Will people still be wearing masks in 2021?

The problem with masks is that you're breathing in the same shit you're breathing out. That wasn't what your lungs were made to do. I've already had one respiratory infection from wearing the damned things, it lasted three days then it was gone.

Another problem is that many of the masks are still being made in China. Go to a Walmart and look at the ones they sell there. Granted, some are made in the US, but with Chinese materials. You don't know what is in those fibers you're breathing in.

I talked to a woman the other day who was telling me about her brother in law, whose lungs have collapsed. They think it had something to do with wearing a mask.

I think it's based on how long you wear them. If you're going to wear them for three or four hours, that could be a problem If you're going grocery shopping for a half-hour or so, it shouldn't be.

People in the medical profession wear them nearly all day, and some have for decades.

But then, those in the medical profession aren't wearing the cheap masks available at Walmart either. One has to wonder what the long-term effect will be of breathing through those masks with dyed images on them.

At this time, more N-95's are being used. Prior to that, yes, many wore the standard face mask only as a precaution. My sister works at a major hospital here. And remember that we still don't have enough N-95's to go around. N-95's have to be custom fit, so it's not like you can take it out of a box and start using it safely.

And they have to be periodically refitted, if I understand correctly.
Power = the ability oppress, rule.
Democrats live for that. Pelosi is pissed she got caught ...

Now her claim is she was set-up. She is also demanding an apology from the hair salon.

Here is what Piglosi wants us to believe:

She called her hair salon to ask if they would break the states rules by opening up for her, and give her a private blow out. They agree to break the law, and then release a video of Piglosi also breaking the law. The Salon owner(s) is likely pissed off because Democrat policies are financially stressing them out.

Piglosi knew that no indoor styling was permitted, entered the place and received services without a face mask, and then claim that because the business set her up, they owe her an apology.

I've said this repeatedly and I'll say it again, the best part about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong.
Okay. Then correct your data and give your real datza to the WHO. We need reliable information worldwide.

We just need reliable information in our country.
Really? A slave likes to greet his master? He could be fired from Trump, if he is not 100% loyal to the person Donald Trump.

No, a President cannot fire a Governor in the United States.

Why do you still live in illusions about tyrants? Suire he can frie him. His mob will find this wonderful. Or he can fire him out of his party, which was once the Republican party. Or he is able to destroy his public reputation and make him from a very respected person to a doormat for everyones feet.

It's a pleasant formality for a Governor who is in the same party as the President to greet him. It happens all the time.

I do not count Donald Trump to the set of educated human people. Everything can happen if someone likes to shake hands with Donald Trump. This man is an unbelievable idiot, without any manners.

So what? Also bad tests are better then no tests. Scientists are able to calculate what's dynamically going on in reality.

I never said that. What I am saying is that these false tests get counted as Covid cases or even Covid deaths, when Covid might not even have been a factor at all. We are not like other countries who have government ran healthcare.

Do you think in Germany the government runs health care?

In your country, it doesn't matter if a patient is being treated for a broken leg or Covid. The health facility makes money either way.

Hä? ... ah sorry: Eh? Also the health care system in Germany lost a lot of money because of covid-19. In the beginning we had to bind resources and to install a kind of defence shield. We had been so stupid not do do what our epidemiologists had found out in 2013 about deficits of our health care system in case of pandemics. In 2013 they said we have not enough masks, not enough protection clothing, not enough disinfectants, not enough respirators and so on and so on. We did not organice it in 2013/14/15, because it was expesieve to do so. In 2020 we suddenly had to organize all the material under the pressure of covid-19 - what was much more expensive.

What Trump made a mistake on is promising money to facilities who do treat Covid patients because we do not have government healthcare, we have private healthcare, and some with no healthcare at all.

Our health facilities are like any other business. They are open to make a profit,

An interesting philosophical question: Where ends the self-made darwinism of money in the ideology capitalism in context "health care"?

and having more Covid cases is financially beneficial to them, even if they have to bend the rules to create such cases.

That's a wrong idea - but it would be too complex now to explain to you how we tried to install a shield against covid-19 within a very short time. We were on our own astonished that our system was much better, than we thought.

Let me say: All numbers of infected and dead persons have normally a factor "+x" (plus unknowns) worldwide. That you say now the USA has a factor of "-x" (minus unknowns) is in my view to the world more a kind of wishful thinking. I remember in this context a woman, who lost her 65 years old father because of covid-19. She thinks Donald Trump is fully responsible for this. Her father had been a fan of Donald Trump. She said something like: "His only previous illness had been Donald Trump. That's why he had to die."

It sounds to me like his daughter is completely ignorant of politics, another anti-Trumper, or both. ...

Okay. I will stop now to speak with you. I need a break. If you find speleing matseks and grammar mistakes you do not have to give them back. You can keep them.

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