-PAC doesn't report the news, you drooling retard.
Sure retard.

The question is whether Durham really wants to indict just the figurative tail if he can get the whole dog — a question that now may weigh heavily on a number of Washington figures, just as it did following Durham’s indictment in September of Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann.

Danchenko’s indictment on five counts of lying to the FBI serves two obvious purposes. First, these counts — with a possible five years in prison on each — are enough to concentrate the mind of any defendant about possibly flipping for the prosecution. Second, indicting Danchenko “hoists the wretch” for potential targets to see and consider that there but for the grace of God — and Durham — go they.}

What was that again, dumbfuck?


Fruitcake, then why hasn't he had anyone indicted for this?

Can you repeat that, shit fer brains?
Holy fuck, are you ever retarded. :cuckoo:

Fruitcake, Danchenko has absolutely nothing to do with Friday's filing.


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