Will people still be wearing masks in 2021?

I'm going to laugh at anyone that is still wearing a mask in March of 2021...one year later!

Keep in mind if shit comes to shove there is no "blue and grey" this time. If it's an old fucker leave them alone. Anyone else with a mask just identified themselves as a libtard.

All the experts agree masks are bullshit, more harmful than beneficial.

CDC said "no more epidemic" this week, but MSM and lib govs haven't caught on.

CDC also released the REAL numbers of "covid deaths" and it's less than 10K, not 160K like lib MSM keeps on

That's not really true either. What they reported is that most people who died with Covid had other serious issues. In other words, we really have no data on what condition they actually died from.

I think the biggest mistake Trump made in all this was guaranteeing money to providers that took care of Covid patients.

My Uncle passed away a few weeks ago from colon cancer. His son called immediate family members to tell them this was probably it. They gathered at his sons home where he was staying before they shipped him off to the hospital, and because of visitation restrictions, they knew it was probably the last time they would see the 94 year old. I'm sure there was a lot of hugging and kissing. They are a close knit bunch.

When he got to the hospital, he tested positive. They alerted all family members who were there that day, and had tests done to people that were with him before that day.

My father, his other brothers, and anybody in contact with them went under quarantine. Nobody else had it. My Uncle never went anyplace. He couldn't walk. So how did he get this virus? The only outsider that was in contact with him was the next door neighbor who was also his care giver, and she tested negative as well.

So the question his son had is, how is it he got this thing when he had no contact with anybody with it? And if he had it, how was this highly contagious virus not passed to anybody else in the room the day he left for the hospital?
The problem with masks is that you're breathing in the same shit you're breathing out. That wasn't what your lungs were made to do. I've already had one respiratory infection from wearing the damned things, it lasted three days then it was gone.

Another problem is that many of the masks are still being made in China. Go to a Walmart and look at the ones they sell there. Granted, some are made in the US, but with Chinese materials. You don't know what is in those fibers you're breathing in.

I talked to a woman the other day who was telling me about her brother in law, whose lungs have collapsed. They think it had something to do with wearing a mask.

I think it's based on how long you wear them. If you're going to wear them for three or four hours, that could be a problem If you're going grocery shopping for a half-hour or so, it shouldn't be.

People in the medical profession wear them nearly all day, and some have for decades.

But then, those in the medical profession aren't wearing the cheap masks available at Walmart either. One has to wonder what the long-term effect will be of breathing through those masks with dyed images on them.
That's not really true either. What they reported is that most people who died with Covid had other serious issues. In other words, we really have no data on what condition they actually died from.

The numbers are that 85% had other health issues. Leaving 15% that had no underlying health concerns.

Correct. However when a death certificate is made out, they list all those conditions. If Covid is one of them, they can list it as a Covid death which is what I think has been happening. They seldom issue a direct cause of death.

A close friend of mine died a few years ago. He drank himself to death. He knew he had to watch it because he had a heart condition, but his alcoholism overruled.

His death certificate came out a few weeks later. They listed his death as natural causes, even though the autopsy report showed his heart was twice the size of a normal human heart, and yes, caused from excessive alcohol consumption.
The problem with masks is that you're breathing in the same shit you're breathing out. That wasn't what your lungs were made to do. I've already had one respiratory infection from wearing the damned things, it lasted three days then it was gone.

Another problem is that many of the masks are still being made in China. Go to a Walmart and look at the ones they sell there. Granted, some are made in the US, but with Chinese materials. You don't know what is in those fibers you're breathing in.

I talked to a woman the other day who was telling me about her brother in law, whose lungs have collapsed. They think it had something to do with wearing a mask.

I think it's based on how long you wear them. If you're going to wear them for three or four hours, that could be a problem If you're going grocery shopping for a half-hour or so, it shouldn't be.

People in the medical profession wear them nearly all day, and some have for decades.

But then, those in the medical profession aren't wearing the cheap masks available at Walmart either. One has to wonder what the long-term effect will be of breathing through those masks with dyed images on them.

At this time, more N-95's are being used. Prior to that, yes, many wore the standard face mask only as a precaution. My sister works at a major hospital here. And remember that we still don't have enough N-95's to go around. N-95's have to be custom fit, so it's not like you can take it out of a box and start using it safely.
Why the richest nation in the world is getting it's butt kicked by a virus is hard to fathom. Unprepared. $$$ should have been allocated years ago along with stockpiled of medical supplies. Epic failure. Nice work america. And no it's not Trump's fault.
I have buddies with cabinet shops and body shops who have worn masks pretty much all day, every day, for decades. They only come off for a Marlboro light(gluten free) or to take a slug of a beer. I'm a welder and enjoy a galvanized buzz so I dont fuck with them except for when grinding.
Why the richest nation in the world is getting it's butt kicked by a virus is hard to fathom. Unprepared. $$$ should have been allocated years ago along with stockpiled of medical supplies. Epic failure. Nice work america. And no it's not Trump's fault.
Quit whining. We have a space force now !!! Thanks to an African-American named Elon Musk.
Why the richest nation in the world is getting it's butt kicked by a virus is hard to fathom. Unprepared. $$$ should have been allocated years ago along with stockpiled of medical supplies. Epic failure. Nice work america. And no it's not Trump's fault.

We, a country that (at the time) was 20 trillion dollars in debt, should have spent hundreds of billions more for a possible virus and plague that hasn't happened in this country in over 100 years?

I think when President Trump is reelected that the emphasis on masks and lockdowns will be drastically reduced or ended since i believe most of this is political. :smoke:

Do you know what a pi-bill is? The trying to replace pi wth 4 by law, because it is more easy to calculate with 4 than with 3.14..., what's the victory of human stupidity over natural laws. To surrender because a virus attacks all mankind is one thing - to be so stupid to support a virus which threatens all mankind because of political Darwinistic idocies - as you are doing - is another thing.
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