Will Obama stay in office? Yes or no

Do you believe Obama will stay in Office? Yes or No

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 24 70.6%

  • Total voters

That isn't a response. Some would call it a nervous reaction.
And those some would be seriously unhinged.
It's the appropriate reaction to unmitigated stupidity. :thup:

There are quite a few people asking the question - people making videos about it on youtube - mentioning it in interviews with journalists, it is coming from a very wide variety of people - different walks of life. It's not logical to accuse them all of being unhinged. Where there is smoke there is fire.
Sometimes (in this instance specifically) that smoke is nothing more than their two remaining brain cells rubbing together. :thup:
Do you have any clue what the US population is? Do you have any clue what percentage suffer from at least some degree of paranoia, even situationally? I though not.........

You though not?
There are quite a few people asking the question - people making videos about it on youtube - mentioning it in interviews with journalists, it is coming from a very wide variety of people - different walks of life.
What are talking? A hundred? Five hundred? A thousand? Come on, you made the claim, how many?
Now put it in perspective, then get a life.
I have been noticing more and more articles about Obama and those who believe he is going to do something in order to stay in office once his term is up. What do you think? Will he stay in office after his term is finished or won't he?
Oh, hell no he won't try to stay past his term.

Hold on a minute.

Let me take six or seven hits from a crack pipe. Be right back.

You do know that there are retired military who are convinced he is not leaving and are even saying so. Right?
Link please.

I was in debate all through high school and college. I also briefly studied Roberts rules, and have a rudimentary understanding of law.

If you make a claim to the affirmative, it is on YOU, you have the burden of proof. You have to provide a prima facie case to show that there compelling evidence for us to consider your point of view. Google is a BIG fucking place. I am not going to spend all day searching for same crack pot pfc that is worried about something that may or may not happen.

Does some high ranking general know something? Did you read something good? What is it?

Now I did read sometime ago about the coverup that happened after Benghazi when the administration moved around, retired and blackmailed a lot of the military to make sure that it's screw-up in that little clandestine affair of transferring those Libyan weapons to ISIS wasn't revealed before the 2008 election. If one of the generals know something, link me. I'm not going to search all day.

I have a very open mind.

But you need to remember, the far left was very worried about this exact same thing, as well they should have been. Any thinking person KNOWS that those THREE towers in NY weren't taken down by TWO planes. And after that financial crash on Wall-street, there were even folks on the house floor that threatened the people's representatives with marshal law if they didn't pass that bank bail- out package. So now here we are, eight years later, and partisans on the opposite side of the aisle are fearing the same thing.

Put up or shut up.

Sure, if the dollar crashes, and we have a worse economic crash than last time, and all those previously passed Executive Orders from past administrations need to be executed to maintain governing continuity, it's conceivable. But the best way to keep people from rioting, looting, etc., is to give them the illusion that they have some control and normalcy. That means holding an election.
The FBI fucked up the s Carolina shooting. Homeland security fucked up in San franfreako. State dept fucked up Hillary's emails. OPM fucked up protecting data of employees. New JCS says Russia is number one threat. The gonad told us the Cold War is over. EPA got their regulations stuffed up their ass. Iran is laughing at us.

Oh yea...we need the Magic Neeeeeeeeeeeeegro to stay....
"infowars" & "Rush (oxycontin) Limbaugh" are typical sources for a rw SOCON like OP

Wonder if Jerri realizes how zany she looks? :doubt:
Yes. He will stay in office right up until the next prez is inaugurated.
Did you get your kit in the mail yet? My jade helmet was a little big so I need to stop by headquarters to change it out.

