Will Hillary finally be locked up?

Who said Hillary is untouchable? I'm saying your ilk's pseudo-legal dipshittery doesn't translate into actual crimes, charges, trials or convictions. You jack each other off with these silly stories of comeuppance where Hillary is going to be locked up.....

....and then nothing. You move on to the next steaming pile of pseudo-legal horseshit.

Remember when your ilk lost their minds at Pelosi ripping up a copy of the State of the Union address? You guys were so, so certain that Pelosi had committed a serious crime for destroying government records.

How'd that turn out again?

Remember when you were SURE that Comey was going to prison for revealing his personal notes? That he'd leaked 'classified information', and was going to be locked up?

How'd that turn out again?

Remember when you were SURE that Hillary was going to jail because of her Email servers?

How'd that turn out again?

But this time its different, huh?
I'm making the case she won't be in trouble, not sure what you are whining about.
I'm making the case she won't be in trouble, not sure what you are whining about.

And by 'case', you're just making shit up.

Hillary hasn't even been accused of a crime by Durham. Let alone indicted, tried or convicted.

Yet here you are with your latest little 'LOCK HER UP' fantasy, furiously stroking your little pseudo-legal pud.

But this time is different, huh?
She hates Obama for beating her, she hates Biden because the DNC cheated for him but not her. Since she can't Arkancide them, this is the next best thing.

Even if Hillary went on CNN and gave video proof of Obama raping a boy on the Resolute desk with Biden holding him down, there would be no charges.

If Hillary took a campaign staffer on the Don Lemon show and blew her brains out all over the camera she wouldn't be charged.


democrats of rank are not held to any law. They are our rulers and can do anything.

We need to let go of the delusion that there is law in America. Hillary cannot be prosecuted. If she goes against the party, Fuhrer Soros will have her killed, Other than that, she is untouchable. There is no law - it's a farce to club the proles with - nothing more.
Even if Hillary went on CNN and gave video proof of Obama raping a boy on the Resolute desk with Biden holding him down, there would be no charges.

If Hillary took a campaign staffer on the Don Lemon show and blew her brains out all over the camera she wouldn't be charged.


democrats of rank are not held to any law. They are our rulers and can do anything.

We need to let go of the delusion that there is law in America. Hillary cannot be prosecuted. If she goes against the party, Fuhrer Soros will have her killed, Other than that, she is untouchable. There is no law - it's a farce to club the proles with - nothing more.

So your proof that there is no law in America is that Obama hasn't been charged with crimes you imagined?

Do you guys really not get that your feelings and fantasies AREN'T actually evidence of any crime?
I'm just having some fun. Who knows what will happen, although it does seem pretty serious.

For Hillary? Not particularly.

Which makes Trump's calls for executions all the more desperate. That's a man who is spooked.
If Biden had a server in his basement that talked to almost no one but a Russian bank, I would have no [problem with the FBI looking into it.

And newsflash...they didn't access any servers or hard drives
Keep up will ya, the person who lied about having an illegal server that she sent and received top secret emails and then committed obstruction of justice using bleach bit to wipe it clean was Hillary, not Trump. But we understand you're having a hard time admitting what occurred was illegal and criminal behavior and anti democracy.
Not subject to any laws....according to who? Let me guess? You citing you?

Right, it's raining - you're not pissing in my face.

There is no law in America. That is a fact. Reich member of Rank can and do commit any and all crimes with complete immunity.

Michael Flynn lies to the KGB and the Inquisition tortures him for months, threatens to throw his CHILDREN in prison and sell his grandchildren into slavery. (foster care)

James Clapper lies to the FBI - no harm no foul - Reich Member - not subject to the law.

Roger Stone accused of lying to congress - pre-dawn raid with gun ships, amphibian troops - and of course the Super-PAC of CNN (felony by the FBI)

James Comey lies to congress - no harm no foul - Reich Member - not subject to the law.

Anthony Fauci lies to congress - no harm no foul - Reich Member - not subject to the law.

Peter Strzok commits treason and lies to congress - no harm no foul - Reich Member - not subject to the law.

Andrew McCabe lies to congress - no harm no foul - Reich Member - not subject to the law.

So Pelosi violated laws on destroying government records for ripping a COPY of the state of the union address, but Trump didn't violate the Presidential Records Act for ripping up page after page of original presidential records?

Comey violated the law by taking 'classified information' in personal notes.........but Trump didn't when he STOLE 15 boxes of records, including those marked 'top secret' and 'classified'?

If not for double standards, you'd have none at all.

There is zero evidence that Trump took anything.

