Will Jews Kill Iran Deal?

oh----and the SAUDI WOMEN you know, Penelope?? how do they dress? ----I have
known for YEARS----that Saudi women get their
stuff custom from paris--------even the veils that go on top of their elegant gowns----ie when they are out of doors----- are made in PARIS --------very elegant------they seem to favor always being in elegant paris gowns------I would go nuts. Of
course that is the "royal family------all tens of thousands of them. I never met a Saudi who
was NOT a member of the "royal family"----I have
no idea what they do with the non-royals Of
course almost all the Iranians have known ----were from Teheran-------I have no idea where the non teheranis are
oh----and the SAUDI WOMEN you know, Penelope?? how do they dress? ----I have
known for YEARS----that Saudi women get their
stuff custom from paris--------even the veils that go on top of their elegant gowns----ie when they are out of doors----- are made in PARIS --------very elegant------they seem to favor always being in elegant paris gowns------I would go nuts. Of
course that is the "royal family------all tens of thousands of them. I never met a Saudi who
was NOT a member of the "royal family"----I have
no idea what they do with the non-royals Of
course almost all the Iranians have known ----were from Teheran-------I have no idea where the non teheranis are

I am sure the Saudi women dress very elegant and I'm sure the Saudi men drink and smoke as well, they just don't let the people in their country do anything. that is how they keep the rule over them.
I'll bet the IAF has those bunker busters all oiled up and "ready for Betty."
If Iran could not defend itself and launch retaliation strikes, that would already have happened.
Only Obama's pussyfooted asskissing of Bibi has kept the planes grounded.

Lord...I hate that Hussein :mad-61:

Apparently you hate the Iranians too, but love Isis and the Saudis. Obama sure showed Bib who was boss hey. :laugh: he needed a whipping .
oh----and the SAUDI WOMEN you know, Penelope?? how do they dress? ----I have
known for YEARS----that Saudi women get their
stuff custom from paris--------even the veils that go on top of their elegant gowns----ie when they are out of doors----- are made in PARIS --------very elegant------they seem to favor always being in elegant paris gowns------I would go nuts. Of
course that is the "royal family------all tens of thousands of them. I never met a Saudi who
was NOT a member of the "royal family"----I have
no idea what they do with the non-royals Of
course almost all the Iranians have known ----were from Teheran-------I have no idea where the non teheranis are

I am sure the Saudi women dress very elegant and I'm sure the Saudi men drink and smoke as well, they just don't let the people in their country do anything. that is how they keep the rule over them.

sweetums------you should have written "elegantly"----not just 'elegant'. In fact there
is no law against smoking in Saudi Arabia-----and----of course they drink. ----koranic law or not.
Who is "they"? "they" are the people in "their
country" you imagine that they don't let their people do anything? you have never met a Saudi, right? so how do you know?. They let their people do lots of stuff-----even come to the USA-------without their wives -----and even travel thruout the east------like india and Indonesia -----and the west-----like las vegas. Why do you INVENT?-----it is true that they chop off heads-----usually on Friday-----but that is just
a kind of political thing------and, of course, for
entertainment. I have known some Saudis---none complained of not being able to do anything. They seem to WANT to do stuff that they imagine american girls want to do too---so
they tend to get a little disappointed------want to meet a few? What is your opinion on the use of
khat? There are anti khat people in Yemen and pro khat people
I'll bet the IAF has those bunker busters all oiled up and "ready for Betty."
If Iran could not defend itself and launch retaliation strikes, that would already have happened.
Only Obama's pussyfooted asskissing of Bibi has kept the planes grounded.

Lord...I hate that Hussein :mad-61:

Apparently you hate the Iranians too, but love Isis and the Saudis. Obama sure showed Bib who was boss hey. :laugh: he needed a whipping .[/QUOT

Penny dear, you seem to addressing skye when you state-------"you hate Iranians and love
isis and the Saudis" and when you say "Obama sure showed Bib who was boss-----"HEY" " what is the "HEY" for ----is that a word in your mother tongue? what makes you imagine that skye hates Iranians and loves "isis" and the Saudis??? Did she say
so? -------it is not at all clear to me that Obama showed "bib" anything at all other than
the fact that Obama can't wait for his presidency
to end--------finally....... poor guy
Will Jews save the Sunnis from a Shiite takeover?

You better pray, Sunni troll. Otherwise Mecca and Medina will fall into Shiite hands soon.
Never gonna happen Shlomo........ :cool:
Then why is Saudi Arabia accusing Iran of sponsoring Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen, building a wall across its border with Yemen, and bombing Shiite sites there.

