Will Hillary finally be locked up?

I think it more than telling how Uninterested many are about this.
It's more then emblamatic of the state are Country has been put into.
It's like what was termed 2 years ago as the pandemic was mounting steam.
As determined by Vatican Priests in lieu of all the Devil Worshipping being
used globally.They considered it the .... End Days!
Makes more than a load of sense.As we are fining out firsthand each week as to the
real Agenda of these Woke Radicals and Democrats.
To Transform this Country.But not before taking out areas like a Police
Presence.A strong Church Presence and ridding any notions of a Nuclear Family.
By Big Brother.By Narcissist Authoritarians.Like What George Orwell,Franz Kafka
and Ray Bradbury wrote about.
It's here.More so each day.Covid was the Vehicle.
Now Hawaii had just announced they are mandating kids aged 6-17
Must get vaccinated Without Parental Approval.
Big Brother is desperate.They are putting collars on all Americans.
Except those who don't have to abide.Like Postal Workers.
Like Postal workers aren't around the public mush.
The Left needs postal workers to help mail-out Ballots.
The More the merrier.
How’s the Macedonian bot farming business these days?
Yup, you hit the nail in the head, there isn’t a single politician more deserving of being locked up than Hillary. Just a few of the crimes she committed that cannot be disputed: lying to the FBI about the number of devices she possessed and then smashing them to smithereens (obstruction of justice), lying about sending or receiving classified emails, and hiding a private server in her house and then wiping it with bleach-bit in order to destroy incriminating evidence.

Now if was Trump or someone associated with him that had done the same? Forget about it, they would be serving three life sentences already.
It is well reported that trump and many of his staff and family used non secure iPhones well into administration.
But we know trump couldn’t be told anything, especially from an educated professional. What a joke.
{Charles H. Dolan Jr., a former aide to Hillary Clinton, is identified only as “PR-Executive 1” in the indictment, which stemmed from special counsel John Durham’s long-running investigation into the FBI’s probe of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and its alleged ties to the Russian government.}

Fucking Nazi retard.....
You are literally quoting a reference to DANCHANKO's indictement and are not able to understand that Danchenko is the one being indicted by it.

How stupid can you get?

One more time, so you REALLY get it:

PR-Executive-1 allegedly communicated with Danchenko (which is legal to do), who then allegedly lied about these conversations to investigators (which is not legal to do and Danchenko is charged for it in this indictment)

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Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

Settle down comrade. She will never be locked up because she has committee no crimes to warrant. I know you think
She did dozens of indictable things but everyone if you have never listed one that took her to court. NOT ONE.
Did it ever occur to you it was based on pure hate of democrats?
Of course not because you don't think.
More political prisoners for Trumpland drones to exploit and torture...Will Trump see jailtime for his lies and deceit not to mention the lives lost over his "live the lie" rhetorical propaganda about a "stolen" election with baseless allegations of "massive fraud"?

Isn't Machiavellian politics fun!?
If Hillary ends up behind bars it will be a great day for our form of representative democracy. Finally we will have just one rule of law that applies equally to all.

Unfortunately that will never happen and we don’t live in a representative democracy any more.

... there isn’t a single politician more deserving of being locked up than Hillary.
The only obstacle that prevents the abandonment of the American justice system under which a mob screeching "Lock her up! Lock her up!" must respect the requirement for evidence, indictment, trial and conviction is the U.S. Constitution that protects an American's right to due process.
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Before, after, and during four full years of the Trump regime, no actual pretext could be contrived to bring any actual charges against Ms Clinton - despite Trumpers controlling the process being hellbent on doing so.

Of course, reality is not an impediment for ideologically-deranged crackpots, who will act as if the United States were some shithole nation where political opponents are summarily incarcerated, as the Losers persist in mewling

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"Lock her up! Lock her up!"
Compose yourself, have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit, and stop crapping on the law. The disgusting spectacle of Trump goons attacking Congress was bad enough.

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There is no such crime as "collusion" - despite the Loser being inordinately enamored of the word. Nor, of course, was the Loser ever charged with anything called "collusion."