But if he stayed in office you wouldn't mind. Right?
After the coup we're planning hopefully he'll be in power forever. Resistance is futile Jeri!!!
The UN troops are just across the border in Mexico ... waiting for his orders.

that was SUPPOSED TO BE a secret!!! :banghead:
"infowars" & "Rush (oxycontin) Limbaugh" are typical sources for a rw SOCON like OP

Wonder if Jerri realizes how zany she looks? :doubt:

I do not follow Rush - I am merely putting up a few vids that show that this is a discussion that is out there and there is quite a few who suspect he is going to stay in, Dot. Many Americans do not trust Barack Obama. Can you blame them? Seriously?
"infowars" & "Rush (oxycontin) Limbaugh" are typical sources for a rw SOCON like OP

Wonder if Jerri realizes how zany she looks? :doubt:

I do not follow Rush - I am merely putting up a few vids that show that this is a discussion that is out there and there is quite a few who suspect he is going to stay in, Dot. Many Americans do not trust Barack Obama. Can you blame them? Seriously?
Yes. Obama wants to bask in the light of his Library.
Jeremiah, you still haven't posted anything but stuff from pundits and fear mongers. NO facts yet.
"infowars" & "Rush (oxycontin) Limbaugh" are typical sources for a rw SOCON like OP

Wonder if Jerri realizes how zany she looks? :doubt:

I do not follow Rush - I am merely putting up a few vids that show that this is a discussion that is out there and there is quite a few who suspect he is going to stay in, Dot. Many Americans do not trust Barack Obama. Can you blame them? Seriously?

No, you can't judge them, but it isn't wise to engage or listen to this tripe, they do it for profit.

There is no use worrying about something that isn't going to happen until it happens, is there? Not unless you have some hard facts that make it a even slim possibility. As it is, it isn't even that.

Matthew 6:34
That isn't a response. Some would call it a nervous reaction.
And those some would be seriously unhinged.
It's the appropriate reaction to unmitigated stupidity. :thup:

There are quite a few people asking the question - people making videos about it on youtube - mentioning it in interviews with journalists, it is coming from a very wide variety of people - different walks of life. It's not logical to accuse them all of being unhinged. Where there is smoke there is fire.
Sometimes (in this instance specifically) that smoke is nothing more than their two remaining brain cells rubbing together. :thup:
Do you have any clue what the US population is? Do you have any clue what percentage suffer from at least some degree of paranoia, even situationally? I though not.........

You though not?
There are quite a few people asking the question - people making videos about it on youtube - mentioning it in interviews with journalists, it is coming from a very wide variety of people - different walks of life.
What are talking? A hundred? Five hundred? A thousand? Come on, you made the claim, how many?
Now put it in perspective, then get a life.

I have no idea how many Americans believe he will stay in office. There are dozens of videos on the subject - dozens of articles - many people discussing it - perhaps Newsweek should do a poll, eh?

In the meantime - thank you everyone for participating in the discussion - lots of interesting comments / reactions! It's the end of the day for me here - enjoy your weekend! Time to go!
I have been noticing more and more articles about Obama and those who believe he is going to do something in order to stay in office once his term is up. What do you think? Will he stay in office after his term is finished or won't he?

I have no idea how many Americans believe he will stay in office. There are dozens of videos on the subject - dozens of articles - many people discussing it - perhaps Newsweek should do a poll, eh?

In the meantime - thank you everyone for participating in the discussion - lots of interesting comments / reactions! It's the end of the day for me here - enjoy your weekend! Time to go!

No he wont stay.They were saying the same thing about Clinton when his term was expiring as well that he would never leave office.
Yes. He will stay in office right up until the next prez is inaugurated.
Did you get your kit in the mail yet? My jade helmet was a little big so I need to stop by headquarters to change it out.

But if he stayed in office you wouldn't mind. Right?
After the coup we're planning hopefully he'll be in power forever. Resistance is futile Jeri!!!
The UN troops are just across the border in Mexico ... waiting for his orders.

that was SUPPOSED TO BE a secret!!! :banghead:
CK has taken steps to make sure word never leaks outside of this forum :thup:
I have been noticing more and more articles about Obama and those who believe he is going to do something in order to stay in office once his term is up. What do you think? Will he stay in office after his term is finished or won't he?
Give me a fuckin' break. The left pulled this shit when Bush was in office.


No.....the left did no such thing.

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