Will Impeachment cost Democrats the House?

31 democrats won in 2018 in districts that Trump won by 10+ points in 2016.
So all Trump needs to do is win back 20 or more of those seats and the House swings back to the GOP.
In 2020 the Never-Trumpers, at least those with brains, will be back on the right side.
After Durham exposes the largest scandal in US history, the Obama admin spying on the Trump campaign, Trump will win an even larger Electoral Landslide.

These House seats are largely suburban seats. They are not going to be supporting Trump in 2020. Democrats made major inroads in suburban areas in Louisiana, Mississippi and Kentucky a month ago. Suburban voters have even less reason to support Trump than they did in 2016 or Republicans in 2018. Democrats hold the edge in healthcare, education, immigration and border issues, the environment, abortion, guns and global warming to name a few.

You can keep telling yourself that, but women voters are logical, they see the economy, peace and prosperity. So good luck if you think you can keep the 2018 voters. I'm confident that we can do better in 2020 than in 2016. So Trump should win again.

I HOPE. The problem is BOTH parties have the FEAR to initiate a REAL social movement, to trigger the REAL political movement of the ordinary Americans. All election campaigns are voter deception and brainwashing - typical characteristics of facade democracy.

To my shame I have to admit that most Americans have a very low level of education, especially of the political one, and almost zero level of critical thinking, and therefore both parties conduct election campaigns using psychological warfare

We don't necessarily want a social movement. Political movements come and go, except for the two main parties. The two parties have billionaires feeding them cash for tax loopholes to keep them gaining wealth. Here is a graph showing how the top 1% keeps getting richer.
View attachment 294832

There is no way to increase the top tax rate. Both parties are bought and owned by the billionaires. Its not brainwashing it's PAC money, it controls both parties.

Be careful of what you wish for "more education" in the US usually means more indoctrination by leftist professors. The good news is that in today's job market more kids are pursuing technical skills, so they don't get as indoctrinated as liberal arts majors. No offense, but there is no magic course like "critical thinking" that can compare to a few years of seeing how the world really works.
Is that graph adjusted for inflation?
Opinion | The Incredible Shrinking Impeachment

Americans will decide in 11 months whether Trump deserves to remain in office. But they should also keep the impeachment vote very much in mind when they decide whether Democrats deserve to keep the House.

Whatever happened to bribery and extortion? Democrats spent weeks talking them up as the crimes of Trump’s Ukraine interventions.

Democrats changed their narrative to “abuse of power,” a phrase general enough for anything Congress wants to stuff into it. They don’t even pretend any more to prove a quid pro quo. Instead they assert that Trump, in his phone call with Ukraine’s president, “solicited the interference of a foreign government” in the 2020 election “in pursuit of personal political benefit.” They also assert that this “compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process.”

Their problem is that Mr. Trump didn’t withhold military aid to Ukraine, and even if he had he would have merely been returning to Barack Obama’s policy of denying lethal aid. How would that have jeopardized national security? Every President also solicits actions from foreign leaders that he hopes will help him politically at home.

As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.

All current predictions have Democrats retaining the House.

All predictions indicated Hilary will win. YMMV


Sure :)))

This mesantrorp, who abandons the graves of her Eastern-European ancestors, is personally responsible for the killing of more than 1700 civilians, including almost 400 children, and about 10 thousand seriously injured Serbians during the bombing of Yugoslavia.

The Democratic Party is historically the “party of war," and the election of this post-menopausal inadequate person certainly means two or three wars in the very near future and a conveyor of coffins with the remains of our guys

Any more questions?
Any more questions?
Yes. Impeachment will cost them every branch of government

Hmmm. I hope you guys are right but I'm not so sure. You have to figure, people who were stupid enough to vote for Dems in 2018 are too stupid to see how bad the Dems are now

The issue with 2018 was two fold:

The first was that the Republicans had betrayed the voters. They refused to build the wall, deal with DACA, or address NAFTA. They put through a 23rd hour tax cut, but it was too little, too late. As a result, huge numbers of moderates and Republicans either stayed home or wanted to punish the Republicans.

The second is that the Communists were highly motivated. The democrats promised open borders to the illegals and had millions of illegals voting. The Communists targeted Republican districts and ran candidates who lied about being "moderates."

What has changed? In a word, "impeachment." The Communists from red and purple districts can't pretend to be moderates, they have already shown themselves to be radical Marxist leftists by electing Pelosi as speaker and supporting this witch hunt. The Mueller witch hunt was still going on and the Communists pimped it as if they had evidence. The public now knows that it, and the Ukraine farce, are lies from the start and there was never evidence to support either. Adam the lying Schitt is the new face of the Communist party - it's not a good look.

The Americans must win 16 more seats than they have now - flip 16. Estimates at this moment are they will flip 34 to 36 seats. That is a comfortable margin.
Any more questions?
Yes. Impeachment will cost them every branch of government

Hmmm. I hope you guys are right but I'm not so sure. You have to figure, people who were stupid enough to vote for Dems in 2018 are too stupid to see how bad the Dems are now

The Impeachment Disaster is so obvious it's hard to not see how bad the Dems are.

More precisely, how democrats are false and immoral .

I assume that these qualities were brought from Eastern Europe by their ancestors. Professor Charles Silberman writes a lot about it in his book " A Certain Pople...", as well as Bryan and John Helyar in their book "Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall Of ... Nabisco"
First comment with arguments and facts.


