Will Kamala self quarantine to protect others?

Will Kamala self quarantine for the safety of others?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Lol of course not

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sure. you go with that.

i will…not sure what you are trying to show in the pic.

Did those folks not quarantine after they tested positive?

and frankly, i’d hope that from that point on folks would have learned better ways to prevent the spread in Washington, and more safety measures…we didn’t see any outbreak in the WH until now….as far as the Capitol, and Nancy’s staff…well that’s just another story
not sure what you are trying to show in the pic.

a super spreader when the handmaid was intro'd to donny's psychophants.

Did those folks not quarantine after they tested positive?


and frankly, i’d hope that from that point on folks would have learned better ways to prevent the spread in Washington

you mean like not having a super spreader, wearing masks & social distancing & contact tracing until that could be modified once a vaccine was found?

,and more safety measures…

like a vaccine?

we didn’t see any outbreak in the WH until now….

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............... you can lie thru yer teeth, can't you?

White House COVID-19 outbreak

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The White House COVID-19 outbreak was a cluster of SARS-CoV-2 infections that began in September 2020 and ended in January 2021 that spread among people, including many U.S. government officials, who were in close contact during the COVID-19 pandemic in Washington, D.C. Numerous high-profile individuals were infected, including President Donald Trump, who was hospitalized for three days.[5] At least 48 White House staff members or associates, closely working with White House personnel, tested positive for the virus.[2][3][6] The White House resisted efforts to engage in contact tracing, leaving it unclear how many people were infected in total and what the origins of the spread were.[7]
Many of the infections appeared to be related to a ceremony held on September 26 in the Rose Garden for the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, where seating was not socially distanced and participants were mostly unmasked. Trump himself may have been infectious at that point, but he and his entourage attended several subsequent events unmasked, including the first presidential debate against Joe Biden in Cleveland, Ohio on September 29.[8] The next day, Presidential Counselor Hope Hicks was placed in quarantine aboard Air Force One while returning with Trump from a campaign event in Minnesota.
White House COVID-19 outbreak - Wikipedia


Factbox: White House staff, top Republicans who have tested positive for COVID-19

By Reuters Staff

Two more people from Trump’s Election Night party at White House test positive for coronavirus

Two more people from Trump's Election Night party at White House test positive for coronavirus

as far as the Capitol, and Nancy’s staff…well that’s just another story

breakthroughs are a reality despite the actual mitigation they have been doing b4 the vaccine. so you ain't got nuthin' there either. & if she decides to go back to masking up, you'll throw a hissy fir about that too, snowflake.
that's the same freakin pic i showed YOU. are those on the immediate left & right any that were infected? show me the link that they are the ones.
And again and again and again... if you have to play dumb in order to stay with a narrative... what are you??
She is in an enclosed room, with a low ceiling mind you... with a room full of people with every single one of them either having Covid, or recently exposed to Covid. Every one of them.
You think it is perfectly safe to go into a conference room with a room full of Covid people??
Because that is what you are playing dumb about.
And again and again and again... if you have to play dumb in order to stay with a narrative... what are you??
She is in an enclosed room, with a low ceiling mind you... with a room full of people with every single one of them either having Covid, or recently exposed to Covid. Every one of them.
You think it is perfectly safe to go into a conference room with a room full of Covid people??
Because that is what you are playing dumb about.

that was before it was found that 5 tested positive after being vaxxed. everyone was vaxxed in that room & there were 5 breakthrus. & she was tested after finding that out. what is differant i don't know?
that was before it was found that 5 tested positive after being vaxxed. everyone was vaxxed in that room & there were 5 breakthrus. & she was tested after finding that out. what is differant i don't know?
WHat is different??
If Trump was President still, and these were Republican officials doing this, and have already verified to have caused others to get Covid - INCLUDING - White House staffers.... you would have an entirely different opinion.
And everyone knows it.
WHat is different??
If Trump was President still, and these were Republican officials doing this, and have already verified to have caused others to get Covid - INCLUDING - White House staffers.... you would have an entirely different opinion.
And everyone knows it.

