Will Obama’s nuke deal need a two thirds approval vote by the Senate? Maybe not

What does Iran "want" to do, in your opinion?

Acquire a nuclear weapon. Kill Israel. Gain influence in the Middle East.

What makes you think they "want" to do any of those things? Well, the first two. The third one is pretty much a given.

Other than because they said so - you might take fanatical religious dictators at their word, but I need more than that.
Not only have they announced that, they have acted towards that end by sending their proxies to Lebanon and Yemen. And it would be in their interests to do so.
You understand countries have vested interests in things and generally try to attain them, right? Or is that just somethng you need a crystal ball for?

The leaders of Iran have a much more "vested" interest in not being wiped off the face of the earth.

Iran has been more of rational actor than we have over the last 30 years.
Really? WHo is going to wipe them off the face of the Earth? Obama? He couldnt even bomb Assad after he promised to. Iran has zero to fear from Obama and they know that.
Iran has been a rational actor? I guess that depends on your defintion of rationailty.
Seriously, when your argument starts with "Hitler said he wanted to kill the Jews, and he did - therefore....", it's time to pack it in and go home.

Sure, or you can look at the deeper implication. Instead of dismissing it simply because I mention Hitler. If you're intellectually honest, you'll address my point.

What point?

You're arguing that because Hitler said he wanted to do something and then did it, therefore Iran will do the same thing.

You have to see how ridiculous that is.
Seriously, you guys need to look at the big picture, and stop thinking in terms of your cartoon-villain version of Iran.

"The big picture" or your version of reality.

Time to take a trip to the Land of Godwin:

When Hitler expressed his desire to exterminate Jews, was he "blustering" then? History says not. He wen't through with it.


When Iran expresses their desire to wipe out Israel, they will. The Six Day War and the 1st and 2nd Intifada says they will. Iran holds the same goals as most radical Islamist states. Kill Israel.

When Iran expresses its desire to acquire a nuclear weapon, all of this "blustering" falls in line with that.

Seriously, when your argument starts with "Hitler said he wanted to kill the Jews, and he did - therefore....", it's time to pack it in and go home. Come on, man. Don't allow your arguments to become a parody.

Hitler liked dogs - and so does Obama!

So the fact that Hitler annoucned what he was going to do and actually did it, even though no one believed he would is...what? Humor? Irrelevant? Untrue? Hearsay?

It is entirely irrelevant and in general a pretty weak and pathetic appeal to emotion.
So the historical precedent of anti-semites threatening Jews and then following through on those threats even though many dismiss them is irrelevant to a case of anti semites threatening Jews and many dismissing them? In what universe?
Seriously, when your argument starts with "Hitler said he wanted to kill the Jews, and he did - therefore....", it's time to pack it in and go home.

Sure, or you can look at the deeper implication. Instead of dismissing it simply because I mention Hitler. If you're intellectually honest, you'll address my point.

What point?

You're arguing that because Hitler said he wanted to do something and then did it, therefore Iran will do the same thing.

You have to see how ridiculous that is.
You'd have to see how stupid it is to deny that when people say they're going to do something they actually mean they're going to do something.
You're arguing that because Hitler said he wanted to do something and then did it, therefore Iran will do the same thing.

So, Iran doesn't want to kill Jews, and it suddenly doesn't want to acquire a nuclear weapon. Consider the wider implications of your own argument Doc.
What does Iran "want" to do, in your opinion?

Acquire a nuclear weapon. Kill Israel. Gain influence in the Middle East.

What makes you think they "want" to do any of those things? Well, the first two. The third one is pretty much a given.

Other than because they said so - you might take fanatical religious dictators at their word, but I need more than that.
Not only have they announced that, they have acted towards that end by sending their proxies to Lebanon and Yemen. And it would be in their interests to do so.
You understand countries have vested interests in things and generally try to attain them, right? Or is that just somethng you need a crystal ball for?

The leaders of Iran have a much more "vested" interest in not being wiped off the face of the earth.

Iran has been more of rational actor than we have over the last 30 years.
Really? WHo is going to wipe them off the face of the Earth? Obama? He couldnt even bomb Assad after he promised to. Iran has zero to fear from Obama and they know that.
Iran has been a rational actor? I guess that depends on your defintion of rationailty.

You're joking, right?

Iran is surrounded by 5 (possibly 6) nuclear states who have no desire to see a new member of the club, including Israel (which has second-strike capability) and 3 important economic allies of Israel.

Even if we did nothing about it (which is simply asinine to believe), we're not the only players in the game.
Hitler liked dogs - and so does Obama!



Yeah, seriously.

You Godwin'd your own argument.

Of course I did! But here you are deflecting away from the point.

I addressed your "point". It's asinine.

For every super-mega-evil dictator who has said he would do terrible things and did, there are a thousand tin-pot dictators who've made claims that they had no intention of following through on.
Iran is surrounded by 5 (possibly 6) nuclear states who have no desire to see a new member of the club, including Israel (which has second-strike capability) and 3 important economic allies of Israel.

And you think that will stop them? Forgive me if I think that is...hard to believe.
You're arguing that because Hitler said he wanted to do something and then did it, therefore Iran will do the same thing.

So, Iran doesn't want to kill Jews, and it suddenly doesn't want to acquire a nuclear weapon. Consider the wider implications of your own argument Doc.

First of all, we're getting a little sloppy in our terms. "Iran" isn't a person, it's a big piece of land. It doesn't have any desires, it doesn't "want" to do anything.

