Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
So, the Republican cheats and liars here still aren't apologizing at all about stealing thousands of dollars from me (at a minimum).

A robber on the street is morally superior to most Republicans, being how that robber would take less of my money, and wouldn't lie about doing so.

Seriously, all of you Republicans are lyihng to our faces. We know, you know it, everyone knows it. So why do it?

I mean, don't you Republiliars realize that you'll be sodomized by demons for all of eternity because of your disgusting behavior? Doesn't that bother you at all? Or are you looking forward to it?
So, the Republican cheats and liars here still aren't apologizing at all about stealing thousands of dollars from me (at a minimum).

A robber on the street is morally superior to most Republicans, being how that robber would take less of my money, and wouldn't lie about doing so.

Seriously, all of you Republicans are lyihng to our faces. We know, you know it, everyone knows it. So why do it?

I mean, don't you Republiliars realize that you'll be sodomized by demons for all of eternity because of your disgusting behavior? Doesn't that bother you at all? Or are you looking forward to it?
Your post seems to be missing something...Here, allow me to help:


It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

What a dumbassed question, lord.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
IDK. Why do you vote Republican?

Republicans hypocrites for trying to pass a tax bill that would inflate the budget deficit after claiming to be the party of fiscal responsibility for years.
Lol, you really need to get new talking points.

Like you guys got new talking points the minute you won the election?

Opinion | These Republicans used to pretend to care about debt. Not anymore.
I agree, but the way they are acting like children. Not wanting to do anything to help Trump, is gonna cost them.
Social Security is the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever devised.

Just imagine how stupid people are to trust the government to manage their retirement?

Let us let the corrupt and inefficient government take money from us all our working life with the promise we may get a piddly ass pension when we get older, providing the government doesn't spend the money on other things. What could possibly go wrong?
Boy, think of the national debt when Trump uses all that SS money to pay it down. Trump wants to be another Democrat like Jackson.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
IDK. Why do you vote Republican?

Republicans hypocrites for trying to pass a tax bill that would inflate the budget deficit after claiming to be the party of fiscal responsibility for years.
Lol, you really need to get new talking points.

Like you guys got new talking points the minute you won the election?

Opinion | These Republicans used to pretend to care about debt. Not anymore.
I agree, but the way they are acting like children. Not wanting to do anything to help Trump, is gonna cost them.

Help him do what?
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.

I am willing to bet Correll you are dependent on social security. And don't blame social security for you being dependent on social security. If you are so broke you didn't save additional money, trust me, even if they stopped taking SS out of your paycheck, you wouldn't have saved shit.
Boy, think of the national debt when Trump uses all that SS money to pay it down. Trump wants to be another Democrat like Jackson.
Think about how broke you'll be when Trump cuts your ss payments in half and gives you a $7K voucher to go buy private healthcare on the open market when you are 66 years old. I'm sure $7K will cover it. LOL.
No. What is the next dumb question?

They aren't trying to end it? Liar!

Trump’s budget cuts Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, breaking core campaign promise

When he began his presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to “save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cuts.”

This is a promise, however, President Trump would like to break. Trump’s 2018 budget proposal would cut all three programs, which help the most vulnerable in American society, by billions of dollars.
No. What is the next dumb question?

They aren't trying to end it? Liar!

Trump’s budget cuts Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, breaking core campaign promise

When he began his presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to “save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cuts.”

This is a promise, however, President Trump would like to break. Trump’s 2018 budget proposal would cut all three programs, which help the most vulnerable in American society, by billions of dollars.

And yet he'll still get people over 65 voting for him.

Go figure.
Want to see some fake news?

Fox News’s website tells readers that Medicare is spared “as he promised during the 2016 campaign,” but a cursory search of the White House’s own budget document reveals this is not true.

The White House’s position is largely in line with the congressional GOP, which has also tried to pass a budget that would cut $1 trillion from Medicare and almost half a trillion from Medicaid.

Here is what the Trump administration’s budget proposal would do to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

Cutting Medicare by $266 billion

Cutting Medicaid by $1.1 trillion

Cutting Social Security by $72 billion

No. What is the next dumb question?

They aren't trying to end it? Liar!

Trump’s budget cuts Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, breaking core campaign promise

When he began his presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to “save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cuts.”

This is a promise, however, President Trump would like to break. Trump’s 2018 budget proposal would cut all three programs, which help the most vulnerable in American society, by billions of dollars.

And yet he'll still get people over 65 voting for him.

Go figure.

Because they are grandfathered in. Or they feel they are and then all of the sudden their payments get cut. Or future increases get cut.

And who will they blame? Democrats.
Because they are grandfathered in. Or they feel they are and then all of the sudden their payments get cut. Or future increases get cut.

And who will they blame? Democrats.

My brother is one of those people.

Because according to him, there's no way HIS republicans would ever cut HIS Social Security.
Why would I want to do away with something I have paying into my entire working life?
IDK. Why do you vote Republican?

Republicans hypocrites for trying to pass a tax bill that would inflate the budget deficit after claiming to be the party of fiscal responsibility for years.
Lol, you really need to get new talking points.

Like you guys got new talking points the minute you won the election?

Opinion | These Republicans used to pretend to care about debt. Not anymore.
I agree, but the way they are acting like children. Not wanting to do anything to help Trump, is gonna cost them.

Help him do what?
Obama care for one. They promised for years to repeal it, and when they could they didn't.
IDK. Why do you vote Republican?

Republicans hypocrites for trying to pass a tax bill that would inflate the budget deficit after claiming to be the party of fiscal responsibility for years.
Lol, you really need to get new talking points.

Like you guys got new talking points the minute you won the election?

Opinion | These Republicans used to pretend to care about debt. Not anymore.
I agree, but the way they are acting like children. Not wanting to do anything to help Trump, is gonna cost them.

Help him do what?
Obama care for one. They promised for years to repeal it, and when they could they didn't.
Get rid of pre existing conditions? Let me guess you’re healthy and young right now?
IDK. Why do you vote Republican?

Republicans hypocrites for trying to pass a tax bill that would inflate the budget deficit after claiming to be the party of fiscal responsibility for years.
Lol, you really need to get new talking points.

Like you guys got new talking points the minute you won the election?

Opinion | These Republicans used to pretend to care about debt. Not anymore.
I agree, but the way they are acting like children. Not wanting to do anything to help Trump, is gonna cost them.

Help him do what?
Obama care for one. They promised for years to repeal it, and when they could they didn't.
We didn’t want to repeal Obamacare why would We help? Do you want me to help him kill unions and social security too?

And you didn’t need us. You idiots could have passed 100 bills but they were all unpopular with voters.

People who like social security vote republican because they don’t believe republicans really want to kill the program. I tell them they’re wrong but they don’t believe me
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

We should never be allowed to vote for bread. Or circuses.
We didn’t want to repeal Obamacare why would We help? Do you want me to help him kill unions and social security too?

No, you don't want to repeal Fascistcare, but you do want to repeal the United States Constitution.

And you didn’t need us. You idiots could have passed 100 bills but they were all unpopular with voters.

People who like social security vote republican because they don’t believe republicans really want to kill the program. I tell them they’re wrong but they don’t believe me

Voters don't vote on bills, Comrade. The razor thin margin in the Senate has stalled the progress in restoring the nation. To thwart the Stalinist thugs, McConnell would have to grow some balls and nuke the obstructionists.

Now, the GOP will gain 5 seats in November (including the one held by McCaskill :thup:) but Mitch the Bitch will STILL need to kick the Stalinists in the gonades to get legislation passed. If the Americans lose the house, this will become far harder

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