i literally posted that (R)s AND donny AND WH staffers did exactly that without a VACCINE AND NO MITIGATION THAT DID CAUSE OTHERS TO GET INFECTED.

sooooooo..... i asked what i wrote was anything differant than facts?

everything i said WAS fact & you're bitching what aboutisms that didn't happen?

holy crap batman - you are certifiable.
Well, is she a selfish Trumptard or a stand up leftist? Put your money where your mouth is.
She needs to quarantine at the border with all those people. Many doctors were on this one radio show and all of them said they cant tell the difference bewtween the covid 19 or any variants. Its all bullshit ... They want us all afraid . I will not wear a face diaper again
Yup, hilarious. Remember when Kamala said she wouldn't take any vaccine approved during Trump's presidency? I do.

Kamala is the original anti-vaxxer.

& now for the truth:

fauci said to take the vaccine b4 donny lost AND after. so she did.

damn, you really suck at this.
a super spreader when the handmaid was intro'd to donny's psychophants.


you mean like not having a super spreader, wearing masks & social distancing & contact tracing until that could be modified once a vaccine was found?

like a vaccine?

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............... you can lie thru yer teeth, can't you?

White House COVID-19 outbreak

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The White House COVID-19 outbreak was a cluster of SARS-CoV-2 infections that began in September 2020 and ended in January 2021 that spread among people, including many U.S. government officials, who were in close contact during the COVID-19 pandemic in Washington, D.C. Numerous high-profile individuals were infected, including President Donald Trump, who was hospitalized for three days.[5] At least 48 White House staff members or associates, closely working with White House personnel, tested positive for the virus.[2][3][6] The White House resisted efforts to engage in contact tracing, leaving it unclear how many people were infected in total and what the origins of the spread were.[7]
Many of the infections appeared to be related to a ceremony held on September 26 in the Rose Garden for the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, where seating was not socially distanced and participants were mostly unmasked. Trump himself may have been infectious at that point, but he and his entourage attended several subsequent events unmasked, including the first presidential debate against Joe Biden in Cleveland, Ohio on September 29.[8] The next day, Presidential Counselor Hope Hicks was placed in quarantine aboard Air Force One while returning with Trump from a campaign event in Minnesota.
White House COVID-19 outbreak - Wikipedia


Factbox: White House staff, top Republicans who have tested positive for COVID-19

By Reuters Staff

Two more people from Trump’s Election Night party at White House test positive for coronavirus

Two more people from Trump's Election Night party at White House test positive for coronavirus

breakthroughs are a reality despite the actual mitigation they have been doing b4 the vaccine. so you ain't got nuthin' there either. & if she decides to go back to masking up, you'll throw a hissy fir about that too, snowflake.

Yes...and now the Xiden White House, Nancy P, and the fugutive dems are spreading the virus around like they are tic tacs. They should know better, but obvioiusly aren't taking it seriously

Yes...and now the Xiden White House, Nancy P, and the fugutive dems are spreading the virus around like they are tic tacs. They should know better, but obvioiusly aren't taking it seriously

^^^ fake news ^^^
nope white house staffers have tested positive and so has nancy P’s

as well as three dem fugitives who were visiting with the VP

fake news that they 'are spreading it'.

they are breakthru cases which are not the same as unvaxxed dolts not protecting themselves. you need to find yer critical thinking cap .
Harris is highly educated and pretty accomplished lawyer before she got into politics...

She is very articulate and was especially good on Senate committees in getting answers...

You can call her an idiot but you are clearly wrong... She is anything but an idiot... You can disagree with her but she is obviously intelligent...

But if you want to hate people for lack of intelligence you must be consistent... Trump made many ill informed statements while being president... I persume you must hate him more, but Democrats didn't really like him...

She cackles well

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