Weren't you the one that openly supported ISIS in its battle with the shiites on these boards not too long ago with cheers of "go team Sunni!"? So what, you're now cheering for the opposing team? What a fuckin' moron!

Will Jews save the Sunnis from a Shiite takeover?

You better pray, Sunni troll. Otherwise Mecca and Medina will fall into Shiite hands soon.

Isis is Sunni, so you would rather have Sunnis? SA is a monarchy.

So you would rather have Iran's Mullahs run Islam's holiest sites? You do realize that there will be a sectarian war with tens if not hundreds of millions of dead Muslims before the Sunnis will let something like that happen? These two sects have been at each others throats for the last 1400 years and it won't change today.

I don't think Iran wants to, but then your believe in an monarchy. So I guess for the Presidency your voting for Bush, Jeb as you think the rule should be passed down by genes, inherited. I don't so I believe I Iran's Shia as a more democratic way, but of course we know religion and politics do not mix. As Wendy Sherman (a jewish woman involved in the Iran deal) so told a group yesterday on Cspan that in Iran many young people are wanting more freedom, and well the Supreme Leader (who wont be around for long) has actually been much more progressive that the monarchy in say SA. I am not a fan of SA at all, you might get a new family member in that is progressive, but they want total control.

Yes I am on the Houthi"s side in Yemen, they do not want a monarch. I do not see them as the terrorists in as much as I see the SA as the terrorist.

Many Christian, Jewish, and Zoroastrian converts to Islam chose to become Shia rather than Sunni in the early centuries of the religion as a protest against the ethnic Arab empires that treated non-Arabs as second-class citizens. Their religions influenced the evolution of Shia Islam as distinct from Sunni Islam in rituals and beliefs.


Since you are an asylum escapee that just blabbers incoherently on the internet, the word "think" does not apply to you.

Saudi Arabia, Iran and the 'Great Game' in Yemen

A recent report in Al Hayat, one of the largest and most-respected pan-Arab dailies, charges that Iran is supporting more than 100 Shiite extremist organizations and militias in Syria and Iraq.

The newspaper, which is published in London and funded by Saudi Arabia, says the crimes of these groups are no less horrific than those of the Islamic State.

In Iraq, the Iranian-funded armed militias comprised of Persians have capabilities far beyond those of the Iraqi security forces. The paper quotes academics who commented that the purpose of these militias is to target the Arabs in Iraq, both Sunni and Shiite.

In the Arab world, there is anger that the international media is ignoring the atrocities being committed by these militias. Hussein Al Muayid, an Iraqi religious scholar and advisor to the general secretary of the Muslim World League, pointedly questioned why the media as well as political figures focus only on the activities of the terror activities of Sunni organizations.

Muayid claims such selective reporting serves to makes an implicit statement that the Sunni world is responsible for all the terror in the world.
there are a lot more sunnis than Shiites in the world------the Shiites actually do believe that the whole world is going to cave to their filth and stink--------they are in the midst of an ADOLF
moment--------and a MUHUMMAD moment---
they actually believe that they will end up
*****UBER ALLES*******
chances are the ayatoilets will end up with bullets in their heads as soon as the Iranian
airforce starts bombing in Saudi Arabia and
the Shiite shit----march on mecca
Will Jews save the Sunnis from a Shiite takeover?

You better pray, Sunni troll. Otherwise Mecca and Medina will fall into Shiite hands soon.
Never gonna happen Shlomo........ :cool:
Then why is Saudi Arabia accusing Iran of sponsoring Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen, building a wall across its border with Yemen, and bombing Shiite sites there.

Weren't you the one that openly supported ISIS in its battle with the shiites on these boards not too long ago with cheers of "go team Sunni!"? So what, you're now cheering for the opposing team? What a fuckin' moron!

Will Jews save the Sunnis from a Shiite takeover?

You better pray, Sunni troll. Otherwise Mecca and Medina will fall into Shiite hands soon.

Isis is Sunni, so you would rather have Sunnis? SA is a monarchy.

So you would rather have Iran's Mullahs run Islam's holiest sites? You do realize that there will be a sectarian war with tens if not hundreds of millions of dead Muslims before the Sunnis will let something like that happen? These two sects have been at each others throats for the last 1400 years and it won't change today.

I don't think Iran wants to, but then your believe in an monarchy. So I guess for the Presidency your voting for Bush, Jeb as you think the rule should be passed down by genes, inherited. I don't so I believe I Iran's Shia as a more democratic way, but of course we know religion and politics do not mix. As Wendy Sherman (a jewish woman involved in the Iran deal) so told a group yesterday on Cspan that in Iran many young people are wanting more freedom, and well the Supreme Leader (who wont be around for long) has actually been much more progressive that the monarchy in say SA. I am not a fan of SA at all, you might get a new family member in that is progressive, but they want total control.