You fucking Nazis tell a lie, then run with it as if it were established fact. Maggie Haberman is a fucking liar - as most Nazi democrat are. Her lie is not a fact.
Keep up will ya, the person who lied about having an illegal server that she sent and received top secret emails and then committed obstruction of justice using bleach bit to wipe it clean was Hillary, not Trump. But we understand you're having a hard time admitting what occurred was illegal and criminal behavior and anti democracy.

According to who?

Remmeber, Trump's own justice department never prosecuted her for any of that. So if the case was as air tight as you seem to be insinuating.....why no charges?

Not by any Justice Department under any administration? Not even Bill Barr would pursue it.
For Hillary? Not particularly.

Which makes Trump's calls for executions all the more desperate. That's a man who is spooked.
The only way out of something like this, which appears to on or near the level of treason is to burn someone higher up the food chain. This is not a fall on your sword scenario.
Right, it's raining - you're not pissing in my face.

There is no law in America. That is a fact. Reich member of Rank can and do commit any and all crimes with complete immunity.

Michael Flynn lies to the KGB and the Inquisition tortures him for months, threatens to throw his CHILDREN in prison and sell his grandchildren into slavery. (foster care)

According to who? According to Sidney "Release the Kraken" Powell. Backed by nothing.

You know, the lady that insisted in court documents that no reasonable person would accept her accusations as facts. That Sidney Powell.

James Clapper lies to the FBI - no harm no foul - Reich Member - not subject to the law.
If the case was as open and shut as you claim, why didn't Trump's DOJ pursue charges?

Lets start with these.
So your proof that there is no law in America is that Obama hasn't been charged with crimes you imagined?

Do you guys really not get that your feelings and fantasies AREN'T actually evidence of any crime?

No Nazi is ever charged or prosecuted - regardless of what they do.

There is no law in America - and you fucking well know it.

According to who? According to Sidney "Release the Kraken" Powell. Backed by nothing.

You know, the lady that insisted in court documents that no reasonable person would accept her accusations as facts. That Sidney Powell.

If the case was as open and shut as you claim, why didn't Trump's DOJ pursue charges?

Lets start with these.
Trump didn't pursue it because he trusted the establishment hacks who warned him against. Only to see those same hacks turn on him. He won't make the same mistake twice.
The only way out of something like this, which appears to on or near the level of treason is to burn someone higher up the food chain. This is not a fall on your sword scenario.

Uh-huh. Your ilk were just as certain that Comey was going to jail for releasing classified information. Or that Pelosi was going to jail because she ripped up a copy of the state of the union. Or that Hillary was going to jail for her Email servers.


Hell, you guys were *certain* that the Supreme Court was going to overturn the election and give it to Trump because the dipshit AG of Texas filed a lawsuit.


Remember those 60 or so Big Lie cases that your ilk were certain was going to throw the election to Trump?


The record of your ilk on accurate legal predictions is one of utter incompetence. You keep conflating what you WANT to be true with what the evidence and law actually support.

But this time is different, huh? Even when Hillary isn't even accused with any crime by Durham? Let alone indicted?
According to who? According to Sidney "Release the Kraken" Powell. Backed by nothing.

You know, the lady that insisted in court documents that no reasonable person would accept her accusations as facts. That Sidney Powell.

Hello? This doesn't just disappear because you ignored it.

Who said that Flynn was 'threatened'? Why, Sidney Powell.......you know, that tinfoil dipshit who is now trying to convince lawyers that you can't take her claims as fact.

If the case was as open and shut as you claim, why didn't Trump's DOJ pursue charges?

Lets start with these.
Trump didn't pursue it because he trusted the establishment hacks who warned him against. Only to see those same hacks turn on him. He won't make the same mistake twice.

Says who? Trump has never said this. You're literally imagining dialogue and thoughts for Trump. As an aside, do you get how much of your argument is just you, making shit up?
Hello? This doesn't just disappear because you ignored it.

Who said that Flynn was 'threatened'? Why, Sidney Powell.......you know, that tinfoil dipshit who is now trying to convince lawyers that you can't take her claims as fact.

Trump didn't pursue it because he trusted the establishment hacks who warned him against. Only to see those same hacks turn on him. He won't make the same mistake twice.

Says who? Trump has never said this. You're literally imagining dialogue and thoughts for Trump. As an aside, do you get how much of your argument is just you, making shit up?
I already said I'm just having some fun. The difference is you have already come to a conclusion, whereas most intelligent folks will wait and see how it plays out.
Says who? Trump has never said this. You're literally imagining dialogue and thoughts for Trump. As an aside, do you get how much of your argument is just you, making shit up?
I already said I'm just having some fun. The difference is you have already come to a conclusion, whereas most intelligent folks will wait and see how it plays out.

So just making shit up.

At least you admit it.

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