Will Hillary finally be locked up?

To entertain me? Very thoughtful of them. It's too early to tell, but this looks like it has some teeth. Just my opinion, but others seem to think so too.
Of course others think that. The same ones who thought Hillary had Parkinsons, and that the election was stolen. Crazies always think crazy things.
Of course others think that. The same ones who thought Hillary had Parkinsons, and that the election was stolen. Crazies always think crazy things.
Like you believe that Trump is responsible for all that is bad in America? Those crazies?
That's what the crazy right wing talking heads were hoping for.

The problem with the catastrophization that is the bread and butter for most republicans.....is that they have to wildly exaggerate the peril of democrats to ignore the peril of their own.

Take the Georgia criminal grand jury, with the Secretary of State of Georgia saying that he was threatened by Trump. That's pretty serious. How do you ignore that?

You imagine an even WORSE fate waiting for Hillary, based on.......a report that accuses her of no crime nor even mentions her.

...amazing the justification of all kinds of criminal, unconstitutional, treasonous and anti democracy behavior that is acceptable with you Marxists, as long as it's done for the benefit of the Demofacist party, "they only accessed DNS traffic", you mean they HACKED AKA SPIED ON a presidential candidate and then the duly elected president of the USA's computers and domain servers, all paid for and sponsored by an opposing party candidate, the then sitting president of the US Obama and those under and around him, as well as the corrupt media.

It's such a shame you have to make up terms not found in Durham's motion. "Hacking" isn't in there. "Spying" isn't in there. "Treason" isn't in there.

All you're doing is accusing people of crimes that not even Durham is alleging. The only crime alleged by Durham is lying to the FBI. And the only person named in that indictment is Sussmann.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

Nothing burger.
Tell me, since Reich members are not subject to any law, are the things Hillary did - sedition, treason, espionage, election tampering, etc. actually crimes? I mean if a peasant did it they would go to prison for life - but Hillary is a Reich member, laws don't apply to her - so is it even a crime if you aren't subject to laws?
Durham isn't alleging Hillary committed any of the crimes you fantasize about. He must be a deep state nazi marxist RINO too, huh, Fruitcake?

:lmao: Gotta love Leftist lunacy...."looked at" is that your way of saying they illegally hacked and spied on? So I guess you would be okay with foreign or domestic entities "looking at" Biden's traffic and domain servers.
No, it's actually Durham's assessment they didn't illegally hack or spy as he never alleged either of those crimes. And unlike you, he's been investigating this for some time now and has intimate knowledge of the details; none of which you possess.

So this will slip through your slimy fingers just as has every accusation of Hillary's criminality has for decades now.
Even if Hillary went on CNN and gave video proof of Obama raping a boy on the Resolute desk with Biden holding him down, there would be no charges.

If Hillary took a campaign staffer on the Don Lemon show and blew her brains out all over the camera she wouldn't be charged.


democrats of rank are not held to any law. They are our rulers and can do anything.

We need to let go of the delusion that there is law in America. Hillary cannot be prosecuted. If she goes against the party, Fuhrer Soros will have her killed, Other than that, she is untouchable. There is no law - it's a farce to club the proles with - nothing more.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

By all means....

If there was wrongdoing, and she had a hand in it, then charge her and try her and sentence her...

So long as you don't mind the same thing being done to your power-crazed traitorous orange piece-of-$hit con-man...

Whatever it takes to shut you clowns up about 'partisan justice' and to demonstrate that we are a Nation of Laws, not a nation of men nor personality cults...

Send both of 'em to jail for all I (or much of the country) care... they're both yesterday's news... both has-beens... both non-starters for 2024...

Neither will really be missed...
Democrat congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard -
“What is being revealed here, Jesse, is the truth: Hillary Clinton and the power elite in this country manufactured this Russian collusion lie actively undermining our democracy and stoking the fires moving us into this new Cold War with Russia,” Gabbard said Monday in a Fox News Channel interview with Host Jesse Watters.

“The damage that they did to the American people, our democracy and others around the world is immeasurable,”


You see, that's what happens when you have criminal filth in positions of power. But you're too much of a liar to admit that fact.
I am surprised to see you slamming your Orange Baboon-God in such harsh terms... welcome back to The Light... :abgg2q.jpg:

It's such a shame you have to make up terms not found in Durham's motion. "Hacking" isn't in there. "Spying" isn't in there. "Treason" isn't in there.

All you're doing is accusing people of crimes that not even Durham is alleging. The only crime alleged by Durham is lying to the FBI. And the only person named in that indictment is Sussmann.
Wrong, Sussman is the previous indictment, he has found a direct link between the Hillary campaign and “tech companies” who then illegally looked into Trump’s lines in order to create a false narrative, and it was all also done with Obama and Brennans knowledge and participation.
Nothing burger.
Crimes committed by Democrats are always nothing burgers, until they suddenly are, right Mr. Cuomo? Then the Left will throw the person under the bus like a hot potato and act as if they never idolized or worshipped them.

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