Will Hillary finally be locked up?

Sussman is charged for allegedly lying that Clinton campaign was a client when he reported to FBI suspicious electronic communications between Trump org server and Russian state Alpha bank.

There are no allegations in Danchenko’s indictment of Dolan having done anything illegal.

It takes a huge leap of fantasy to think that this adds up to serious evidence that Clinton did something criminal here.
You keep missing the forest for the trees. The pattern here is a criminal treasonous conspiracy by Hillary and those around her to feed lies and disinformation, some of which was in collusion with Russia, to bring down a duly elected president.

This is just the beginning, it's always the smaller fish that get caught first. Stay tuned.
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That's an outright lie.

He was not charged with lying about what he reported.

He was charged with lying about who he worked with or for....

Liberalism is a mental illness (TM). Here's a Leftist rag that says you're delusional:

Igor Danchenko arrested, charged with lying to FBI about information in Steele dossier​

A 2019 report by the Justice Department inspector general found major problems with the accuracy of Danchenko’s information. But the 39-page indictment unveiled Thursday paints a more detailed picture of claims that were allegedly built on exaggerations, rumors and outright lies. The indictment is likely to buttress Republican charges that Democrats and FBI agents intentionally or accidentally turned cheap partisan smears into a high-stakes national security investigation of a sitting president.

The indictment also suggests Danchenko may have lied to Steele and others about where he was getting his information. Some of the material came from a Democratic Party operative with long-standing ties to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, according to the charges, rather than well-connected Russians with insight into the Kremlin.

*****But but but "COLLUSION!"
Sussman is charged for allegedly lying that Clinton campaign was a client when he reported to FBI suspicious electronic communications between Trump org server and Russian state Alpha bank.

There are no allegations in Danchenko’s indictment of Dolan having done anything illegal.

It takes a huge leap of fantasy to think that this adds up to serious evidence that Clinton did something criminal here.
You guys keep spinning this like a chicken with it's head cut off. Even Leftist propaganda paper NY Times disagrees with you.

The indictment said Mr. Danchenko falsely told the F.B.I. that he had not discussed the claims in the dossier with the public relations executive. But, the indictment said, the executive — who in his professional career frequently interacted with Eurasian clients, with a particular focus on Russia — was a source for some of the claims, including gossip about the ouster of Paul Manafort as Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman.

The indictment did not name the person it called “PR Executive-1,” but its description matched the career of Charles Dolan Jr., who was the state chairman of the Clinton-Gore campaigns in Virginia in 1992 and 1996 and was appointed to a position in the State Department in the Clinton administration.

Mr. Dolan was earlier named in a declaration by Olga Galkina, one of Mr. Danchenko’s sources, as someone to whom Mr. Danchenko had introduced her; the indictment also said that the executive and a source who appears to be Ms. Galkina had regular interactions, including in ways that indicated they supported Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.

Mr. Dolan’s lawyer, Ralph D. Martin, confirmed in an email that his client was the executive named in the indictment, but said that Mr. Dolan, as a potential witness in the case, would have no comment.
That's an outright lie.

He was not charged with lying about what he reported.

He was charged with lying about who he worked with or for....


He is down the food chain a bit, so not guilty by reason of being above the law might not actually apply to him. I know you believe that no laws ever apply to Nazis. And fer shure that fucking traitor Hillary will skate, because you know, Nazi. But Danchenko is further down the chain...

{The indictment alleges that between June and November 2017, Danchenko made false statements regarding the sources of certain information he provided to a British investigative firm which Durham did not identify.}

Danchenko lied about the fact that the shit he gave Hillary came from the Kremlin.

It says Danchenko knew the information to be untrue. A lawyer for Danchenko did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Two sources familiar with Durham's activities said he had issued subpoenas seeking evidence from multiple sources, including people linked to Fusion GPS, the Washington investigations firm that commissioned the dossier.}

My aren't you a fucking liar....

Well, you're a Nazi, lying is what you do.

Liberalism is a mental illness (TM). Here's a Leftist rag that says you're delusional:

She's not delusional, she's a fucking liar.

Such is the way of Nazis./

Igor Danchenko arrested, charged with lying to FBI about information in Steele dossier​

A 2019 report by the Justice Department inspector general found major problems with the accuracy of Danchenko’s information. But the 39-page indictment unveiled Thursday paints a more detailed picture of claims that were allegedly built on exaggerations, rumors and outright lies. The indictment is likely to buttress Republican charges that Democrats and FBI agents intentionally or accidentally turned cheap partisan smears into a high-stakes national security investigation of a sitting president.

The indictment also suggests Danchenko may have lied to Steele and others about where he was getting his information. Some of the material came from a Democratic Party operative with long-standing ties to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, according to the charges, rather than well-connected Russians with insight into the Kremlin.

*****But but but "COLLUSION!"

She, like all Nazis holds Reich above all.
I'm not sure what you're fantasizing about, but be sure to let me know when the diehard trumpies stop bleating, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" and actually find a valid pretext for indicting her.

She engage in treason, locking her up is the least of the things that should happen. By all rights she should be shot.

