Will Liz cheney become the first woman dog catcher.

"She would become the spokesman for the bow wows of the world.."

I personally think it is smile-worthy when we see posters, nearly every time being a QAnon'r or MAGAphile, expressing their revulsion over Liz Cheney. As if they know her now....or in the years when she was in the House or the State Department.

Suddenly, she is their Villain Valkyrie --because--- she has expressed mild skepticism of Don Trump and his machinations to steal the 2020 election.

And even reasoned thoughtful skepticism of Don Trump is, in MAGAphile-world, heresy. In that world, it is either full-on sycophancy....or you are a RINO, and must be purged --if caning, branding, and burning ain't allowed.

Anyway, so up pops this strong, articulate, well-educated (JD from Univ. of Chicago) professional woman with sterling Republican and Conservative credentials, and that sends the Q's and MAGA's in to full-on uber-misogyny.
They can't pile on enough epithets, profanity, unfound criticism, and just plain sourness due to their fear of strong successful women.


BTW, in one of these recent "Liz" threads a poster offered us pictures of the huge crowds that Cheney is drawing at one of her speeches. I mention that, as i too, noticed the big crowd (sold-out well in advance) at the venue in Sarasota that I went to see her at.

Clearly, a large segment of Americans are intrigued by her and are seeking to hear, in person, her stated thoughts. Her courageous acceptance to the Select Committee was anathema to her Republican colleagues in the House (she was #3 in power, behind only McCarthy and Scalise). She accepted the responsibility knowing full-well that in her deep-red Wyoming there would be a political cost. But she stuck to her principles and her commitment to the American Constitution. She lost that single House seat that is assigned to the state of Wyoming, but......she will land somewhere big. Somewhere that she can offer her prodigious skills and organizing and constructing policy.

As far as the RWNJ misogyny, well, I'm confident she is too strong for those weak 'old-brain' Y-Chromosone types.

I personally think it is smile-worthy when we see posters, nearly every time being a QAnon'r or MAGAphile, expressing their revulsion over Liz Cheney. As if they know her now....or in the years when she was in the House or the State Department.

Suddenly, she is their Villain Valkyrie --because--- she has expressed mild skepticism of Don Trump and his machinations to steal the 2020 election.

And even reasoned thoughtful skepticism of Don Trump is, in MAGAphile-world, heresy. In that world, it is either full-on sycophancy....or you are a RINO, and must be purged --if caning, branding, and burning ain't allowed.

Anyway, so up pops this strong, articulate, well-educated (JD from Univ. of Chicago) professional woman with sterling Republican and Conservative credentials, and that sends the Q's and MAGA's in to full-on uber-misogyny.

They can't pile on enough epithets, profanity, unfound criticism, and just plain sourness due to their fear of strong successful women.


BTW, in one of these recent "Liz" threads a poster offered us pictures of the huge crowds that Cheney is drawing at one of her speeches. I mention that, as i too, noticed the big crowd (sold-out well in advance) at the venue in Sarasota that I went to see her at.

Clearly, a large segment of Americans are intrigued by her and are seeking to hear, in person, her stated thoughts. Her courageous acceptance to the Select Committee was anathema to her Republican colleagues in the House (she was #3 in power, behind only McCarthy and Scalise). She accepted the responsibility knowing full-well that in her deep-red Wyoming there would be a political cost. But she stuck to her principles and her commitment to the American Constitution. She lost that single House seat that is assigned to the state of Wyoming, but......she will land somewhere big. Somewhere that she can offer her prodigious skills and organizing and constructing policy.

As far as the RWNJ misogyny, well, I'm confident she is too strong for those weak 'old-brain' Y-Chromosone types.


Blah blah blah communism.
I personally think it is smile-worthy when we see posters, nearly every time being a QAnon'r or MAGAphile, expressing their revulsion over Liz Cheney. As if they know her now....or in the years when she was in the House or the State Department.

Suddenly, she is their Villain Valkyrie --because--- she has expressed mild skepticism of Don Trump and his machinations to steal the 2020 election.

