Will Hillary finally be locked up?

You've caught yourself in your own trap. Where's your counter argument you pos loser? No fucking where.

Oh yes, I mean major bombshell dropped showing that Clinton and Obama spied on the sitting president of the United States for the purpose of overthrowing said president - article 3 treason - and I'm caught.

Well Heil Soros indeed.
Oh yes, I mean major bombshell dropped showing that Clinton and Obama spied on the sitting president of the United States for the purpose of overthrowing said president - article 3 treason - and I'm caught.

Well Heil Soros indeed.
Where are the charges you fucking idiot?
Oh yes, I mean major bombshell dropped showing that Clinton and Obama spied on the sitting president of the United States for the purpose of overthrowing said president - article 3 treason - and I'm caught.

Well Heil Soros indeed.
Show the arrests. You can't. You're a miserable loser.


You Nazis are panicking.

As you should be.

Don't worry though, the laws don't apply to your Reich.
You said paid, not me you retard. Hillary paid to hack the servers of the opposition campaign. This is you. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :aargh: 😂 :spinner: :rofl: 🤪 You can't keep up with your own bs.
Nixon was accused covering up an attempt to find out the campaign strategy of the McGovern campaign.

Nixon's plumber were caught bugging the DNC Headquarter. They were replacing the bugs that had quit working. When they were booked the Police found evidence linking them to the Nixon Campaign. It was the tip of the iceberg of the corrupt workings inside the Nixon White House. It all came crashing down when the tapes reveled to the pubic his knowledge of the slush fund.

Obama and Clinton hacked into the computer systems of the opposition campaign,

You must be high as a kite. Nothing in the Durham filing indicates allegations like that.

You fucking retard

Say that again, but with meaning this time.


You Nazis are panicking.

As you should be.

Don't worry though, the laws don't apply to your Reich.
Folks, look at this pathetic surrender from this pitiful loser. He dropped his pants on this one for sure. LOL! What a fool.
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Nixon was accused covering up an attempt to find out the campaign strategy of the McGovern campaign.

Obama and Clinton hacked into the computer systems of the opposition campaign, used the FBI and the CIA to disseminate the illegally gained information, then proceeded to spy on the president of the United States.

You fucking retard nazi.
Well they also did a lot worse, used the fake info to lie to FISA courts, and in coordination with Obama, his incumbent Hillary and intelligence agencies illegally spied on American citizens In order to frame innocent Americans, and as an attempt to oust a duly elected president.

In conclusion the Democrats and Deep State committed treason and trampled all over the Constitution and our democratic ideals and behaved like third world banana republic dictators, in their quest for power. Remember that the next time they show their crocodile tears act as if they care about “our democracy”.
Well they also did a lot worse, used the fake info to lie to FISA courts, and in coordination with Obama, his incumbent Hillary and intelligence agencies illegally spied on American citizens In order to frame innocent Americans, and as an attempt to oust a duly elected president.

In conclusion the Democrats and Deep State committed treason and trampled all over the Constitution and our democratic ideals and behaved like third world banana republic dictators, in their quest for power. Remember that the next time they show their crocodile tears act as if they care about “our democracy”.
Morning Joe | MSNBC Morning Joe Live with Joe Scarborough You and your cognitive dissonance keep you from engaging in coherent engagement on this forum. You are totally lost and confused.
Well they also did a lot worse, used the fake info to lie to FISA courts, and in coordination with Obama, his incumbent Hillary and intelligence agencies illegally spied on American citizens In order to frame innocent Americans, and as an attempt to oust a duly elected president.

In conclusion the Democrats and Deep State committed treason and trampled all over the Constitution and our democratic ideals and behaved like third world banana republic dictators, in their quest for power. Remember that the next time they show their crocodile tears act as if they care about “our democracy”.
Not even the SC agrees with you, shortbus! :auiqs.jpg:
It doesn’t get more criminal than this. Hillary’s campaign paid an outside company to hack into an opposition party nominee’s computers.
If thats true where are the indictments for wire fraud?

There aren't because IT IS NOT TRUE.

Durham is not describing "hacking into computers" at issue here has to do with DNS server requests.

What is a DNS service? It's just an addressing service service that converts domain names to actual public IP addresses, not much about the data itself can be gleaned from that info. All it showed is some traffic between Trump Tower and Alpha bank.

This would be like someone seeing Trump Tower office sending and recieving letters from a Russian bank, without knowing what those letters are about and then alerting FBI to investigate that suspicious activity.
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If we had a government that did not value corruption, arrests would already be underway. Democrats have been corrupt for years. The Clintons just used it best.

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