Will Hillary finally be locked up?

Was it a lie that Russia hacked DNC/Podesta emails and ran troll farm campaign in US?

Was it a lie that Trump campaign knew that Russians had the emails and was lying about it to investigators?

Was it a lie that Trump campaign met with Russian state representatives at Trump tower seeking Clinton compromat and discussed sanctions against Russia?

Really? Stop lying.
It is proven that the russian collusion was a fabricated lie on the American people. Everyone involved needs to be sent to jail and the leader of it needs to be executed.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

2.5 years of investigation and this is all you got....

Few guys we know nothing about said thing they may or may not known to be true...

This is long way from the convictions of Mike Flynn and Paul Manifort...
2.5 years of investigation and this is all you got....

Few guys we know nothing about said thing they may or may not known to be true...

This is long way from the convictions of Mike Flynn and Paul Manifort...
Seems like you would want your leaders held accountable for their wrong doings. But we see you don't. Basically we will have to inform America of what kind of people you are and vote you out of existence.
The price for treason is death and that's what the russian collusion was. Made up to try to remove a sitting president, one thing this did prove. You loons should never have any power.
I'll take that as a "Heil" Yes. Not only the Democrats but also all the RINO's who refuse to kiss the Ring!
Just amazing.

People are being arrested for lying to the FBI about the GENESIS of the SPYING operation on TRUMP.

.....and the left claims it VALIDATES their claim that Trump stole the 2016 election.

:clap: :hyper: :auiqs.jpg:

According to lefties, when someone is arrested....IT PROVES THEY ARE INNOCENT? :eek:
Was it a lie that Russia hacked DNC/Podesta emails and ran troll farm campaign in US?

Was it a lie that Trump campaign knew that Russians had the emails and was lying about it to investigators?

Was it a lie that Trump campaign met with Russian state representatives at Trump tower seeking Clinton compromat and discussed sanctions against Russia?

Really? Stop lying.

There is no proof of any of that. The indictments against the Russians turned out to be fake.

The Mueller Persecution failed to follow through with the trial against the Russians, or even to interview the defendants.
She’s a deep state character with ties to other deep state individuals and institutions, so if she goes down, so will many other powerful people in various govt. institutions like Comey and probably a few congressmen, senators and media personalities that were all part of this treasonous conspiracy to bring Trump down.

With Durham's indictments and arrests of multiple Clinton apparatchiks, the Clinton -> Perkins-Coie -> Fusion GPS -> Steele/Russia chain is completely documented and proved beyond any doubt.

As ALWAYS, the DemoKKKrats were doing EXACTLY what they accused Trump of doing. Scumbags.

Special Counsel John Durham’s indictment Thursday of “dossier” source Igor Danchenko revealed the first real evidence of “Russia collusion” — and it was linked to Hillary Clinton’s associates, not to Donald Trump or his presidential campaign.

Danchenko, a Russian-born, U.S.-based researcher, had worked from 2005-2010 at the Brookings Institution with Strobe Talbott, a former official from Bill Clinton’s State Department.

He later became the main “Russian” source for former British spy Christopher Steele, who compiled the fraudulent “Russia dossier” on Donald Trump on behalf of opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which was secretly being paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The “dossier” was fed to the FBI and the press, and was used in FISA surveillance warrants on (innocent) Trump aide Carter Page. Through Page’s communications, the Clinton-friendly Obama administration had visibility into Trump’s campaign.

That much was known before Thursday. But the indictment revealed even more.

A figure identified as “PR Executive-1,” and later confirmed to be communications consultant (and Clinton apparatchik) Charles Dolan Jr., was working with Danchenko.

Dolan had the kind of Russian contacts that Trump’s enemies searched for, in vain, when they persecuted the 45th president. Had Special Counsel Robert Mueller found anything like these contacts near Trump, the hoax would have been vindicated.

The indictment notes that Dolan “spent much of his career interacting with Eurasian clients with a particular focus on Russia.” He had even handled “global public relations for the Russian government and a state-owned energy company.”

It gets worse.

Dolan had relationships with “senior Russian Federation leadership,” including Russian President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary and his staff. He also was friendly with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. and his deputies.

Dolan attended meetings at the Russian embassy in Washington, DC. He arranged meetings in Moscow at which Danchenko met with Russian officials and “sub-sources” who gave him information that later ended up in Steele’s sensational dossier.

Durham’s indictment filing tells the story of the infamous “pee tape” allegation, in which Trump was alleged to have hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed where President Barack Obama was to have slept during a visit to a Moscow hotel. In June 2016, the indictment alleges, Dolan and another associate, identified as “Organizer-1,” stayed at the same hotel, and were given a guided tour by the management.
Dedundancy.Like saying a Kiddie Daisy BB gun is a true blue repeater.
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Already a thread, in before the lock.
When P Diddy dat Hoppen { Kung Fu TV Series }.
Where threads get lockdowned.I mean,next thing will be when
Masks can Post Threads.Those wearing masks have higher
message Board privledges.
People are starting to be prosecuted for it, not going to make your party look good to independents. Lol, your party may have gone too far on this one.
" This one " ?Already this morning I made mention of two solid
Obama ... " This Ones ". The VA Scandal and the IRS Scandal.
Plus Obama seemed the only one allowed to use the word
" Teabagger " which had been banned roundly at the time.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

Why would she be? Treason? Haha, state your case.
It is proven that the russian collusion was a fabricated lie on the American people.
I'm sorry but is that a yes or a no?

Did Trump campaign meet with Russian state representatives to get Clinton compromat or not?

Because that's collusion in my book, even if it didn't get to the level of all out criminal conspiracy

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