Will Hillary finally be locked up?

Trumps son met with a Russian lawyer. So what? Is that against the law?
They obsess about Trump’s kids, completely ignoring all the evidence incriminating Biden and his son.

Trump’s son can’t meet with a Russian lawyer, but Hunter getting 3.5 million for who knows what from the mayor of Moscow, a well known Putin crony…eh, nothing to look at there.

There was eager meeting with Russian government to get some compromat and discussions of sanctions.

To me that is an act of colluding and gave authorities plenty of reason to investigate the extent of Trump campaign's dealing with Russians who conducted illicit operations to help Trump get elected.

You want to call it something else? Ok but whatever it was, it was disgraceful and rightfully got Trump and his people legal and public scrutiny.
Obama and Clinton got the made up dossier from Russian intelligence to feed it to US intelligence and institutions to compromise Trump, they also used it to deceive the courts in order to spy on their opposition. Anybody involved in this conspiracy to frame a duly elected president should be convicted for treason. Yesterday‘s indictment conclusively proved that is exactly what happened.
The only people with overtly Nazi tendencies are Trump and his acolytes and the morons who turned up at Capitol Hill on Jan 6.
Ha ha. That was a good joke. Hillary and the Democrats literally undermined the constitution and our republic. And they are still doing it. These commie fascists want to turn our schools into Marxist brainwashing centers while Removing parents from the picture.
Hunter Biden got 3.5 million from russia, the Biden gives Putin the control of energy to Ukraine. You see nothing wrong with that?
They are too dumb and brainwashed to realize that they are just slaves on the Democrat plantation.
Looks like collusion.
keep killing each other. The children being shot and maimed and sexually abuse we shake our heads in disbelief that never ends. But you love it as you never blame yourselves. These crimes exist for all. But we try to stop them from our own and condemn them for doing it. And it still exists as politics makes excuses.
It is well reported that trump and many of his staff and family used non secure iPhones well into administration.
But we know trump couldn’t be told anything, especially from an educated professional. What a joke.
All you can do is whine and point fingers at Trump with fake accusations. Fact: Hillary literally smashed 13 devices with a hammer in order to prevent, after lying to the FBI that she only had two.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

What's the crime that Hillary committed that you think she's gonna or should get prison for....?
It was a Russian lawyer Don Jr met with and walked out of the meeting. Now Hunter is with Russian agents, hookers, and the agents even got one of his lap tops. In which Hunter admitted he could be blackmailed with. You loons sure can pick them.
Jr. was specifically explained on the email that he is dealing with Russian government rep, him and other top Trump officials eagerly took the meeting. They were clearly open for business. And this just one of many episodes of Trump campaign and people behaving shady when it came to Russians and they well deserved scrutiny.

Hunter was never head of anything, never worked for either Biden campaign or government. There has never been anything to tie Biden's decisions to what his son is up to. You bringing him up just speaks to desperation on this topic.
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All you can do is whine and point fingers at Trump with fake accusations. Fact: Hillary literally smashed 13 devices with a hammer in order to prevent, after lying to the FBI that she only had two.
Not true. They smashed their old cell phones after they transferred their old phone files to their new phones, as safety procedure, so no one could retrieve her and staff's info off old phones.

The FBI investigation reported that it was not for malice or nefarious reasons. She carried ONE phone at a time....not a new upgraded phone plus the previous old phones all at once.
when both parties are exactly the same, it is the only thing to do

Both parties are in no way ‘the same.’

Democrats have their many faults and failings – but Republicans are far worst: the Big Lie, the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack, white grievance politics, replacement theory, and the Texas anti-privacy rights law are but a few examples of how reprehensible Republicans truly are.
What's the crime that Hillary committed that you think she's gonna or should get prison for....?
You can’t be serious. What do you think the indictment was for just yesterday, a close associate of the Hillary campaign lying to the FBI multiple times, and fed bogus Russian information to US intelligence and other deep state actors, in order to spy on and frame a duly elected president.

Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Democrats turned our country into a banana republic, and they’re still doing it.

And If you think Durham is stopping here, you’re kidding yourself.
You can’t be serious. What do you think the indictment was for just yesterday, close associate of the Hillary campaign lying to the FBI multiple times.
Donchenko?? Close associate of Clinton campaign? Where did you get that idea from?

He was charged with lying to FBI, how exactly do you suppose that translates into indictment of Hillary Clinton, who herself has no direct connection to this person.

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