Will Hillary finally be locked up?

What part of the russian collusion story is false? You stupid shits should be called out on media for your dishonesty on this subject. Trump was totally innocent and the democrat party should be responsible for his legal bills. Millions worth.
Yep, totally innocent, good guys.

They just love em' some Russian help and can't stop saying enough nice things about Putin and his regime, thats all.

Invited and received help from Russia. Gave polling data to Russia intelligence. Incoming head of national security lied to FBI about back door dealings with Russia. Trump tried to give them back their spyhouses for nothing. Sided with Putin over his own intelligence agencies. Trump had the notes from his Putin meetings destroyed.

Looks like collusion.
Hunter Biden got 3.5 million from russia, the Biden gives Putin the control of energy to Ukraine. You see nothing wrong with that?
Yep, totally innocent, good guys.

They just love em' some Russian help and can't stop saying enough nice things about Putin and his regime, thats all.

Hunter got 3.5 million from russia then Russia controls the gas to Ukraine. Sounds like Russian collusion, especially since we are buying oil from them at a record level now. Please tell me who is benefits Russia the most?
More political prisoners for Trumpland drones to exploit and torture...Will Trump see jailtime for his lies and deceit not to mention the lives lost over his "live the lie" rhetorical propaganda about a "stolen" election with baseless allegations of "massive fraud"?

Isn't Machiavellian politics fun!?
Trump did nothing illegal while in office. Name one thing. Try again. The deaths are China's fault. You judge Trump by what he said not what he did.
Where did I change, I'm just stating the truth. If the media actually reported on you, your party would be history.
Yep, changed lanes as fast as you could. To a debunked cultist lie, naturally.

While avoiding what I said. Naturally. It's like you cult freaks think Donald can hear your thoughts.
Knowing that Hillary knew about what Dolan was doing and proving her guilty of a crime in a court of law are 2 different things. I don't think there's any question that she broke the law regarding the safeguarding and careless mishandling of classified information and she shoulda gone to prison for that IMHO. I don't think they're going to nail her on this one either. Reason being, she's not a republican that had anything to do with Trump.
Provide the quote that states that Dolan was indicted.

Good luck Mr.Clueless
Um ... Mr. Clarence Darrow I don't tink that was what The DOJ Inspector
General Horowitz said about Fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe .
Accusing the CNN Regular as Lying " repeatedly ".Both Under Oath and
Knowing that Hillary knew about what Dolan was doing and proving her guilty of a crime in a court of law are 2 different things. I don't think there's any question that she broke the law regarding the safeguarding and careless mishandling of classified information and she shoulda gone to prison for that IMHO. I don't think they're going to nail her on this one either. Reason being, she's not a republican that had anything to do with Trump.
She was a cavalier Liar.No finer example than her comments as to what
happened at benghazi.Plus her Bit bleaching her E-mail correspondence even though
under subpoena to hand over.
The only people with overtly Nazi tendencies are Trump and his acolytes and the morons who turned up at Capitol Hill on Jan 6.

Ohh, a Nazi is lying again - another demon got his horns...
  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
Yeah, you're fucking Nazis - no denying that fact....
Provide the quote that states that Dolan was indicted.

Good luck Mr.Clueless

{Charles H. Dolan Jr., a former aide to Hillary Clinton, is identified only as “PR-Executive 1” in the indictment, which stemmed from special counsel John Durham’s long-running investigation into the FBI’s probe of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and its alleged ties to the Russian government.}

Fucking Nazi retard.....
If you want to lash out irrationally and screech, "Lock her up! Lock her up!", you can, of course, but I honestly see no rational prospect of it through such a tenuous connection to rumprs and hearsay/
Yup, you hit the nail in the head, there isn’t a single politician more deserving of being locked up than Hillary. Just a few of the crimes she committed that cannot be disputed: lying to the FBI about the number of devices she possessed and then smashing them to smithereens (obstruction of justice), lying about sending or receiving classified emails, and hiding a private server in her house and then wiping it with bleach-bit in order to destroy incriminating evidence.

Now if was Trump or someone associated with him that had done the same? Forget about it, they would be serving three life sentences already.

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