Yes I am on the Houthi"s side in Yemen, they do not want a monarch. I do not see them as the terrorists in as much as I see the SA as the terrorist.

Many Christian, Jewish, and Zoroastrian converts to Islam chose to become Shia rather than Sunni in the early centuries of the religion as a protest against the ethnic Arab empires that treated non-Arabs as second-class citizens. Their religions influenced the evolution of Shia Islam as distinct from Sunni Islam in rituals and beliefs.


Since you are an asylum escapee that just blabbers incoherently on the internet, the word "think" does not apply to you.

Saudi Arabia, Iran and the 'Great Game' in Yemen

A recent report in Al Hayat, one of the largest and most-respected pan-Arab dailies, charges that Iran is supporting more than 100 Shiite extremist organizations and militias in Syria and Iraq.

The newspaper, which is published in London and funded by Saudi Arabia, says the crimes of these groups are no less horrific than those of the Islamic State.

In Iraq, the Iranian-funded armed militias comprised of Persians have capabilities far beyond those of the Iraqi security forces. The paper quotes academics who commented that the purpose of these militias is to target the Arabs in Iraq, both Sunni and Shiite.

In the Arab world, there is anger that the international media is ignoring the atrocities being committed by these militias. Hussein Al Muayid, an Iraqi religious scholar and advisor to the general secretary of the Muslim World League, pointedly questioned why the media as well as political figures focus only on the activities of the terror activities of Sunni organizations.

Muayid claims such selective reporting serves to makes an implicit statement that the Sunni world is responsible for all the terror in the world.
Funded by SA , an enemy of Iran, Syria and Iraq. Sorry I do not believe anything from SA. Iran is a threat to them , because why, SA wants to be King and Ruler of the Muslim nation, and they can't since the sanctions on Iran are going to be gone. Your know its like Israel , you just have to learn to live together. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, SA and Israel's baby, in Iraq. Jealously will get you nowhere. Now I have to listen to the GOP debate and none of them speak a word of truth, as they know Iran is not the terrorist nation they claim it is.
oh----and the SAUDI WOMEN you know, Penelope?? how do they dress? ----I have
known for YEARS----that Saudi women get their
stuff custom from paris--------even the veils that go on top of their elegant gowns----ie when they are out of doors----- are made in PARIS --------very elegant------they seem to favor always being in elegant paris gowns------I would go nuts. Of
course that is the "royal family------all tens of thousands of them. I never met a Saudi who
was NOT a member of the "royal family"----I have
no idea what they do with the non-royals Of
course almost all the Iranians have known ----were from Teheran-------I have no idea where the non teheranis are

I am sure the Saudi women dress very elegant and I'm sure the Saudi men drink and smoke as well, they just don't let the people in their country do anything. that is how they keep the rule over them.

sweetums------you should have written "elegantly"----not just 'elegant'. In fact there
is no law against smoking in Saudi Arabia-----and----of course they drink. ----koranic law or not.
Who is "they"? "they" are the people in "their
country" you imagine that they don't let their people do anything? you have never met a Saudi, right? so how do you know?. They let their people do lots of stuff-----even come to the USA-------without their wives -----and even travel thruout the east------like india and Indonesia -----and the west-----like las vegas. Why do you INVENT?-----it is true that they chop off heads-----usually on Friday-----but that is just
a kind of political thing------and, of course, for
entertainment. I have known some Saudis---none complained of not being able to do anything. They seem to WANT to do stuff that they imagine american girls want to do too---so
they tend to get a little disappointed------want to meet a few? What is your opinion on the use of
khat? There are anti khat people in Yemen and pro khat people

Do you expect someone whose native language is probably Farsi to know about adjectives and adverbs in English if she does not even know that you're and your have different meanings? What a silly thing for her to say to Skye, especially since there are so many ex-Iranians in this country who can't stand the present regime. Why don't we just say that Penelope hates America and Israel; and while living in Iran, she used to yell out "Death to America and Death to Israel." Doesn't she realize that there are Iranian citizens who wish the present regime would just disappear? Perhaps Penelope should ask some of the newly-arrived people from Iran why they left such a lovely regime to come live in America..
When Muslims are busy killing each other they have less time killing us infidels. Lets give them space to do that. :clap2:
I have never met an Iranian quite so illiterate as is Penelope. HOWEVER I have met lots of Iranians who are convinced that
everyone is JEALOUS of Iran-------and all of the muslim Iranians I
have encountered despised arabs

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