And even reasoned thoughtful skepticism of Don Trump is, in MAGAphile-world, heresy. In that world, it is either full-on sycophancy....or you are a RINO, and must be purged --if caning, branding, and burning ain't allowed.

Anyway, so up pops this strong, articulate, well-educated (JD from Univ. of Chicago) professional woman with sterling Republican and Conservative credentials, and that sends the Q's and MAGA's in to full-on uber-misogyny.

They can't pile on enough epithets, profanity, unfound criticism, and just plain sourness due to their fear of strong successful women.


BTW, in one of these recent "Liz" threads a poster offered us pictures of the huge crowds that Cheney is drawing at one of her speeches. I mention that, as i too, noticed the big crowd (sold-out well in advance) at the venue in Sarasota that I went to see her at.

Clearly, a large segment of Americans are intrigued by her and are seeking to hear, in person, her stated thoughts. Her courageous acceptance to the Select Committee was anathema to her Republican colleagues in the House (she was #3 in power, behind only McCarthy and Scalise). She accepted the responsibility knowing full-well that in her deep-red Wyoming there would be a political cost. But she stuck to her principles and her commitment to the American Constitution. She lost that single House seat that is assigned to the state of Wyoming, but......she will land somewhere big. Somewhere that she can offer her prodigious skills and organizing and constructing policy.

As far as the RWNJ misogyny, well, I'm confident she is too strong for those weak 'old-brain' Y-Chromosome types.

Clearly, Trump and MAGA live rent free in your mind.
Cheney needs to go over to the Democrat side, where she belongs. She doesn't measure up to the character of actual Republicans like, Kristi Noem, Victoria Spartz, Winsome Earle-Sears, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Harriet Hagemen, Elise Stefanik, or former Democrat, independent, Tulsi Gabbard.
"....Trump ...... live rent free in your mind."

Oh, I would respectfully demur on that assertion.
However, if it was true......well, I'd be OK with it. So would America.
I think Don Trump living in my mind rent-free......is manifestly better than him living rent free in the White House.
America would benefit by that, IMHO.


Cheney needs to go over to the Democrat side, where she belongs. She doesn't measure up to the character of actual Republicans like, .........

Again, I would respectfully disagree.

Cheney is more deep red Conservative than any of those Janie-Come-Lately wannabes.

She has worked on Republican campaigns for decades .... getting actual Republicans elected to the House, to the Senate, to the White House. She has a law degree from University of Chicago and has used it to good effect in her career at the State Department and in crafting policy for Conservative Republican legislative efforts.

Cheney was the #3 Republican in the House because she was effective in corralling votes for Conservative issues. And #3 in the House because she was respected ---and elected ---- by the Republican Representatives whose Caucus she chaired. Duh!!

Now, in my opinion, posts like what poster Lucky Duck offered the forum signals more of a fanboying for Don Trump than it does of an informed insightful view on Liz Cheney's character or effectiveness as a legislative leader.

Yes, Cheney is a strong.....strong!.....advocate for the American Constitution and it's role in guiding our nation. And yes, she seemingly, very sincerely, believes that Don Trump is the antonym of responsible and competent American leadership. And she has now....since the 2020 election and the Trump machinations to steal the election, culminating in the American tragedy of January 6th.....she has now become very vocal in her skepticism of Don Trump, his character, and motives, and his competency.

Do this poster Lucky Duck: Read Cheney's book "Oath & Honor". Her sense of responsibility towards honoring the oath she has taken multiple times in her long career towards protecting our Constitution is clearly evident.

And, if you want to delve deeper into her capabilities watch all of the J6 Select Committee hearings where she is focused, organized, incisive, and most importantly, effective. She very much comes across as CEO-caliber leadership. You can find 'em all all in their entirety on YouTube.

And.......if one needs even more evidence to her effectiveness......print out and read the entire report from the J6 Committee.

It is here: Select January 6th Committee Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection

The Janie-Come-Lately's that you extoll couldn't carry her briefcase.

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