Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
read it…obamacare was much more then subsidies or a website you can shop for healthcare at.

The links i provide discuss what those proposals do. Just like the prior link from Ryan, that you didn’t read
I see you are unable to describe what the Obamacare fake replacement does.

You never asked, did you.

That's just what your propagandists count on! Good boy!
I see you are unable to describe what the Obamacare fake replacement does.

You never asked, did you.

That's just what your propagandists count on! Good boy!
i provided links that describe them.

this really isnkr complex…you make claims, i provided links showing you wrong…you can read them or continue to ignore reality and spread lies
i did, you apparently haven’t
Okay, I guess I'll have to embarrass you again.

It's obvious you scrambled for a Google search to back up your claims. It's obvious you have no clue what the fake Obamacare "replacement" was supposed to do.

So...from your first link:

The Republican Study Committee on Tuesday unveiled what members described as a “framework,” nine months in the making, even as the White House continues to develop its own set of principles behind closed doors. It includes no legislative text and does not have the formal backing of the White House or broader GOP conference.

From your second link:

The bill would repeal, retroactive to the beginning of 2016, the Obamacare rule requiring most Americans to have some form of health coverage or pay a tax penalty fine. That repeal is expected to sharply increase the number of people who don’t have insurance, which could in turn lead insurers to raise premiums.

And it would repeal, retroactively to the beginning of 2016, the “employer mandate,” which requires large employers to offer health insurance to workers or be fined.

So the bill repeals PARTS of Obamacare. It does not repeal the entirety of the ACA, much less replace it.

And the bill in no way does anything to bring down health care costs.

That's why you have been unable to say what it does and have had to resort to blowing smoke.

You STILL can't see you were hoaxed.

Goddam, this is fucking sad!
Yes, as I said earlier, the Republican Medicare expansion has added more to the federal debt than Obamacare.

And the Republicans didn't even try to offset the costs. They just piled another trillion+ bucks onto the debt and called it good.

All to get the senior vote in 2004.
Okay, I guess I'll have to embarrass you again.

It's obvious you scrambled for a Google search to back up your claims. It's obvious you have no clue what the fake Obamacare "replacement" was supposed to do.

So...from your first link:

The Republican Study Committee on Tuesday unveiled what members described as a “framework,” nine months in the making, even as the White House continues to develop its own set of principles behind closed doors. It includes no legislative text and does not have the formal backing of the White House or broader GOP conference.

From your second link:

The bill would repeal, retroactive to the beginning of 2016, the Obamacare rule requiring most Americans to have some form of health coverage or pay a tax penalty fine. That repeal is expected to sharply increase the number of people who don’t have insurance, which could in turn lead insurers to raise premiums.

And it would repeal, retroactively to the beginning of 2016, the “employer mandate,” which requires large employers to offer health insurance to workers or be fined.

So the bill repeals PARTS of Obamacare. It does not repeal the entirety of the ACA, much less replace it.

And the bill in no way does anything to bring down health care costs.

That's why you have been unable to say what it does and have had to resort to blowing smoke.

You STILL can't see you were hoaxed.

Goddam, this is fucking sad!
you said they had no proposals…no plan…the first link proves they did

haha as to your second point…just because some parts of obamacare remained didn’t mean it is not replacing the old law.

you said they had no proposals…no plan…the first link proves they did

haha as to your second point…just because some parts of obamacare remained didn’t mean it is not replacing the old law.
You claimed the Republicans put an Obamacare replacement on the table.

They didn't. They lied, and you are parroting that lie. They put chop-a-block tax cuts and mandate repeals on the table.

That's it.

You've been hoaxed. Sorry.
They said that they were not going to go after Roe either.
The GOP has always said they were pursuing a repeal of Roe.

That has always been a litmus test for every judge nominated by a Republican for decades.

Put down the crack pipe.
The GOP has always said they were pursuing a repeal of Roe.

That has always been a litmus test for every judge nominated by a Republican for decades.

Put down the crack pipe.
When they went before the Senate...they said that they were going to overturn Roe?
You claimed the Republicans put an Obamacare replacement on the table.

They didn't. They lied, and you are parroting that lie. They put chop-a-block tax cuts and mandate repeals on the table.

That's it.

You've been hoaxed. Sorry.
hash literally just showed they did
dude, I'm 66 years old in a 45 year career and I have no plan to retire. I love the money!!!!! fk retirement.

Many who retire end up dead due to boredom.
I retired at 64. My only regret in this life is not retiring alot earlier. I owe my past emoyers zero thanks and regret the extra hours I gave them while my kids were growing up. They stole those years.
It will be very unpopular and po!itical suicide.
Russia is at war with Ukraine and China is about to invade Taiwan. It would be political suicide not to properly fund our military. All money now going into Social Security and Medicare should be diverted to defense spending.
It's practically guaranteed but with the possibility that Trump might get back in, I guess you are right. That money isn't safe at all.
Social Security has never been safe. Fucking politicians have been dipping into it since the beginning. Congress has stolen almost 3 trillion dollars from the fund. I'm no Trump cheerleader but don't try and blame that shit on him

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