Will Hillary finally be locked up?

It would be awesome if the murderous shit beast ends up deep in the bowels of a federal lockup choking on its own vomit as it expires and unceremoniously slips back up satan's asshole.

It will happen, but unfortunately, probably not in a penitentiary.
It would be awesome if the murderous shit beast ends up deep in the bowels of a federal lockup choking on its own vomit as it expires and unceremoniously slips back up satan's asshole.

It will happen, but unfortunately, probably not in a penitentiary.
Don’t worry Trump will be wearing jumpsuit to match his hair soon enough.
Isn't that the same asshole that claimed 4 years ago that that Obama spied on him, worse than Watergate?


He and his DOJ then couldn't find any proof for any of that shit for 4 years.

After he lost he used the same "Presidential" header to say that Arizona's audit proved 2020 fraudulent (it didn't duh).

So I've got some bad news for you dupes, his words are worthless garbage.

And now it is proven - dumbfuck.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

If anyone's going to be locked up it's going to be trump.
And now it is proven - dumbfuck.
No moron it was not proven. Nobody tapped Trump's phones.

Watergate was a scandal where administration was illegaly spying on political opponents, without any warrant, for political purposes.

There was NOTHING of the sort with FBI counter intelligence investigation. They had proper warrants and were surveiling for those purposes members that already left the campaign. Nor is there any evidence Obama had anything to do initiatiation of this investigation, had given any inapropriate direction or had recieved any inapropriate breifing from FBI stemming from this surveilance.

Trump was full of his usual shit and you are too stupid to get that.
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You been keeping up with the news? tick tock…

"Internet Company-1” accessed “dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP.”

The GOP use to love free enterprise and market based solutions. Who hired this Internet Company 1 anyway?

Isn't this the same GOP who love using those stolen DNC emails?
"Internet Company-1” accessed “dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP.”

The GOP use to love free enterprise and market based solutions. Who hired this Internet Company 1 anyway?

Isn't this the same GOP who love using those stolen DNC emails?
This is far bigger than what Nixon was accused of. Stay tuned.
This is far bigger than what Nixon was accused of. Stay tuned.

Nixon was a PRESIDENT, directing illicit, warrantless political spying.

Zero administration members are accused of anything here.

All there is thus far is one actual charge of lying to investigators about representation, with a not-guilty plea.

It's HUGE. :rolleyes-41:
Nixon was a PRESIDENT, directing illicit, warrantless political spying.

Zero administration members are accused of anything here.

All there is thus far is one actual charge of lying to investigators about representation, with a not-guilty plea.

It's HUGE. :rolleyes-41:
It doesn’t get more criminal than this. Hillary’s campaign paid an outside company to hack into an opposition party nominee’s computers. That’s what the indictment is for. Then Obama’s minions took the ball and fed the lies to the intelligence and law enforcement agencies, who were complicit in the crime. They then fed (leaked) it to the fake news media and Democrat party apparatchiks to try to impeach and remove a duly elected president from power. Interesting how the same assholes who keep whining “but but but our Democracy blah blah blah…”, are completely silent about this treason of the highest levels. Perhaps because they’re all involved and coconspirators.
It doesn’t get more criminal than this. Hillary’s campaign paid an outside company to hack into an opposition party nominee’s computers. That’s what the indictment is for. Then Obama’s minions took the ball and fed the lies to the intelligence and law enforcement agencies, who were complicit in the crime. They then fed (leaked) it to the fake news media and Democrat party apparatchiks to try to impeach and remove a duly elected president from power. Interesting how the same assholes who keep whining “but but but our Democracy blah blah blah…”, are completely silent about this treason of the highest levels. Perhaps because they’re all involved and coconspirators.
Well, that is the story being spouted on right wing media, but it's all misrepresented bull shit. All the accusations, except, perhaps a few immaterial technicalities will be thrown out, but not before the whole bullshit story takes it's place with all the other conspiracy theories out there.
Well, that is the story being spouted on right wing media, but it's all misrepresented bull shit. All the accusations, except, perhaps a few immaterial technicalities will be thrown out, but not before the whole bullshit story takes it's place with all the other conspiracy theories out there.
Misrepresented bullshit is what the Democrats and Left wing media have done for the last 6 years (Well, actually much longer than that, but relative to Trump).

There are new indictments coming down, and once again it has to do with Democrats doing what they falsely accused Trump and those around him of.
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So, this doesn't matter to you, Heil Soros.

The Reich is the ONLY thing you care about. Uber Alles Democrat.

See, you Nazis let all veneer slip and we see the utter contempt you have to the rule of law.

Your Rulers are above the law, Heil Soros.

That's what drives you, isn't it? The promise that being a Reich member places you above others? You applaud the idea that Reich members are above the law because you believe that you will also be above the law, and be able to visit misery on the peasants, the lessers.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

While she probably should be, most of these people on both sides never see the inside of a jail cell from the inside.
No moron it was not proven. Nobody tapped Trump's phones.

Yes stupid fuck, it's proven.

Watergate was a scandal where administration was illegaly spying on political opponents, without any warrant, for political purposes.

There was NOTHING of the sort with FBI counter intelligence investigation. They had proper warrants and were surveiling for those purposes members that already left the campaign. Nor is there any evidence Obama had anything to do initiatiation of this investigation, had given any inapropriate direction or had recieved any inapropriate breifing from FBI stemming from this surveilance.

Trump was full of his usual shit and you are too stupid to get that.

You have your Reich. This leaves no room for integrity, nor intelligence.

You think you can just shriek "NUHN UHN" and lie and it will all go away, besides Orange Man Bad.

Thing is stupid fuck, this is hitting right as your Nazi Reich is ready to be tossed out of power.

You Nazis spied on a presidential campaign. FAR worse than Watergate.

But more, You Nazis spied on the sitting president of the United States, and THAT is TREASON.

Yes, the filthy corrupt Reich media will start a campaign of BUH MUH REICHSTAG FIRE 24/7. You think you can lie this into the cornfield, but you're wrong.

Even Communist Chinese State media has been forced to report.

{The data was compiled by a tech firm that had special access to the purportedly suspicious internet data through an "arrangement" with the US government, and that firm was in touch with Sussmann, according to the filing.}

"Internet Company-1” accessed “dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP.”

The GOP use to love free enterprise and market based solutions. Who hired this Internet Company 1 anyway?

Isn't this the same GOP who love using those stolen DNC emails?

You spied on the President of the United States.

That's treason - no matter how you cut it.

Yes, you Nazis are immune to laws. But you are not immune to exposure. No one in the Reich of significance will go to prison. Nazis don't go to prison, we are not a nation of laws. One law for the Nazi rulers, a VERY different law for the proles.

Yet still....

You committed treason.

Trump was right, Obama was spying on him.

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