Will Oligarch Bloomberg Outspend Clinton to Buy The White House?

How much will it Cost The Democrats?

  • $ 1 Billion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $1.5 Billion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2 Billion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2.5 Billion

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • $3 Billion

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • $3.5 Billion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $4 Billion

    Votes: 7 77.8%

  • Total voters
Name one.

Donald Trump - PolitiFact
www.politifact.com › personalities › donald-trump

Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015, 2017 and 2019 Lie of the Year. He received a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of ...
Read the article if you dare. All 16000 of his lies are geared to keep his uninformed base in line. He lied about exposing his tax returns,
said he would not be playing golf as he would be too busy in the White House for starters.
I laugh every time I hear somebody question the fact that Trump lies constantly. Prove the sky is blue!
Trump is a salesman.
Try fact-checking one sometime.

Trump has this habit of saying what's on his mind. Normally you don't have thousands of corrupt journalists trying to trip you up every time you open your mouth.

But the primary difference between Trump's statements, and lies from Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Hillary is their lies are intentional. Trump tends to slip up unintentionally. When you hear someone like Schumer, he's reading a prepared text filled with blatant lies and fabrications.
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
You stopped making sense after the second paragraph.
what exactly is confusing you or what do you disagree with?
Donald Trump - PolitiFact
www.politifact.com › personalities › donald-trump

Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015, 2017 and 2019 Lie of the Year. He received a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of ...
Read the article if you dare. All 16000 of his lies are geared to keep his uninformed base in line. He lied about exposing his tax returns,
said he would not be playing golf as he would be too busy in the White House for starters.
I laugh every time I hear somebody question the fact that Trump lies constantly. Prove the sky is blue!
Trump is a salesman.
Try fact-checking one sometime.

Trump has this habit of saying what's on his mind. Normally you don't have thousands of corrupt journalists trying to trip you up every time you open your mouth.

But the primary difference between Trump's statements, and lies from Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Hillary is their lies are intentional. Trump tends to slip up unintentionally. When you hear someone like Schumer, he's reading a prepared text filled with blatant lies and fabrications.
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
You stopped making sense after the second paragraph.
what exactly is confusing you or what do you disagree with?
I'm not confused.
I just know you're exaggerating.
I laugh every time I hear somebody question the fact that Trump lies constantly. Prove the sky is blue!
Trump is a salesman.
Try fact-checking one sometime.

Trump has this habit of saying what's on his mind. Normally you don't have thousands of corrupt journalists trying to trip you up every time you open your mouth.

But the primary difference between Trump's statements, and lies from Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Hillary is their lies are intentional. Trump tends to slip up unintentionally. When you hear someone like Schumer, he's reading a prepared text filled with blatant lies and fabrications.
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
You stopped making sense after the second paragraph.
what exactly is confusing you or what do you disagree with?
I'm not confused.
I just know you're exaggerating.
About what exactly. I’m happy to discuss anything I said that you disagree with
Trump is a salesman.
Try fact-checking one sometime.

Trump has this habit of saying what's on his mind. Normally you don't have thousands of corrupt journalists trying to trip you up every time you open your mouth.

But the primary difference between Trump's statements, and lies from Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Hillary is their lies are intentional. Trump tends to slip up unintentionally. When you hear someone like Schumer, he's reading a prepared text filled with blatant lies and fabrications.
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
You stopped making sense after the second paragraph.
what exactly is confusing you or what do you disagree with?
I'm not confused.
I just know you're exaggerating.
About what exactly. I’m happy to discuss anything I said that you disagree with
The problem begins with your short memory.
After witnessing Obama's deceptions and Hillary's deceptions.....you really can't be serious about what you said.
The Clinton Campaign Spent between $1.5 to $2 Billion in an effort to buy her and her handlers way in to The White House.

Bloomberg has spent $400 Million so far.
And other candidates are spending money at a furious pace. Donald Trump spent only $225 Million and was outspent 6-1 by Clinton in 2016.

So the question is here:

How much money will The Democrat Party need to spend to buy The White House?

There simply isn't enough money for the Democrats any more. They're just too far gone and quite beyond any saving or helping.
The Clinton Campaign Spent between $1.5 to $2 Billion in an effort to buy her and her handlers way in to The White House.

Bloomberg has spent $400 Million so far.
And other candidates are spending money at a furious pace. Donald Trump spent only $225 Million and was outspent 6-1 by Clinton in 2016.

So the question is here:

How much money will The Democrat Party need to spend to buy The White House?
Russia worried, Comrade?
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
I know of no Trump (real) lies. Oh, there's dozens of spun/manufactured ones, by the left. They're well known. But a real lie ? Show one here now.
Why is a dumbass Trump cultist worried about someone spending money on a campaign?

Isn't that pretty damn hypocritical?

Or are you just jealous that Bloomberg is richer?
Not hypocritical at all. Of the 3 main candidates in the 2016 president race, Trump spent the least. Hillary, by far, spent the most, with huge contributions$$ from big Wall St donors. Liberals are terribly information-deprived.

