Will Hillary finally be locked up?

Jr. was specifically explained on the email that he is dealing with Russian government rep, him and other top Trump officials eagerly took the meeting. They were clearly open for business. And this just one of many episodes of Trump campaign and people behaving shady when it came to Russians and they well deserved scrutiny.

Hunter was never head of anything, never worked for either Biden campaign or government. There has never been anything to tie Biden's decisions to what his son is up to. You bringing him up just speaks to desperation on this topic.
Hunter is Biden's middle man. If you haven't seen that. You need help.
Donchenko?? Close associate of Clinton campaign? Where did you get that idea from?

He was charged with lying to FBI, how exactly do you suppose that translates into indictment of Hillary Clinton, who herself has no direct connection to this person.
So far three people involved with Hillary campaign, notice the pattern:

Federal authorities on Nov. 4 indicted Igor Danchenko, a key analyst who contributed research to the Steele dossier, on five counts of making false statements to the FBI. The 2016 Steele dossier compiled information on potential ties between then-presidential candidate Trump and Russia. The dossier, compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, received significant public attention for its role in forming part of the government’s application for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to surveil former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. This indictment is the latest arrest in the special counsel investigation led by John Durham into the origins of the Russia investigation.

Sussmann is only the second defendant in the two-and-a-half-year investigation of special counsel Durham, which previously inspired former President Donald Trump and his supporters to believe a takedown of the FBI was coming for its actions investigating Trump and Russia.
Sussmann is accused of not fully disclosing his motivations and clients -- the Clinton campaign and a tech executive -- to an FBI official to whom he provided information that suggested a connection between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank of Russia in 2016.
Hunter is compromised but you really don't care. Kinda treasonous if you ask me.
Actually it's Biden that is compromised. He is a danger to the republic and should be impeached and removed from office.
So far three people involved with Hillary campaign, notice the pattern:

Federal authorities on Nov. 4 indicted Igor Danchenko, a key analyst who contributed research to the Steele dossier, on five counts of making false statements to the FBI. The 2016 Steele dossier compiled information on potential ties between then-presidential candidate Trump and Russia. The dossier, compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, received significant public attention for its role in forming part of the government’s application for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to surveil former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. This indictment is the latest arrest in the special counsel investigation led by John Durham into the origins of the Russia investigation.

Sussmann is only the second defendant in the two-and-a-half-year investigation of special counsel Durham, which previously inspired former President Donald Trump and his supporters to believe a takedown of the FBI was coming for its actions investigating Trump and Russia.
Sussmann is accused of not fully disclosing his motivations and clients -- the Clinton campaign and a tech executive -- to an FBI official to whom he provided information that suggested a connection between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank of Russia in 2016.
Neither worked for Clinton campaign and there is no indication that Clinton even knew of their existence, let alone have some sort of illegal dealing with them.

It’s easy to daydream and run your mouth, proving guilt in the court of law requires serious evidence of crime committed.
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Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

Hillary- yawn.
You see, that's what happens when you have criminal filth in positions of power. But you're too much of a liar to admit that fact.

Here it is 4 days after my great error of taking all you scum off ignore, I find myself wondering what the hell was I thinking?
Trump has been humiliated so many times I'm almost feel sorry for him. Then I find myself thinking what the hell was I thinking!
We are gonna get a major win next year. Then we can impeach him.
Which won't happen. And you cultists will be left holding the empty bag again, once again wondering why the rest of the world does not subscribe to your insane fetishes.
Neither worked for Clinton campaign and there is no indication that Clinton even knew of their existence, let alone have some sort of illegal dealing with them.

Anything else?
Sussman was a Clinton campaign lawyer. Both are Clinton associates. Obviously the Left sees nothing wrong with this criminal behavior that is staring at them in the face. They are too busy accusing the other side of things they’re guilty of.

The indictment charges that Danchenko lied when he told FBI agents he had never communicated with a public relations executive who was active in Democratic politics about allegations in Steele’s reports, when in fact Danchenko had sourced at least one of those allegations to the executive.