But, she's a Nazi, and not subject to the law.
She's not delusional, she's a fucking liar.

Such is the way of Nazis./

She, like all Nazis holds Reich above all.
Leftists have no moral compass, anything goes. They're ideological zealots that will do and say anything for their savior, Marx.
Based on the very vague charges, it won't even go to court. Obviously a dog and pony show.
Yeah sure. When a Leftist traitor is indicted it's always vague charges and "won't go to court". Of course we do know that the deep state and media will go to bat for him, as they did for Hillary.
You guys keep spinning this like a chicken with it's head cut off. Even Leftist propaganda paper NY Times disagrees with you.

The indictment said Mr. Danchenko falsely told the F.B.I. that he had not discussed the claims in the dossier with the public relations executive. But, the indictment said, the executive — who in his professional career frequently interacted with Eurasian clients, with a particular focus on Russia — was a source for some of the claims, including gossip about the ouster of Paul Manafort as Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman.

The indictment did not name the person it called “PR Executive-1,” but its description matched the career of Charles Dolan Jr., who was the state chairman of the Clinton-Gore campaigns in Virginia in 1992 and 1996 and was appointed to a position in the State Department in the Clinton administration.

Mr. Dolan was earlier named in a declaration by Olga Galkina, one of Mr. Danchenko’s sources, as someone to whom Mr. Danchenko had introduced her; the indictment also said that the executive and a source who appears to be Ms. Galkina had regular interactions, including in ways that indicated they supported Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.

Mr. Dolan’s lawyer, Ralph D. Martin, confirmed in an email that his client was the executive named in the indictment, but said that Mr. Dolan, as a potential witness in the case, would have no comment.
You clearly don't understand what you read.

There is nothing in the indictment about Dolan commiting any crime. It is not against the law for Dolan to talk, or even lie, to Danchenko.

In your next post stop repeating same shit like parrot and cite a law Dolan broke if you disagree with what I'm saying.
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You keep missing the forest for the trees. The pattern here is a criminal treasonous conspiracy by Hillary and those around her to feed lies and disinformation, some of which was in collusion with Russia, to bring down a duly elected president.

This is just the beginning, it's always the smaller fish that get caught first. Stay tuned.
Aside from your many fantastical leaps, I don't think the word treason means what you think it means.

Such charge requires a conspiracy against America with a foreign enemy we are at war with.

There were Americans caught red-handed conducting espionage for USSR and they beat the treason charges because cold war was not considered an actual war.
You clearly don't understand what you read.

There is nothing in the indictment about Dolan commiting any crime. It is not against the law for Dolan to talk, or even lie, to Danchenko.

In your next post stop repeating same shit like parrot and cite a law Dolan broke if you disagree with what I'm saying.
What they did fits your own definition of treason to the T. They conspired with the Russians to feed false information in order to spy on and then frame a duly elected president of the USA. Basically a secret coup, or as you guys like to call it, an insurrection. And it happened many times in the Trump administration.

Dolan’s attorney admitted that he was the “executive” they were referring to in the indictment, that fed the lies to Dovchenko. They‘re probably talking to Dolan now, threatening him with many years in prison if he doesn’t cough up who else was part of this conspiracy. This isn’t stopping here, don’t kid yourself. Durham is going to keep pulling the string.

What’s interesting is how morally bankrupt you are, that you keep minimizing and justifying this despicable treasonous behavior by Clinton’s henchmen and the Democratic Party in general. Trump was right when he called them and the media the “enemy of the people”. They are.
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The baseless allegations were the Democrat led conspiracy that Trump colluded in order to get elected which the Left and the media harped about for four years 24\7. The rabid animals undermined the presidency and even tried to impeach Trump twice. Now we find out that they themselves were actually guilty of what they were accusing Trump and those around him of. Karma will be a bitch.
The blob was impeached....twice.

HRC will not be locked up.

You'll only get more and more frustrated.
The blob was impeached....twice.

HRC will not be locked up.

You'll only get more and more frustrated.
Exactly. Fake impeachments over false accusations and allegations and treasonous conspiracies by the Left. They should handle these traitors the old fashioned way, Mussolini style.
What they did fits your own definition of treason to the T.
oooook, i'm dealing with a moron.

Read my post again and try again to understand what treason legally means, for now you clearly have not.
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oooook, i'm dealing with a moron.

Read my post, understand what was explained and then maybe post something coherent.
I understand what happened. People around Hillary fed false information to the FBI and intelligence agencies as part of an ongoing plot to go after Trump. This was all planned during the Obama administrarion after Hillary’s spectular defeat and continued over a period of four years of Trump. That’s what the indictments and the evidence clearly show. Only a blind brainwashed person would fail to see this.
They conspired with the Russians to feed false information in order to spy on and then frame a duly elected president of the USA.
There is zero in the indictments about anyone from the Clinton campaign dealing with Russian government. NONE, ZILCH, NOL.

It's merely a fantasy in your head, there is no fact to it.
There is zero in the indictments about anyone from the campaign dealing with Russian government.

So thats just your fantasy, there is no fact to it.
You should try stand up comedy.

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