Will Jaun Williams Ever Stop Bringing Up Fake Polls When Losing Arguments On "The Five"?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
and we have all been seeing this for years. Williams keeps bringing up polls that attempt to make Trump look like hes in trouble. Williams also/time to time has brought up polls that say that anyone running for President is ahead of Trump by 10%. He actually believes that Biden will whip Trump by at least 10% if he was the nominee.
Maybe Jaun has completely forgotten what happened with all of those polls we were watching all of 2016. Oh yah! Hillary is gonna get close to 400 electoral votes {well according to CNN}.
And god! will Jaun ever stop starting his rebuttals/sentences with "Here's The Thing"?....Jaun is trying to make it look as if he created that catch phrase.
:aargh: :abgg2q.jpg: :aargh:
and we have all been seeing this for years. Williams keeps bringing up polls that attempt to make Trump look like hes in trouble. Williams also/time to time has brought up polls that say that anyone running for President is ahead of Trump by 10%. He actually believes that Biden will whip Trump by at least 10% if he was the nominee.
Maybe Jaun has completely forgotten what happened with all of those polls we were watching all of 2016. Oh yah! Hillary is gonna get close to 400 electoral votes {well according to CNN}.
And god! will Jaun ever stop starting his rebuttals/sentences with "Here's The Thing"?....Jaun is trying to make it look as if he created that catch phrase.
:aargh: :abgg2q.jpg: :aargh:
Probably NOT, because it appears that's what he's PAID to do. I used to think that Juan is dumb, but I'm not sure now. NO ONE COULD be as dumb as he appears to be. I think it's all an act.
and we have all been seeing this for years. Williams keeps bringing up polls that attempt to make Trump look like hes in trouble. Williams also/time to time has brought up polls that say that anyone running for President is ahead of Trump by 10%. He actually believes that Biden will whip Trump by at least 10% if he was the nominee.
Maybe Jaun has completely forgotten what happened with all of those polls we were watching all of 2016. Oh yah! Hillary is gonna get close to 400 electoral votes {well according to CNN}.
And god! will Jaun ever stop starting his rebuttals/sentences with "Here's The Thing"?....Jaun is trying to make it look as if he created that catch phrase.
:aargh: :abgg2q.jpg: :aargh:

He's irritating. But I think he's actually dumb enough to believe most of the crap he throws out there. So at least he's not a pathological liar like most of them.
and we have all been seeing this for years. Williams keeps bringing up polls that attempt to make Trump look like hes in trouble. Williams also/time to time has brought up polls that say that anyone running for President is ahead of Trump by 10%. He actually believes that Biden will whip Trump by at least 10% if he was the nominee.
Maybe Jaun has completely forgotten what happened with all of those polls we were watching all of 2016. Oh yah! Hillary is gonna get close to 400 electoral votes {well according to CNN}.
And god! will Jaun ever stop starting his rebuttals/sentences with "Here's The Thing"?....Jaun is trying to make it look as if he created that catch phrase.
:aargh: :abgg2q.jpg: :aargh:
Probably NOT, because it appears that's what he's PAID to do. I used to think that Juan is dumb, but I'm not sure now. NO ONE COULD be as dumb as he appears to be. I think it's all an act.

HAHA! I wrote mine without reading this... :)

Yeah, I think he's pretty dumb.
and we have all been seeing this for years. Williams keeps bringing up polls that attempt to make Trump look like hes in trouble. Williams also/time to time has brought up polls that say that anyone running for President is ahead of Trump by 10%. He actually believes that Biden will whip Trump by at least 10% if he was the nominee.
Maybe Jaun has completely forgotten what happened with all of those polls we were watching all of 2016. Oh yah! Hillary is gonna get close to 400 electoral votes {well according to CNN}.
And god! will Jaun ever stop starting his rebuttals/sentences with "Here's The Thing"?....Jaun is trying to make it look as if he created that catch phrase.
:aargh: :abgg2q.jpg: :aargh:
Probably NOT, because it appears that's what he's PAID to do. I used to think that Juan is dumb, but I'm not sure now. NO ONE COULD be as dumb as he appears to be. I think it's all an act.

HAHA! I wrote mine without reading this... :)

Yeah, I think he's pretty dumb.
For his sake, I HOPE it's all an act.
I can't think he is as dumb as he plays on the toob… Afterall he helped rasie two very conservative sons...

Maybe he had a stroke or got his noggin bonked.

