Will Maxine Waters tone it down now

I sure hope not, she needs to attack full blast to help the GOP

Odd how some people abhor public shaming of Sarah Sanders, and Trump's public assassination of Rep. Waters is cheered.

Q. What can explain this

you are a complete moron......
you are for public shaming
you think its racist to attack the person encouraging more of it.......
What has Trump said about Maxine Watters that is untrue?

The pattern is obvious! Racism can be overt or covert, trump's not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he is sly and conniving.

However, I didn't write, suggest, imply or infer racism. you might have noticed - if you were not biased and predudiced about anything a trump critic might post - you would have noticed the ?.

Public shaming upsets you, and only a moron supports this form of political rhetoric?

When Trump and Company stop chanting "Lock her Up" when Trump and Company STFU about fake news, mocking women, victims of unwanted sexual behaviors and assholes like you calling people like me "morons" maybe you and others like you will grow up and actually post something thoughtful, thought provoking and substantive.
It's not obvious.
When he fought Palm Beach (a leftwing local govt ran by democrats) to allow blacks and Jews into his club?
Or was it when he was praised by Jesse Jackson

It's not obvious because it's not true.
Tell me what makes him racist?

Nothing wrong with Lock Her Up, you dipshits chant that kind of stuff all the time, just go to a pussyhat rally
We're all for helping victims of sexual assault. the key is they have to have been assaulted and no just saying someone did it, does not qualify. We require proof
Public Shaming? you really want to go there? How about publicly shaming pedophiles? or other criminals?
You guys lose elections and decide to attack politicians, you're nuts.......it'd not helping your causing and it's making my arguments much easier to make.

nothing wrong except it was based on pure garbage character assassination and Bs for 25 years on your ridiculous and disgraceful propaganda machine, super duper hater dupe. Worst thing that's ever happened to America, s*******.

English please
I sure hope not, she needs to attack full blast to help the GOP

Maxine Waters isn't the problem. None of her voters are sending bombs through the mail or shooting up synagogues.
You are correct. Water's 'constituents' don't have the collective IQ of a loaf of Wonderbread.
They aren't sentient enough to know what to do with a 'stamp'.
If you see Waters tell her the family of James Brown wants his wigs back.
I sure hope not, she needs to attack full blast to help the GOP

Maxine Waters isn't the problem. None of her voters are sending bombs through the mail or shooting up synagogues.
You are correct. Water's 'constituents' don't have the collective IQ of a loaf of Wonderbread.
They aren't sentient enough to know what to do with a 'stamp'.
If you see Waters tell her the family of James Brown wants his wigs back.

For the record, you are far from the brightest bulb on this message board. One shouldn't through rocks when they are vulnerable.
I sure hope not, she needs to attack full blast to help the GOP

Maxine Waters isn't the problem. None of her voters are sending bombs through the mail or shooting up synagogues.
You are correct. Water's 'constituents' don't have the collective IQ of a loaf of Wonderbread.
They aren't sentient enough to know what to do with a 'stamp'.
If you see Waters tell her the family of James Brown wants his wigs back.
How would you know? You dont have the collective IQ of pocket lint.

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