Will Hillary finally be locked up?

Sussman was a Clinton campaign lawyer. Both are Clinton associates. Obviously the Left sees nothing wrong with this criminal behavior that is staring at them in the face. They are too busy accusing the other side of things they’re guilty of.

The indictment charges that Danchenko lied when he told FBI agents he had never communicated with a public relations executive who was active in Democratic politics about allegations in Steele’s reports, when in fact Danchenko had sourced at least one of those allegations to the executive.

That public relations executive is not identified by name in the indictment, but a lawyer for him confirmed to CNBC that he is Charles Dolan Jr., who most recently has worked at KGlobal in Washington. Dolan has worked on issues related to Russia.
Dolan also served as state chairman of the Virginia presidential campaigns of President Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996, and is a former executive director of the Democratic Governors’ Association. An online biography shows he also was on the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy at the State Department.
Sussman is charged for allegedly lying that Clinton campaign was a client when he reported to FBI suspicious electronic communications between Trump org server and Russian state Alpha bank.

There are no allegations in Danchenko’s indictment of Dolan having done anything illegal.

It takes a huge leap of fantasy to think that this adds up to serious evidence that Clinton did something criminal here.
You can’t be serious. What do you think the indictment was for just yesterday, a close associate of the Hillary campaign lying to the FBI multiple times, and fed bogus Russian information to US intelligence and other deep state actors, in order to spy on and frame a duly elected president.

Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Democrats turned our country into a banana republic, and they’re still doing it.

And If you think Durham is stopping here, you’re kidding yourself.
That's an outright lie.

He was not charged with lying about what he reported.

He was charged with lying about who he worked with or for....

With all due respect, let's stop talking about Ms. Hillary.

She is so yesterday's news (even if Mr. Biden is ever ordered to give her some kind of government job).

And, quite frankly, Donald J. Trump is also yesterday's news. So it's time for Trump haters to move on and get a life.
With all due respect, let's stop talking about Ms. Hillary.

She is so yesterday's news (even if Mr. Biden is ever ordered to give her some kind of government job).

And, quite frankly, Donald J. Trump is also yesterday's news. So it's also time for Trump haters to move on and get a life.
Join us in reality. Trump is the presumptive 2024 nominee and controls the GOP.
First, you have not a shred of evidence of that. Second, Hunter is not part of the government. Contrast this to the orange pile of shit's daughter getting personally enriched by China and others, while having an office in the White House. So you really look like a fraud.
Then why did Hunter go on air force two to Ukraine when biden was vice president?
Yeah look what happened in Virginia.
That doesn't have anything to do with your bizarre fantasies in this thread. why are you like this? A mindless whiner, cycling through idiotic talking points as they get obliterated one by one.
Join us in reality. Trump is the presumptive 2024 nominee and controls the GOP.

I proudly voted for him twice and sorely miss him, but he ain't gonna be the GOP nominee in 2024.


He will be lucky to stay out of prison or avoid being homeless once his haters in positions of power get through prosecuting him civilly and criminally.

The GOP needs less abrasive and more pleasant people like the newly elected governor and lieutenant governor of Virginia.

Mr. Trump is irrepressibly obnoxious (like when he suggested that actor killed that director on purpose. Disgusting!).
Lol, it's going to be a blood bath even some democrats are admitting to it.
Yes, people like to be hyperbolic for attention. Like you.

2% = bloodbath, in your eyes.

But Trump.loses by 4.4%, and that means Trump actually won.

Your freaks have said so many idiotic things that you can't even keep them all straight
I proudly voted for him twice and sorely miss him, but he ain't gonna be the GOP nominee in 2024.
If he runs, he absolutely will be the nominee and will mop the floor with whomever else the GOP trots out in the primaries.

Unless he drops dead or is in prison. And even then he still might be the nominee.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

Fuck no
It's amusing seeing you moron Nazis continue to push a long debunked conspiracy theory, AS the traitors start being arrested, you insane and evil fucks continue with your dumbfuck conspiracy....
I'm not sure what you're fantasizing about, but be sure to let me know when the diehard trumpies stop bleating, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" and actually find a valid pretext for indicting her.

When Hillary lied to congress it wasn't a crime. She is a Reich member, laws don't apply to her.

Not like Roger Stone.

When Hillary set up an off-books network in her basement, full of top secret files, it wasn't a crime. She is a Reich member, laws don't apply to her.

Not like Edward Snowden.

When Hillary destroyed evidence under subpoena, it wasn't a crime. She is a Reich member, laws don't apply to her.

Not like John Ehrlichman.

You see, when you're not subject to the laws that govern the commoners and Republicans, you can't be guilty.

The Reich is above and beyond all laws.

Seig Heil

Seig Heil

Seig Heil

Uber Alles Democrat

You had 4 years to investigate her and did nothing. You're the liar and an idiot.
Sussman will be not guilty. Durham is trying to politically assassinate them in his peaking indictments, but he will lose in court.

Notice how Durham is not charging them with lying about what they actually reported....but charging with not telling who they had working relationships with....

The ALPHA bank connection with the Trump org did happen, and was found by a group of computer scientists....And they still stand by their findings.

Hah? Sussman will not be guilty you say? Says who, you? No thanks I'll stick with an unbiased experienced investigator who's actually brought the indictment forward. Notice how you went from "no connection to Hillary" to "oh but he won't found guilty". This is very typical of anything goes Leftists who lack intellectual honesty and a moral compass.

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