Now we have another Democrat trying to BUY the US presidency. This is becoming a habit.
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
You stopped making sense after the second paragraph.
what exactly is confusing you or what do you disagree with?
I'm not confused.
I just know you're exaggerating.
About what exactly. I’m happy to discuss anything I said that you disagree with
The problem begins with your short memory.
After witnessing Obama's deceptions and Hillary's deceptions.....you really can't be serious about what you said.
Of course I can. The whataboutism tactic doesn’t work. Try being specific and not trying to distract from the topic at hand.
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
I know of no Trump (real) lies. Oh, there's dozens of spun/manufactured ones, by the left. They're well known. But a real lie ? Show one here now.
are you really that delusional that you honestly can’t hear a lie when there’s a lie?! That is insane! Ok you want an example? One of the thousands... here you go.

Trump said several times on camera that California admitted to a million fraudulent/illegal votes in a lawsuit brought on by Judicial watch. That is a straight up lie. The lawsuit was about clearing voter rolls not admitting to fraudulent votes.

Here is Trumps quote from meet the press, though he has several other sound bites making the same false accusation...

Trump: "Take a look at Judicial Watch. Take a look at their settlement. California admitted to a million votes. They admitted to a million votes."

Todd: "A million votes of what?"

Trump: "Take a look at Judicial …

Todd: "What are you talking about?"

Trump: "Judicial Watch made a settlement. There was …"

Todd: "About what?"

Trump: "There was much illegal voting."

Trump cited a January settlement California reached with the conservative group Judicial Watch. It requires Los Angeles County election officials to remove inactive registrations from voter rolls to comply with federal law.

The 20-page settlement document, however, notes all parties agreed there was no admission of liability or wrongdoing by the state or county. It makes no mention of voter fraud or illegal voting.
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
I know of no Trump (real) lies. Oh, there's dozens of spun/manufactured ones, by the left. They're well known. But a real lie ? Show one here now.
How about a few months ago when Trump spread the lie that windmill noise causes cancer?!

"Wind. If you -- if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75% in value. And they say the noise causes cancer,"
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
I know of no Trump (real) lies. Oh, there's dozens of spun/manufactured ones, by the left. They're well known. But a real lie ? Show one here now.
How about his lies about China paying for the tariffs?

"We're not paying for the tariffs; China is paying for the tariffs, for the 100th time," he told reporters in one typical remark on August 18. "And I understand tariffs very well. Other countries, it may be that if I do things with other countries -- but in the case of China, China is eating the tariffs, at least so far."

His assertion has been contradicted by numerous tariff-paying American companies and by multiple economic studies. But Trump said it on 49 separate occasions over those five months. And he said it 20 times in August alone, more than he did in any other month, as he faced scrutiny over his intensifying trade war.
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
I know of no Trump (real) lies. Oh, there's dozens of spun/manufactured ones, by the left. They're well known. But a real lie ? Show one here now.
are you really that delusional that you honestly can’t hear a lie when there’s a lie?! That is insane! Ok you want an example? One of the thousands... here you go.

Trump said several times on camera that California admitted to a million fraudulent/illegal votes in a lawsuit brought on by Judicial watch. That is a straight up lie. The lawsuit was about clearing voter rolls not admitting to fraudulent votes.

Here is Trumps quote from meet the press, though he has several other sound bites making the same false accusation...

Trump: "Take a look at Judicial Watch. Take a look at their settlement. California admitted to a million votes. They admitted to a million votes."

Todd: "A million votes of what?"

Trump: "Take a look at Judicial …

Todd: "What are you talking about?"

Trump: "Judicial Watch made a settlement. There was …"

Todd: "About what?"

Trump: "There was much illegal voting."

Trump cited a January settlement California reached with the conservative group Judicial Watch. It requires Los Angeles County election officials to remove inactive registrations from voter rolls to comply with federal law.

The 20-page settlement document, however, notes all parties agreed there was no admission of liability or wrongdoing by the state or county. It makes no mention of voter fraud or illegal voting.
So California didn't admit to any wrongdoing but had to be taken to court to clean up its voter rolls. California immediately began sending out notices that these names were being invalidated so they knew all along that these were not real voters but left them on the rolls anyway, why? Had any one voted using these names recently?
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
I know of no Trump (real) lies. Oh, there's dozens of spun/manufactured ones, by the left. They're well known. But a real lie ? Show one here now.
How about last November when Trump lied about our troops in Syria... can you tell me any time during Trumps presidency when we had no troops in Syria? Cause Trump can... except for he was lying.

"Look, we have no soldiers in Syria. We've won. We've beat ISIS. And we've beat them badly and decisively. We have no soldiers."
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
I know of no Trump (real) lies. Oh, there's dozens of spun/manufactured ones, by the left. They're well known. But a real lie ? Show one here now.
are you really that delusional that you honestly can’t hear a lie when there’s a lie?! That is insane! Ok you want an example? One of the thousands... here you go.

Trump said several times on camera that California admitted to a million fraudulent/illegal votes in a lawsuit brought on by Judicial watch. That is a straight up lie. The lawsuit was about clearing voter rolls not admitting to fraudulent votes.

Here is Trumps quote from meet the press, though he has several other sound bites making the same false accusation...