As for whether or not the leadership of Iran want either of those things, I don't know. But I do know there's no reason to think they would sacrifice their 6,000 year old empire to do either one.
Iran is surrounded by 5 (possibly 6) nuclear states who have no desire to see a new member of the club, including Israel (which has second-strike capability) and 3 important economic allies of Israel.

And you think that will stop them? Forgive me if I think that is...hard to believe.

Why is that hard for you to believe?

Why is it hard to believe that Iran doesn't want to be utterly destroyed?
Seriously, when your argument starts with "Hitler said he wanted to kill the Jews, and he did - therefore....", it's time to pack it in and go home.

Sure, or you can look at the deeper implication. Instead of dismissing it simply because I mention Hitler. If you're intellectually honest, you'll address my point.

What point?

You're arguing that because Hitler said he wanted to do something and then did it, therefore Iran will do the same thing.

You have to see how ridiculous that is.
You'd have to see how stupid it is to deny that when people say they're going to do something they actually mean they're going to do something.

You have to be pretty fucking naive to believe every tin-pot dictator is actually follow through with their delusions of grandeur.
For every super-mega-evil dictator who has said he would do terrible things and did, there are a thousand tin-pot dictators who've made claims that they had no intention of following through on.

So, you are confident that they won't do anything after the deal is struck? That kind of overconfidence is destructive.

Why is it, that beginning from 2002 on, world powers have been easily relaxing the sanctions on Iran's nuclear program?

Why does this (and your position) all strike me as Chamberlain-esque? This is nothing but a doctrine of appeasement, not enforcement.

"How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing."

Neville Chamberlain, 27 September 1938, 8 p.m. radio broadcast, on Czechoslovak refusal to accept Nazi demands to cede border areas to Germany
Why is it hard to believe that Iran doesn't want to be utterly destroyed?

How is it you know what they want? Here you are preaching about how I don't know anything myself about what they want, yet here you are assuming they don't want to be destroyed.
Why is it hard to believe that Iran doesn't want to be utterly destroyed?

How is it you know what they want? Here you are preaching about how I don't know anything myself about what they want, yet here you are assuming they don't want to be destroyed.

I assume that because pretty much every political action that the leadership in Iran has made since 1979 has been a rational action in regards to their best interests, and there's no reason to think they would all of a sudden become suicidal.
Interestingly enough, Neville Chamberlain negotiated a so called "Peace Treaty" between Britain and Hitler's Germany in 1938. Hitler had no intention of keeping to his side of the treaty. Hitler made that clear after he conquered France in 1940, those intentions became even more clear by the Blitzkrieg in 1941.

Japan negotiated for an end to the oil tariffs imposed by the US, even as it conspired internally to attack Pearl Harbor. The negotiations were nothing but stalling for time. Again, in 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

I'm not talking out of my backside here. Negotiations and deals have been used time and again to stall, and to cover for malevolent intentions. Iran is doing the same damn thing!!
This has been gone over countless times already. It's settled.

Obama already has the authority to sign this treaty under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which was ratified by the Senate 40 years ago. It's a non-issue.
It is a Treaty under the meaning of the term in the Constitution, thus subject to ratification. In any case, Bob Corker hammered out a deal that also requires Congressional approval. If Obama fucks over the GOP in Congress he wont get anything done the rest of his term. Congress will declare the treaty null and void and act accordingly.
BUt it doesnt matter. The irananians have no intention of adhering to anything that restricts their activities. That much is clear. They will blow up this treaty as they've blown up previous ones. And they know Obama is in office only for another 18 months and after that is anyone's guess.

Bob Corker is a moron. He didn't do shit, but give Obama what he wanted, which is why he signed it. What approval? Obama can now veto anything from congress. they'll never get two thirds to override any veto. I don't know why you prop up that idiot Corker :dunno:
Seriously, when your argument starts with "Hitler said he wanted to kill the Jews, and he did - therefore....", it's time to pack it in and go home.

Sure, or you can look at the deeper implication. Instead of dismissing it simply because I mention Hitler. If you're intellectually honest, you'll address my point.

You mean the Republicans sent a get-out-of-jail-free card to Adolf too?
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Why is it hard to believe that Iran doesn't want to be utterly destroyed?

How is it you know what they want? Here you are preaching about how I don't know anything myself about what they want, yet here you are assuming they don't want to be destroyed.

I assume that because pretty much every political action that the leadership in Iran has made since 1979 has been a rational action in regards to their best interests, and there's no reason to think they would all of a sudden become suicidal.
Yeah their best interest is blowing up Jewish community centers in Argentina..Their best interest is not ours you idiot
Interestingly enough, Neville Chamberlain negotiated a so called "Peace Treaty" between Britain and Hitler's Germany in 1938. Hitler had no intention of keeping to his side of the treaty. Hitler made that clear after he conquered France in 1940, those intentions became even more clear by the Blitzkrieg in 1941.

Japan negotiated for an end to the oil tariffs imposed by the US, even as it conspired internally to attack Pearl Harbor. The negotiations were nothing but stalling for time. Again, in 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

I'm not talking out of my backside here. Negotiations and deals have been used time and again to stall, and to cover for malevolent intentions. Iran is doing the same damn thing!!

Also time and again, deals have worked out well for both countries, and led to decades of peace and properity.

This thing happened before, so therefore it will happen again is not a logically sound argument.

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