Will Rasmussen do it again?

Will NBC/WSJ, Reuters and ABC continue suck-holing Hillary and all liberal causes.?.. (answer) .. Definitely...

You've even started calling WSJ names. WSJ might as well be the print version of fox. You don't even know who the anti-liberals are, do you?

Ask yourself, who owns the politicians left & right...? .. Who owns Hillary in particular? Who opposes Trump, other than the sheep?

Q. Who opposes Trump

A. Sane, sober, intelligent, anti fascists, Democrats, RINO's and real Conservatives, liberals, progressives, Latinos, Blacks, Asians & Women to start.

Q. Who supports Trump

A. The Trumpsters:, authoritarian neo fascists, racists, bigots, and very angry white guys who love guns and hate Sane, Sober, intelligent anti fascists, Democrats, liberals, progressives, Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Women, green and renewable energy and Obama.

I'm glad you got that off your chest, it's therapeutic, now back to the rubber room for you... Happy Joy Joy...:spinner:
Are there any other groups that support Trump?

I figure if you don't know by now you're probably not that interested..sooooo eh

And you might have a hard time coming up with a list.

Just to be a smart ass and all, how would you know, you're fully dedicated to not knowing?

btw. I've noticed that the most lovely, intelligent and women with terrific personalities support Trump, the rest identify with Hillary or even Bill... :ack-1:

Yes. Trump keeps pretty women around him. I doubt they are hanging around him for his sparkling personality. There aren't enough gold diggers to elect him.

Your misogyny and lack of humor is duly noted...:wink_2:

I have a great sense of humor. That's why I enjoy your whining so much.
I suspect that Rasmussen has updated his model to adjust for the IRS suppressing conservative voices and the Dems committing voter fraud with motor voter for illegal aliens.
Will Rasmussen polls once again incorrectly predict that a Republican will win the Presidency? Stay tuned.

I laughed my ass off when I saw this. How stupid do they think we are? Nothing like making themselves completely irrelevant in the polling business. They will go the way of Gallup.
I suspect that Rasmussen has updated his model to adjust for the IRS suppressing conservative voices and the Dems committing voter fraud with motor voter for illegal aliens.

Of course you do.Right wingers suspect all kinds of silly things.
I figure if you don't know by now you're probably not that interested..sooooo eh

And you might have a hard time coming up with a list.

Just to be a smart ass and all, how would you know, you're fully dedicated to not knowing?

btw. I've noticed that the most lovely, intelligent and women with terrific personalities support Trump, the rest identify with Hillary or even Bill... :ack-1:

Yes. Trump keeps pretty women around him. I doubt they are hanging around him for his sparkling personality. There aren't enough gold diggers to elect him.

Your misogyny and lack of humor is duly noted...:wink_2:

I have a great sense of humor. That's why I enjoy your whining so much.

Well, you being a Democrat and all I can believe you embrace whining and misogyny but humor, not so much.
And you might have a hard time coming up with a list.

Just to be a smart ass and all, how would you know, you're fully dedicated to not knowing?

btw. I've noticed that the most lovely, intelligent and women with terrific personalities support Trump, the rest identify with Hillary or even Bill... :ack-1:

Yes. Trump keeps pretty women around him. I doubt they are hanging around him for his sparkling personality. There aren't enough gold diggers to elect him.

Your misogyny and lack of humor is duly noted...:wink_2:

I have a great sense of humor. That's why I enjoy your whining so much.

Well, you being a Democrat and all I can believe you embrace whining and misogyny but humor, not so much.

Sure, but you believe a lot of shit that has nothing to do with reality.

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