That public relations executive is not identified by name in the indictment, but a lawyer for him confirmed to CNBC that he is Charles Dolan Jr., who most recently has worked at KGlobal in Washington. Dolan has worked on issues related to Russia.
Dolan also served as state chairman of the Virginia presidential campaigns of President Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996, and is a former executive director of the Democratic Governors’ Association. An online biography shows he also was on the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy at the State Department.
It's amusing to see the cult, hoarse after so much shrieking "Lock her up! Lock her up!," having to deal with the inescapable reality that the Trump regime could not contrive even a single indictable offense with which to actually charge her.

Of course, it was vapid pr to wee wee up the goons, not a matter of substance such as the law requires.

It's amusing seeing you moron Nazis continue to push a long debunked conspiracy theory, AS the traitors start being arrested, you insane and evil fucks continue with your dumbfuck conspiracy....
Hunter is compromised but you really don't care. Kinda treasonous if you ask me.
First, you have not a shred of evidence of that. Second, Hunter is not part of the government. Contrast this to the orange pile of shit's daughter getting personally enriched by China and others, while having an office in the White House. So you really look like a fraud.
yup, Sussman was a Hillary hitman.

As alleged in the indictment, on Sept. 19, 2016, Sussman, a lawyer at a large international law firm, met with the FBI General Counsel at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Sussmann had requested the meeting to provide the General Counsel with certain data files and “white papers” that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russia-based bank. Sussmann, who had previously represented the Democratic National Committee in connection with a cyber hack, falsely stated to the General Counsel that he was not bringing these allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client. This false representation led the General Counsel to understand that Sussmann was providing information as a good citizen rather than a paid advocate or political operative. In fact, Sussmann assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two clients, including a U.S. technology executive and the Clinton Presidential Campaign.
Hillary- yawn.

Trump has been humiliated so many times I'm almost feel sorry for him. Then I find myself thinking what the hell was I thinking!
You're right, you don't have any idea what you were thinking if you think all the leftist shill commie liars are humiliating anyone but themselves.
There was eager meeting with Russian government to get some compromat and discussions of sanctions.

Like the meeting Adam the lying little Schitt had with Eric Ciaramella?

Oh, but that's different, treason is okay because Orange Man Bad

To me that is an act of colluding and gave authorities plenty of reason to investigate the extent of Trump campaign's dealing with Russians who conducted illicit operations to help Trump get elected.

Such as a fake impeachment based on colluding with CIA agents attempting a coup? I mean, Joe Biden took bribes from Ukraine, Donald Trump HAD to be impeached for that...

You want to call it something else? Ok but whatever it was, it was disgraceful and rightfully got Trump and his people legal and public scrutiny.

I call what you Nazi fucks did "treason," because that's what it is. It was an attempted coup against the executive branch of the United State Government.
There was eager meeting with Russian government to get some compromat and discussions of sanctions.

To me that is an act of colluding and gave authorities plenty of reason to investigate the extent of Trump campaign's dealing with Russians who conducted illicit operations to help Trump get elected.

You want to call it something else? Ok but whatever it was, it was disgraceful and rightfully got Trump and his people legal and public scrutiny.
Treasonous commies like you should be charged and tried.
Sussman was a Clinton campaign lawyer. Both are Clinton associates. Obviously the Left sees nothing wrong with this criminal behavior that is staring at them in the face. They are too busy accusing the other side of things they’re guilty of.

The indictment charges that Danchenko lied when he told FBI agents he had never communicated with a public relations executive who was active in Democratic politics about allegations in Steele’s reports, when in fact Danchenko had sourced at least one of those allegations to the executive.

That public relations executive is not identified by name in the indictment, but a lawyer for him confirmed to CNBC that he is Charles Dolan Jr., who most recently has worked at KGlobal in Washington. Dolan has worked on issues related to Russia.
Dolan also served as state chairman of the Virginia presidential campaigns of President Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996, and is a former executive director of the Democratic Governors’ Association. An online biography shows he also was on the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy at the State Department.
Sussman will be not guilty. Durham is trying to politically assassinate them in his peaking indictments, but he will lose in court.

Notice how Durham is not charging them with lying about what they actually reported....but charging with not telling who they had working relationships with....

The ALPHA bank connection with the Trump org did happen, and was found by a group of computer scientists....And they still stand by their findings.

Maybe she will be 'mugged' ... with nothing taken ... like Seth Rich.

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