He's smart enough to not stick his tongue in a light socket, but only when there's a bulb in it.
Hey I never declared him a Rocket Surgeon, and your astute analysis of his electrical skills are more than likely correct... I'm just sayin that if they have to have a token lib, there could be a whole lot worse...
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Well, it's got to be hard to be "out of the loop" when it comes to ideologue. He has to hear it from everyone. I wouldn't want his job. Hope he's being paid well.
...because gauging public opinion by proffessional polling is a crazy concept?

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Gauging public opinion by proffessional polling? That's CRAZY!
Believing 1,000 people speak for millions is crazy

I suggest you go read up on some basic statistics before you make a fool of yourself any further.

Scientific polling is how public opinion is primarily measured. PERIOD. This is not up for debate.
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Polls are wonderful things! Why... by just using a few tactics you too can make your own poll say anything you want it to!

*This message approved of by people that think polls are bunko
For his sake, I HOPE it's all an act.

Of Course it's all an act, by EVERY member on these entertainment shows.

Entertainment News. Meaning, it is an ACT. And this is where trump gets his Fake News. SAD.

Hannity, Carlson, Ingram, the entire 5, Fox and Friends.

These are all Entertainment Networks, not NEWS, as stated by ALL RWI on this forum many times.
For his sake, I HOPE it's all an act.

Of Course it's all an act, by EVERY member on these entertainment shows.

Entertainment News. Meaning, it is an ACT. And this is where trump gets his Fake News. SAD.

Hannity, Carlson, Ingram, the entire 5, Fox and Friends.

These are all Entertainment Networks, not NEWS, as stated by ALL RWI on this forum many times.

Saying that has been stated by "ALL RWI on this forum many times" makes you not only a liar, but a stupid fuckin liar.
Gauging public opinion by proffessional polling? That's CRAZY!
Believing 1,000 people speak for millions is crazy

I suggest you go read up on some basic statistics before you make a fool of yourself any further.

Scientific polling is how public opinion is primarily measured. PERIOD. This is not up for debate.
Have they conducted a poll to measure the % of Trump voters
who were influenced by Facebook and Twitter ads to vote for him?
For his sake, I HOPE it's all an act.

Of Course it's all an act, by EVERY member on these entertainment shows.

Entertainment News. Meaning, it is an ACT. And this is where trump gets his Fake News. SAD.

Hannity, Carlson, Ingram, the entire 5, Fox and Friends.

These are all Entertainment Networks, not NEWS, as stated by ALL RWI on this forum many times.
I disagree. You cannot say you don't hear the news on that channel. I believe that there is some spin, but it isn't making it up. Just lookat the ratings. Fox is higher than CNN and MSNBC. People know which channels earn their trust.

I don't listen to Hannity, Ingram file, but trust Bret Baier, Dana Perino and Trace Gallagher.
and we have all been seeing this for years. Williams keeps bringing up polls that attempt to make Trump look like hes in trouble. Williams also/time to time has brought up polls that say that anyone running for President is ahead of Trump by 10%. He actually believes that Biden will whip Trump by at least 10% if he was the nominee.
Maybe Jaun has completely forgotten what happened with all of those polls we were watching all of 2016. Oh yah! Hillary is gonna get close to 400 electoral votes {well according to CNN}.
And god! will Jaun ever stop starting his rebuttals/sentences with "Here's The Thing"?....Jaun is trying to make it look as if he created that catch phrase.

If you mean that black simpleton on Fox, Juan Williams, he is Fox's token black liberal put there to satisfy demographics after getting fired from CNN. The man never has a straight, reasonable or honest thought in his entire head it is as if his brain were starved of oxygen as a baby.
For his sake, I HOPE it's all an act.

Of Course it's all an act, by EVERY member on these entertainment shows.

Entertainment News. Meaning, it is an ACT. And this is where trump gets his Fake News. SAD.

Hannity, Carlson, Ingram, the entire 5, Fox and Friends.

These are all Entertainment Networks, not NEWS, as stated by ALL RWI on this forum many times.
I disagree. You cannot say you don't hear the news on that channel. I believe that there is some spin, but it isn't making it up. Just lookat the ratings. Fox is higher than CNN and MSNBC. People know which channels earn their trust.

I don't listen to Hannity, Ingram file, but trust Bret Baier, Dana Perino and Trace Gallagher.
Ratings have nothing to do with what is news or not. And you're spinning when you suggest that ratings mean that's who people trust.


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