Will Hillary finally be locked up?

If we had a government that did not value corruption, arrests would already be underway.
How about you start valuing facts over your bashit crazy politico fantasies?

If you did that you wouldn't need all those damn conpiracy theories to cope with reality.
Misrepresented bullshit is what the Democrats and Left wing media have done for the last 6 years (Well, actually much longer than that, but relative to Trump).

There are new indictments coming down, and once again it has to do with Democrats doing what they falsely accused Trump and those around him of.
OK, so any day now, right?
It doesn’t get more criminal than this. Hillary’s campaign paid an outside company to hack into an opposition party nominee’s computers. That’s what the indictment is for. Then Obama’s minions took the ball and fed the lies to the intelligence and law enforcement agencies, who were complicit in the crime. They then fed (leaked) it to the fake news media and Democrat party apparatchiks to try to impeach and remove a duly elected president from power. Interesting how the same assholes who keep whining “but but but our Democracy blah blah blah…”, are completely silent about this treason of the highest levels. Perhaps because they’re all involved and coconspirators.


No, dumbfuck, there is only one related indictment and it's against Sussmann for lying to the FBI. And nowhere in last week's filing did it say Hillary paid for them to do that. Only that they accessed DNS traffic and billed Hillary. It also doesn't say they hacked anyone's computers. Pretty much everything in your post is wrong.
Nixon was accused covering up an attempt to find out the campaign strategy of the McGovern campaign.

Obama and Clinton hacked into the computer systems of the opposition campaign, used the FBI and the CIA to disseminate the illegally gained information, then proceeded to spy on the president of the United States.

You fucking retard nazi.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

And what crime are you accusing Hillary of this time?

Your ilk have already called for her to be imprisoned for crimes she was never even charged with, let alone convicted of. Do these new 'crimes' come with the executions you guys are calling for?

No, dumbfuck, there is only one related indictment and it's against Sussmann for lying to the FBI. And nowhere in last week's filing did it say Hillary paid for them to do that. Only that they accessed DNS traffic and billed Hillary. It also doesn't say they hacked anyone's computers. Pretty much everything in your post is wrong.
Trust me, what you just said sailed right over the tards' heads.
We've been asking the same thing about Gaetz. You Dems keep saying indictments are coming, but they never do.

At least there's a grand jury convened to determine if Gaetz should be indicted. That remains to be seen. Whereas not even Durham is claiming Hillary committed any crimes in relation to this.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

No, and why should she be; she's done nothing wrong. BTW, she was never impeached as Secretary of State and stared down a sham Benghazi Committee which tried for two years to nail her, without success! Trump had two impeachments and is being investigated on multiple fronts for more criminal acts than I have the time to list.
We've been asking the same thing about Gaetz. You Dems keep saying indictments are coming, but they never do.
Yeah, how long has it been said about Clinton? Given 1/6, I’m sure this time things will move much more quickly, since they actually have evidence, unlike the Clinton accusers.
At least there's a grand jury convened to determine if Gaetz should be indicted. That remains to be seen. Whereas not even Durham is claiming Hillary committed any crimes in relation to this.

Do you really need an indictment for the "LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!!!" crowd to want someone stripped of their freedom and liberty? They're calling for her aides to be *executed* at this point.

Our laws and constitution have got jack shit to do with their pseudo-legal demands for authoritarianism and murder.

No, dumbfuck, there is only one related indictment and it's against Sussmann for lying to the FBI. And nowhere in last week's filing did it say Hillary paid for them to do that. Only that they accessed DNS traffic and billed Hillary. It also doesn't say they hacked anyone's computers. Pretty much everything in your post is wrong.

Anything to ignore the 15 boxes of presidential records that Trump smuggled out of the White House and stole.....including top secret and classified documents.
We've been asking the same thing about Gaetz. You Dems keep saying indictments are coming, but they never do.
Really? You want to compare Gaetz's recent crap to the 30+years you crazies have been trying to make something stick to Hillary? Really?
Really? You want to compare Gaetz's recent crap to the 30+years you crazies have been trying to make something stick to Hillary? Really?

They don't even bother with trials, convictions or even charges at this point. They just go straight to calls for incarceration and execution.

So much for the 'law and order' party.
They don't even bother with trials, convictions or even charges at this point. They just go straight to calls for incarceration and execution.

So much for the 'law and order' party.
She's already been tried and convicted in conspiracy theory court.

No, dumbfuck, there is only one related indictment and it's against Sussmann for lying to the FBI. And nowhere in last week's filing did it say Hillary paid for them to do that. Only that they accessed DNS traffic and billed Hillary. It also doesn't say they hacked anyone's computers. Pretty much everything in your post is wrong.
But..but...but...Hannity made it sound like all that other shit happened.
There is nothing supporting those fantasies in any of DOJ filings, you are just clueless.

I get it.

Because the democrat Super-PAC that is the Reich Media has refused to cover news that harms the filthy Nazi party - you seriously have no idea that the Inspector General filed court documents Friday because the democrat collaborators at CNN and NBCCP have refused to report any news harmful to the Reich.

You are pathetically ill-informed and really quite stupid.

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