Will Hillary finally be locked up?

With Durham's indictments and arrests of multiple Clinton apparatchiks, the Clinton -> Perkins-Coie -> Fusion GPS -> Steele/Russia chain is completely documented and proved beyond any doubt.

As ALWAYS, the DemoKKKrats were doing EXACTLY what they accused Trump of doing. Scumbags.

Special Counsel John Durham’s indictment Thursday of “dossier” source Igor Danchenko revealed the first real evidence of “Russia collusion” — and it was linked to Hillary Clinton’s associates, not to Donald Trump or his presidential campaign.

Danchenko, a Russian-born, U.S.-based researcher, had worked from 2005-2010 at the Brookings Institution with Strobe Talbott, a former official from Bill Clinton’s State Department.

He later became the main “Russian” source for former British spy Christopher Steele, who compiled the fraudulent “Russia dossier” on Donald Trump on behalf of opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which was secretly being paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The “dossier” was fed to the FBI and the press, and was used in FISA surveillance warrants on (innocent) Trump aide Carter Page. Through Page’s communications, the Clinton-friendly Obama administration had visibility into Trump’s campaign.

That much was known before Thursday. But the indictment revealed even more.

A figure identified as “PR Executive-1,” and later confirmed to be communications consultant (and Clinton apparatchik) Charles Dolan Jr., was working with Danchenko.

Dolan had the kind of Russian contacts that Trump’s enemies searched for, in vain, when they persecuted the 45th president. Had Special Counsel Robert Mueller found anything like these contacts near Trump, the hoax would have been vindicated.

The indictment notes that Dolan “spent much of his career interacting with Eurasian clients with a particular focus on Russia.” He had even handled “global public relations for the Russian government and a state-owned energy company.”

It gets worse.

Dolan had relationships with “senior Russian Federation leadership,” including Russian President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary and his staff. He also was friendly with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. and his deputies.

Dolan attended meetings at the Russian embassy in Washington, DC. He arranged meetings in Moscow at which Danchenko met with Russian officials and “sub-sources” who gave him information that later ended up in Steele’s sensational dossier.

Durham’s indictment filing tells the story of the infamous “pee tape” allegation, in which Trump was alleged to have hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed where President Barack Obama was to have slept during a visit to a Moscow hotel. In June 2016, the indictment alleges, Dolan and another associate, identified as “Organizer-1,” stayed at the same hotel, and were given a guided tour by the management.
Marvin, you forgot to mention that Fiona Hill is also under scrutiny, lol.

Prosecutors do NOT go after 1, then investigate the others. He already has the goods; at least the goods he could get, so now this is going to move much more quickly.
Marvin, you forgot to mention that Fiona Hill is also under scrutiny, lol.

Prosecutors do NOT go after 1, then investigate the others. He already has the goods; at least the goods he could get, so now this is going to move much more quickly.
Watch out, going to end up with some blue balls.
It is a fucking lie, and they all know it is a fucking lie.


Her loss is why donations to the CLINTON FOUNDATION are down 90% since she lost.

Left win communist cuck useful idiots are literally retarded
This is SO much bigger than Watergate, it isn't even funny. It was nothing less than a coordinated effort at many levels of government and society to take down a sitting president as spearheaded by a political party working with foreign operatives.

As you can see, the uneducated Sheeple simply do not care. Just keep their alfalfa coming and they are happy to chew on it all day.
Honestly know one cares about this guy being indicted, this is nothing more than a distraction from the fact the highest levels of the FBI knowingly used false information to continue an investigate against a sitting POTUS. If high level members of the FBI/DOJ are not indicted it will say to the world that our intelligence agencies are fully corrupt or incompetent.
There is nothing in the article about how Mueller's team followed up on pee tape claims, his report never asserted it.

That's not what I was responding to, dipshit.

You said this:

There have been zero "Clinton people" indicted and the current indictments against peripheral sources are fairly vague in their relevance to broader Russia investigation.

That's demonstrably false, and you would know it if you read the article. Charles Dolan, one of the indicted parties, is described thusly:

A figure identified as “PR Executive-1,” and later confirmed to be communications consultant (and Clinton apparatchik) Charles Dolan Jr., was working with Danchenko.

Dolan had the kind of Russian contacts that Trump’s enemies searched for, in vain, when they persecuted the 45th president. Had Special Counsel Robert Mueller found anything like these contacts near Trump, the hoax would have been vindicated.

The indictment notes that Dolan “spent much of his career interacting with Eurasian clients with a particular focus on Russia.” He had even handled “global public relations for the Russian government and a state-owned energy company.”
This is SO much bigger than Watergate, it isn't even funny. It was nothing less than a coordinated effort at many levels of government and society to take down a sitting president as spearheaded by a political party working with foreign operatives.

As you can see, the uneducated Sheeple simply do not care. Just keep their alfalfa coming and they are happy to chew on it all day.

One of the best things Trump ever did was insulate Durham from the corruption of the Biden regime. If he hadn't done that, this investigation would have been murdered and buried back in January.
Third time today. Maybe more.
I think people here already realize how much you value your abject ignorance and so exposing you to any material that might undermine your religion is really dangerous.

Remember, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength, little prole.

There have been zero "Clinton people" indicted and the current indictments against peripheral sources are fairly vague in their relevance to broader Russia investigation.

Alegations of Trump-Alfa bank communications in particular played right about zero role in the Russian interference investigation
Yeah, all the people Hitlery paid for the dossier are getting indicted.......................but,,,,,,,but,,,,,,,Hitlery has nothing to do with this.

I think people here already realize how much you value your abject ignorance and so exposing you to any material that might undermine your religion is really dangerous.

Remember, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength, little prole.

It's not my fault so many have such a hard time following simple directions.
-- And Hillary's Team Did It - { Joel Pollock of Breitbart " Nov. 5th 2021
Howz them potatoes.Pretty enlightening ... eh.? Not in yer Life.
Most those who followed this care of Real Journalist like John Solomon
and Hannity know what went down.By actually reading about the Unverified
F.I.S.A. warrants and how they came to be.By a Dirt driven Dossier { Infamous - Steele Dossier }
which Hillary and the DNC concocted.And those Lying Democrats like Adam Schiff and
further outted Eric Swalwell.Insisting,maintaining year after year that they have the proof
that Trump Colluded.Thereby enabling them and their scummy cohorts in the MSM to
keep up the now Historic Lie and exposed master charade.All the while proudly spouting off
how Trump was a Russian Agent.Had Putin in his Pocket.
John Durham has the good goods.And they ain't even remotely connected to Donald Trump
as President let alone Trump & Co. as Presidential candidate.
How many more lies are We the People supposed to suffrage thru as if slings and arrows
or Outrageous Fortune.The Fortune of having a Real President like Trump.
Not beholdin to any D.C. Swamp.A True Man of the People.His overflow capacity Rallies are
the proof in the Puddin'. While guys like Eric Swalwell are do somethin' else with their Puddin'.
Jerkin' off ... We the People.
There is no such crime as "collusion" - despite the Loser being inordinately enamored of the word. Nor, of course, was the Loser ever charged with anything called "collusion."

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Yes, the FBI, NSA, and CIA all established independently - and two Republican-led Senate Committees on Intelligence confirmed - that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton, but Putin and Trump merely had a common objective - electing Trump - without any active complicity being required:

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- although Trump's senior adviser may have seen it differently.

Commenting on the revelation that Manafort, Kushner, and Junior had secretly met with Putin's agents in Trump Tower, Bannon observed,


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