Be careful with the use of the term "communists." What you write about has nothing to do with communism.

This is a purely American chimera
Republicans (never Trumpers) bailed out and retired in massive numbers that year. Dems wouldn't have gotten a majority if the republicans didn't rebel against Trump/the People

Here Are All The Republicans Retiring From Congress In 2018

Those "40 retirees" were the coxuckers who couldn't get anything on immigration done when the GOP had all 3-branches. Good riddance.
We'll elect much better reps in 2020 when we retake the House.
It is looking more and more like Trump will be elected again and be handed a Super Majority.

Right. And in another country, at another time, all this democratic trash would already have fed the bed bugs and lice for the abuse of the Constitution.

I think we need to consider the legal aspects of the prosecution of the Hillary Clinton's political mafia group.

Any more questions?
Yes. Impeachment will cost them every branch of government

Hmmm. I hope you guys are right but I'm not so sure. You have to figure, people who were stupid enough to vote for Dems in 2018 are too stupid to see how bad the Dems are now

The Impeachment Disaster is so obvious it's hard to not see how bad the Dems are.

More precisely, how democrats are false and immoral .

I assume that these qualities were brought from Eastern Europe by their ancestors. Professor Charles Silberman writes a lot about it in his book " A Certain Pople...", as well as Bryan and John Helyar in their book "Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall Of ... Nabisco"

The Keebler Elves came from Eastern Europe?

Who knew?
Any more questions?
Yes. Impeachment will cost them every branch of government

Hmmm. I hope you guys are right but I'm not so sure. You have to figure, people who were stupid enough to vote for Dems in 2018 are too stupid to see how bad the Dems are now

The Impeachment Disaster is so obvious it's hard to not see how bad the Dems are.

More precisely, how democrats are false and immoral .

I assume that these qualities were brought from Eastern Europe by their ancestors. Professor Charles Silberman writes a lot about it in his book " A Certain Pople...", as well as Bryan and John Helyar in their book "Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall Of ... Nabisco"

The Keebler Elves came from Eastern Europe?

Who knew?

No, from the Misty Mountains
Such hypocrisy.

Fake outrage over Hillary not releasing personal email yet you defend Trump refusing to participate in a Congressional investigation, refusing to release documents, refusing to allow his staff to testify
Who said I was outraged and why would Trump do that? Democrats have been trying to make shit up since he won they are the epitome of the boy who cried wolf.
You were the one who brought up Hillary’s emails

Let’s look at the record

Hillary testified under oath
Trump refuses to do so

Hillary released all of her official records
Trump has them hidden on a classified server

Hillary participated in the investigation
Trump refuses to do so and will not allow his staff to participate

Now, WHO is the one who should be removed from the ballot?
Neither the people should decide. Funny how you ignore the smashed blackberries and iPads. Not at all suspicious.
Hillary participated in the investigation and gave sworn testimony.....Trump has not

You lose
Trump is the President and HRC was not. Trump doesn’t have to appear because of that. You still have yet to address the smashed electronic devices. Trump won in 2016 and you have been whining ever since. So who really lost? You.
Hillary was a member of the Executive Branch doing her official duties
Why does Trump get to hide what he did in the Executive Branch and Hillary didn’t?
Who said I was outraged and why would Trump do that? Democrats have been trying to make shit up since he won they are the epitome of the boy who cried wolf.
You were the one who brought up Hillary’s emails

Let’s look at the record

Hillary testified under oath
Trump refuses to do so

Hillary released all of her official records
Trump has them hidden on a classified server

Hillary participated in the investigation
Trump refuses to do so and will not allow his staff to participate

Now, WHO is the one who should be removed from the ballot?
Neither the people should decide. Funny how you ignore the smashed blackberries and iPads. Not at all suspicious.
Hillary participated in the investigation and gave sworn testimony.....Trump has not

You lose
Trump is the President and HRC was not. Trump doesn’t have to appear because of that. You still have yet to address the smashed electronic devices. Trump won in 2016 and you have been whining ever since. So who really lost? You.
Hillary was a member of the Executive Branch doing her official duties
Why does Trump get to hide what he did in the Executive Branch and Hillary didn’t?

All this is a political chatter. Hillary committed crimes against humanity by forcing her husband to launch bombing of Yugoslavia and her place in prison





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Who said I was outraged and why would Trump do that? Democrats have been trying to make shit up since he won they are the epitome of the boy who cried wolf.
You were the one who brought up Hillary’s emails

Let’s look at the record

Hillary testified under oath
Trump refuses to do so

Hillary released all of her official records
Trump has them hidden on a classified server

Hillary participated in the investigation
Trump refuses to do so and will not allow his staff to participate

Now, WHO is the one who should be removed from the ballot?
Neither the people should decide. Funny how you ignore the smashed blackberries and iPads. Not at all suspicious.
Hillary participated in the investigation and gave sworn testimony.....Trump has not

You lose
Trump is the President and HRC was not. Trump doesn’t have to appear because of that. You still have yet to address the smashed electronic devices. Trump won in 2016 and you have been whining ever since. So who really lost? You.
Hillary was a member of the Executive Branch doing her official duties
Why does Trump get to hide what he did in the Executive Branch and Hillary didn’t?
Smashing Blackberries equates to official duties? LOL. Do tell.

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