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Yes, the FBI, NSA, and CIA all established independently - and two Republican-led Senate Committees on Intelligence confirmed - that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton, but Putin and Trump merely had a common objective - electing Trump - without any active complicity being required:

- although Trump's senior adviser may have seen it differently.

Commenting on the revelation that Manafort, Kushner, and Junior had secretly met with Putin's agents in Trump Tower, Bannon observed,

The only obstacle that prevents the abandonment of the American justice system under which a mob screeching "Lock her up! Lock her up!" must respect the requirement for evidence, indictment, trial and conviction is the U.S. Constitution that protects an American's right to due process.
Before, after, and during four full years of the Trump regime, no actual pretext could be contrived to bring any actual charges against Ms Clinton - despite Trumpers controlling the process being hellbent on doing so.

Of course, reality is not an impediment for ideologically-deranged crackpots, who will act as if the United States were some shithole nation where political opponents are summarily incarcerated, as the Losers persist in mewling

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"Lock her up! Lock her up!"
Compose yourself, have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit, and stop crapping on the law. The disgusting spectacle of Trump goons attacking Congress was bad enough.

Once the overwhelming evidence was presented, we were told by Reich member Comey that Hillary simply isn't subject to the laws that govern others.
Google it, even the fact checkers won't refute it. Biden has been bought and paid for his entire career.
I know exactly what it’s about and it has nothing to do with your ridiculous assertions about the Russian interference investigation. It’s a full dodge
Settle down comrade. She will never be locked up because she has committee no crimes to warrant. I know you think
She did dozens of indictable things but everyone if you have never listed one that took her to court. NOT ONE.


When Hillary lied to congress it wasn't a crime. She is a Reich member, laws don't apply to her.

Not like Roger Stone.

When Hillary set up an off-books network in her basement, full of top secret files, it wasn't a crime. She is a Reich member, laws don't apply to her.

Not like Edward Snowden.

When Hillary destroyed evidence under subpoena, it wasn't a crime. She is a Reich member, laws don't apply to her.

Not like John Ehrlichman.

You see, when you're not subject to the laws that govern the commoners and Republicans, you can't be guilty.

Did it ever occur to you it was based on pure hate of democrats?
Of course not because you don't think.

The Reich is above and beyond all laws.

Seig Heil

Seig Heil

Seig Heil

Uber Alles Democrat
Settle down comrade. She will never be locked up because she has committee no crimes to warrant. I know you think
She did dozens of indictable things but everyone if you have never listed one that took her to court. NOT ONE.
Did it ever occur to you it was based on pure hate of democrats?
Of course not because you don't think.
On election night in 2016 she told us all what she is and you do not pay attention because of your political views. She absolutely knew she was going to win. Trump knew some of the key areas and the Prog corruption. Progs in 2020 made sure there was no repeat. I owe you nothing for whatever that means.
It's amusing to see the cult, hoarse after so much shrieking "Lock her up! Lock her up!," having to deal with the inescapable reality that the Trump regime could not contrive even a single indictable offense with which to actually charge her.

Of course, it was vapid pr to wee wee up the goons, not a matter of substance such as the law requires.
There was no Russian collusion. You really that stupid?
There was eager meeting with Russian government to get some compromat and discussions of sanctions.

To me that is an act of colluding and gave authorities plenty of reason to investigate the extent of Trump campaign's dealing with Russians who conducted illicit operations to help Trump get elected.

You want to call it something else? Ok but whatever it was, it was disgraceful and rightfully got Trump and his people legal and public scrutiny.
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There was eager meeting with Russian government to get some compromat and discussions of sanctions.

To me that is an act of colluding and gave authorities plenty of reason to investigate the extent of Trump campaign's dealing with Russians who conducted illicit operations to help Trump get elected.

You want to call it something else? Ok but whatever it was, it was disgraceful and rightfully got Trump and his people legal and public scrutiny.
It was a Russian lawyer Don Jr met with and walked out of the meeting. Now Hunter is with Russian agents, hookers, and the agents even got one of his lap tops. In which Hunter admitted he could be blackmailed with. You loons sure can pick them.

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