Trump: "Take a look at Judicial Watch. Take a look at their settlement. California admitted to a million votes. They admitted to a million votes."

Todd: "A million votes of what?"

Trump: "Take a look at Judicial …

Todd: "What are you talking about?"

Trump: "Judicial Watch made a settlement. There was …"

Todd: "About what?"

Trump: "There was much illegal voting."

Trump cited a January settlement California reached with the conservative group Judicial Watch. It requires Los Angeles County election officials to remove inactive registrations from voter rolls to comply with federal law.

The 20-page settlement document, however, notes all parties agreed there was no admission of liability or wrongdoing by the state or county. It makes no mention of voter fraud or illegal voting.
So California didn't admit to any wrongdoing but had to be taken to court to clean up its voter rolls. California immediately began sending out notices that these names were being invalidated so they knew all along that these were not real voters but left them on the rolls anyway, why? Had any one voted using these names recently?
This is very simple. Trump claimed that California admitted to a million illegal votes. Nowhere in this lawsuit was such a claim made or acknowledged. It was a lie.
The Clinton Campaign Spent between $1.5 to $2 Billion in an effort to buy her and her handlers way in to The White House.

Bloomberg has spent $400 Million so far.
And other candidates are spending money at a furious pace. Donald Trump spent only $225 Million and was outspent 6-1 by Clinton in 2016.

So the question is here:

How much money will The Democrat Party need to spend to buy The White House?
Why is a dumbass Trump cultist worried about someone spending money on a campaign?

Isn't that pretty damn hypocritical?

Or are you just jealous that Bloomberg is richer?
Why are you angry and vulgar?

We are just pointing out That These Socialists, ALL OF THEM are Multi Millionaires, so what they really mean by Promoting Socialism is MORE WEALTH AND POWER FOR THEM, and LESS FOR YOU.

The Democrat Party has always been about Slavery, and have worked since The Emancipation to promote it and create new forms of it. This is also why they oppose border security because they do no want cut off from their Brown Latino Slaves.

Explain to me why a Communist like Bernie Sanders has $107 Million Dollars in his pocket.
I'm not angry, Son. I'm asking a question. Can you not tell the difference?
Why does Sanders have $107 Million in his pockets?
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
I know of no Trump (real) lies. Oh, there's dozens of spun/manufactured ones, by the left. They're well known. But a real lie ? Show one here now.
How about last November when Trump lied about our troops in Syria... can you tell me any time during Trumps presidency when we had no troops in Syria? Cause Trump can... except for he was lying.

"Look, we have no soldiers in Syria. We've won. We've beat ISIS. And we've beat them badly and decisively. We have no soldiers."
You're being silly. These are inaccurate statements that have no significance. A lie is when you make what you know to be a false statement with the intent to deceive.
Sorry Mud but the only difference between Trump and the Dems is you spinning to excuse Trump and spinning to make the Dems lies.

true there are different levels of lies. There are broken campaign promises, there is exaggeration, hyperbole, honest mistakes, and then there are bold faced lies.

Examples of each can likely be found for any politician. Trump has taken it to a completely different level. Everybody knows it. It’s well documented. He isn’t being tripped up, he chooses what he says and he doubles down when he is called out. Read his book. He lays out how repetition and confidence can be used to get people to believe anything. That’s how he operates. I feel embarrassed for all those who actually fall for that crap.
I know of no Trump (real) lies. Oh, there's dozens of spun/manufactured ones, by the left. They're well known. But a real lie ? Show one here now.
are you really that delusional that you honestly can’t hear a lie when there’s a lie?! That is insane! Ok you want an example? One of the thousands... here you go.

Trump said several times on camera that California admitted to a million fraudulent/illegal votes in a lawsuit brought on by Judicial watch. That is a straight up lie. The lawsuit was about clearing voter rolls not admitting to fraudulent votes.

Here is Trumps quote from meet the press, though he has several other sound bites making the same false accusation...

Trump: "Take a look at Judicial Watch. Take a look at their settlement. California admitted to a million votes. They admitted to a million votes."

Todd: "A million votes of what?"

Trump: "Take a look at Judicial …

Todd: "What are you talking about?"

Trump: "Judicial Watch made a settlement. There was …"

Todd: "About what?"

Trump: "There was much illegal voting."

Trump cited a January settlement California reached with the conservative group Judicial Watch. It requires Los Angeles County election officials to remove inactive registrations from voter rolls to comply with federal law.

The 20-page settlement document, however, notes all parties agreed there was no admission of liability or wrongdoing by the state or county. It makes no mention of voter fraud or illegal voting.
So California didn't admit to any wrongdoing but had to be taken to court to clean up its voter rolls. California immediately began sending out notices that these names were being invalidated so they knew all along that these were not real voters but left them on the rolls anyway, why? Had any one voted using these names recently?
This is very simple. Trump claimed that California admitted to a million illegal votes. Nowhere in this lawsuit was such a claim made or acknowledged. It was a lie.
Wrong, it was inaccurate, but not a lie. It is only a lie if he knew it was a false statement and stated it anyway with the intent to deceive. All you are doing here is trying to justify what seems to be your irrational hatred of President Trump.

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